

单词 上报
释义 上报 shàngbào1) appear in a newspaper咱们工厂上报了。 Our factory has appeared in the newspaper.2) report to a higher level这件事要上报。 We must report this matter to a higher office.上报shàngbàoto report to one's superiorsto appear in the newsto reply to a letter上报呈报to report登报to appear in a newspaper上报 shàng bào (登载) appear in the newspapers:  他抢救落水儿童的事迹今天上报了。 In today's newspaper there is an article about how he rescured a child from drowning. (向上级报告) report to a higher body; report to the leadership:  这件事应该立即上报院长。 This matter should be reported to the president without delay. 上报[shàng bào] 刊登在报纸上 be printed in a newspaper:老张的模范事迹上了报了。Lao Zhang's exemplary deeds have been reported in the newspaper.上报[shàng bào] 向上级报告 submit a report, etc. to a higher authority:年终决算要及时填表上报。The annual accounts should be filled in the forms and delivered in time.上报1. to report to a higher body; to report to the leadership2. to appear in the newspapers上报1. appear in the newspapers♦ 我们厂上了报了。 The newspaper carries a story about our factory.2. report to a higher body; report to the leadership♦ 这件事应当立即~公安部, 不容延误。 This matter should be reported, without delay, to the Ministry of Public Security.




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