

单词 一语道破
释义 文馨英漢☞一語道破一语道破 yī̠yǔdàopò1) hit the nail on the head2) dispose of with one word一语道破yīyǔdàopòone word says it all (idiom)to hit the nail on the headto be pithy and correct一语道破to hit the nail on the head一语道破 yī yǔ dào pò puncture a fallacy with one remark; blurt out the truth; clear up the matter in a single sentence; dispose with one word; get to the heart of the matter in a few words; hit the mark with a single comment; hit the nail on the head; lay bare its secret with one remark; lay bare the truth with one penetrating remark; point out the truth; strike home:  一语道破其中的奥秘 lay bare the secret of sth. with one remark 一语道破1. to lay bare the truth with one penetrating remark; to hit the nail on the head; to expose someone's ulterior motive by a single remark一语道破lay bare the truth with one remark; hit the nail on the head♦ ~其中奥秘 lay bare the secret of sth. with one remark




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