

单词 一半
释义 一半1. moiety2. a half一半 yị̄bàn(r)one half; in part一半yībànhalf一半one half一半多 more than half少一半 less than half一半对一半 half and half房子一半是空的。 The room is half empty.工作做好了一半。 Half of the work has been finished.事情做了一半就放下了。 The matter is put aside when it is half done.水和酒各一半,掺和在一起。 Mix one part water and one part alcohol together.一半 yī bàn one half; half; in part:  一半以上 more than half;  另一半 the other half;  减少一半开支 cut down the expenditure by half;  现在付一半, 剩下的以后再付。 Pay half now and the rest later.  四的一半是二。 Half of four is two.  这些书中有一半是小说。 Half of the books are novels. 一半[yī bàn](~儿 yībànr)二分之一 one half; half:把菜子分给他们一半儿,咱们有一半儿也就够了。Let's give them half the vegetable seeds; half is enough for us.一半a.half一半的ad.halfling[halflings] (约)一半地;部分地n.half(精确或大致的)半,一半midpoint(时间、事件等进程的)一半moiety一半mezzo半,一半;中央一半1. one half; half; in part双向☞一半--中间双向☞中间--一半双向☞一半--半一半one half; half; in part♦ ~以上 more than half♦ 把菜籽平分一下, 给他们~儿, 咱们留~儿。 Let's share the vegetable seeds with them, share and share alike.英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Half-part英華☞Hälfte英華☞Demi英華☞HALF




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