单词 | 不 |
释义 | 不1. negative2. no3. notABCABC★◀▶不 bùI adv.1) not2) noII cons.1) 不 A 不 B (where A B are paired synonyms): not A B不慌不忙 unhurried2) 不 A 不 B (where A B are antonymous stative verbs): neither A nor B不大不小 neither (too) big nor (too) small3) 不 A 不 B (where A B are antonymous verbs): no B without A不破不立 no constructing without destroying4) 不 A ér B: do B without doing A不战而胜 win without fighting5) A 不 A (the matter/question of): A or not A博士不博士,我无所谓。 Whether or not I get a PhD makes no difference to me.6) V1 不 V1V2 (variant form of V1V2 不 V1V2, where V1V2 is a compound verb): whether or not V1V2可不可能? Is it possible that ...?III pref.non-; un-不 buused in r.v.听不懂 don't understand (by listening)不bù(negative prefix)notno不 adv. 表示否定used to negate verbs or adjectives不去 not going不同意 disagree不大 not big不很好 not very good不合逻辑的 illogical不注意 inattentive不识字 illiterate不关心 indifferent不主动 involuntary不愁吃, 不愁穿 not have to worry about food and clothing不为名, 不为利 seek neither fame nor fortune纪律不好 have poor discipline处境不佳 be in a bad situation生活上不方便 life's inconveniences保护农田不受风沙侵袭 protect farmland against sandstorms话讲得不对头。 No, that's not right.他已经有一年不到我这里来了。 He's not been here for a year.这点他不会不知道。 He must know about this.不获全胜, 决不收兵 fight until total victory has been achieved组成复合词used as a negative prefix with a noun to form an adjective不民主 undemocratic不自由 illiberal不卫生 unhygienic否定回答used to reply in the negative不, 不是他。 No, it's not him.不, 不能这样。 No, it can't be.表示疑问<方>used to express doubt or indicate a query他来不? Is he coming?你身体好不? How's your health?不可能used between a verb and its complement to indicate impossibility拿不动 cannot pick up说不服 cannot persuade表示选择used to express choice做不做随你。 It's up to you whether you do it or not.表示不在乎used to express indifference钱不钱的, 我从来不计较。 I don't care, it's only money.与“就”连用, 表示选择used with 就jiù to indicate that one of two things must be true每天晚上他总在学习, 不是看, 就是写。 He studies every night. If he's not reading then he's writing.<方>参见:不必[bùbì];不要[bùyào]不客气。 You're welcome.不 bu (构词成分)见下。另见 bù。 2) 不 bù 副 (用在动词、形容词和其他副词前表示否定): 不能 can not; 不多 not much; 不经济 uneconomical; 不太好 not well; 不严重 not serious; 不愿意 not willing; reluctant; 不必要 unnecessary; 不正确 incorrect; 不合法 illegal; 不可能 impossible; 不规则 irregular; 不小心 careless; 互不侵犯 mutual nonaggression; 他不走了。 He's not going.; He's decided to stay. 临危不惧 be fearless in face of danger (加在名词或名词性词素前, 构成形容词): 不法 illegal; 不道德 immoral (单用,否定对方的话): 他知道吧? --不, 他不知道。 He knows, doesn't he? -- No, he doesn't. 他不知道吧? --不, 他知道。 He doesn't know, does he? -- Yes, he does. (方) (用在句末表示疑问): 你身体好不? How are you? (用在动补结构中间,表示不可能达到某种结果): 拿不动 can not take it up; 做不好 can not do it well (“不”字前后叠用相同的词, 前面常加“什么”, 表示不在乎或不相干): 什么远不远的, 我去定了。 No matter how far it is, I'll go there anyhow. 什么难学不难学, 我保证学会。 No matter how hard it is, I'll learn how to do it. (跟“就”搭用, 表示选择): 晚上他不是看电视, 就是看书。 He either watches TV or reads books in the evening. 他不是星期六来, 就是星期天来。 He is coming either on Saturday or on Sunday. (方) (不用; 不要) needn't; don't: 不谢,不客气 not at all; Don't mention it.; You're welcome. 【注意】 a) 在去声字前面, “不”字读阳平声, 如“不去” (bú qù); “不干” (bú gàn)。 本词典为简便起见, 条目中开始的“不”字一律按bù排列。 b) 动词“有”的否定式是“没有”, 不是 “不有”。另见 bu。林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶不不 451B20 31.22 部居 畫數 4Re. pr. ㄅㄨ [bu1] (sp. pr. ㄅㄨˋ [bu4] , except ㄅㄨˊ [bu2] before 4th tone: thus 不是 [bu2shi4] , 不怕 [bu2pa4] ).Adv.Not see many common combinations in list;typical of special uses are: (1) In elliptical sentences: “你去不去?” “我不” “Are you going?” “I am not.”(2) With another negative to form double negative: 不無 not without;不無可取 not without merit;無不,莫不 all, without exception;莫不感激 (we) all are grateful;不免 “cannot help,” (common MC) must, have to: 不免回去一趟 have to go home and see;不免心中不樂 could not help feeling disappointed.(3) In comb. 不…不 neither this nor that: 不大不小 not too big nor too small--just right;不清不楚,不明不白 not clear;不三不四 cannot make head or tail;irregular, shapeless;不知不覺 unconsciously;不男不女 effeminate man, manly woman;不倫不類 nondescript;neither fowl nor fish;不偏不黨 fair to all;不卑不亢 neither obsequious nor arrogant--cordial but independent;不即不離 neither accepting nor rejecting (proposal), maintaining discreet distance;不多不少 just the right amount.(4) In comb.不…而 without: 不問而知 one knows without asking;不學而能 do a thing easily, naturally;不寒而慄 makes one shudder (at sight);不勞而獲 gain results without working for them;不脛而走 “runs without legs”--disappear;不翼而飛 “fly without wings,” ditto;不約而同,不謀而合 agree, fit without previous consultation, be a coincident.(5) Placed before auxiliary verbs: 不能,不克 cannot, unable;不會 will not, cannot;不必 it's not necessary;不合,不宜,不該,不應 should not;不是 is not;不肯 not willing;不可,不可以 may not, must not;不得 [bu4de2]↓.(6) With common vbb.: 不知 do not know;不識 ditto;不料 did not expect;不想 never thought;不見得 [bu2jian4de0]↓;不妨 [bu4fang2]↓;不禁 [bu2jin4]↓;不外,不過 [bu2wai4], [bu2guo4];不如 [bu4ru2]↓.(7) Sometimes, rarely, combined with nn.: 不衫不履 without shirt or shoes;不毛之地 barren land.(8) With other advv.: 不但 not only, more than;不寧 not only.(9) Freely with adjj.: 不行 [bu4xing2]↓;不同 different, unlike;不多 not much;不好 [bu4hao3]↓;不便 [bu2bian4]↓;不舒服 unwell, uncomfortable;不滿意 dissatisfied;不安 [bu4an1], 不快 [bu4kuai4]↓.Words1. 不礙 [bu2ai4], phr., (不礙事) does not matter; no harm (trying, etc.) see [bu4fang2]↓.2. 不安 [bu4an1], adj., uneasy; unwell; unsatisfied.3. 不備 [bu2bei4], phr., (1) (at end of letter) there is more than I can tell you in this letter; phr., (2) adj., unprepared: 乘其不備 take advantage of s.o.’s unpreparedness.4. 不必 [bu4bi1], adv., not necessary, need not: 不必客氣 need not stand on ceremony; 不必說 that goes without saying; adj., 不必等 do not wait.5. 不便 [bu2bian4], adj., inconvenient: 不便告訴你 inconvenient to inform you.6. 不辰 [bu4chen2], phr., 我生不辰 I was born under unlucky star.7. 不成 [bu4cheng2], phr., (1) will not do (=不行 [bu4xing2]↓); (2) 難道不成 you don't mean (s.t. quite uncalled-for).8. 不成話 [bu4cheng2hua4], phr., (s.t.) is ridiculous.9. 不器 [bu4qi4], phr., 君子不器 (AC) “a gentleman's ability is not confined to any one thing” (versatile).10. 不起 [bu4qi3], (1) adj., in 不起之症 incurable sickness; (2) vb. complement: 看不起 despise; vb. 買不起 cannot afford to buy; vb. 想不起 cannot recall, or call up to mind; vb. cannot lift up, etc.11. 不求人 [bu4qiu2ren2], n., bamboo or wooden back-scratcher with long handle.12. 不情 [bu4qing2], adj., as in 不情之請 unreasonable demand; also (court.) my presumptuous demand.13. 不揣 [bu4chuai3], phr., (court.) am presumptuous.14. 不啻 [bu4chi4], phr., same as, as if: 不啻天地 same as the difference between heaven and earth.15. 不群 [bu4qUn2], phr., stand out among the group.16. 不齒 [bu4chi3], phr., be ashamed to be regarded in same group.17. 不倒翁 [bu4dao3weng1], n., a doll which always rights itself up; (fig.) a politician surviving all upheavals.18. 不大離兒 [bu2da4li2] ([bu2da4lie2er0]), adv., almost (=差不多).19. 不但 [bu2dan4], adv., not only.20. 不到 [bu2dao4]1, phr., not quite: 不到三十 under thirty.21. 不道 [bu2dao4]2, (1) phr., contrary to expectations (see [bu4liao4]↓); (2) adj., unreasonable, wicked.22. 不得 [bu4de2], phr., cannot, unable: 不得而知 cannot know (results; answer); phr., 不得勁 (兒) (s.t., s.o.) does not work properly; phr., in awkward position; 不得不 cannot but, cannot help (doing); 不得已 could not help (doing), have no choice but to; 不得了 be in a bad way, disastrous, impending; 了不得 wonderful.23. 不弔 [bu2diao4], adj., (AC) fall under bad times, unlucky.24. 不第 [bu2di4], phr., (1) fail in examinations for degrees; (2) not only.25. 不定 [bu2ding4], adv., not necessarily (bad, etc.), (also 不一定).26. 不對 [bu2dui4], adj., (1) (of answers) wrong, not so; (2) do not get along (with person): 不對勁 (兒) not right, do not fit in or agree, do not get along well.27. 不動產 [bu2dong4chan3], n., immovable (real property).28. 不獨 [bu4du2], phr., (LL) not only, see [bu4dan4]↓.29. 不爾 [bu2er3], phr., not so, see [bu4ran2]↓.30. 不貳 [bu2er4], adj., loyal (to one master only).31. 不法 [bu4fa3], adj., illegal (acts).32. 不凡 [bu4fan2], adj., extraordinary, unusual.33. 不妨 [bu4fang2], phr., no harm (trying, speaking directly to person, etc.).34. 不服 [bu4fu2], phr., (1) unwilling (to admit, recognize, accept decision); (2) 不服水土 body does not agree with climate.35. 不敢 [bu2gan3], vb. aux., dare not; vb. aux.,不敢當 [bu2gan3dang1], phr., (formula for thanking) I am unworthy.36. 不甘 [bu4gan1], phr., dissatisfied, chagrined ,will not take it lying down.37. 不根 [bu4gen1], adj., baseless (talk).38. 不更事 [bu4geng1shi4], phr., 少不更事 inexperienced in life.39. 不辜 [bu4gu1], n., an innocent person.40. 不管 [bu4guan3], adj. & conj., regardless (of what happens): 不管什麼人 regardless of persons.41. 不軌 [bu4gui3], adj., irregular (activities).42. 不規則 [bu4gui1ze2], adj., irregular, not regular.43. 不顧 [bu2gu4], phr., disregarding (obligations, “face”, requests, taboos).44. 不過 [bu2guo4], (1) adv., only, merely: 不過如此 it's only soso; adv., 不過看一看 merely take a look; (2) conj., but, on the other hand; conj., 不過意 phr., feel embarrassed (by hospitality etc.).45. 不國 [bu4guo2], phr., already does not function as a country.46. 不古 [bu4gu3]1, phr., 世風不古 customs nowadays are no longer what they were.47. 不穀 [bu4gu3]2, phr., (AC, said by ruler court.) I (“not competent one”).48. 不好 [bu4hao3], adj., not good, will not do; 不好意思 embarrassed; 不好了 (a thing) has been spoiled, turned worse.49. 不合 [bu4he2], (1) vb. aux., should not have (done); (2) conflict with (opinioon, rules, etc.), does not meet with (s.o.’s wishes).50. 不遑 [bu4huang2], phr., (LL) have no time to, too busy to.51. 不會 [bu2hui4], vb. aux., cannot, (conjecture) could not.52. 不諱 [bu2hui4], (1) v.i., (of person) pass away; (2) phr., 直言不諱 speak without fear or favour.53. 不惑 [bu4huo4], n., (allu.) aged forty: 不惑之年,年已不惑.54. 不羈 [bu4ji1], adj., (person, conduct) untrammeled, free, nonconformist (“not bridled”).55. 不見得 [bu2jian4de0], phr., don't appear to be: 不見得兩樣 does not appear to be different; phr., as a phr., “I don't think so,” “does not seem so to me.”56. 不見了 [bu2jian4le0], v.i., disappear, vanish.57. 不結盟國家 [bu4jie1meng2guo2jia1], n., non-aligned countries.58. 不濟 [bu2ji4], phr., (1) does not help; (2) will not succeed: 不濟事 useless, will fail, will die.59. 不記名 [bu2ji4ming2], phr., anonymous (votes), unregistered (stocks).60. 不禁 [bu2jin4], vb. aux., cannot help (laughing out loud, crying, etc.).61. 不給 [bu4ji3], adj., insufficient, inadequate (funds).62. 不景氣 [bu4jing3qi4], n., (economic) depression.63. 不經 [bu4jing1], adj., absurd; 不經濟 uneconomical; 不經事 inexperienced; 不經意 paying no attention; inattentive.64. 不久 [bu4jiu3], n., soon, soon later.65. 不及 [bu4ji2], (1) phr., (this) cannot compare with (that); (2) vb. complement, as in 來不及 it's too late (to do).66. 不住 [bu2zhu4], (1) vb. complement, “not firmly,” “not securely”: 站不住 cannot stand one's ground; [bu2zhu4], vb. 抓不住 cannot catch hold of; (2) ceaselessly: 不住口 talk continuously.67. 不中聽 [bu2zhong1ting1], phr., (words) displease person.68. 不中用 [bu2zhong1yong4], adj., useless (person); (euphem.) (person) is dead.69. 不准 [bu4zhun3], phr., do not permit, it is forbidden to (do).70. 不支 [bu4zhi1], phr., cannot stand up under strain.71. 不知情 [bu4zhi1qing2], phr., (1) do not know what happened (used in affidavit); (2) do not feel grateful.72. 不置 [bu2zhi4]1, adv., (LL) continuously: 稱賞不置 praise ceaselessly.73. 不治 [bu2zhi4]2, adj., incurable.74. 不至於 [bu2zhi4yU2], phr., not to the extent of: 他雖不喜歡你,但也不至於恨你 he may not like you, but surely does not hate you.75. 不職 [bu4zhi2], adj., derelect in duty.76. 不拘 [bu4jU1], adv., regardless (of person, class, kind); any, whatever.77. 不龜手 [bu2jU3shou3], adj., (AC, of washing agent) does not disfigure the skin.78. 不刊 [bu4kan1]1, adj., (of work) immortal.79. 不堪 [bu4kan1]2, (1) adv., (used after vb. or adj.,) as in 窮乏不堪 extremely or unbearably poor; (2) phr., cannot stand (noise, bother, etc.): 不堪入耳的話 unspeakable words (of abuse).80. 不可 [bu4ke3], vb. aux., may not, must not; (also 不可以); oft. in double negative: 不可(以)不聽 must not ignore (s.o.’s) advice; 不可不慎 must be careful, 不可告人 private and confidential; secret or shameful (act, disease, etc.); 不可抗力 beyond human control; act of God; 不可一世 (phr.) hoity-toity; haughty airs.81. 不克 [bu4ke4], vb. aux., (LL) cannot (=不能).82. 不快 [bu4kuai4], adj., (1) displeased; (2) slightly unwell.83. 不匱 [bu4kui4], phr., (AC) endlessly: 孝思不匱 forever filial.84. 不了 [bu4liao3], (1) vb. complement, expressing “cannot accomplish”: 算不了 countless; [bu4liao3], (2) phr., 以不了了之 leave in status quo, like “agree to disagree”; phr., 不了情 unfulfilled but eternal love.85. 不料 [bu4liao4], phr., never thought.86. 不列顛國協 [bu4lie4dian1guo2xie2], n., The British Commonwealth of Nations.87. 不利 [bu2li4], (1) adj., disadvantageous; (2) v.i., do harm to: 不利於你 means to kill you, or harm you.88. 不吝 [bu2lin4], n., (court., and rather formal) I (in self-reference).89. 不理 [bu4li3], (1) v.t., ignore; (2) 不理於人口 will be criticized by people; 不理會 inattentive.90. 不離(兒) [bu4li2] ([bu4lie2er0]), adv., pretty good; 差不離 (兒) almost.91. 不靈 [bu4ling2], adj., (1) (of medicine, machine) does not work well; (2) 不靈了 (=不行,不成) (s.t.) is spoiled.92. 不論 [bu2lun4], adv., regardless (of persons, etc.).93. 不律 [bu2lU4], n., (AC dial.) a pen (筆).94. 不滿 [bu4man3], adj., dissatisfied.95. 不毛 [bu4mao2], adj., as in 不毛之地 barren land.96. 不美 [bu4mei3], adj., “does not look pretty.”97. 不免 [bu4mian3], vb. aux., have to (esp. in MC dramas).98. 不眠症 [bu4mian2zheng4], n., insomnia.99. 不敏 [bu4min3], n., (LL, in self-reference) I (the first person).100. 不耐煩 [bu2nai4fan2], adj., impatient.101. 不能 [bu4neng2], vb. aux., cannot.102. 不佞 [bu2ning4], n., (rather formal, in writing and speech) I, yours truly.103. 不怕 [bu2pa4], v.i., don’t care, am sure: 不怕他不答應 I am sure, I don't doult, he will agree.104. 不配 [bu4pei4], adj., unworthy, not qualified (to criticize).105. 不平 [bu4ping2], adj., (1) unfair; (2) uneven; adj., (3) phr., 抱不平 feel injustice done to s.o.106. 不讓於 [bu2rang4yU2], phr., quite equal to, can match (s.o.).107. 不然 [bu4ran2], (1) conj., otherwise, if not: 不然的話 ditto; (2) phr., 不以為然 (s.o.) thinks it is not so, (s.o.) disagrees.108. 不忍 [bu4ren3], phr., cannot bear to: 不忍人之心 a heart of mercy.109. 不仁 [bu4ren2], adj., (1) unkind, malevolent; (2) (hands, feet) benumbed.110. 不症 [bu2ren2zheng4], n., infertility, sterility.111. 不如 [bu4ru2], phr., would rather (go home, etc.).112. 不容 [bu4rong2], phr., (1) (condition) does not permit; (2) 為人所不容 is unwelcome by people.113. 不日 [bu2ri4], phr., in a few days.114. 不勝 [bu4sheng1], adv., (before or after vb.) overwhelmed: 不勝感愧 or 感愧不勝 feel overwhelmed.115. 不想 [bu4xiang3], phr., never thought, do not want.116. 不下 [bu2xia4], phr., not less (than thirty, etc.).117. 不像話 [bu2xiang4hua4], adj., too ridiculous.118. 不像樣(兒) [bu4xiang4yang4] ([er0]), adj., disreputable (conduct.).119. 不相稱 [bu4xiang1cheng4], adj., incompatible.120. 不相干 [bu4xiang1gan1], phr., (affair) does not concern (person).121. 不相能 [bu4xiang1neng2], phr., do not get along well together.122. 不相下 [bu4xiang1xia4], phr., will not yield to each other; 不相上下 more or less equal in strength, value.123. 不祥 [bu4xiang2]1, adj., unlucky.124. 不詳 [bu4xiang2]2, phr., not given not known, not stated: 名不詳 anonymous.125. 不消 [bu4xiao1], phr., do not need: 不消說 needless to say; 不消半小時 do not need more than half an hour.126. 不孝 [bu2xiao4]1, n., person recently bereaved of his parent (used in obituary notice) “I, the unfilial son.”127. 不肖 [bu2xiao4]2, adj., (1) unfilial; (2) foolish (opp. to 賢): 賢不肖 the wise and the foolish.128. 不屑 [bu2xie4], phr., to despise (doing), will not condescend to: 不屑與辯 will not condescend to argue with person.129. 不興 [bu4xing1], adj., not fashionable or seasonable; not decent (to do).130. 不行 [bu4xing2], phr., (1) (this) will not do, not up to standard; (2) should not be done.131. 不朽 [bu4xiu3], adj., immortal (work, deeds).132. 不殊 [bu4shu1], phr., same as.133. 不舒服 [bu4shu1fu0], adj., (1) unwell, under the weather; (2) uncomfortable.134. 不爽 [bu4shuang3], phr., (1) (God's justice) never fails; (2) do not feel well.135. 不淑 [bu4shu2], phr., 遇人不淑 ill-matched in marriage.136. 不是 [bu2shi4]1, (1) adv., be not, is not; adv., oft. used to mean “if not”: 不是你提起,倒忘記了 if you did not remind me, I would have forgotten it; (2) ([bu2shi0]) n. & adj., wrong: 這就是你的不是了 this is your mistake.137. 不適 [bu2shi4]2, adj., (LL) not well.138. 不時 [bu4shi2], adv., (1) not in proper time; (2) always, daily: 不時之需 (medicine) may be needed any time.139. 不須 [bu4xU1]1, vb. aux., need not (+vb.).140. 不需 [bu4xU1]2, phr., do not need (+n.).141. 不宣 [bu4xUan1], phr., 心照不宣 (end of letter) will stop here, without further occupying your attention.142. 不許 [bu4xU3], phr., do not permit.143. 不腆 [bu4tian3], adj. (AC) my humble (gift).144. 不 [bu4cai3], v.t., ignore (person).145. 不才 [bu4cai2], n., (in formal correspondence) I, the worthless person.146. 不測 [bu4ce4], n. & adj., any untoward event.147. 不錯 [bu2cuo4], phr., pretty good, not bad, very good indeed.148. 不次 [bu4ci4], phr., not in normal sequence.149. 不通 [bu4tong1], adj., (1) (writing) ungrammatical, unidiomatic; (2) (person) stupid, bigoted, educated but mind still closed; (3) (road) closed to traffic; (4) (statement) illogical.150. 不圖 [bu4tu2], phr., (LL) see [bu4liao4]↑.151. 不在 [bu2zai4], phr., (1) (importance) does not lie in; (2) not at home; 不在乎 immaterial, nonchalant, could not care less; 他不在乎 he does not mind, is not important to him.152. 不做美 [bu2zuo1mei3], phr., do not, or will not, help (happy occasion, marriage), such as rain on wedding day.153. 不足 [bu4zu2], phr., not enough, not sufficient, not qualified (to be teacher).154. 不貲 [bu4zi1], phr., 所費不貲 went to a lot of expenses.155. 不自在 [bu2zi1zai4], adj., unwell, do not feel fit or comfortable.156. 不外 [bu2wai4], prep., only, nothing more than.157. 不韙 [bu2wei3], n., (usu. 大不韙) a great error, a heinous crime.158. 不穩 [bu4wen3], adj. unsteady, unstable (market, position).159. 不謂 [bu2wei4], phr., never thought that.160. 不惟 [bu4wei2], phr., not only.161. 不無 [bu4wu2], phr., not without: 不無少補 not without some benefit.162. 不揚 [bu4yang2], adj., (LL) ugly-looking: 其貌不揚.163. 不要 [bu2yao4], vb. aux., (1) will not, do not want (to, or a thing); (2) (optative) do not (do s.t.): 不要動 do not move; (photography) hold it; 不要臉 shameless.164. 不一 [bu4yi1], phr., (1) (also 不一一) and so forth; innumerable; (2) not uniform (opinion).165. 不意 [bu4yi4], phr., (LL) never thought that.166. 不已 [bu4yi3], adv., without stop.167. 不由 [bu4you2], phr., (1) see [bu2jin4]↑; (2) 不由分說 without giving one the opportunity to explain.168. 不由得 [bu4you2de0], phr., see [bu2jin4]↑.169. 不遇 [bu4yU4]1, phr., had no chance to meet or recognized by person who might help.170. 不豫 [bu2yU4]2, adj., (1) (LL) not well; (2) displeased.171. 不用 [bu2yong4], vb. aux., (1) need not (tell you, etc.); (2) (optative) you need not (go, doubt, etc.); 不用說 needless to say, let alone.172. 不渝 [bu4yU2]1, adj., (love, etc.) unchangeable.173. 不虞 [bu4yU2]2, adj. & n., an untoward event.不症 [bu2ren2zheng4], n., infertility, sterility.不 [bu4cai3], v.t., ignore (person).不[bú](ㄅㄨˊ)另见 不 bù不[bù](ㄅㄨˋ)〈副词 adv.〉1.用在动词、形容词和其他副词前面表示否定 [used before verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs to indicate negation]:不去 not go不能 cannot不多 not many (much)不经济 uneconomic不很好 not very good (well) 2.加在名词或名词性词素前面,构成形容词 [used before certain nouns or nominal morphemes to form an adjective]:不法 lawless; illegal; unlawful不规则 irregular 3.单用,做否定性的回答(答话的意思跟问题相反)[used by itself as a negative answer]:他知道吗?——不,他不知道。Does he know? No, he doesn't. 4.〈方 dial.〉用在句末表示疑问,跟反复问句的作用相等 [attached to the end of a sentence to indicate doubt or question]:他现在身体好不?Is he in good health now? 5.用在动补结构中间,表示不可能达到某种结果 [used between a verb and its complement to indicate that sth. is impossible]:拿不动 find sth. too heavy to carry做不好 cannot do sth. well装不下 cannot hold sth. 6.‘不’字的前后叠用相同的词,表示不在乎或不相干(常在前边加‘什么’usu. preceded by 什么 shén·me)[inserted between repeated words to show one's carelessness or indifference]:什么累不累的,有工作就得做。No matter how tired you are, you must do what comes to you.什么钱不钱的,你喜欢就拿去。Who cares how much it costs? Just take it if you like it. 7.跟‘就’搭用,表示选择 [used correlatively with 就 jiù to indicate alteration]:晚上他不是看书,就是写文章。In the evening he either reads books or writes articles. 8.〈方 dial.〉不用;不要(限用于某些客套话 used in polite formulas only)don't; need not:不谢 don't mention it; not at all; you are welcome不送。Forgive me for not seeing you out.不客气 don't mention it; not at all; you are welcome注意 NOTE: (a)在去声字前面,‘不’字读阳平声,如‘不会’、‘不是’said in rising tone when followed by words with falling tone, e.g. 不会 (can-not), or 不是 (not) (b)动词‘有’的否定式是‘没有’,不是‘不有’negative form of the verb 有 (have) is 没有 (have not) ratherthan 不有 (not have)相关词组好不 | 何不 | 可不 | 莫不 | 无不 | 要不 | 再不 | 巴不得 | 保不定 | 保不齐 | 保不住 | 抱不平 | 备不住 | 背不住 | 差不多 | 差不离 | 吃不服 | 吃不开 | 吃不来 | 吃不上 | 吃不消 | 吃不住 | 吃不准 | 春不老 | 大不了 | 担不是 | 东不拉 | 冬不拉 | 动不动 | 短不了 | 对不起 | 犯不上 | 犯不着 | 赶不及 | 赶不上 | 搁不住 | 挂不住 | 怪不得 | 过不去 | 合不来 | 合不着 | 恨不得 | 划不来 | 架不住 | 见不得 | 金不换 | 禁不起 | 禁不住 | 看不起 | 靠不住 | 来不得 | 来不及 | 了不得 | 了不起 | 冷不丁 | 冷不防 | 两不找 | 落不是 | 忙不迭 | 猛不丁 | 猛不防 | 免不得 | 免不了 | 磨不开 | 抹不开 | 莫不是 | 蔫不唧 | 拗不过 | 派不是 | 赔不是 | 瞧不起 | 认不是 | 三不管 | 三不知 | 少不得 | 少不了 | 舍不得 | 时不时 | 使不得 | 手不稳 | 殊不知 | 数不上 | 数不着 | 说不得 | 说不来 | 说不上 | 四不像 | 下不来 | 先不先 | 想不到 | 想不开 | 信不过 | 要不得 | 由不得 | 怨不得 | 择不开 | 指不定 | 左不过 | 爱不释手 | 白不呲咧 | 扳不倒儿 | 卑不足道 | 兵不血刃 | 兵不厌诈 | 惨不忍睹 | 朝不保夕 | 猝不及防 | 道不拾遗 | 得不偿失 | 罚不当罪 | 防不胜防 | 奋不顾身 | 供不应求 | 寡不敌众 | 果不其然 | 黑不溜秋 | 红不棱登 | 花不棱登 | 滑不唧溜 | 缓不济急 | 灰不溜丢 | 悔不当初 | 魂不附体 | 魂不守舍 | 祸不单行 | 饥不择食 | 积不相能 | 坚不可摧 | 间不容发 | 揭不开锅 | 刻不容缓 | 溃不成军 | 牢不可破 | 乐不可支 | 乐不思蜀 | 力不从心 | 路不拾遗 | 马不停蹄 | 满不在乎 | 漫不经心 | 美不胜收 | 民不聊生 | 名不副实 | 名不虚传 | 漠不关心 | 目不见睫 | 目不交睫 | 目不窥园 | 目不忍睹 | 目不识丁 | 目不暇接 | 目不转睛 | 迫不得已 | 迫不及待 | 气不忿儿 | 泣不成声 | 情不自禁 | 日不暇给 | 入不敷出 | 锐不可当 | 弱不禁风 | 少不更事 | 什不闲儿 | 神不守舍 | 十不闲儿 | 时不我待 | 食不甘味 | 势不可挡 | 势不两立 | 手不释卷 | 数不胜数 | 说不过去 | 死不瞑目 | 酸不溜丢 | 恬不知耻 | 痛不欲生 | 万不得已 | 微不足道 | 文不对题 | 文不加点 | 席不暇暖 | 瑕不掩瑜 | 下不为例 | 小不点儿 | 心不在焉 | 言不及义 | 言不尽意 | 言不由衷 | 夜不闭户 | 衣不解带 | 义不容辞 | 愚不可及 | 指不胜屈 | 中不溜儿 | 罪不容诛 | 爱答不理 | 按兵不动 | 百年不遇 | 百思不解 | 百战不殆 | 百折不挠 | 半…不… | 半大不小 | 半身不遂 | 半生不熟 | 半死不活 | 宝刀不老 | 匕鬯不惊 | 并行不悖 | 层出不穷 | 充耳不闻 | 宠辱不惊 | 出其不意 | 处变不惊 | 川流不息 | 刺刺不休 | 从容不迫 | 存而不论 | 寸草不留 | 措手不及 | 打抱不平 | 大谬不然 | 大逆不道 | 大言不惭 | 待理不理 | 当仁不让 | 道…不… | 滴水不漏 | 颠扑不破 | 分文不取 | 格格不入 | 功成不居 | 攻其不备 | 裹足不前 | 过意不去 | 过犹不及 | 户枢不蠹 | 怙恶不悛 | 划一不二 | 华而不实 | 怀才不遇 | 诲人不倦 | 鸡犬不宁 | 既往不咎 | 接长不短 | 敬谢不敏 | 久假不归 | 举棋不定 | 哭笑不得 | 老大不小 | 乐此不疲 | 雷打不动 | 恋恋不舍 | 良莠不齐 | 六亲不认 | 屡见不鲜 | 屡教不改 | 屡试不爽 | 麻木不仁 | 没齿不忘 | 美中不足 | 闷闷不乐 | 秘而不宣 | 密云不雨 | 苗而不秀 | 拟于不伦 | 念念不忘 | 涅而不缁 | 宁死不屈 | 片甲不存 | 其貌不扬 | 锲而不舍 | 青黄不接 | 求之不得 | 却之不恭 | 忍俊不禁 | 十恶不赦 | 拾金不昧 | 食古不化 | 视而不见 | 述而不作 | 数见不鲜 | 水泄不通 | 说一不二 | 听而不闻 | 玩儿不转 | 玩世不恭 | 万劫不复 | 为富不仁 | 尾大不掉 | 委决不下 | 纹丝不动 | 无恶不作 | 无坚不摧 | 无孔不入 | 无奇不有 | 无所不为 | 无所不在 | 无所不至 | 无往不利 | 无往不胜 | 无微不至 | 习焉不察 | 细大不捐 | 先天不足 | 小小不言 | 形影不离 | 谑而不虐 | 要言不烦 | 一尘不染 | 一成不变 | 一蹶不振 | 一毛不拔 | 一窍不通 | 一丝不苟 | 一丝不挂 | 一文不名 | 引而不发 | 应接不暇 | 饔飧不继 | 永垂不朽 | 有条不紊 | 语焉不详 | 欲罢不能 | 执迷不悟 | 置之不理 | 卓尔不群 | 自顾不暇 | 自强不息 | 八九不离十 | 独木不成林 | 恨铁不成钢 | 换汤不换药 | 杀人不见血 | 杀人不眨眼 | 无风不起浪 | 薰莸不同器 | 一…不…. | 着三不着两 | 何乐而不为 | 皮笑肉不笑 | 十年九不遇 | 无可无不可 | 欲速则不达 | 百闻不如一见 | 井水不犯河水 | 老死不相往来 | 驴唇不对马嘴 | 牛头不对马嘴 | 三寸不烂之舌 | 万变不离其宗 | 无所不用其极 | 迅雷不及掩耳 | 一蟹不如一蟹 | 有眼不识泰山 | 真金不怕火炼 | 风马牛不相及 | 可望而不可即 | 八竿子打不着 | 勿谓言之不预 | 有过之无不及 | 吃不了,兜着走 | 高不成,低不就 | 神不知,鬼不觉 | 一不做,二不休 | 饱汉不知饿汉饥 | 敬酒不吃吃罚酒 | 磨刀不误砍柴工 | 上梁不正下梁歪 | 无事不登三宝殿 | 胳膊拧不过大腿 | 狗嘴吐不出象牙 | 远水解不了近渴 | 远水救不了近火 | 干打雷,不下雨 | 醉翁之意不在酒 | 浪子回头金不换 | 冒天下之大不韪 | 一个巴掌拍不响 | 成事不足,败事有余 | 流水不腐,户枢不蠹 | 皮之不存,毛将焉附 | 前事不忘,后事之师 | 庆父不死,鲁难未已 | 取之不尽,用之不竭 | 桃李不言,下自成蹊 | 百足之虫,死而不僵 | 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧不安 | 不比 | 不必 | 不便 | 不才 | 不测 | 不曾 | 不成 | 不逞 | 不齿 | 不啻 | 不揣 | 不辞 | 不错 | 不逮 | 不待 | 不单 | 不但 | 不惮 | 不当 | 不得 | 不等 | 不迭 | 不定 | 不独 | 不端 | 不断 | 不对 | 不乏 | 不法 | 不凡 | 不犯 | 不妨 | 不忿 | 不服 | 不符 | 不甘 | 不公 | 不苟 | 不够 | 不顾 | 不管 | 不光 | 不轨 | 不过 | 不行 | 不合 | 不和 | 不遑 | 不讳 | 不惑 | 不羁 | 不及 | 不计 | 不济 | 不见 | 不仅 | 不禁 | 不久 | 不拘 | 不堪 | 不可 | 不克 | 不快 | 不愧 | 不赖 | 不了 | 不力 | 不利 | 不良 | 不料 | 不吝 | 不论 | 不满 | 不免 | 不妙 | 不敏 | 不佞 | 不怕 | 不配 | 不平 | 不屈 | 不然 | 不仁 | 不忍 | 不日 | 不容 | 不如 | 不善 | 不胜 | 不时 | 不是 | 不适 | 不爽 | 不遂 | 不特 | 不图 | 不外 | 不惟 | 不韪 | 不谓 | 不无 | 不惜 | 不暇 | 不下 | 不详 | 不祥 | 不想 | 不肖 | 不消 | 不孝 | 不屑 | 不懈 | 不兴 | 不幸 | 不休 | 不朽 | 不许 | 不恤 | 不逊 | 不厌 | 不扬 | 不要 | 不一 | 不依 | 不宜 | 不已 | 不意 | 不用 | 不虞 | 不在 | 不振 | 不争 | 不支 | 不只 | 不止 | 不致 | 不置 | 不中 | 不周 | 不赀 | 不足 | 不成材 | 不成话 | 不成器 | 不成文 | 不大离 | 不带音 | 不倒翁 | 不道德 | 不得劲 | 不得了 | 不得已 | 不等式 | 不定根 | 不动产 | 不冻港 | 不对劲 | 不二价 | 不贰过 | 不敢当 | 不过意 | 不含糊 | 不济事 | 不见得 | 不尽然 | 不经意 | 不景气 | 不离儿太长,超过部分略去不ad.NOT[用以将词语或句子变成否定,与 be,have 或助动词连用时,口语中常略作 n't] 不,没;不是NO[用以强调或引出表示否定的语句]不,没有;的确[用以表示否定的回答, yes 之对] 不,不是;没有never〈口〉不,没有(与动词的一般过去时连用,= did not)negative〈口〉[常用于无线电通讯中]不,没有hardly〈婉〉〈讽〉不nope〈口〉[用以表示否定的回答]不,不是nay〈书〉[用以对已叙内容作更确切或强调的补充]不;不仅如此,而且〈古〉否,不nix不,不是;并不,决不naw〈方〉〈俚〉不,不是;没有(用以表示否定的回答)NA[用于回答问题或表示不同意、拒绝要求等]不(= no)[常与助动词连用]不 (= not)non不 (= not)NIT〈美口〉不 [= not 或 no, 作为否定的回答]NAE不 (= no,= not)int.huh-uh〈美〉不;没有n.NO不,没有;否定,拒绝;反对pref.non-表示“非”,“无”,“不(是)”prep.without[用于动名词前]不,不曾ex【经】不,无;不包括;无权获得senza【音】无,不vt.fail[后接不定式]不,不能;忘记nyet不,没有(的)phr.as you were[用于纠正说错的话]不不1. no; not; negative双向☞无--非〔词头〕--不双向☞非--不--未双向☞不--非不[bù]副1. (used before verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs; never before 有) not; won't; not want to♦ 他的病~(很)严重。 His illness is not (very) serious.♦ 他~是学生。 He isn't a student.♦ 我~会。 I don't know how.2. (used before certain nouns to form an adjective) un-; in-♦ 不法 ♦ 不轨 3. (used by itself or with a particle in responses) not so; no♦ 他知道吗?—~, 他不知道。 Does he know? —No, he doesn't.♦ 他不知道吧?—~, 他知道。 He doesn't know, does he? —Yes, he does.4. 方 (used at the end of a sntence to indicate that it is a question)♦ 他现在身体好~? Is he in good health now?5. (used between a verb and its complement) cannot♦ 进~去 cannot go in♦ 拿~动 find sth. too heavy to carry6. (inserted within a reduplication, usu. preceded by 什么) no matter (how, where, etc.)♦ 什么学历~学历, 要有真才实学才行。 It doesn't matter how much formal schooling you've had; what matters is whether you have real ability and learning.7. (used correlatively with 就) if not... (then...)♦ 他这会儿~是在教室, 就是在图书馆。 He's now either in the classroom or in the library.8. (used in polite formulas only) don't; needn't♦ 不谢 |
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