

释义 文馨英漢☞萬ABCABC★◀▶万 wànI num.1) ten thousand; 10,0002) myriad; multitudinousII adv.absolutely; extremely; by all meansIII n.Surname万 Mò(万俟)万Mòsee 万俟[Mò qí]Wànsurname Wanwànten thousanda great number万 num. 数目ten thousand几万 tens of thousands几十万 hundreds of thousands万吨轮 ten thousand ton vessel约数;很多;全部thousands; vast number; all万炮齐鸣 thousands of cannon roaring as one万事齐备 everything is ready万人大会 mass convention上万的人 thousands upon thousands of people很,绝对definitely万不得已 absolutely no alternative万万不可 on no account adv. 参见:万万万没想到 never would have thought万 mò (构词成分)见下.另见 wàn 2) 万(萬) wàn 数 (数目; 十个千) ten thousand:  百万 million (比喻很多) a very great number; myriad; many; all:  万民 all common people;  万国博览会 international fair;  万事万物 myriads of things; all nature 副 (极; 很; 绝对) absolutely; extremely; by all means:  万难推辞 extremely difficult to say“no” 名 (姓氏) a surname:  万斯大 Wan Sida 林语堂林语堂★◀▶万万 469A05  31.50  部居  畫數 3ㄨㄢˋ [wan4] . [Var. of萬 20A.42]林语堂☞萬万[mò](ㄇㄛˋ)[万俟] (Mòqí) 姓 a surname另见 wàn万[wàn](ㄨㄢˋ)(萬)1.〈数目 numerical〉十个千 ten thousand 2.形容很多 large number:万国 all nations万事 everything万物 multitude of things on earth万水千山 vastness of a country; a myriad of rivers and a thousand mountains 3.极;很;绝对 absolutely; under all circumstances:万全 foolproof万不得已 last resort万不能行 by no means 4.(Wàn) 姓 a surname另见 mò相关词组百万 | 巨万 | 千万 | 亿万 | 十万火急 | 亿万斯年 | 包罗万象 | 雷霆万钧 | 鹏程万里 | 气象万千 | 千…万… | 日理万机 | 瞬息万变 | 腰缠万贯 | 一本万利 | 遗臭万年 | 成千成万 | 挂一漏万 | 盈千累万 | 十万八千里万般 | 万代 | 万端 | 万恶 | 万方 | 万分 | 万福 | 万贯 | 万国 | 万机 | 万籁 | 万历 | 万民 | 万难 | 万能 | 万年 | 万千 | 万顷 | 万全 | 万世 | 万事 | 万死 | 万岁 | 万万 | 万物 | 万象 | 万幸 | 万一 | 万丈 | 万众 | 万状 | 万户侯 | 万花筒 | 万金油 | 万年历 | 万事通 | 万维网 | 万用表 | 万不得已 | 万儿八千 | 万古长青 | 万劫不复 | 万马齐喑 | 万念俱灰 | 万人空巷 | 万寿无疆 | 万水千山 | 万无一失 | 万有引力 | 万众一心 | 万紫千红 | 万变不离其宗 | 万事俱备,只欠东风万1. ten thousand2. a great many3. absolutely万myriad万[wàn]数ten thousand形a very great number; myriad♦ ~事~物 myriads of things; all nature♦ ~里长空 vast clear skies副(used in the negative) absolutely♦ 你~不可去。 You absolutely may not go.♦ 此事~不可泄漏出去。 Be sure not to let it out.




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