

单词 不吝
释义 不吝 bụ̀lìn1) f.e. court. not stint (criticism/assistance/etc.)2) v. slang not care; not give a damn (about)不吝bùlìnnot to stintto be generous (with praise etc)to be prepared to (pay a fee, give of one's time etc)不吝<套>to be generous尚希不吝指教。 Please be generous with your advice.不吝鼎力相助 hope to gain your generous assistance不吝 bù lìn (套) not stint; not grudge; without sparing; be generous with不吝 [bu2lin4], n., (court., and rather formal) I (in self-reference).不吝[bù lìn]〈客套话 pol.〉不吝惜(用于征求意见 used in asking for advice)not stint; not grudge; be generous with:是否有当,尚希不吝赐教。We hope that you will not spare your comments on this.不吝1. [Polite] not stint; not grudge; without sparing不吝套 (used in asking advice) not stint; not grudge; be generous with




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