

单词 下落
释义 下落1. whereabouts下落 xiàluò1) n. whereabouts你知道他的下落吗? Do you know his present whereabouts?2) v. drop; fall下落xiàluòwhereaboutsto dropto fall下落寻找中的人或物所在的地方whereabouts打听他的下落 inquire about his whereabouts下落不明 unknown whereabouts参见:下降[xiàjiàng]下落 xià luò (寻找中的人或物所在的地方) whereabouts:  询问美军失踪人员的下落 inquire about the whereabouts of the American MIAs;  你知道她的下落吗? Do you know her whereabouts? (下降) drop; fall:  降落伞下落的地点 the place where the parachute has fallen 下落地块 downthrown block; 下落点 setting point; 下落断层 thrown fault; jump-down; downcast; down-slip-fault; 下落方面 thrown side; 下落滑动 thrown slip; 下落距 downthrow; 下落快门 drop shutter; 下落盘 (断层的) downthrown block; 下落翼 downthrow林语堂林语堂★◀▶下落whereabouts: 下落不明,不知下落 whereabouts unknown;下落 [xia4luo4], n., whereabouts.下落[xià luò]1.寻找中的人或物所在的地方 whereabouts:下落不明 dubious whereabouts 2.下降 drop; descend:伞兵缓缓下落。The paratroopers dropped gradually from the sky.下落n.drop下落;下降slide滑行;滑动;打滑;滑落;下落DIP下沉,下落whereabouts[用作单或复]行踪,下落;所在downthrow【地】(断层的)下落翼,下落地块;下落;下落距vi.slide打滑;滑落;下落sink(日、月等)下落,沉swoop(突然)下落,下降vt.downthrow【地】使(岩层)下落下落1. to fall; to drop; to slide2. a slide3. the whereabouts下落drop双向☞下降盘--落差--下落地块双向☞垂直断距--下落双向☞下落--落差下落1. whereabouts♦ 打听某人的~ inquire about sb.'s whereabouts♦ 失踪者至今还没有~。 We still have no idea of the whereabouts of those missing persons.2. drop; fall♦ 气球~的地点 the place where the balloon has fallen英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Entwertung英華☞DESCENT英華☞ABODE




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