

单词 一样
释义 文馨英漢☞一樣一样 yị̄yàng(r)1) s.v. the same; equally; alike这两双鞋是一样的。 The two pairs of shoes are identical.2) attr. kind; type; class来,我给你看一样东西。 Come, I'll show you something.一样yīyàngsamelikeequal tothe same asjust like一样same高度一样 be the same height大小一样 be the same size和...一样 the same as ...像雪一样白 as white as snow完全一样 exactly the same他说的话和你说的完全一样。 He said exactly the same thing as you.你的意见和我一样。 Your opinion is the same as mine.他和大家一样地工作着。 He is working just like all the others.对我来说都是一样 it's all the same to me手续和以前完全一样。 The procedure is exactly the same as before.大家像一个人一样。 Everybody is united as one.哥儿俩相貌一样,可是脾气不一样。 The two brothers look the same, but have different temperaments.他同别人不一样。 He's different from other people.他的神色与往常不一样。 His expression is not the same as normal.一样 yī yàng the same; equally; alike; as... as:  完全一样 just the same; exactly alike;  团结得像一个人一样 unite as one man;  这两姐妹长得一模一样。 The two sisters look exactly alike.  他的风衣和你的一样。 His wind-breaker is the same as yours. 一样[yī yàng] 同样;没有差别 same; alike; make no difference; as ...as ...:哥儿俩相貌一样,脾气也一样。The two brothers are alike both in appearance and in temperament.他们两个人打枪打得一样准。They both shoot accurately.一样ad.AS同样地,一样地alike一样地;相似地一样1. the same; equally; alike; in the same manner; in common with2. an (object, item or article)一样the same; alike; as...as...♦ 哥儿俩相貌~, 脾气也~。 The two brothers are alike in appearance and temperament.♦ 谁去都~。 It won't make any difference who goes.




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