

释义 下1. below2. down3. inferior4. next5. to fall6. to descend7. to unload8. to get off下 xiàI v.1) capture下山 descend a mountain2) be less/lower than (used with negative)不下一百天 no less than 100 days3) give in下馆子 go eat in a restaurant4) cook in boiling water水开了,快下面吧。 The water's boiling, add the noodles.5) be (good as) a chaser/accompaniment你可以用花生米下酒。 You can accompany the wine with peanuts.6) put sth. into7) take away/off8) form (an opinion/etc.)下结论 draw a conclusion9) apply; begin to use下力气 make an effort10) give birth to; lay (of birds/etc.)下蛋 lay eggsII b.f.1) below; under; underneath (下面, 底下)2) lower; inferior (下等)3) next; latter; second (下星期)III adv.downward; downIV r.v./suf.able/unable to v. down我吃不下那么多。 I can't eat that much.V v.m.for frequency of occurrences打了两下门 knocked twice on the door下xiàdowndownwardsbelowlowerlaternext (week etc)second (of two parts)to declineto go downto arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)measure word to show the frequency of an action下 n. 位置在低处的used to indicate a low position下嘴唇 lower lip山下 at the foot of the mountain窗下 under the window在灯下看书 read under the lamp站在树下 stand under the tree住在楼下 live downstairs脸朝下 face downward从上往下看 look from top to bottom次序或时间在后的used to indicate something comes later in a sequence or occurs at a later time下届 next session下一部分 next part下星期三 next Wednesday下一个月 next month下半年 second half of the year下一站 next stop下一步 next step下一代 next generation下一个是谁? Who's next?在一定的范围、情况、条件内used to indicate a specific circumstance, condition, or situation在艰苦的条件下 under difficult conditions在这种情况下 in these circumstances表示方面或方向used to indicate position or direction往四下里一看 looking quickly to all sides两下里都同意 both sides agree表示当某个时节used to indicate a specific time period年下 lunar new year节下 on or near a festival等次或品级低的used to indicate a lower rank or grade measure word 用于动作次数used to indicate the number of times an action is performed钟打了两下。 The clock struck twice.让我再看一下。 Let me take another look.用在“两、几”后面,表示本领、技能used after liang and ji to indicate skill or ability他真有两下。 He knows a thing or two.我看你就这么几下。 I can see that's all you've got. v. 由高到低to go from high to low下山 descend a mountain下楼梯 descend the stairs下楼 go downstairs下火车 get off a train下轮船 disembark from a ferry下矿井 go down a mine顺流而下 float downstream降落to fall下露水 to drip dew下雾 to be foggy下毛毛雨 to drizzle外面在下雨。 It's raining outside.昨天下过雷雨。 Yesterday there was a thunderstorm.只下了几滴雨就停了。 It stopped raining after a few drops.正月里才下雪。 It won't rain till the first month of the lunar year.颁发;投递to issue; to deliver下命令 give an order下通知 notify下条子 give a note进入to enter下车间 go to the workshop退场to leave从舞台的右边下 exit the stage to the right放入to put in下本钱 invest下锚 to anchor下面条 put noodles in米下了锅。 The rice is in the pan.卸除,取下to take away下帆 lower a sail下货 unload goods把窗户下下来 take down the window把俘虏的枪下了 disarm the prisoners作出to make下决心 make a resolution下结论 reach a conclusion下批语 make a comment下定义 define下注解 annotate使用to make use of下力气 exert oneself下毒药 poison动物生产;禽、虫、鱼产卵to give birth; to lay an egg母鸡下蛋。 The hen lays an egg.下小猪 give birth to a piglet下小牛 give birth to a calf攻陷to capture我军连下数城。 Our army captured several cities in succession.退让to give in相持不下。 To be locked in stalemate.少于to be less than不下三千人 be no less than three thousand people按时结束工作、学习to finish on time低于to be lower than零下二度 be two degrees below zero进行to commence下象棋 play chess他们下了一晚上象棋。 They played chess all evening. adv. 向下面to go lower江河日下 be on the decline; rivers flow further downhill each day(literal)下 xià 名 (位置在低处的) below; down; under; underneath:  零下10度 ten degrees below zero;  普天之下 every place under the sun;  山下 at the foot of the hill;  上无片瓦,下无插针之地 have neither a tile over one's head nor a speck of land under one's feet;  树下 under the tree;  往下走 go down;  眼睛向下 direct (turn) one's eyes downward (等级低的) lower; inferior:  分为上、中、下三等 divided into three grades: the upper, the middle and the lower (次序或时间在后的) next; latter; second:  下半辈子 the latter half of one's life; the rest of one's life;  下半月 the latter (second) half of the month;  下册 the last of two or three volumes;  下星期 next week;  下一班车 the next bus (表示属于一定范围、情况、条件等):  名下 under sb.'s name; belonging or related to sb.;  在党的领导下 under the leadership of the Party;  在同志们的帮助下 with the help of the comrades;  在这种情况下 in such circumstances (表示当某个时间或时节):  年下 during the lunar New Year;  眼下 at the moment; at present (用在数字后,表示方面或方位):  往四下一看 look all around;  两下里都同意。 Both sides have agreed. 副 (向下面) downward; down:  防止圆木下滑 prevent the logs from rolling down;  物价下跌。 Prices dropped. 动  (由高处到低处) descend; alight; get off:  下车 get off a car or bus;  下床 get out of bed;  下楼 descend the stairs; go or come downstairs;  小船顺流而下。 The boat sailed down the river. (雨、雪等降落) (of rain, snow, etc.)fall:  下雹子了。 It's hailing.  下霜了。 Frost occurred.  雪下得很大。 The snow is falling heavily.; It's snowing hard.  雨下了整整一个星期。 It has rained all the week. (颁发; 投递) issue; deliver; send:  下命令 issue (give) orders;  下请帖 send an invitation (去; 到) go to:  下车间 go to the workshop;  下馆子 go and eat in a restaurant; eat out (退场) exit; leave:  从左边门儿下 exit from the left door;  换人, 4号下, 3号上。 Substitution, No.3 for No.4. (放入) put in; cast:  下饺子 put dumplings in (boiling water);  下面条 cook noodles;  下网打鱼 cast a net to catch fish;  下作料 put in the condiments (卸除; 取下) take away (off); dismantle; unload:  把纱窗下下来 take the screen window off;  下了俘虏的枪 disarm the captured soldier;  船上的货还没下完。 The cargo hasn't all been unloaded yet. (做出决定、判断等) form (an opinion,idea, etc.):  下定义 give a definition; define;  下结论 draw (arrive at) a conclusion;  下决心 make a resolution; be determined (使用) apply; use:  对症下药 prescribe the right remedy for an illness;  下力气 put forth strength; make an effort; exert oneself (动物生产) (of animals) give birth to ; lay:  下蛋 lay eggs;  下了一窝小猪 give birth to a litter of piglets (攻陷) capture; take:  连下数城 capture several cities in succession (退让) give in; yield:  双方相持不下。 Neither side would give in (yield). (到规定时间结束日常工作或学习) finish (work, etc.); leave off:  下夜班 come off night duty (用于否定式; 低于; 少于) be less than:  不下一万人 no less than ten thousand people 量 (用于动作的次数):  敲了3下门 give three knocks on the door;  摇了几下旗子 wave the flag several times;  突然亮了一下。 There was a sudden flash. 另见 xia。 2) 下 xia 动 (用在动词后,表示由高处到低处):  放下 put (sth.) down;  跑下山 run down a hill;  躺下 lie down;  坐下 sit down (用在动词后, 表示有空间, 能容纳):  这房间能坐下50人。 The room can hold (seat) fifty people.  碗太小装不下这汤。 The bowl is too small for the soup.  这么多菜我吃不下。 I can't eat all this food. (用在动词后, 表示动作的完成或结果):  把它写下来 write it down;  打下扎实的基础 lay a solid foundation;  准备下必需的材料 prepare necessary material 另见 xià。林语堂林语堂★◀▶下下 454C15  31.22  部居  畫數 3ㄒㄧㄚˋ [xia4] N.(1)  Underneath, the position under, position below: 樓下 downstairs;山下 foothills;桌下 beneath the table;燈下 in the light;indicating relative position of person being addressed in letters or spoken to: 閣下 esteemed sir (at the tower);膝下 my dear parents (at your knees);麾下 addressed to a general (at your flag of command);殿下 to a prince (at the palace);陛下 to His Majesty (at the steps of royal palace);足下 gen. use (at your feet), 足下 and 閣下 also used as “sir”: 閣下(足下)以為如何 what do you think.(2)  Indicating time or situation: 這下子 at present;比較之下 (loses) in comparison;想了一下 after due thinking;等一下子 wait a while;一下子就完了 will soon be finished;目下 at present discourse--will not go into it now;不在話下 not in context of present discussion.(3)  Place: 兩下相思 longing for each other in different places;四下亂找 looking for in all directions;八下張羅 try to get (money) in all directions;都下 at the capital;鄉下 in the village;鄉下人 villagers, peasants.(4)  Person in inferior position: 在下 people under;底下人 people under s.o.;上下,上上下下 those above and below;愚下 (court.) my stupid self.(5)  A number of times: 打三下手心 give three strikes on the palm;鐘打一下 the clock strikes one.v.i. & t.(1)  To descend, dismount, unload, disembark: 下樓 come downstairs;下船 go on board;下飛機 disembark;下貨 unload;下馬 dismount;下山,下坡 go down the slope;下臺 get off the stage, political or theatrical;下不了臺 cannot find a way out of embarrassing situation;臉上下得去 will not look too bad.(2)  To fall, to drop: 下雨,下雪,下雹 it rains, it snows, hails;to drop;下炸彈 drop bombs;下雞蛋 lay eggs;下淚 tear falls.(3)  To set down, put down, pull down: 下旗 hoist flag down;下筆 to set down with pen on paper;下箸 to take food with chopsticks;下鍋 to put raw food into cooking pan;下帷 to let down curtains.(4)  To issue (edicts, orders, appointments): 下令 issue orders;下詔 issue imperial edict;下定義 lay down, give a definition;下帖 send out invitation card;下聘書 send letter of appointment.(5)  To take, make a move: 下決心 take a firm resolve;下功夫 to put forth effort;下壓力 put pressure on;下棋 play chess;下棋子 make a move in chess;這一只下得不錯 it is a good move;下酒 take (canap? to go with wine;下飯 to take s.t. to go with rice.(6)  To put up money: 下本錢 put up capital;下定錢 put down deposit;下一注 put up stakes.(7)  Go into: 下店 put up at an inn;下獄,下監牢 go into gaol;下地獄 go into hell;下海 put out to sea;下鄉 to go to the country.(8)  To come off from (school, duty): 下學 come off from school;下班,下課 come off from class;下班,下伍 off from duty.(9)  (LL) to be courteous toward: 禮賢下士 courteous.(10)  (LL) to take a city: 連下三城 took three cities.Adj.(1)  Inferior: 下等貨 inferior goods;下流 lower-grade;also (person) ungentlemanly, unprincipled.(2)  Following next, below: 下文 the following;下一天 following day;下午 afternoon;上卷,下卷 first, second volume;上半,下半 first half, second half;下禮拜一 next Monday;下一次,下回 next time;下下星期 week after next.Adv.Down: 投下,扔下 throw down;攻下 capture (a city);坐下 sit down;打下基礎 lay the foundation;訂下合同 sign a treaty;拋下妻子 abandon family;賸下一個 be left alone.Prep.Under, beneath (as postposition in Chin. used after the nn. it governs: 桌下,山下 under the table, below the hills (nominal sense under N.1-5↑).Words1. 下巴頦(兒) [xia4ba0ke1] ([er0]), n., the chin.2. 下把 [xia4ba3], phr., stretch hand: 下把去抓 stretch hand to grab s.t.3. 下襬 [xia4bai3], n., hem of long gown.4. 下半晌(兒) [xia4ban4shang3] ([er0]), n., afternoon.5. 下半天(兒) [xia4ban4tian1] ([xia4ban4tia1er0]), n., ditto.6. 下半夜(兒) xia4ban4yieih ([xia4ban4ye4er0]), n., later half of the night.7. 下拜 [xia4bai4], v.i., to bow low (to person).8. 下班 [xi4ban1], v.i., to come off from class; off from duty.9. 下輩(兒)(子) [xia4bei4] ([xia4bei1er0]) ([zi0]), n., the lower generation.10. 下邊(兒) [xia4bian1] ([xia4biaer0]), n., the underneath.11. 下筆 [xia4bi3], v.i., to set down on paper, to write.12. 下膊 [xia4bo2], n., the lower arm.13. 下不去 [xia4bu0qU4], v.i., will not go down.14. 下不來 [xia4bu0lai2], v.i., as in 臉下不來 feel embarrassed.15. 下部 [xia4bu4], n., the lower part of body.16. 下茶 [xia4cha2], v.i., to make a gift of tea as token of betrothal.17. 下場 [xia4chang2], n., the sequel of event; 下場頭 the end of person's career.18. 下車 [xia4che1], v.i., formerly, to arrive at post of appointment.19. 下欠 [xia4qian4], v.i., to owe (a sum).20. 下妾 [xia4qie4], n., formerly, (wife's self-reference) your wife.21. 下氣 [xia4qi4], v.i., feel pacified.22. 下情 [xia4qing2], n., feelings of common people.23. 下處 [xia4chu0], n., a lodging for the night.24. 下去 [xia4qU0], adv., down: 吞下去 swallow (s.t.) down; 讀下去 read on and on (usu. away from speaker, opp. 下來 down toward speaker); 拖下去 take it away; 拖下來 take it down.25. 下的 [xia4de0], v.t., (MC) bear to (also wr. 下得).26. 下得去 [xia4de0qU4], adj., tolerable, passable.27. 下等 [xia4deng3], adj., of inferior grade.28. 下第 [xia4di4], v.i., to fail at examinations.29. 下定 [xia4ding4]1, v.i., to make gift in token of formal betrothal.30. 下椗 [xia4ding4]2, v.i., to cast anchor.31. 下(個)底 [xia4] ([ge0])[di3], v.i., to map out course of action.32. 下放 [xia4fang4], v.i. & t., reassign from urban to rural areas.33. 下凡 [xia4fan2], v.i., (of fairy) to come down to earth.34. 下風 [xia4feng1], n., leeway; in inferior position.35. 下疳 [xia4gan1], n., a chancre.36. 下脘 [xia4guan3], n., (Chin. med.) exit of stomach, duodenum.37. 下國 [xia4guo2], n., (LL court.) speaker's own country.38. 下海 [xia4hai3], v.i., to put out to sea.39. 下懷 [xia4huai2], n., (LL court.) my concern, feelings.40. 下嫁 [xia4jia4], v.i., formerly, (of a princess) to marry commoner, or people of lower rank.41. 下賤 [xia4jian4], adj., cheap, low (person) undignified (work).42. 下焦 [xia4jiao1], n., exit of bladder.43. 下界 [xia4jie4], n., the human world, opp. fairyland.44. 下注 [xia4zhu4], v.i., put up stakes, capital.45. 下款(兒) [xia4kuan3] ([xia4kua3er0]), n., signature on the side of a scroll.46. 下來 [xia4lai0], adv., down (usu. toward speaker), see [xia4qU4]↑.47. 下里 [xia4li3], n., the country side; 下里巴人 a popular song.48. 下流 [xia4liu2], n. & adj., lower part of stream; low class (people).49. 下落 [xia4luo4], n., whereabouts.50. 下面(兒) [xia4mian0] ([xia4miaer0]), n., below, see [xia4bian1]↑.51. 下女 [xia4nU3], n., (Jap.) maid servant.52. 下品 [xia4pin3], n., lower grade.53. 下身(兒) [xia4shen1] ([xia4she1er0]), n., (1) lower part of body; (2) pants.54. 下弦 [xia4xian2], n., third quarter of the moon.55. 下手 [xia4shou3]1, v.i., to start (doing).56. 下首 [xia4shou3]2, n., the place next below.57. 下水禮 [xia4shui3li3], n., ceremony of lauching a ship.58. 下世 [xia4shi4]1, n., future generation.59. 下室 [xia4shi4]2, n., (AC) bedroom.60. 下旬 [xia4xUn2], n., the next ten days; the last ten days of a month.61. 下死的 [xia4si3de0], adv., with all one's energy.62. 下台 [xia4tai2], v.i., to be relieved of office.63. 下堂 [xia4tang2], v.i., v.i., to be divorced.64. 下體 [xia4ti3], n., lower part of body, see [xia4shen1]↑.65. 下頭 [xia4tou0], n., (1) underneath; (2) the servants in gen.66. 下策 [xia4ce4], n., inadvisable plan.67. 下土 [xia4tu3], n., the earth, the countryside.68. 下作 [xia4zou0], adj., low, contemptible (work, person).69. 下浣 [xia4wan3], n., the third ten days of a month.70. 下問 [xia4wen4], v.i., to ask of one less learned than oneself.71. 下帷 [xia4wei2], v.i., to pull the curtains and teach, or study.72. 下文 [xia4wen2], n., the continuation; what follows an event: 不見下文 sequel unknown.73. 下意識 [xia4yi4shi1], n., the subconscious.74. 下游 [xia4you2], n., lower stretch of river, estuary.75. 下元 [xia4yUan2], n., formerly, 15th day of 10th lunar month.76. 下愚 [xia4yU2]1, n., very stupid person.77. 下餘 [xia4yU2]2, n., remnant.下(個)底 [xia4] ([ge0])[di3], v.i., to map out course of action.下1[xià](ㄒㄧㄚˋ)1.位置在低处的 down:下游 lower reaches下部 lower part山下 at the foot of a mountain往下看 look down 2.等次或品级低的 low in grade or class:下等 lower grade下级 subordinate下策 bad move下品 inferior 3.次序或时间在后的 next; latter; late:下次 next time下半年 latter half of the year下不为例 not be taken as a precedent; must not happen again 4.向下面 downward:下达 send down an order or announcement下行 (of train) down; away from the capital city of Beijing 5.表示属于一定范围、情况、条件等 under (certain circumstances); within (a certain scope):名下 under one's name部下 under one's command在党的领导下 under Party leadership在这种情况下 under these circumstances; in this situation 6.表示当某个时间或时节 time; time of the year:时下 at present; for the time being节下 during a holiday or festival年下 during the Spring Festival 7.用在数目字后面,表示方面或方位 [used after a numeral to indicate direction or position]:两下都同意。The two sides reached agreement.往四下一看 look about oneself下2[xià](ㄒㄧㄚˋ)1.由高处到低处 descend; alight:下山 go downhill下楼 go downstairs顺流而下 sail downstream; go down the river 2.(雨、雪等)降落 (of rain or snow) fall:下雨 raining下雪 snowing下霜 frosting 3.发布;投递 issue; deliver; send:下命令 issue an order下通知 serve notice下战书 deliver a letter of challenge 4.去;到(处所)go to:下乡 go to the countryside下车间 go down to work in a workshop下馆子 dine out; eat out 5.退场 exit; leave:八一队的五号下,三号上。No. 5 of August 1st Team was replaced by No. 3.这一场戏你应该从右边的旁门下。During this performance you'd better go offstage from the door on the right side. 6.放入 put in; cast:下种 sowing下面条 put noodles in boiling water; cook noodles下本钱 invest下网捞鱼 cast a fishing net 7.进行(棋类游艺或比赛)play (chess games):下围棋 play weiqi咱们下两盘象棋吧!Let's play some games of Chinese chess. 8.卸除;取下 unload; take away:下装 remove one's stage makeup and costume把敌人的枪下了 disarm one's enemy把窗户下下来。Take down the window. 9.做出(言论、判断等)make (remarks); draw (a conclusion):下结论 reach a conclusion下批语 write comments on a document or homework下定义 give sth. a definition 10.使用;开始使用 use; apply:下力气 exert oneself下工夫 make an effort下刀 begin cutting meat下笔 begin writing对症下药 suit the medicine to the illness 11.(动物)生产 (of animals) give birth to; lay:母猪下小猪 (a pig) give birth to a litter of piglets鸡下蛋 (of a hen) lay eggs 12.攻陷 capture; take:连下数城 seize several cities at one sweep 13.退让 give in; yield:相持不下 neither side would budge an inch 14.到规定时间结束日常工作或学习等 finish work or study in fixed time:下班 come off work; be off duty下课 finish class; dismiss a class 15.低于;少于 less than; lower than:参加大会的不下三千人。At least 3,000 people attended the meeting.下3[xià](ㄒㄧㄚˋ)1.(下儿 xiàr)〈量词 classifier〉(a)用于动作的次数 [indicating repetition of action]:钟打了三下。The bell tolled three times.摇了几下旗子 wave one's flag several times (b)〈方 dial.〉用于器物的容量 [indicating capacity of a container]:瓶子里装着半下墨水。The bottle was half-filled with ink.这么大的碗,他足足吃了三下。He ate three bowlfuls with this large bowl. 2.(下儿 xiàr)用在‘两、几’后面,表示本领、技能 [used after两 liǎng or 几 jǐ to indicate one's ability or skill]:他真有两下。He really knows a thing or two.就这么几下,你还要逞能?That's all you can do, want to show off?亦 also 下子 xià·zi下[xià](ㄒㄧㄚˋ)用在动词后 [when preceded by a verb]1.表示由高处到低处 [indicating downward motion] down:坐下 sit down躺下 lie down传下一道命令 send down an instruction 2.表示有空间,能容纳 indicating room or space:坐得下 have enough seats这个剧场能容下上千人。This theatre is large enough to seat 1,000 people.这间屋子太小,睡不下六个人。This room is too small for six people. 3.表示动作的完成或结果 [indicating completion or result of an action]:打下基础 lay a foundation定下计策 work out a strategy准备下材料 put materials together相关词组暗下 | 卑下 | 笔下 | 陛下 | 不下 | 部下 | 打下 | 带下 | 当下 | 低下 | 底下 | 地下 | 殿下 | 高下 | 阁下 | 黑下 | 麾下 | 脚下 | 节下 | 刻下 | 林下 | 门下 | 名下 | 目下 | 年下 | 泉下 | 如下 | 上下 | 舍下 | 时下 | 手下 | 私下 | 天下 | 膝下 | 现下 | 乡下 | 眼下 | 一下 | 以下 | 余下 | 在下 | 足下 | 八下里 | 不下于 | 打下手 | 底下人 | 地下茎 | 地下室 | 地下水 | 耳下腺 | 颌下腺 | 阶下囚 | 拉下脸 | 拉下水 | 两下里 | 两下子 | 上下文 | 舌下腺 | 四下里 | 笔底下 | 手底下 | 天底下 | 眼底下 | 坐天下 | 城下之盟 | 地下铁道 | 皮下组织 | 上下其手 | 舌下神经 | 妄下雌黄 | 月下老人 | 不耻下问 | 等而下之 | 低三下四 | 低声下气 | 低首下心 | 对症下药 | 甘拜下风 | 礼贤下士 | 落井下石 | 上蹿下跳 | 上行下效 | 投井下石 | 有两下子 | 正中下怀 | 包打天下 | 兵临城下 | 不相上下 | 不在话下 | 承上启下 | 瓜田李下 | 急转直下 | 寄人篱下 | 江河日下 | 居高临下 | 瞒上欺下 | 每况愈下 | 泥沙俱下 | 骑虎难下 | 声泪俱下 | 双管齐下 | 委决不下 | 眼皮底下 | 自郐以下 | 三下五除二 | 按下葫芦浮起瓢 | 冒天下之大不韪 | 上梁不正下梁歪 | 干打雷,不下雨 | 放下屠刀,立地成佛 | 盛名之下,其实难副 | 桃李不言,下自成蹊 | 千里之行,始于足下下巴 | 下摆 | 下班 | 下辈 | 下笔 | 下边 | 下操 | 下策 | 下层 | 下场 | 下乘 | 下处 | 下船 | 下存 | 下挫 | 下达 | 下蛋 | 下等 | 下地 | 下第 | 下店 | 下跌 | 下定 | 下碇 | 下颚 | 下凡 | 下饭 | 下房 | 下放 | 下风 | 下浮 | 下疳 | 下岗 | 下工 | 下海 | 下行 | 下颌 | 下怀 | 下级 | 下家 | 下贱 | 下江 | 下降 | 下焦 | 下脚 | 下界 | 下劲 | 下酒 | 下课 | 下款 | 下来 | 下里 | 下联 | 下列 | 下令 | 下流 | 下落 | 下马 | 下面 | 下奶 | 下品 | 下聘 | 下欠 | 下情 | 下去 | 下人 | 下身 | 下神 | 下生 | 下剩 | 下士 | 下世 | 下市 | 下手 | 下首 | 下属 | 下水 | 下榻 | 下台 | 下体 | 下调 | 下同 | 下头 | 下网 | 下文 | 下问 | 下午 | 下下 | 下限 | 下陷 | 下泄 | 下泻 | 下学 | 下旬 | 下腰 | 下药 | 下野 | 下游 | 下狱 | 下载 | 下葬 | 下账 | 下肢 | 下种 | 下箸 | 下坠 | 下子 | 下作 | 下板儿 | 下半场 | 下半旗 | 下半晌 | 下半时 | 下半天 | 下半夜 | 下辈子 | 下本儿 | 下不来 | 下场门 | 下工夫 | 下脚货 | 下九流 | 下马威 | 下坡路 | 下三烂 | 下水道 | 下晚儿 | 下议院 | 下意识 | 下中农 | 下巴颏儿 | 下不为例 | 下车伊始 | 下里巴人 | 下马看花下a.inferior【解】(在)下的;在其他器官(或部分)之下的ad.over(倒)下;(掉)下;翻转过来off…掉,…下Down(写)下,(记)下(吞)下;(吃)下;(喝)下(放)开,(放)下;松开(手)地(倒)下;(坐)下;(躺)下n.dismount【体】下;下法vt.see【牌】与(对方)下同样赌注;下(与对方相同的赌注)put下(赌注)cover下(与对方同等数额的赌注);接受(打赌)的条件shoot〈美〉掷(骰子);〈美口〉玩(双骰子赌博戏);(在掷骰赌博中)下(赌注)throw(母畜)下(仔)lay产(卵),下(蛋);(飞机)投(弹);(飞机)施放(烟幕)rain下(雨);使如雨下,使大量降下;倾泻deposit下(蛋)discharge卸(货);下(客);从(船等)上卸下货物spill(车、船等)下(客)litter(多产动物)下(仔)unload从…卸下货物(或其他东西);卸(货等);下(客)dismount〈古〉下(马);下(车)decant下(客);卸(货)ante下(赌注);〈主美口〉付出,拿出(up)disgorge(车、船、飞机等)下(客)whelp下(崽),产(仔)offload(飞机等)卸(货);下(客);卸下(飞机等)所载运的货下1. below2. beneath3. under4. down5. lower6. next7. downward8. to get off; to alight9. to send downward (e·g. to issue orders)10. to form (an opinion, decision, etc.)11. to leave (work or shift or class)双向☞低〔词头〕--次--在下双向☞停机--当机--下双向☞下--下降双向☞下降--下双向☞下--次双向☞低--下双向☞后--下下[xià]名1. (used alone, esp. in contrast to 上) below♦ 上有父母, ~有儿女 have parents above and children below—have a large family to take care of2. (used after a preposition) down; downward♦ 往~看 look down at sth.♦ 他将帽沿向~拉了拉。 He pulled his hat down a little.3. (used after a noun) under♦ 树~ under a tree♦ 山~ at the foot of a hill♦ 零~五度 five degrees below zero♦ 在月光~散步 take a walk in the moonlight4. (used before a noun) lower (in position, rank, or quality)♦ 分为上、中、~三等 divided into three grades: the upper, the middle and the lower♦ 那本书在书架的最~一层。 The book is on the bottom shelf.5. next (in time or order); latter; second♦ ~次 next time♦ ~礼拜 next week♦ ~个世纪 next century♦ ~两批 the next two batches♦ ~一班车 the next bus or train6. the second of two or the last of three♦ ~集 Volume Two or Three; Vol.1. or III / ~半学期 the second (or latter) half of the term (indicating scope, state, condition, etc.) ♦ 在党的领导~ under the leadership of the Party♦ 在这种情况~ in (or under) such circumstances  (used in certain time expressions):时下Ⅱ副 (used before a verb) downward; down: 防止圆木~滑 prevent the logs from rolling down2. down♦ 坐~ sit down♦ 躺~ lie down♦ 传~一道命令 send down an order♦ 走~楼 go downstairs3. (indicating the capacity for holding or containing)♦ 坐得~ can seat♦ 坐不~ cannot seat♦ 这么多菜我吃不~。 I can't eat all this food.动1. come or go down from; descend♦ ~山 descend the mountain; come or go down a mountain♦ ~楼 descend the stairs; go or come downstairs♦ ~床 get out of bed♦ 顺流而~ sail or go downstream2. get off (a conveyance); alight♦ ~车 get off a car or bus♦ ~电梯 get off an elevator♦ ~飞机 get off a plane; alight from a plane3. (of rain, snow, etc.) come down; fall♦ ~雨 rain♦ ~雪 snow♦ ~雹子了。 It's hailing.♦ ~霜了。 There is frost.♦ 雪~得很大。 The snow is falling heavily. or It's snowing hard.4. issue (an order, etc.); deliver; send out (an invitation, etc.)♦ ~命令 issue (or give) orders♦ ~请帖 send an invitation♦ 我们早~过通知了。 We have already sent out notices.5. go to (a place thought of as lower or below)♦ ~地狱 go down to hell♦ ~馆子 go and eat in a restaurant6. leave (the stage, field, etc.); exit♦ 换人, 四号~, 三号上。 Substitution, No. 3 for No. 4.7. put in (ingredients of food, fertilizer, poison, capital, etc.); cast♦ ~作料 put in the condiments; add the ingredients♦ ~面条 put noodles in a pot of boiling water to cook; cook noodles in boiling water8. play (a board game); make a move (in a board game)♦ ~围棋 play go♦ 该你~了。 Your turn to make a move.9. take down or off; dismantle; unload♦ 把纱窗~下来 take the screen window off♦ 船上的货还没~完。 The cargo hasn't all been unloaded yet.10. give (a definition, conclusion, etc.)♦ ~定义 give a definition; define♦ ~决心 make a resolution; determine♦ ~结论 draw a conclusion11. apply; use♦ ~力气 put forth strength; make an effort; exert oneself♦ ~刀 get a knife into sth.12. (of animals) give birth to; drop (a litter); lay (eggs)♦ ~了一窝小猪 give birth to (or drop) a litter of piglets13. capture (a city); take♦ 连~数城 take several cities in succession14. give in♦ 相持不下 15. get off (work); get out of (class)♦ ~夜班 come off night duty♦ 早~课了。 The class has long been dismissed.16. (used in the negative) be less than♦ 参加大会的不~三千人。 No less than 3, 000 people attended the conference.量1. (for verbs of action) stroke; time(s)♦ 钟敲了三~。 The clock struck three times.♦ 推了我一~ gave me a push2. (used after 两 or 几) what one is good at or capable of♦ 想不到他还有几~。 I never expected him to be so capable.♦ 我就会这么两~。 That's all I can do.




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