

单词 一锤定音
释义 一锤定音 yīchuídìngyīnhave the final word一锤定音yīchuídìngyīnlit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blowfig. to make the final decision一锤定音比喻在关键时刻一下子做出决定或解决问题to have the final say; to set the tune with a single beat of the gong他评茶精密细致,凡审评有争议的,都由他一锤定音" He is meticulous and precise in assessing tea, and whenever there are disputes in the assessment, he always has the final say.7月20日,我省的阶梯电价方案一锤定音。 On the 20th of July, the final say was had on the stepped electricity price proposal for this province.一锤定音 yī chuí dìng yīn set the tune with one beat of the gong -- give the final word一锤定音[yī chuí dìng yīn]〈比喻 fig.〉凭某个人的一句话做出最后决定 set the tune with one beat of the gong; give the final word; 锤也作 also put as 槌 chuí一锤定音1. to set the tune with one beat of the gong; to give the final word一锤定音set the tune with one beat of the gong—give the final word




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