

单词 上演
释义 上演1. to perform上演 shàngyǎnput on stage; perform你们剧场在上演什么? What's playing at your theater?上演shàngyǎnto screen (a movie)to stage (a play)a screeninga staging上演to perform初次上演 perform for the first time上演新歌剧 perform a new opera为儿童上演的戏剧 play performed for children上演 shàng yǎn put on the stage; perform; give a public performance; on show:  初次上演 put on the stage on a première show;  国庆日将上演几个新戏。 Several new plays will be performed on National Day. 上演权 stage right; 上演税 residual林语堂林语堂★◀▶上演 [shang4yan3]2, v.i., give a public performance.上演 (paly)be presented to public;上演[shàng yǎn](戏剧、舞蹈等)演出 (of plays, dances, etc.) stage; perform:这个月上演了三台新戏。Three new plays were staged this month.上演a.presentational上演的,演出的;表演的n.mise-en-scène(戏剧的)上演,演出;导演;舞台调度production上演;上映;播送,播放;上演的戏;上映的影片;播送(或播放)的电视(或广播)节目presentation表演;上演,演出;演出的节目staging(剧本的)上演,演出;演剧技巧(或风格);演出布景vi.show〈口〉演出,上演play扮演角色,表演;(戏剧等)演出,上演;(剧本等)适于演出vt.play扮演(角色等);演出,上演(戏剧等);演出…的戏剧;〈美〉在…演出present上演,演出;表演;使(演员)在演出中担任角色;〈古〉扮演(角色)produce上演,演出;上映;播送,播放;导演;使出版问世;创作stage在舞台上演出,上演;表演;把…写入剧本mount上演(戏剧等);为(戏剧等)配备布景、服装和道具enact扮演,担任…角色;演出,上演(戏);展现presentment上演,演出;表演上演1. to put on the stage; to perform; to stage; to come on国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞展览--展演--展示上演put on the stage; perform♦ 国庆节将~几个新戏。 Several new plays will be performed on National Day.♦ 人民剧场今晚~什么节目? What's on at the People's Theatre this evening?




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