

单词 不定
释义 不定1. uncertain2. not certain不定 bụ̀dìngI adv.1) not sure2) indefinitelyII attr. bio.bio. adventitious不定bùdìngindefiniteindeterminate(botany) adventitious不定不能肯定;不一定;不确定used to indicate uncertainty; not necessarily; indefinite说不定 perhaps还不定去不去 still not decided whether to go or not前线的战斗胜负不定。 The outcome of the battle at the frontline was uncertain.不定 bù dìng (表示不肯定) indefinite; indeterminate:  我明天还不定来不来呢。 It's not at all certain whether I'll come tomorrow.  他一天不定来多少次。 I don't know how many times he comes a day.  事情还不定怎样呢。 It's hard to predict how things will turn out. (不稳定) unsteady;drifting; fitful:  方向不定的风 a fitful wind;  漂泊不定 drifting from place to place;  心神不定 unsteady in mind 不定变异 {生} indeterminate variation; 不定常迭代法 {数} nonstationary iterative method; 不定代词 {语} indefinite article; 不定度 uncertainty; 不定度量 {数} indefinite metric; 不定方程 {数} indeterminate; equation; indefinite equation; 不定风 variable wind; 不定根 {植} adventitious root; 不定关系 uncertainty relation; 不定冠词 {语} indefinite article; 不定函数 indeterminate function; 不定航线货船 tramper; 不定航线运输 tramping; 不定积分 {数} indefinite integral; antiderivative; 不定积分法 {数} indefinite integration; 不定解(分)析 indeterminate analysis; 不定矩阵 {数} indefinite matrix; 不定年 vague year; 不定胚 adventitious embryo; 不定区 zone of ambiguity; 不定区间 interval of uncertainty; 不定式 {数} indeterminate form; {语} infinitive; 不定收入 transitory income; 不定算子 {数} indefinite operator; 不定系数 indeterminate coefficient; 不定显示 indefinite display; 不定芽 {植} adventitious bud; 不定总和 {数} indefinite summation林语堂林语堂★◀▶不定 [bu2ding4], adv., not necessarily (bad, etc.), (also 不一定).不定not certain;不定[bù dìng]〈副词 adv.〉表示不肯定,后面常有表示疑问的词或肯定和否定相叠的词组 [indicating uncertainty, followed by question words or phrases consisting of both affirmative and negative forms of a word] hard to say; hard to predict; indefinite; indeterminate:孩子不定又跑哪儿去了。Who knows where the children have gone.一天他不定要问多少回。I don't know how many times he asks a day.我下星期还不定走不走。It's not at all certain whether I'll go next week.这场球赛不定谁输谁赢呢!It's hard to predict who will win the game.不定a.pendulate动荡的,不定的infinite【语】非限定的,不定的(指不受人称或数的限制,如动词不定式、动名词、分词等皆是非限定的)unpredictable不可预测的,无法预言的;不定的,易变的indefinite不确定的,不定的,未定的【语】不定的movable【律】(财产)可移动的,活动的,不定的changeable很可能变化的;易变的;不定的indeterminate【语】不定的,中性的【数】不(确)定的;未定元的mutable〈诗〉不定的,常变的;反复无常的wanton〈诗〉不定的;变幻无常的incalculable(人)不可靠的;(性格等)不定的pendulous动荡的,不定的adventitious【生】偶生的,不定的fugacious易挥发的;游走的,不定的inequable多变的;不定的不定1. not certain2. indefinite不定indefinite不定1. hard to say; hard to predict♦ 事情还~怎么样呢。 It's hard to predict how things will turn out.2. indefinite; indeterminate~变异 [生]indeterminate variation~方程 [数]indeterminate equation~根 [植]adventitious root~冠词 [语]indefinite article~式 [语]infinitive英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Changeableness英華☞Changeability英華☞Desultoriness英華☞Dissettlement英華☞Doubtfulness英華☞Desultorily英華☞Dubiousness英華☞CAPRICIOUS英華☞Casualness英華☞Doubtfully英華☞DESULTORY英華☞DUBIOUSLY英華☞Dubitably英華☞FLUCTUATE英華☞CASUALLY英華☞DOUBTFUL英華☞Fugacity英華☞DUBIOUS英華☞Doubted英華☞CASUAL英華☞Dubiös英華☞FICKLE英華☞DOUBT英華☞FIXED英華☞GIDDY英華☞FAST英華☞AIR英華☞ANY




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