单词 | 三 |
释义 | 三1. three三 sānI num.1) three; 32) more than two; several; manyII cons.A 三 B sì: do AB repeatedly/haphazardly说三道四 gossip三Sānsurname Sansānthree3三 num. 数目three三人 three people三人住在一起。 Three people living together.三把钳子 three pairs of pliers三次 three times三次降低物价 lower prices three times三倍 three times as much三倍的价格 three times as expensive三年 three years三岁的孩子 three-year-old child三天的限期 three-day time limit三色旗子 tricolour flag三幕喜剧 comedy in three acts顺序third三哥 third oldest brother三月三日 third of March三号房间 room number 3三路电车 bus route number 3表示多numerous三番四复 changing time and again三 sān 数 (二加一后所得) three: 三倍 three times; threefold; triple; 三幕喜剧 comedy in three acts; 三岁小孩 a child of three (表示多数或多次) more than two; several; many: 接二连三 one after another; in quick succession; 三思 think again and again; think twice (about doing sth.); 三弯九转 (full of ) twists and turns; 再三考虑 consider over and over again 名 (姓氏) a surname: 三成志 San Chengzhi 三三 433A00 30.30 部居 畫數 3ㄙㄢ [san1] (*ㄙㄢˋ [san4] ).Adj.Three: 第三 number three;三十,三十三 thirty, thirty-three;十三 thirteen;三分之一 one third;三倍 threefold;三次,三回,三番 three times (see Adv.↓).一問三不知 deny all knowledge of event;coupled with “two,” indicating several, a few: 三兩個 two or three;三言兩語 a few words spoken;三句不離本行 always the trade talk;三差兩錯 a few, just a few mistakes;三長兩短 if s.t. untoward should happen;三天兩頭 every other day or so;三心兩意 wavering, undecided;三窩兩塊 siblings, children of different mothers;coupled with “three”: 三三兩兩 (stroll, come in) in twos and threes;coupled with “four”: 三番四復 so many times;coupled with “five,” several: 三五個人 several persons;三回五次 repeatedly;三年五載 in a few years;三令五申 have repeatedly issued orders (to people);三上五下 up and down (in intermittent actions);三下五除二 rapidly sold out (orig. a sentence in teaching abacus);三五成群 in odd groups of threes or fives;三頭六臂 three-headed and six-armed monster, person with exhaustless resources;三親六眷 all the kinsmen;三六九等 (coll.) make fine distinctions, calculate costs;不管三七二十一 3×7=21, i.e., (do s.t.) without further ado;coupled with “eight,”multifarious: 三災八難 of a child prone to various illnesses.Adv.Three times: 三呼萬歲 three cheers of “Long live…”;三緘其口 (AC, allu.) mouth sealed three times, absolute refusal to talk;三顧茅蘆 (AC allu.) a Hahn prince three times called on famous scholar to solicit his help;(*[san4]) 三思而後行 think thrice before acting.Words1. 三寶 [san1bao3], phr., (Budd.) the Three Treasures: the Buddha, the dharma, and the church-sacred depository of divine truths.2. 三瓣(子)嘴兒 [san1ban4]([zi0])[tzueer0], adj., hare-lipped.3. 三白 [san1bai2], n., (“three whites”) the white melon (white in skin, pulp and seeds).4. 三部曲 [san1bu4qU3], n., a trilogy; a musical composition with statement of theme, development and conclusion.5. 三不知 [san1bu4zhi1], adv., phr., (MC) I don't know how: 三不知逢著貴客 have the pleasure to meet you (visitor) without knowing to whom I owe the honor.6. 三不朽 [san1bu4xiu3], phr., the three forms of immortality: 立德 in character, 立言 in words, and 立功 in deeds-influences which will last for ever.7. 三叉 [san1cha1], adj. & n., forked (road); 三叉路 forked roads (also wr. 三岔).8. 三青子 [san1qing1zi0], n., cunning, irresponsible fellow.9. 三秋 [san1qiu1], phr., (1) (LL) three seasons: 一日不見,如三秋兮 a day absent from you is like three seasons (or years); (2) (LL) the three months of autumn; (3) (LL) the last month of autumn.10. 三尺 [san1chi3], phr., (1) three feet: 三尺童子 a young kid; (2) (AC allu.) laws and statutes, written on three-foot bamboo strips; 三尺水 (LL) a gleaming sword.11. 三大件兒 [san1da4jia4er0], n., (MC) the fetters, the shackles and the neck lock.12. 三代 [san1dai4], n., (1) the classical Three Dynasties: 夏 [xia4] 商 [shang1] and 周 [zhou1]; (2) three generations.13. 三點水兒 [san1dian2shueeer0], n., the radical “”(water); index No. “63A.”14. 三段論法 [san1duan4lun4fa3], n., (logic) syllogism.15. 三對六面 [san1dui4liu4mian4], phr., two parties to contract plus one eyewitness.16. 三冬 [san1dong1], phr., three winters.17. 三多 [san1duo1], n., the three blessings: 多福,多壽,多男子 luck, longevity and male progeny.18. 三讀(會) [san1du2] ([hui4]), phr., third reading in legislative assembly.19. 三二 [san1er4], adj., several.20. 三分 [san1fen1], adj., thirty percent: 三分人材,七分打扮 three-tenths natural figure and seven-tenths make-up.21. 三墳五典 [san1fen2wu2dian3], n., lost anc. books of historical records.22. 三伏 [san1fu2], n., three periods of ten days each after summer solstice-hottest days.23. 三竿 [san1gan1], phr., 日上三竿 the sun is three poles high-late in the morning.24. 三綱 [san1gang1], n., (Confu.) the three mainstays (“hawsers”) of social order: the relationships of 君臣,父子,夫妻 ruler-subject, father-child and husband-wife; 三綱五常 the main principles of social order ( 五常 plus two other relations: between brothers and friends).25. 三更 [san1geng1] (sp. pr. [san1jing1]), n., the third watch-midnight.26. 三光 [san1guang1], n., the sun, the moon and stars.27. 三行兒 [san1hang2er0], phr., the cook, the sauce man and the waiter in a restaurant; (Canton) mason, carpenter and blacksmith.28. 三合(兒)房 [san1he2]([er0])[fang2], n., a Chin. courtyard with rooms on three sides (cf. 四合房 41.41).29. 三合土 [san1he2tu3], n., native cement, made up of lime, sand and soil (also 三和土).30. 三合油 [san1he2you2], n., sauce made up of sesame oil, soya sauce and vinegar.31. 三花臉(兒) [san1hua1lian3], n., clown in Chin. opera.32. 三魂 [san1hun2], phr., 三魂七魄 the three finer spirits and seven baser instincts that motivate human body.33. 三朝 [san1zhao1], phr., (1) third day of child's birth; phr. (2) a bride's homecoming on the third day after matrimony.34. 三正 (1) [san1zheng1], phr., the year beginnings of the Three Dynasties: 夏 in 寅 month, 商 in 丑,and 周 in 子 ; (2) ([san1zheng4]) (AC) the three regular constituents of heaven, earth and man.35. 三家村 [san1jia1cun1], n., a small remote hamlet (of only a few houses).36. 三甲 [san1jia3], n., as in 三甲進士 the three grades of [jin4shi4] degree.37. 三角 [san1jiao3], n. & adj., a triangle; triangular; 三角洲 a delta; 三角木 a cleat, a wedge; 三角釘 caltrops, a device of spikes; 三角術,三角法 trigonometry; 平面三角術 plane trigonometry; 弦面三角術 spherical trigonometry; 三角形 triangle; 二等邊三角形 isosceles triangle; 直角,直邊三角形 right, equilateral triangles; 鈍角,銳角三角形 obtuse-angled, acute-angled triangle; 三角(兒)眼 eyes that slope outwards.38. 三腳(兒) [san1jiao3deng4]([er0]), n., three-legged stool.39. 三腳架 [san1jiao3jia4], n., a tripod, a three-legged support for camera.40. 三腳貓 [san1jiao3mao1], n., an odd fellow, one who may do odd things.41. 三焦 [san1jiao1], n., (Chin. med.) the three points: 上焦 entrance to stomach, 中焦 the duodenum, and 下焦 entrance to bladder.42. 三教 [san1jiao4], phr., Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.43. 三節 [san1jie2], phr., the three important festivals of the year: 端午 5th of 5th lunar month, 中秋 mid-autumn, 15th of 8th lunar month, and the New Year.44. 三節棍 [san1jie2gun4], n., an anc. weapon, a three-jointed bar.45. 三晉 [san1jin4], phr., the anc. state of Jihn 晉, later divided into three states: 趙 Jauh 魏 Weih and 韓 Harn.46. 三徑 [san1jing4], n., (poet, allu.) a scholar's garden of retreat.47. 三九 [san1jiu3], phr., (1) (AC) short for 三公九卿 (Han Dyn.) three councillors and nine ministers: 三九公宴 state dinner to them; (2) the third nine days (19-27) after winter solstice.48. 三級跳遠 [san1ji2tiao4yUan3], n., hop, step and jump.49. 三隻手 [san1zhi1shou3], n., (sl.) a pickpocket.50. 三隻眼 [san1zhi1yan3], adj., clear-eyed, clear-sighted, “three-eyed”--of one who sees clearly everything that is going on.51. 三軍 [san1jUn1], n., (1) (AC) the army in gen.; (2) the armed forces (the army, navy, and airforce).52. 三框闌兒 [san1kuang2la2er0], n., the radical “”(“three-sided frame”).53. 三窟 [san1ku4], phr., 狡兔三窟 “fox's three holes,”(fig.) many provisions for cunning escape.54. 三稜鏡 [san1leng2jing4], n., a prism.55. 三輪兒(車) [san1luerer0]([che1]), n., pedicab, three-wheeled cart.56. 三路兒 [san1lu4er0], adj., thirdclass.57. 三昧 [san1mei4], n., (1) (Budd.) purity and calm arising from correct realization (also 三摩地 from Sanskr. “samadhi”); (2) secret, expert knowledge (of poetry, good tea, etc.): 箇中三昧 secrets known only to experts.58. 三明 [san1ming2], n., see [san1guang1]↑.59. 三木 [san1mu4], n., see [san1dah jiaher0]↑.60. 三年艾 [san1nian2ai4], n., (AC allu.) early preparations (against future trouble).61. 三色 [san1se4], n., the three basic colors: red, yellow and blue.62. 三生 [san1sheng1]1, phr., three incarnations, future, present and past: 三生有幸 lucky indeed.63. 三牲 [san1sheng1]2, n., the sacrifices of pig, sheep and ox.64. 三鮮 [san1xian1], adj., (soup, etc.) made of three kinds of fresh ingredients.65. 三弦(兒) [san1xian2] ([san1xia2er0]), n., a three-stringed instrument.66. 三星 [san1xing1], n., three stars of luck: 福祿壽 happiness, honor and longevity.67. 三心兩意 [san1xin1liang1yi4], adj., phr., undecided, hesitant.68. 三思 *[san4si1] ([san1si1]), phr., think thrice (before acting).69. 三頭 [san1tou2], phr., (1) three-headed: 三頭政治 triumvirate; 三頭二面 double-faced, cunning; (2) 三頭兩日 in two or three days; (3) 三頭對案 two parties and witness confront in court.70. 三才 [san1cai2], phr., the three “geniuses”(life forces): 天,地,人 the heaven, the earth and man.71. 三寸丁 [san1cun4ding1], n, (MC) a physically very small man, a “shrimp.”72. 三寸舌 [san1cun4she2], n., the tongue, symbolic of a great talker: 憑我三寸不爛之舌 on the strength of my eloquence.73. 三從 [san1cong2], phr., (Confu. 儀禮 ) the three “obeys” for women:-obey father at home, obey husband when married, and obey son when husband dies (cf. 四德 41.41).74. 三塗 [san1tu2], phr., (Budd.) 火塗,刀塗,血塗 three kinds of punishment in hell, by fire, chopping by knife and tearing apart by beasts.75. 三字經 [san1zi4jing1], n., formerly, a primary textbook for children, all composed of three word phrases.76. 三族 [san1zu2], n., (AC) with various interpretations: (1) parents, brothers and wife and children; (2) relatives of father, of mother and of wife (誅三族 all killed in crime against the throne); (3) three generations of grandfather, father and son; (4) brothers of father, of self and of son.77. 三位一體 [san1wei4yi2ti3], phr., the Christian Trinity.78. 三五 [san1wu3], adj., several, three to five (days, etc.); (rare, AC )15 (3×5): 三五而盈 (the moon) is full on the 15th day of a month.79. 三陽 [san1yang2], phr., 三陽開泰 the [yang1] spirits on the upsurge in spring; surge of good luck.80. 三一律 [san1yi1lU4], n., the dramatic unities of action, time, and place.81. 三友 [san1you3], phr., three kinds of friends to be sought after: 友直,友諒,友多聞 those that are straight, those that are honest and those that know a great deal; 歲寒三友 the pine, the bamboo, and the winter-sweet.82. 三元 [san1yUan2], phr., (1) those who come out first in civil examinations at the provincial capital, the national capital and the palace: 鄉試,會試,殿試; (2) the 15th day of the first, seventh, and tenth lunar months.83. 三月 [san1yUe4], n., March.三[sān](ㄙㄢ)1.数目,二加一后所得 three; two plus one另见 数字 shùzì 2.表示多数或多次 several times:三番五次 time and again一而再,再而三 again and again; repeatedly相关词组封三 | 洗三 | 再三 | 第三人 | 第三者 | 东三省 | 老三届 | 十三点 | 十三经 | 十三辙 | 唐三彩 | 下三烂 | 不三不四 | 朝三暮四 | 低三下四 | 第三产业 | 第三世界 | 第三状态 | 颠三倒四 | 丢三落四 | 隔三差五 | 碳三植物 | 推三阻四 | 攒三聚五 | 张三李四 | 半夜三更 | 火冒三丈 | 几次三番 | 贾宪三角 | 狡兔三窟 | 九流三教 | 立时三刻 | 连中三元 | 两面三刀 | 屡次三番 | 日上三竿 | 入木三分 | 铁人三项 | 退避三舍 | 网开三面 | 韦编三绝 | 五大三粗 | 杨辉三角 | 一波三折 | 一国三公 | 一日三秋 | 一隅三反 | 约法三章 | 再衰三竭 | 接二连三 | 举一反三 | 着三不着两 | 第三宇宙速度 | 不管三七二十一 | 此地无银三百两 | 无事不登三宝殿 | 新官上任三把火 | 一而再,再而三 | 第三次国内革命战争 | 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒三板 | 三宝 | 三北 | 三藏 | 三朝 | 三废 | 三伏 | 三副 | 三国 | 三焦 | 三角 | 三节 | 三九 | 三军 | 三昧 | 三秋 | 三牲 | 三思 | 三围 | 三夏 | 三弦 | 三线 | 三星 | 三K党 | 三不管 | 三不知 | 三点式 | 三段论 | 三合板 | 三合房 | 三合土 | 三花脸 | 三极管 | 三角板 | 三角带 | 三角铁 | 三角形 | 三角学 | 三角债 | 三角洲 | 三脚架 | 三棱镜 | 三联单 | 三轮车 | 三明治 | 三色版 | 三只手 | 三…五… | 三叉神经 | 三从四德 | 三大差别 | 三番五次 | 三纲五常 | 三个代表 | 三姑六婆 | 三顾茅庐 | 三皇五帝 | 三级跳远 | 三缄其口 | 三角恋爱 | 三教九流 | 三令五申 | 三六九等 | 三民主义 | 三亲六故 | 三三两两 | 三头对案 | 三头六臂 | 三维动画 | 三维空间 | 三位一体 | 三心二意 | 三言两语 | 三灾八难 | 三长两短 | 三资企业 | 三足鼎立 | 三座大山 | 三八妇女节 | 三百六十行 | 三天两头儿 | 三下五除二 | 三一三十一 | 三寸不烂之舌 | 三天打鱼,两天晒网三a.three三(的);三个(的)tres(处方用语) 三 (= three)n.three三;三个(人或物)Trinity[t-]三;三倍三1. three2. several; several times三tre {It.}三TROIS双向☞三--三倍〔词头〕--三重三[sān]数three形more than two; several; many♦ ~弯九转 (full of) twists and turns三[sān]K党 Ku Klux Klan |
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