

单词 三五成群
释义 三五成群1. in groups of threes and fives三五成群 sānwǔchéngqúnin threes and fours; in small groups三五成群sānwǔchéngqúnin groups of three or four (idiom)三五成群指人三个五个的聚集在一起to gather in small groups在东城某连锁KTV中,不时有三五成群的学生军进出。 From time to time, small groups of student soldiers come in and out of a chain KTV venue in Dongcheng.三五成群 sān wǔ chéng qún in groups of three and four; in knots; in small groups; in threes and fives; in threes and fours:  三五成群地聚集在街头拐角处 gang up around street corners 三五成群in odd groups of threes or fives;三五成群in threes and fours; in knots♦ 街头巷尾人们~, 议论纷纷。 People were seen standing about in knots on street corners, talking and arguing.




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