

单词 不可捉摸
释义 不可捉摸1. difficult to size up不可捉摸 bùkězhuōmōdifficult to size up; uncanny; unpredictable; unfathomable不可捉摸difficult to grasp不可捉摸 bù kě zhuō mō subtle; elusive; intangible; hard to grasp or trace; uncanny; unpredictable; difficult to ascertain:  不可捉摸的性格 subtle temperament; elusive character 不可捉摸a.untouchable不可触摸的,碰不得的;不可捉摸的,无形的touchless触摸不到的;不可捉摸的,难以确定的aeriform无实质的;虚幻的,不可捉摸的不可捉摸1. subtle; elusive; hard to grasp or trace不可捉摸difficult to ascertain; unpredictable; elusive♦ ~的概念 an elusive concept♦ ~的哲理文章 intangible philosophical essays♦ 情况~。 The situation is hard to size up.




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