

单词 上方宝剑
释义 文馨英漢☞上方寶劍上方宝剑 shàngfāngbǎojiànsyn. 尚方宝剑上方宝剑shàngfāngbǎojiànimperial sword (giving bearer plenipotentiary powers)imperial Chinese version of 007 licensed to kill上方宝剑the emperor's sword上方宝剑 shàng fāng bǎo jiàn the imperial sword上方宝剑[shàng fāng bǎo jiàn] 皇帝用的宝剑。戏曲和近代小说中常说持有皇帝赏赐的上方宝剑的大臣,有先斩后奏的权力。 imperial sword. It is oft. described in Chinese operas and modern novels that a minister carrying an imperial sword granted by an emperor had the power to execute a criminal before reporting the case to the emperor. 上 shàng 也做 also put as 尚 shàng




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