

单词 下工夫
释义 下工夫1. to devote one's efforts to下工夫 xià gōngfuput in time and energy要学好外语,就要下工夫。 One must put in a lot of time and energy in order to master a foreign language.下工夫xiàgōngfuto put in time and energyto concentrate one's efforts下工夫to put in time and energy下工夫就会了。 You are able to do it only if you put in the time and effort.为了把技术学好,要下工夫 to achieve technical skills one must put in the time and effort下工夫[xià gōng fu] 为了达到某个目的而花费很多的时间和很大的精力 work hard; work with dedication; put in time and energy:要想把技术学好,就得下工夫。You've got to work hard if you want to learn the skill well.下过一番工夫。We've put in our time and energy in it.下工夫(又作‘下功夫’) put in time and energy; concentrate one's efforts♦ 在技术革新上狠~ devote a lot of time and energy to technical innovation




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