

单词 不便
释义 不便1. inconvenience2. inconvenient不便 bụ̀biànI s.v.1) inconvenient; inappropriate2) coll. short of cash手头不便 be short of cashII n.inconvenience不便bùbiàninconvenientinappropriateunsuitableshort of cash不便不方便inconvenient交通不便 have poor transportation links交通不便的地区 an area with poor transportation links感觉不便 feel inconvenienced不便明说 not in a position to say openly没有什么不便 not inconvenient at all你要是没有什么不便的话 if it's not inconvenient for you道路不平, 行走不便。 The road is uneven, it's not easy to walk on.缺钱用short of cash我一时手头不便。 I'm strapped for cash at the moment.不便 bù biàn (不方便) inconvenient:  行动不便 move with difficulty;  交通不便 have poor transport facilities; not be conveniently located;  使某人感到不便 put sb. to inconvenience;  给某人带来不便 cause inconvenience to sb.;  如果对你没有什么不便的话 if it is not inconvenient to you;  给治疗带来不便 hamper medical treatment;  旅行中总要忍受一点不便。 One has to bear a little discomfort while travelling.  在场的人很多,不便和他长谈。 With so many people around, it wasn't convenient to have a long talk with him. (不适当) not suitable; unsuitable; inappropriate (手边无钱) have no money at hand; be short of cash:  如果你手头不便 if you have no cash at hand 林语堂林语堂★◀▶不便 [bu2bian4], adj., inconvenient: 不便告訴你 inconvenient to inform you.不便inconvenient;不便[bù biàn]1.不方便;不适宜 inconvenient; inappropriate; unsuitable:行动不便 have difficulty getting about边远山区,交通不便。Remote mountainous areas have poor transport facilities.他有些不情愿,却又不便马上回绝。He was somewhat unwilling to do it, but felt it inappropriate to flatly refuse. 2.指缺钱用 short of cash; be hard up:你如果一时手头不便,我可以先垫上。If you have no money on hand now, and you can pay me back later on.不便a.awkward不便的;不合适的;使人尴尬的n.disamenity不舒适;不便;麻烦fash烦恼;不便,麻烦discommodity〈古〉不便;麻烦vt.fash使不便,使烦扰,打扰cumber阻碍,妨碍,使不便discommode使不便;打扰;给…添麻烦不便1. inconvenient; awkward; clumsy2. not suitable; inappropriate3. to have no money at hand; to be short of cash4. bother; trouble; inconvenience国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞不便--失能不便1. inconvenient; inappropriate; unsuitable♦ 交通~ have poor transport facilities; not be conveniently located♦ 给治疗带来~ hamper medical treatment2. 口 short of cash♦ 手头~ be short of cash; be hard up英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Disadvantageousness英華☞DISADVANTAGEOUS英華☞Discommodiously英華☞Disconvenience英華☞DISCOMMODIOUS英華☞DISADVANTAGE英華☞Discommodity英華☞DISCOMMODE




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