

单词 上流
释义 上流1. boudoir2. upstream3. upper-class上流 shàngliú1) upper reaches (of a river)2) upper class/circles上流shàngliúupper class上流参见:上游社会地位高的upper-class上流社会 high society上流社会的生活 high society life上流人物 upper-class people上流 shàng liú (上游) upper reaches (of a river) (旧指社会地位高的) belonging to the upper circles; upper-class:  上流人士 persons of quality;  上流社会 high society; polite society;  上流世家出身的人 a man of good family;  她活动于纽约上流社会之中。 She is moving in fashionable circles in New York. 上流 [shang4liu2], adj., (1) first-rate (scholars, etc.); upper-class (society); (2) n., upper stream.上流[shàng liú]1.上游 upper reaches (of a river):长江上流 upper reaches of the Yangtze River 2.〈旧时 old〉指社会地位高的 upper-class:上流社会 high society; polite society上流a.good上流的;有教养的polite有教养的;高雅的;上流的上流1. upper reaches (of a river)2. belonging to the upper circles; upper-class~社会 high society; polite society




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