

单词 下风
释义 文馨英漢☞下風下风 xiàfēng1) leeward; downwind2) disadvantageous position他在比赛中处于下风。 He was at a disadvantage in the match.下风xiàfēngleewarddownwinddisadvantageous positionto concede or give way in an argument下风在风向的下方downwind劣势disadvantageous position居下风 to be at a disadvantage甘拜下风 concede defeat下风 xià fēng (风向的下方) leeward; lee; downwind:  在下风的方向 on the leeward (不利的地位) disadvantageous position:  占下风 be at a disadvantage;  (自愧弗如)甘拜下风 admit inferiority 下风位 lee gauge; 下风处 leeward; 下风舵 lee-helm; 下风涡旋 lee eddies下风[xià fēng]1.风所吹向的那一方 leeward:工业区设在城市的下风,就不至于污染城市的空气。Urban air pollution can be avoided by building industrial districts to the leeward of the cities. 2.〈比喻 fig.〉作战或比赛的一方所处的不利地位 (in war or competition) be at a disadvantage:处在下风 be at a disadvantage下风a.Lee背风(面)的,下风的leeward背风的,下风的;向下风的n.Lee庇护所;背风处;【海】背风面,下风leeward背风面,下风下风1. [Navigation] the lee; the leeward2. [Figurative] the disadvantageous position下风downwind; lee; leeward下风downwind下风lee side下风lee双向☞向背风{航路}--在背风--下风双向☞背风[处]的--背风处--下风的双向☞下风--下风的--背风的双向☞下风--顺风双向☞顺风--下风下风1. leeward♦ 工业区一般都设在城市的~。 Industrial districts are generally situated to the leeward of the cities.2. disadvantageous position♦ 占~ be at a disadvantage♦ 暂时处于~ be temporarily at a disadvantage




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