

单词 不如
释义 不如1. not equal to2. not as good as不如 bùrú1) v. be unequal/inferior to新的设计不如旧的。 The new design isn't as good as the old one.2) conj. it would be better to不如我们一起走。 It would be better if we go together.不如bùrúnot equal tonot as good asinferior toit would be better to不如比不上inferior to论才干李不如张。 Li is not as competent as Zhang.生活比牛马还不如 live a life worse than that of a beast这张画不如那张画。 This painting is not as good as that one.还是it would be better to不如这样 it would be better this way我看不如答应了吧。 The way I see it, it would be better to agree.不如 bù rú (比不上) not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; cannot do better than:  我的英语学得不如他好。 My English is not as good as his.  论手巧, 一般人都不如她。 Few can equal (compare with) her in manual dexterity. (还是) had better; would rather; it would be better to:  困时看书不如睡醒后再看。 It would be better to read after nap when you are sleepy in reading. 不如 [bu4ru2], phr., would rather (go home, etc.).不如[bù rú] 表示前面提到的人或事物比不上后面所说的 not equal to; not as good as; inferior to:走路不如骑车快。Walking is not as fast as riding.论手巧,大家都不如他。Few can equal (or compare with) him in dexterity of hand.不如prep.behind落后于,不如不如1. not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; less than2. had better; would rather; had rather不如1. not equal to; not as good as; inferior to♦ 论手巧, 一般人都~她。 Few can equal (or compare with) her in manual dexterity.2. it would be better to♦ 要是这样我还~呆在家里。 In that case I might as well stay at home.英華英華★◀▶英華☞BETTER英華☞BEST




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