

单词 一哄而上
释义 一哄而上 yī̠hōng'érshàngroused to precipitate action一哄而上比喻做事盲目,一个人去做什么事,大家都跟着去做to rush headlong into something煤化工产业在发展中出现了一哄而上、重复建设的情况。 In the development of the coal chemical industry, a situation of rushing headlong into action and redundant construction has emerged.据李先生的妻子称,当时有五六个人一哄而上,殴打李先生。 According to Mr Li's wife, five or six people rushed in and beat up Mr Li.一哄而上impulsive, unthinking♦ 各地情况千差万别, 改革可以有先有后, 不应~。 Conditions vary from place to place, so the reforms may follow a different time schedule, nothing should be done impulsively or without careful thought.另见〖一哄而起〗




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