

单词 不在话下
释义 不在话下 bùzàihuàxià1) be a cinch2) be natural3) it goes without saying不在话下bùzàihuàxiàto be nothing difficultto be a cinch不在话下to go without saying不在话下 bù zài huà xià (不值得说; 用不着说) be nothing difficult; be a cinch; be no object; beneath contempt; not amount to much; It is not necessary to go into that question.; not in the context of the present discussion; not under discussion for the present; Of this no more need be said.; regard ... as beneath contempt:  再大的困难也不在话下。 No difficulty amounts to much.  两个月拿下这项任务,不在话下。 It will be a cinch to get the job done in two months.  她摩托车都会骑, 自行车更不在话下了。 She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle. 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞不在話下不在话下[bù zài huà xià] 指事物轻微,不值得说,或事属当然,用不着说 be nothing difficult; be a cinch; it goes without saying不在话下1. to be a cinch2. no problem不在话下be nothing difficult; be a cinch♦ 她摩托车都会骑, 自行车更~了。 She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle.




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