

释义 上1. above2. preceding3. previous4. up5. upper6. upward7. to mount8. to ascendABCABCABC★◀▶上 shàngI b.f.1) upper; upward (上面)2) higher; superior; better (上等)3) first (part); preceding; previous (上半夜)4) up to (preceding numbers)上一百人 up to a hundred people5) emperor (皇上)6) posteriorII v.1) go up; mount; board; get on2) go to; leave for3) submit; send in; present4) forge/go ahead5) appear on the stage; enter6) place sth. in position; set; fix; apply7) be put on record; be carried (in a publication)8) wind; screw; tightenIII cmp.able/unable我们赶得上飞机吗? Can we make the plane?IV cons.(zài) A 上: as far as A is concerned; in the field of AV n.mus. no. 1 note in gōngchěpǔ上 shang1) up (after verbs)爬上 climb up锁上门 lock the door; lock up爱上 fall in love2) on; in; with regard to; -ically (after nouns)书上 on the book经济上 on economic matters方法上 methodologically上 shǎnglg.1) “rising” tone in trad. Ch. phonology (赏声)2) Mandarin 3rd tone (赏声)上shǎngsee 上声[shǎng shēng]shàngon topuponaboveupperpreviousfirst (of multiple parts)to climbto get ontoto go upto attend (class or university)上 n. 位置在高处的top上嘴唇 upper lip向上看 look up往上走 walk up眼睛往上抬! Eyes up!从下到上 from bottom to top从上到下 from top to bottom子弹在头上飞过。 Bullets fly over one's head.上无片瓦,下无插针之地 dirt poor; not a single roof tile above one's head and no space to insert a needle beneath one's feet(literal)等级或品质高high次序或时间在前的previous上月 last month上星期五 last Friday上一页 previous page上届毕业生 last year's graduates上卷 first volume上半年 first half of the year指皇帝the Emperor向上面upward参见:上声[shàngshēng]【音】note in the traditional gongchepu Chinese scale v. 由低到高to go up上飞机 board a plane上小轿车 get in a car上楼 go upstairs上树 climb a tree上岸 disembark上火车 get on a train上轮船 get on a ferry去to go上工厂 go to the factory上前线 go to the front line上大学 go to university你上哪儿去? Where are you going?他上哪儿去了? Where has he gone?向上级呈递to present上呈 submit向前to advance快上! Forward, quickly!迎着困难上 grasp the bull by the horns参见:上场[shàngchǎng]让工人有机会上讲台 give workers the opportunity to step up to the podium把饭菜端上桌to serve添补to fill上肥料 apply fertiliser给汽车上汽油 fill the car with petrol机车的煤上过了。 The coal has been loaded onto the train engine.安装to fix上子弹 load bullets上炮弹 load shells上刺刀 fix a bayonet上螺丝 drive in a screw涂上to apply上颜色 apply colour上药膏 apply ointment给腿上石膏 put a cast on one's leg登载to appear上光荣榜 appear on the honour roll拧紧to tighten上弦 tighten a string上表 wind a watch开始to begin达到to reach上百人 over a hundred people用在动词后,表示由低往高used after a verb to indicate upwards motion爬上树 climb a tree飞上天空 fly into the heavens老鹰飞上云端。 The eagle soared into the clouds.used after a verb to indicate that the goal of the action has been attained锁上门 lock the door戴上眼镜 put on glasses穿上新衣服 put on new clothes用在动词后,表示该动作开始并继续used after a verb to indicate that the action has begun and is continuing爱上了农村 fall in love with the countryside谈上一个钟头就足够了。 Talking for an hour was enough.对这个应当多留上些心。 One should pay more attention to this.上 shǎng 名 {语} (指上声) falling-rising tone另见 shàng; shang。 2) 上 shang 动 (用在动词后, 表示由低处向高处):  登上山顶 reach the summit;  爬上河堤 climb up to the top of the dyke;  踏上非洲的土地 set foot on African soil;  对敌人的新仇旧恨, 一齐涌上心头。 Hatred of the enemy, for old and new wrongs, welled up in his heart. (用在动词后, 表示动作的结果):  穿上外衣 put on a coat;  考上大学 be admitted to a college;  没吃上饭 be too late for the meal;  茶已经沏上了。 The tea has been made.  你跟他接上头了吗? Have you got in touch with him?  他传染上感冒了。 He's caught cold.  我买上火车票了。 I've got the train ticket. (用在动词后, 表示开始并继续):  她爱上了草原。 She's fallen in love with the grasslands.  他拿起一把铲就干上了。 He seized a shovel and set to. 名 (用在名词后, 表示事物的表面):  脸上 in the face;  墙上 on the wall;  把书放在桌上。 Put the book on the table. (用在名词后, 表示在某种事物的范围以内或方面):  会上 at the meeting;  报上说的 what is reported in the newspaper;  世界上 in the world;  事实上 in fact; in reality; actually;  理论上 in theory; theoretically;  由组织上决定 be decided by the Party organization;  口头上赞成, 实际上反对 agree in words but oppose in deeds;  这个小镇上有两所中学。 There are two middle schools in this little town.  这个错误由我们领导上负责。 We of the leadership must accept responsibility for this mistake. 另见 shǎng; shàng。 3) 上 shàng 名 (位置在高处的) upper; up; upward:  上铺 upper berth;  上身 the upper part of the body;  往上看 look up (upward);  这头朝上 this side up (等级或品质高的) higher ; superior; better:  犯上 go against one's superiors;  向上反映情况 report the situation to the higher organization;  中上水平 above the average; better than the average;  这个词是旧时下对上的称呼。 This word was used in the old days to address one's superiors. (次序或时间在前的) first (part); preceding; previous:  20世纪上半叶 the first half of the twentieth century;  上半年 the first half of the year;  上册 the first volume; Volume One; Book One;  上集 the first part; Part One; Volume One;  上星期三 last Wednesday;  上一段 the preceding (above; foregoing) paragraph;  上一季 the previous quarter (旧时指皇帝) the emperor:  上谕 imperial decree  {音} (中国民族音乐音节上的一级, 乐谱上用做记音符号, 相当于简谱的“1”) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱),corresponding to 1 in numbered musical notation  {语}(上声) falling-rising tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese and the third tone in modern standard Chinese pronunciation (姓氏) a surname:  上之登 Shang Zhideng 动 (由低处到 高处) go up; mount; board; get on:  上岸 go ashore; go on shore; land;  上船 go aboard a ship; go on board;  上飞机 board a plane;  上公共汽车 get on a bus;  上楼 go upstairs;  上坡 go up a slope;  上山 go up a hill; go uphill;  上自行车 get on a bike;  逆流而上 go upstream; go against the current (到; 去) go to; leave for:  上北京 leave for Beijing;  你上哪儿去? Where are you going?  我要上医院去看望我的哥哥。 I'm going to the hospital to see my brother. (呈递) submit; send in; present:  李小红谨上 Yours respectfully, Li Xiaohong;  随函附上20分邮票一张。 Enclosed herewith is a twenty-fen stamp. (向前进) forge ahead; go ahead:  见困难就上, 见荣誉就让 dash forward where there are difficulties to overcome and draw back when honours are to be conferred; take the difficulties for oneself and leave the honours to others;  快上, 投篮 ! Go ahead. Quick! Shoot!  {戏} (出场) appear on the stage; enter:  二战士左上。 Enter left two soldiers.  {体} (上场) enter the court or field:  换人: 3号下, 4号上。 Substitution: Player No. 4 for No. 3.  这后半场你上。 You play this second half. (添补; 增加; 摆出) fill; supply; serve:  给水箱上水 fill the tank with water;  上货 replenish the stock of goods;  汤先上。 Soup is first served.  一连上了好几道菜。 Several courses were served in succession. (安装) place sth. in position; set; fix:  上玻璃 fix the window (door) pane;  上刀具 fix a cutting tool;  上梁 set the roof beams in place;  工件已经上了车床。 The workpiece is already on the lathe.  麦秸正在上垛。 The wheat stalks are being stacked.  门没上锁。 The door isn't locked. (涂; 搽) apply; paint; smear:  给机器上油 oil (grease) the machine;  给门上漆 paint the door;  上色 paint; apply colour;  上药膏 apply ointment (登载) be put on record; be carried (in a publication):  她的名字上了报。 Her name has appeared in the newspaper.  他的先进事迹都上了电视了。 His model deeds have been publicized on TV. (拧紧) wind; screw; tighten:  表该上了。 The watch needs winding.  螺丝没有上紧。 The screw hasn't been tightened. (进行工作或学习) be engaged (in work, study, etc.) at a fixed time:  上工 (课) go to work (class);  她的女儿在上大学。 Her daughter is now in college.  我今天上夜班。 I'm on the night shift today. (达到; 够) up to; as many as:  上百人 up to a hundred people;  上万 as many as ten thousand 另见 shǎng; shang。林语堂林语堂林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶上上 319B50  21A.30  部居  畫數 3ㄕㄤˋ [shang4]  (*ㄕㄤˇ [shang3] ).N.(1)  Top, summit: 山上,屋上 top of hill, roof, see Prep.↓.(2)  The superior, oft. the emperor: 上不悅 the emperor was displeased;皇上 the emperor, ruler, (vocative) my Lord;上頭,上面,上方 [shang4tou2], [shang4mian4], [shang4fang1]↓;上帝 [shang4di4]↓.(3)  (*[shang3]) The third tone: 上聲.(4)  (*[shang3]) One of the pitches in pentatonic scale.V.i & t.(1)  To go up, mount (mountain, wall): 上船,上車 go aboard ship, car.(2)  To go to: 上來,上去 [shang4lai2], [shang4qU4]↓;上天津 go to Tientsin;上京 go to Capital;上城 go to city;上飯店,上影院 go to restaurant, cinema;上街 go out (to shop, for a stroll);上課 go to class;上學 go to school;上班 go on duty;上法院 go to court;上路 start on journey;上墳 visit the grave;上臺 to appear on stage, see 20.11;上床 to go to bed, also to put dying person on another bed.(3)  Appear on scene or enter category: 上市 (vegetables, etc.) be in season, appear on market;上水 to go up the river;上燈時候 time to light lamps;上貨 replenish supplies;戲館剛上人兒 people are just coming in to the theater;上年紀,上歲數兒 getting old;上千上萬 run to thousands and tens of thousands;上冬 when winter sets in.(4)  To present: 上菜 serve food on table;上書 write to a superior;上奏 present memorial;某某上 or 敬上 at end of letters added to signature (“presented by so-and-so”);上條陳 make written recommendations to superior, present an official request.(5)  To affix, apply, place in position: 上門窗 fix windows and doors in new building;上板兒 to close window before closing up shop;上梁 place beam on house being built;上刺刀 fix bayonet;上鞋底 fix sole on shoe being made;上領子 affix collar on dress being made;上顏色 to apply color;上漆 to apply lacquer;上糞 apply fertilizer to field;上捐,上稅 to pay tax on goods;不上心念書 does not apply one's mind to school lessons;請你上眼瞧 please use your eyesight and look.(6)  To wind up (clock, watch, machine);上鍊 [shang4lian4], to chain up.Adj.(1)  Upper, first, best (opp. 下 lower): 上等 first-class (goods, etc.);上級 upper grade in school or army;上品 the first grade (of goods);上策,上計 the best plan;上上 Al, the very best;上下 [shang4xia4]↓;最上 topmost.(2)  Above, previous, last: 上月 last month;上篇 first chapter or chapter above;上回,上次 the last time (I saw him, etc.).Adv.Up, often 上來;說不上 not worthy to speak of;攀上 to climb up;拉上 or 上來 pull up;拉上我 involve me by mentioning;飛上 fly up;走上來 come forward, approach;追上,趕上 or 上來 catch up;趕不上 fail to catch, miss (train, meeting).Prep.(Used after nn.) above, over, oft. 上,以上 or 之上;三十以上,三百以上 over thirty, three hundred;在其上 is above it;路上 on the road;船上 on the boat;地上 on the ground;席上 at table, during dinner;書上 in the book;often forms prepositional phr.;表面上 superficially, on the surface;心裡上 in one's heart;口頭上 orally (promise, etc.).Words1. 上輩(兒)(子) [shang4bei4]([er0], [zi0]), n., the elders of the family, the older generation.2. 上邊(兒) [shang4bian0]([shang4biaer0]), n. & adj., above; servants’ or subordinates’ reference to master(s).3. 上幣 [shang4bi4], n., (AC) gold as currency.4. 上賓 [shang4bin1], (1) n., guest of honor; (2) (AC) v.i., (of emperor) to die.5. 上部 [shang4bu4], n., upper part, esp. of body.6. 上場 [shang4chang3], v.i., appear on scene, market or stage: 上場門兒 entrance and exit on stage.7. 上朝 [shang4chao2], v.i., go to imperial audience, go to court duty.8. 上秤 [shang4cheng4], v.i., to put on the scale and weigh.9. 上前(兒) [shang4qian2]([shang4qia2er0]), v.i., to come forward.10. 上去 [shang4qU4], (1) v.i., to go up: 上不去 cannot go up; (2) adv., up: 掛上去 hang up; adv., 拉上去 pull up.11. 上當 [shang4dang4], v.i., to fall into trap.12. 上代 [shang4dai4], n., (1) the earliest historical times; (2) the ancestors.13. 上達 [shang4da2], v.i., (1) (AC) to develop spiritually; (2) to reach the ears of the ruler.14. 上等 [shang4deng3], adj. & n., firstclass, superior grade.15. 上德 [shang4de2], n., (Laotse) the highest character.16. 上吊 [shang4diao4], v.i., to hang oneself.17. 上帝 [shang4di4], n., (AC and modn. term for) God.18. 上端 [shang4duan1], n., the top end; what is mentioned above.19. 上凍 [shang4dong4], v.i., (of river) to freeze.20. 上顎 [shang4e4], n., roof of mouth.21. 上方 [shang4fang1], n., (1) the place above; (2) the celestial realm.22. 上礬 [shang4fan2], v.i., apply alum to “size”paper for painting.23. 上房 [shang4fang2], n., master's quarters, main rooms of Chinese courtyard.24. 上風 [shang4feng1]1, n., point of vantage: 佔上風 stand at advantage, on the windward side.25. 上峰 [shang4feng1]2, n., (LL) official superiors, the top people in bureaucracy.26. 上趕著 [shang4gan3zhe0], v.i., hurry forward to please s.o.: 上趕著叫老伯 hurried forward and called “uncle!”27. 上崗兒 [shang4gang3er0], v.i., (derog.) to sit at honored seat.28. 上 [shang4gou1], v.i., (of fish) take the bait; (also fig.) be entrapped.29. 上官 [shang4guan1], n., (1) official directly in charge or higher-up; (2) a compound surname.30. 上工 [shang4gong1], v.i., (1) report for work on given date; (2) (Chin. med.) the best skill in diagnosis.31. 上國 [shang4guo2], n., term used to refer to conquering nation by conquered (cf. 勝國 42A.50).32. 上古 [shang4gu3], n., primordial times.33. 上海 [shang4hai3], n., Shanghai.34. 上好 [shang4hao3], adj., the best (quality).35. 上畫兒 [shang4hua4er0], v.i., (of landscape) be a subject for painting, to go into painting.36. 上皇 [shang4huang2], n., emperor's father, already retired, also 太上皇.37. 上會 [shang4hui4], v.i. & n., (to attend or form) temporary association for mutual loan money, decided monthly by highest bidder for interest, or by dice.38. 上回 [shang4hui2], adv., the last or previous time.39. 上戶 [shang4hu4], n., rich landlords.40. 上火(兒) [shang4huo3]([er0]), v.i., to get angry, inflamed with anger.41. 上賬 [shang4zhang4], v.i., to record in the account book.42. 上陣 [shang4zhen4], v.i., to go to battle; (fig.) have dispute: 這孩子不聽話,他母親天天和他上陣 the mother has daily rows with the child who would not listen.43. 上家 [shang4jia1], n., the person on one's left at drinking or gamble.44. 上尖兒 [shang4jia1er0], v.i., make a heapful (of rice, etc.) in bowl.45. 上焦 [shang4jiao1], n., see 三焦 30.30; 上焦熱 (Chin. med.) symptoms including irregular pulse, dizziness, inflammation of the eye, dry thirst, etc.46. 上界 [shang4jie4], n., the upper region of heaven.47. 上計 [shang4ji4], n., the best plan.48. 上進 [shang4jin4]1, v.i., to go forward, make progress esp. in studies; 上進心 n., desire to advance.49. 上勁 [shang4jin4]2, v.i., do s.t. energetically, go full steam ahead.50. 上緊 [shang4jin3], adv., quickly and without delay.51. 上九 [shang4jiu3], n., (1) the ninth day of ninth lunar month; (2) (AC) the 29th day of each lunar month (9th being 中九 and 19th the 下九).52. 上裝 [shang4zhuang1], v.i., fully dress up (as actor or bride).53. 上知 [shang4zhi4], n., (AC) man of highest intelligence.54. 上客 [shang4ke4], n., the most honored or esteemed guest.55. 上口 [shang4kou3], adv., (read) fluently;56. 上口字 [shang4kou3zi4], n., (in Peking opera) words pronounced with archaic vowels (thus 知,朱 pr. as [ji1], [jU1]).57. 上款(兒) [shang4kuan3]([shang4kua3er0]), n., the line of dedication on scroll, usu. on right, as against the signature, 下款 usu. on left.58. 上來 [shang4lai2], v.i., come up.59. 上列 [shang4lie4], adj., above-mentioned or listed.60. 上流 [shang4liu2], adj., (1) first-rate (scholars, etc.); upper-class (society); (2) n., upper stream.61. 上落 [shang4luo4], v.t., (MC) to rebuke, take issue with (person).62. 上略 [shang4lUe4], phr., the top or preceding part omitted.63. 上門(兒) [shang4men2]([shang4merer0]), v.i., (1) come to person's house (to collect debt, etc.); (2) to lock the door for the night.64. 上面(兒) [shang4mian0]([shang4'miaer0]), n., one's master or superior; adv., above, on the surface.65. 上年 [shang4nian2], n. & adv., last year.66. 上皮 [shang4pi2], n., (physiol.) epidermis; (bot.) outer bark of trees.67. 上人 [shang4ren2], n., (court. address) monk.68. 上日 [shang4ri4], n., (AC) the first day of month; (LL) a beautiful or festive day.69. 上腮 [shang4sai1], n., upper jaw.70. 上色 (1) [shang4shai3], v.i., to apply color (to furniture); distinguished; 不上色 not distinguished or successful; (2) ([shang4se4]), n., the best grade; (AC) a beauty.71. 上上 [shang4shang4], adj., top grade, A1; 上上月,上上星期 month, week before last; 上上下下 high and low (agree, praise, etc.).72. 上乘 [shang4sheng4], adj., best, exquisite (goods, writing); (Budd.) mahayana (=大乘).73. 上身 [shang4shen1], n., upper part of body: 上身兒 also a short jacket; n.,上身 also v.i.=鬼上身 [gui3shang4shen1], possessed.74. 上昇 [shang4sheng1], v.i., go up skywards.75. 上下 [shang4xia4], (1) prep., (after a number) or thereabouts: 三十上下 about thirty; (2) v.i., to differ: 不相上下 match equally; v.i., 上下其手 change wording in legal document to alter meaning slightly by changing emphasis; 上上下下 to go up and down, both high and low; (3) adj., high and low, above and below; adj., up and down; (4) first and second characters in inquiring or mentioning name of ancestor or monk.76. 上像 [shang4xiang4], adj., (of person) photogenic: 不上像 not photogenic.77. 上香 [shang4xiang1], v.i., go to temple to pray, esp. on pilgrimage.78. 上弦 [shang4xian2], (1) n., second quarter of moon or lunar month; (2) v.i., to wind up spring (in watches, etc.).79. 上庠 [shang4xiang2]1, n., (AC) college of elders.80. 上詳 [shang4xiang2]2, v.i., to report to superior.81. 上鞋 [shang4xie2], v.i., formerly, to fix cloth soles to new shoes.82. 上行 [shang4xing2], v.i., (of boats, carts) going upstream or toward city or place; opp. 下行 going away from.83. 上手 [shang4shou3]1, (1) n., the predecessor; n., one's superior; (2) v.i., to get in one's hand, to get (victim, fish on hook).84. 上首 [shang4shou3]2, n., the honored one; the leader, boss.85. 上壽 [shang4shou4], (1) adj., having reached highest grade of longevity (AC 100 or 120 yrs.); (2) v.i., to drink a toast for longevity.86. 上書 [shang4shu1]1, v.i., to write to ruler or high official.87. 上疏 [shang4shu1]2, v.i., to submit memorial to emperor.88. 上士 [shang4shi4]1, n., (1) (AC) best kind of scholar; (2) (modn.) first-class sergeant.89. 上世 [shang4shi4]2, n., primeval times; earliest historical periods.90. 上選 [shang4xUan3], n. & adj., select or choice (goods, scholars).91. 上學 [shang4xUe2], v.i., go to school.92. 上旬 [shang4xUn2], n., the first ten days of the month.93. 上算 [shang4suan4], adj., it pays to (do s.t.): 不上算 does not pay to do it.94. 上訴 [shang4su4], v.i., to appeal to higher court.95. 上司 [shang4si0], n., one's official superior.96. 上台 [shang4tai2]1, v.i., to go on the stage; (fig.) (of officials) to come into power, be appointed as premier, minister.97. 上檯 [shang4tai2]2, v.i., to make a parade of bride's trousseau on the streets, including jewels, beddings, etc.98. 上堂 [shang4tang1], v.i., to go up the hall, also to go to class.99. 上湯 [shang4tang2], n., formerly, soup served at end of feast, when tips were given and guests rose.100. 上套兒 [shang4tao4er0], v.i., to fall into trap.101. 上天 [shang4tian1], (1) n., the sky above, oft. personified, upper space; (2) v.i., go up to heaven.102. 上體 [shang4ti3], n., upper part of body.103. 上頭 [shang4tou2], (1) v.i., (AC) ceremony of coming of age for boys and girls; (2) pron. & prep., ([shang4tou0]) those above, above.104. 上蒼 [shang4cang1], n., the blue sky, oft. personified.105. 上操 [shang4cao1], v.i., go to drill.106. 上策 [shang4ce4], n., the best plan.107. 上次 [shang4ci4], n. & adv., the previous time, last (time).108. 上 [shang4zao4], v.i., serve in the kitchen.109. 上座 [shang4zuo4], (1) n., the seat of honor; (2) v.i., to begin Buddhist mass; v.i., 上座兒 customers begin to come into restaurant.110. 上足 [shang4zu2], n., (1) able student, see 高足 60.42; (2) (AC) superior horses.111. 上祖 [shang4zu3], n., remote ancestor.112. 上梓 [shang4zi3], v.i., (of books) go to press (lit., “carved on wood block”).113. 上位 [shang4wei4], n., top seat: 在上位 (AC) when serving as ruler.114. 上文 [shang4wen2]1, n., the preceding context.115. 上聞 [shang4wen2]2, v.i., (LL) formerly, to write to imperial court.116. 上屋 [shang4wu1], n., the upper rooms of a courtyard.117. 上午 [shang4wu3], n., morning, the forenoon.118. 上壓力 [shang4ya1li4], n., upward pressure, opp. 下壓力 downward pressure.119. 上眼 [shang4yan3]1, v.i., to look at intently: 看不上眼 spurn, disdain, hold in contempt.120. 上演 [shang4yan3]2, v.i., give a public performance.121. 上言 [shang4yan2], v.i., (LL) respectfully submit (request, etc.).122. 上夜 [shang4ye4]1, v.i., (of watchman) be on night duty, to watch the night.123. 上葉 [shang4ye4]2, n., (LL) former times (葉=代).124. 上衣 [shang4yi1], n., outer garment.125. 上映 [shang4ying4], v.i., to exhibit (films); also (movie, film) now showing.126. 上癮 [shang4yin3], v.i., to form habit (in use of narcotics, etc.); adj., addicted.127. 上游 [shang4you2], n., the upper stream.128. 上苑 [shang4yUan4], n., imperial garden.129. 上元 [shang4yUan2], n., the 15th day of lunar first month, a lantern festival.130. 上月 [shang4yUe4], n., last month.131. 上諭 [shang4yU4], n., imperial decree.上 [shang4gou1], v.i., (of fish) take the bait; (also fig.) be entrapped.上 [shang4zao4], v.i., serve in the kitchen.上上 [shang4shang4], adj., top grade, A1;上,下坡to go up or down slope.上[shǎng](ㄕㄤˇ)指上声,‘上2 ’(shàng)14.的又音 variant pronunciation for 上2 shàng 14.上1[shàng](ㄕㄤˋ)1.位置在高处的 up; upper; above:上部 upper part上游 upper reaches往上看 look upward 2.等级或品质高的 high grade or high quality; top grade or top quality:上等 top-notch; high grade上级 authorities above (or at a higher level)上品 top quality 3.次序或时间在前的 preceding (in order or time):上卷 1st volume; Volume I; 1st part; Part I上次 last time上半年 1st half of a year 4.〈旧时 old〉指皇帝 referring to the emperor:上谕 imperial edict; imperial decree 5.向上面 upward:上缴 turn over (revenues, tax, etc.) to the higher authorities上升 rise; go up; increase上进 make progress; go forward上2[shàng](ㄕㄤˋ)1.由低处到高处 come or go up; ascend:上山 climb up a mountain上楼 go upstairs; ascend the stairs上车 get on a car (bus, etc.) 2.到;去(某个地方) go to; leave for:上街 go shopping上工厂 go to the factory他上哪儿去了?Where has he gone? or Where is he? 3.向上级呈递 submit sth. to a higher authority:上书 submit a written request (statement, paper, etc.) to a higher authority 4.向前进 forge ahead; go ahead:老张快上,投篮。Be quick! Lao Zhang. Shoot!见困难就上,见荣誉就让。Advance where there are difficulties to overcome, and retreat where there is an honour in store. 5.出场 appear on stage; enter the court:这一场戏,你应该从左边的旁门上。In this scene, you should get on stage from the side door on the left.这一场球,你们五个先上。The five of you will start the game first. 6.把饭菜等端上桌子 serve; lay dishes on the table:上饭 serve a meal上菜 serve dishes上茶 serve tea 7.添补;增加 fill; supply; replenish:上水 feed water to a steam engine上货 replenish supplies for sale 8.把一件东西安装在另一件东西上;把一件东西的两部分安装在一起 fix; place sth. in position; fix one thing on another; fix two parts together:上刺刀 fix bayonets上螺丝 tighten a screw; drive screws 9.涂;搽 apply; paint; smear:上颜色 apply colours上药 apply medicine 10.登载 carry; print:上报 be printed in a newspaper; be reported in a newspaper上账 make an entry in the account book; enter in the account book 11.拧紧 wind; screw up; tighten:上弦 wind a watch (or clock)表该上了。It's time to wind the watch. 12.到规定时间开始工作或学习等 start work or study at a fixed time:上班 go to work上课 attend class 13.达到;够(一定数量或程度) up to; as many as:上百人 up to 100 people上年纪 get on in age 14.(又 shǎng)四声之一;上声 (also shǎng) falling-rising tone; 3rd of the four tones in Chinese pronunciation:平上去入 level tone, rising tone or falling-rising tone, falling tone and entering tone; four tones of classical Chinese pronunciation上3[shàng](ㄕㄤˋ)我国民族音乐音阶上的一级,乐谱上用做记音符号,相当于简谱的‘1’ note of the scale in traditional Chinese music, corresponding to 1 in numbered musical notation另见 工尺 gōngchě上[shàng](·ㄕㄤˋ)用在动词后 [used as a complement to a verb]1.表示由低处向高处 up; upward:爬上山顶 climb up to the top of the mountain (or hill) 2.表示有了结果或达到目的 [indicating the attainment of an objective]:锁上门 lock the door; lock up考上了大学 be admitted into a university那时他家穷得连饭都吃不上。His family was too poor to have enough to eat in those years. 3.表示开始并继续 [indicating that an action has started and is in progress]:爱上了农村 fall in love with the countryside上[shang](·ㄕㄤˋ)1.用在名词后,表示在物体的表面 [used after a noun to indicate the surface of sth.] on:脸上 on one's face墙上 on the wall桌子上 on the table 2.用在名词后,表示在某种事物的范围以内 [used after a noun to indicate the limited scope of sth.] at; in:会上 at a meeting书上 in the book课堂上 in the classroom报纸上 in the newspaper 3.用在名词后,表示某一方面 [used after a noun to indicate a certain aspect]:组织上 organizationally事实上 in fact; as a matter of fact思想上 ideologically; mentally相关词组北上 | 春上 | 犯上 | 府上 | 关上 | 柜上 | 皇上 | 看上 | 路上 | 马上 | 如上 | 身上 | 圣上 | 世上 | 堂上 | 天上 | 同上 | 晚上 | 无上 | 向上 | 以上 | 早上 | 长上 | 至上 | 祖上 | 壁上观 | 地上茎 | 脑上体 | 肾上腺 | 太上皇 | 心上人 | 俎上肉 | 座上客 | 场面上 | 吃不上 | 犯不上 | 犯得上 | 赶不上 | 赶得上 | 火头上 | 基本上 | 气头上 | 数不上 | 数得上 | 说不上 | 板上钉钉 | 逼上梁山 | 承上启下 | 垫上运动 | 火上加油 | 锦上添花 | 梁上君子 | 瞒上欺下 | 日上三竿 | 水上居民 | 水上运动 | 屋上架屋 | 雪上加霜 | 掌上电脑 | 掌上明珠 | 纸上谈兵 | 不相上下 | 赤膊上阵 | 顶头上司 | 力争上游 | 形而上学 | 走马上任 | 作壁上观 | 扶摇直上 | 高高在上 | 后来居上 | 箭在弦上 | 街面儿上 | 青云直上 | 甚嚣尘上 | 兴头儿上 | 迎头赶上 | 蒸蒸日上 | 至高无上 | 桌面儿上 | 更上一层楼 | 打鸭子上架 | 赶鸭子上架 | 太岁头上动土 | 新官上任三把火上班 | 上报 | 上辈 | 上臂 | 上边 | 上膘 | 上宾 | 上苍 | 上操 | 上策 | 上层 | 上场 | 上朝 | 上乘 | 上蔟 | 上代 | 上当 | 上等 | 上帝 | 上吊 | 上冻 | 上颚 | 上房 | 上访 | 上坟 | 上风 | 上峰 | 上浮 | 上岗 | 上告 | 上工 | 上供 | 上钩 | 上古 | 上官 | 上行 | 上好 | 上颌 | 上火 | 上级 | 上佳 | 上家 | 上江 | 上将 | 上浆 | 上焦 | 上缴 | 上界 | 上紧 | 上进 | 上劲 | 上镜 | 上课 | 上空 | 上口 | 上款 | 上来 | 上联 | 上脸 | 上列 | 上流 | 上路 | 上马 | 上门 | 上面 | 上年 | 上品 | 上去 | 上人 | 上任 | 上色 | 上山 | 上上 | 上身 | 上升 | 上声 | 上士 | 上世 | 上市 | 上手 | 上书 | 上述 | 上水 | 上司 | 上诉 | 上溯 | 上算 | 上台 | 上堂 | 上膛 | 上体 | 上天 | 上调 | 上头 | 上网 | 上尉 | 上文 | 上午 | 上下 | 上限 | 上相 | 上校 | 上鞋 | 上心 | 上学 | 上旬 | 上演 | 上扬 | 上夜 | 上衣 | 上瘾 | 上映 | 上游 | 上载 | 上涨 | 上账 | 上照 | 上阵 | 上肢 | 上装 | 上座 | 上班族 | 上板儿 | 上半晌 | 上半时 | 上半天 | 上半夜 | 上辈子 | 上场门 | 上等兵 | 上轨道 | 上口字 | 上年纪 | 上坡路 | 上人儿 | 上水道 | 上岁数 | 上台阶 | 上下文 | 上议院 | 上元节 | 上中农 | 上座儿 | 上层建筑 | 上蹿下跳 | 上党梆子 | 上方宝剑 | 上行下效 | 上呼吸道 | 上皮组织 | 上市公司 | 上下其手 | 上梁不正下梁歪上a.Superior【解】(在)上的;在其他器官(或部分)之上的ad.TO(用)上ON(放、盖、穿、连接等)上UP(赶)上,及,至vi.enter【戏】登场,上场,上vt.get(赶)上(火车等)take搭乘(某种交通工具);上(马、船等)board上(船、火车、公共汽车、飞机等)hit〈口〉走上,上(路)attend出席,参加(会议等);上(大学等)Chase〈美俚〉(餐桌上)上(菜),递(菜)skink〈主方〉打(酒);斟(酒);上(酒)phr.walk up上(楼)上1. above; on top of2. up; upper3. previous; preceding4. superior; better5. to go to6. to install7. to forge ahead上superior上supra-上upper双向☞过份--特〔词头〕--超双向☞高的--向上--上双向☞上--超--过份双向☞近--上--周围双向☞上--上升双向☞上升--上上[shàng]形1. (used before a noun) upper (in position or quality); higher; better; superior♦ ~半截 the upper half♦ 在书架的最~一层放着 lie on the top shelf♦ 中~水平 above the average; better than the average2. most recent; last; former♦ ~次 last time♦ ~星期四 last Thursday♦ ~个世纪 the last century♦ ~一季度 the previous quarter♦ ~两批 the last two groups3. first (of sth. divided into two or three parts)♦ ~半学期 the first half of the term♦ 二十世纪~半叶 the first half of the 20th century♦ ~一段 the preceding (or above, foregoing) paragraph动1. come or go up; ascend♦ ~山 go or climb up a mountain♦ ~楼 go or come upstairs; ascend the stairs♦ 溯流而~ sail or go upstream2. get on (a conveyance); mount; board♦ ~公共汽车 get on a bus♦ ~飞机 board a plane♦ ~船 go aboard a ship; go on board3. go to; leave for♦ 你~哪儿? Where are you going?♦ 我明天~南京。 I'm leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.♦ 我~卫生室。 I'm going to the clinic.4. forge ahead; go ahead♦ 快~, 投篮!Go ahead. Quick! Shoot!♦ 见困难就~ advance where there are difficulties to overcome5. (used in stage directions) appear on the stage; enter♦ 二战士左~。 Enter left two soldiers.6.体enter the court or field♦ 换人!三号下, 四号~。 Substitution: Player No. 4 for No. 3.♦ 这一盘你~。 You play this game.7. fill; supply; serve♦ 上水 ♦ 上菜 8. place sth. in position; fix♦ ~刀具 fix a cutting tool♦ 步枪都~了刺刀。 All the rifles have bayonets fixed on them.♦ 我正在~螺丝呢。 I'm fixing the screws in place.9. apply; paint; smear♦ ~药膏 apply ointment♦ 给门窗~漆 paint the door and windows♦ 给机器~油 oil (or grease) the machine10. be put on record; be carried (in a publication)♦ 小王的先进事迹都~了电视了。 Xiao Wang's model deeds have been reported on TV.11. wind; screw; tighten♦ 表该~了。 The watch needs winding.♦ 螺丝没有~紧。 The screw hasn't been tightened.12. be engaged (in work, study, etc.) at a fixed time♦ 我今天~中班。 I'm on the middle shift today.♦ 她~大学了。 She's now in college.♦ 明天的语文课还~不~? Shall we have our Chinese lessons tomorrow or not?13. up♦ 跑~楼 run upstairs♦ 登~山顶 reach the summit♦ 爬~河堤 climb up to the top of the dyke♦ 飞~蓝天 soar into the sky♦ 踏~非洲的土地 set foot on African soil14. (indicating the attainment of an objective)♦ 锁~门 lock the door; lock up♦ 买~电视机了 have bought a TV♦ 她当~会计了。 She's become an accountant.♦ 还没吃~饭呢。 I haven't eaten yet.♦ 你跟他接~头了吗? Have you got in touch with him?15. (indicating that an action has started)♦ 她爱~了我。 She's fallen in love with me.♦ 他俩已聊~天了。 The two of them are having a good chat.16. (indicating an amount, value or extent reached or to be reached)♦ 我们没说~几句话车就开了。 We had barely enough time to exchange a few words before the train started.17. up to; as many as♦ ~百辆小汽车 up to a hundred cars♦ 出席人数已~万。 There are as many as ten thousand present. or There is an attendance of 10, 000 or so.介1. on♦ 脸~ on one's face♦ 山顶~ at the mountaintop♦ 墙~ on the wall2. within (a certain area)♦ 世界~ in the world♦ 课堂~ in class♦ 报纸~ in the newspapers♦ 会~ at the meeting3. in (some aspect)♦ 事实~ in fact♦ 历史~ in history♦ 理论~ in theory; theoretically♦ 在数量~占优势 excel in numbers4. at (the age of)♦ 他五岁~死了父亲。 His father died when he was five years old.♦ 张大爷六十岁~得了孙子。 Uncle Zhang got his first grandson at sixty.5. formerly, referring to the emperor6. (used alone, esp. in contrast to 下) above♦ 这个词是旧时下对~的称呼。 This word was used in the old days to address one's superiors.7. (used after a preposition) up; upward♦ 往~看 look up (at sth.)♦ 向~拉 pull it up♦ 这头朝~ this side up♦ 向~反映情况 report the situation to the higher-ups




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