

单词 上轨道
释义 文馨英漢☞上軌道上轨道 shàng guǐdào1) get on the right track2) be systematic上轨道shàngguǐdàoto stay on trackto proceed smoothly上轨道to be on the right track上轨道 shàng guǐ dào get on the right track; begin to work smoothly; be well under way:  我们的教学改革慢慢上轨道了。 Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path.  一切都已上轨道了。 Everything is in good order now. 上轨道[shàng guǐ dào]〈 比喻 fig.〉事情开始正常而有秩序地进行 get on the right track; begin to work smoothly; become normal and get on smoothly上轨道get on the right track; begin to work smoothly♦ 生产已~。 Production is proceeding smoothly.




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