

单词 一时
释义 一时 yī̠shíI n.1) a period of time2) a short while一时想不起来 can't recall it offhandII cons.一时 A 一时 B: now A, now B; one moment A, the next B天气一时冷,一时热。 The weather is now cold, now hot.III adv.accidentally我一时糊涂雇了他。 I hired him in a moment of foolishness.一时yīshía period of timea whilefor a short whiletemporarymomentaryat the same time一时一个时期period of time此一时,彼一时。 Times have changed.一时无出其右 unmatched for a period短时间moment一时的热情 a moment of passion一时的误会 a moment of misunderstanding一时之快 a moment's satisfaction一时之需 temporary needs一时的冲动 momentary impulse一时还用不着 it is no use at the moment只顾一时 take a short view这是一时的现象。 This is a temporary phenomenon.这只能隐瞒一时 this can only be covered up temporarily他有病,一时不能工作。 He is ill, and can't work any time soon.偶然momentarily一时之错 momentary mistake一时高兴 happen to be in a happy mood一时激动 momentary excitement一时性起 in a flash of anger时而... this moment, ... the next一时晴,一时雨 sunny one moment, rainy the next一时冷,一时热 cold one moment, hot the next一时 yī shí (短时间) for a short while; temporary; momentary:  一时的热情 a moment's enthusiasm; on the spur of the moment;  一时想不起来 can't recall offhand (for the moment);  一时半会儿 in short while (一个时期) a period of time:  此一时彼一时。 Times have changed.  这首歌曾风行一时。 The song had a great vogue at one time. (时而) now... now...:  天气一时冷,一时热。 The weather is now cold, now hot. 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞一時一时[yī shí]1.一个时期 period of time:此一时彼一时。Times have changed.一时无出其右。For some time nobody could outshine him. 2.短时间;暂时 for a short while; temporary; momentary; ephemeral:一时半刻 a short time; a short while一时还用不着 not needed for the time being这是一时的和表面的现象。This is a transient and superficial phenomenon. 3.临时;偶然 offhand; accidental; by chance:一时想不起他是谁。(I) can't recall who he is for the moment.一时高兴,写了两首诗。(I) happened to be in a good mood and wrote two poems. 4.叠用,跟‘时而’相同 [used reiteratively like 时而 shí'ér] now ...and now ...; this moment ..., and the next ...:高原上气候变化大,一时晴,一时雨,一时冷,一时热。The climate on the highland is changeable: it's now clear and now rainy, now cold and now hot.一时a.temporary短暂的;一时的passing短暂的,一时的fly-by-night短暂的;非持久性的;一时的一时1. for a short while; temporary; momentary; transient2. a period of time3. now ... now ...一时1. a period of time♦ 此~彼~。 Times have changed.2. for a short while; temporary; momentary♦ ~的多数 a temporary majority♦ 为~的表面现象所迷惑 be misled by transient phenomena; be taken in by appearances3. (used in pairs) now..., now...; one moment..., the next♦ 他的病~好~坏。 He'd be better for a while and then have a relapse.




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