

单词 一了百了
释义 一了百了1. The solution of one problem leads to the solution of all other problem.一了百了 yī̠liǎobạ̌iliǎo1) solve the main problem and everything will follow2) death ends all one's troubles一了百了yīliǎobǎiliǎoonce the main problem is solved, all troubles are solveddeath ends all one's troubles一了百了when the root of the problem is solved, all other problems work themselves outsolve one problem to solve one hundred一了百了 yī liǎo bǎi liǎo (主要问题解决了其他问题也跟着解决) One finished, all is finished.; All troubles end when the main trouble ends.; As the main item has been solved, all the rest are therefore solved, too. (死结束了一个人的一切烦脑) Death ends all one's troubles.:  一去世, 他的苦恼就一了百了了。 With his death all his woes ended. 一了百了[yī liǎo bǎi liǎo] 由于主要的事情了结了,其余的事情也跟着了结 all troubles end when the main trouble ends一了百了1. All troubles end when the main trouble ends.2. To solve the key issue will expedite the solution of the whole problem.3. Death ends all one's troubles.一了百了all troubles end when the main trouble ends♦ 一去世, 他的苦恼就~了。 With his death all his woes ended.




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