

单词 一二·九运动
释义 一二·九运动the December 9th Movement一二·九运动 yī èr jiǔ yùn dòng the December 9th Movement (a demonstration staged on December 9, 1935 by Beijing students under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, calling for resistance to Japanese aggression and national salvation)一二·九运动[Yī èr Jiǔ Yùn dòng]1935年12月9日,北平(今北京)学生在中国共产党领导下,发动的抗日救国运动。目标是反对日本帝国主义对华北的进一步侵略和国民政府的不抵抗政策,号召全国人民起来抗日救国。运动很快发展到全国各地,为1937年开始的抗日战争准备了条件。December 9th Movement; demonstration staged on December 9, 1935 by Beiping (present-day Beijing) students under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the aim being to oppose further invasion of north China by Japanese imperialism and the non-resistance policy of the Kuomintang government, and to call for resistance against Japanese aggression and for national salvation. The movement soon spread across the nation, paving the way for the War of Resistance against Japan that started in 1937.




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