单词 | 与其 |
释义 | 文馨英漢☞與其与其 yǔqí1) conj. rather than2) cons. 与其 V1 bùrú V2: rather than V1 it is better to V2与其年年赔钱,不如停业。 Rather than lose money year after year, it would be better to close up the business.与其yǔqírather than...与其[yǔ qí] A 不如[bù rú] B (rather than A, better to B)与其rather than与其临渴掘井,毋宁未雨绸缪。 It's better to prepare for a rainy day rather than be caught out later on.与其责人,毋宁责己。 I'd rather blame myself than anyone else.与其跪着生,毋宁站着死。 It's better to die standing up than live life kneeling down.他犯错误与其说是没有经验,还不如说是过于自信。 His mistake was born out of overconfidence rather than inexperience.与其说他像父亲,不如说他像母亲。 He resembles his mother more than he does his father.与其[yǔ qí]〈连词 conj.〉比较两件事的利害得失而决定取舍的时候,‘与其’用在放弃的一面(后面常用‘毋宁、不如’呼应)[usu. used consecutively with 毋宁 wúnìng and 不如 bùrú] rather than; better than:与其扬汤止沸,不如釜底抽薪。To stop water from boiling, withdrawing the burning firewood will do better than scooping the water up and pouring it back again.与其conj.than[用于 rather, sooner 之后]与其…(宁愿…)与其1. rather ... than ...; not so much ... as与其(used correlatively with 不如 or 毋宁) rather than; better than♦ 你~坐车, 不如坐船。 It's better for you to go by boat than by train.♦ ~说是粗心大意, 不如说是不负责任。 It's not so much carelessness as irresponsibility. |
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