

单词 不单
释义 文馨英漢☞不單不单 bùdān1) adv. not only; not the only受害的不单是你一个人。 You're not the only one that suffered.2) conj. not merely; not simply不单bùdānnot the onlynot merelynot simply不单参见:不止超额完成任务的, 不单是这个小队。 It was not only this team that exceeded the target.参见:不但[bùdàn]不单 bù dān (不止) not the only:  获奖的不单是我一个人。 I am not the only person that has won the prize.  超产的不单是这几个生产队。 These are not the only production teams that have overfulfilled the output quota. (不但) not merely; not simply:  这不单是个时间问题。 It is not merely a matter of time. 不单[bù dān]1. 同 same as 不止 bùzhǐ ②:超额完成生产任务的,不单是这几个厂。These are not the only factories that have surpassed the production target. 2.不但 not merely; not simply:她不单教孩子学习,还照顾他们的生活。She not only teaches her children to study, but takes care of them in daily life.不单1. not the only♦ 获奖的~是这几部影片。 These are not the only films that have won the prizes.2. not merely; not simply




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