

单词 一气呵成
释义 文馨英漢☞一氣呵成一气呵成 yị̄qìhēchéng1) flow smoothly (of essays/etc.)2) have no interruption/letup3) complete in one breath一气呵成yīqìhēchéngto do something at one goto flow smoothly一气呵成首尾贯通to go without a hitch不间断to finish something in one go一气呵成 yī qì hē chéng (比喻文章的气势首尾贯通) make smooth reading; read (practise) from beginning to end without stopping; write at one stretch (比喻工作过程不间断,不松懈) accomplish sth. at a stretch; accomplish a composition in one breath; at one fling; get sth. done at one go (without a let-up); say quickly, without having to stop to think一气呵成[yī qì hē chéng]1.〈比喻 fig.〉文章的气势首尾贯通 (of writing) form a coherent whole; make smooth reading 2.〈比喻 fig.〉整个工作过程中不间断,不松懈 get sth. done at one go; carry sth. through without stopping一气呵成phr.at one fling一气呵成地,一鼓作气地一气呵成1. to accomplish something at one go一气呵成1. (of an essay) form a coherent whole; make smooth reading2. get sth. done at one go; carry sth. through without stopping




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