

单词 万幸
释义 文馨英漢☞萬幸万幸 wànxìng1) unusually lucky没有摔断骨头真是万幸。 Fortunately the fall didn't injure the bones.2) by sheer luck万幸very fortunate文件没有被烧掉,总算万幸。 It is very fortunate that the documents were not burned.万幸 wàn xìng very lucky; very fortunate; fortunately; by sheer luck万幸[wàn xìng] 非常幸运(多指免于灾难 oft. survive a disaster)by sheer luck:损失点儿东西是小事,人没有压坏,总算万幸。How lucky everyone survived the crash! The loss of a few things was nothing in comparison.万幸1. by sheer luck万幸very lucky (or fortunate); by sheer luck♦ 他差点儿没淹死, 真是~。 What luck he escaped being drowned!




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