

单词 不明
释义 不明1. unknown2. not clear不明 bùmíng1) v. fail to understand不明是非 can't distinguish right from wrong2) v.p. not clear; unknown下落不明 whereabouts unknown不明bùmíngnot clearunknownto fail to understand不明不清楚unclear下落不明 be of unknown whereabouts含意不明。 The implication is unclear.来意不明 have no clear reason for coming国籍不明 be of uncertain nationality不明国籍的飞机 aircraft of unidentified nationality不懂to not know不明事理 lack common sense不明是非 not know right from wrong不明底蕴 not know the finer details不明真相的人 someone who is ignorant of the truth不明 bù míng (不清楚) not clear; unknown:  下落不明 missing; unknown;  不明国籍的飞机 a plane of unidentified nationality; an unidentified aircraft (不明白) fail to understand不明a.undetermined性质(或形式)未定的;不明的,未被发现的不明1. not clear; unknown; unaccounted-for2. to fail to understand双向☞(遗传密码的)不确--不明双向☞不明--未知--不详不明1. not clear; unknown♦ 失踪的渔船至今下落~。 The whereabouts of the missing fishing boat is still unknown.2. fail to understand♦ ~事理 lack common sense♦ ~是非 confuse right and wrong♦ ~真相 be unaware of the truth; be ignorant of the facts英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Abstruseness英華☞Abstrusely英華☞Doubtfully英華☞AMBIGUITY英華☞DUBIOUS英華☞CLOUD英華☞Gloom




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