

单词 一并
释义 一并 yị̄bìngalong with all the others; in a lump我把照片和信一并寄给你。 I will send you the photo along with the letter.一并yībìngvariant of 一并, to lump togetherto treat along with all the othersyībìngto lump togetherto treat along with all the others一并along with all the others一并办理 handle all together一并缴销 hand in all things for cancellation一并 yī bìng all; wholly; at the same time; along with all the others; in the lump:  一并处理 be handled together;  书和有关资料一并寄上。 I'm sending you the book along with the material concerned. 一并[yī bìng]〈副词 adv.〉表示合在一起 along with all the others; lumped all together:一并办理 be handled together一并报销 be reimbursed together一并1. along with all the others; in the lump; at the same time一并along with all the others; in the lump♦ 读者提出的几个疑问, 现在~答复如下。 What follows is an answer to all the questions raised by the readers.




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