

释义 一1. a2. an3. one一 yīI num.1) one; 12) once可一不可二。 Once is forgivable, not twice.II b.f.1) each; per一桌八人 eight people per table2) whole; all; throughout我一天都不在家。 I won't be at home all day.3) single; alone4) same意见不一 opinions differIII adv.1) as soon as天气一冷 as soon as the weather turns cold2) a little看一看 take a look3) “empty” adverb in four-syllable expressions为之一振 be buoyed up by it4) also; otherwise一名 be also known asIV cons.1) 一 A jiù B: as soon as A (then) B2) 一 A èr B: a) very AB, where AB is a two-syllable s.v. b) one or two AB, where AB is a noun一清二静 absolutely quiet一差二错 one or two mistakes3) 一 A bàn A/B: a little of A and of A or B, where A and B are identical or similar in meaning这个工程可不是一天半天能完的。 This project can't be finished in a short time.4) 一 V1 ér V2: V2 immediately after V1一怒而去 flare up and leave5) 一 N (yě) bù/méi V: not V even one N; without omitting a single N一字不漏 without omitting a single character6) V 一 VM: V a VM咬一口 take a bite7) 一 V1 bù V2: inalterably V1一去不返 gone never to return8) 一 N1 一 N2: a) all or the whole of N1/N2 b) each/every N1/N2一生一世 all one's life一言一行 every word and deed9) 一 V1 一 V2: a) do V1/V2 in succession (where V1/V2 are similar in meaning) b) do V1/V2 alternately (where V1/V2 contrast in meaning)一蹦一跳 skip and jump一问一答 one asks and the other answers10) 一 V zài V: keep on doing V一错再错 keep on making mistakesV n.a note of the scale in gōngchěpǔ一yīone1singlea (article)as soon asentirewholeallthroughout"one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit一 n. 【音】music note in Chinese folk music corresponding to 7 in numbered musical notation num. 数目;用名词单数表达one; used with a noun to convey singularity or one part一颗星 one star一把剪子 a pair of scissors一副眼镜 a pair of glasses一条裤子 a pair of trousers一卷的 a reel of一层的 one layer of一天的假期 one day of holiday一,二,三! one, two, three!一部分学生已经回家了。 A portion of the students returned home already.买一本杂志在路上看看 buy a magazine to read on the journey顺序order一点多钟 past one o'clock一级运动员 first class athlete五月一日 1st of May一则...,二则... on the one hand ... on the other hand同一same像他一类的人 same type of person as he is这不是一码事。 This is not a similar matter.另一another长江一名扬子江 Yangtze is another name for the Changjiang River全whole一屋子都是人 there are people throughout the room一冬没有下雪 it has not snowed the whole winter我一夜没睡。 I did not sleep at all during the night.他工作了一早晨。 He worked all morning.专一concentrated表示动作是一次或者是短暂的, 用动词一次体表达used between verbs to indicate a little or slightly笑了一笑 give a smile闻一闻 have a sniff看一眼 catch a glimpse照一下镜子 glance in the mirror到街上走一走 have a walk along the street表示先做某个动作to express the first instance of a movement他一脚把小偷踢倒了。 He suddenly kicked the thief down.小孩子一跳跳了上去。 The child suddenly jumped up.他在旁边一站,再也不说什么。 He suddenly moved aside and did not utter a word. adv. 参见:一旦[yīdàn];一经[yījīng]一学就会 be able to do something as soon as one studies it一请就到 arrive once one asks一说就懂 understand as soon as one explains it一推就倒 toppled as soon as one pushed it这花儿一开就谢 once it opened, the flower immediately withered我们一有机会就办。 We will do it as soon as we have an opportunity to.纸老虎一戳就穿。 One stab pierced the paper tiger.万一just in case一不小心 be careful just in case一有什么意外,请马上通知我。 If there is an accident please call me immediately. auxiliary word 竟然<书>unexpectedly事态之严重,一至于此。 The situation unexpectedly became serious.一 yī 数 (最小的正整数) one:  一百公斤 one hundred kilograms;  一本书 a book;  一营一连 the First Company of the First Battalion;  一万一 eleven thousand;  我见过她一次。 I have met her once.  在大连大学时他比我高一班。 He was in a class ahead of me at Dalian University. (同一) same:  一根藤上的苦瓜 bitter gourds from the same vine; people with a similar bitter past;  一码事 the same thing;  意见不一。 Opinions differ.  咱们是一家人。 We are of the same family. (另一) also; otherwise:  汞溴红一名红汞。 Merbromin is also known as mercurochrome. (全; 满) whole; all; throughout:  一冬 the whole winter; all winter; throughout the winter;  一脸的土 one's face covered with dust;  一天星斗 a star-studded sky;  他们游泳游了一下午。 They swam all afternoon.  一屋子的人都欢腾起来。 Everybody in the room was overjoyed. (专一) concentrated; wholehearted:  一心一意 heart and soul; wholeheartedly (单一; 唯一) single; alone; only one:  一枪就打中了目标 hit the target with a single shot;  你一个人行吗? Can you manage all by yourself?  她一个人去了。 She went alone. (表示动作是一次或短暂的):  等一等 wait a bit;  咳一声 give a cough;  瞧一眼 take a look;  笑一笑 give a smile;  歇一歇 have a rest (每一)each; per; every time:  四个小组,一组五人 four groups with five people in each;  一日三餐 tree meals a day;  一小时90公里 at 90 kilometres per hour;  一桌十人 ten persons a table;  大家一提起那艰苦创业的日子, 总有说不完的话。 Every time we talk about the hard pioneering days, we have so much to say that we can't get it all out. (用在动词或动量词前面, 表示先做某个动作, 下文说明动作结果):  一跳跳了过去 get over in one jump;  经他这么一说, 大家又都有信心了。 This explanation of his restored our confidence.  他一脚把球踢进了球门。 He kicked the ball into the goal.; He kicked a goal. 副 (一旦; 一经) once; as soon as:  一见不忘。 Once seen, never forgotten.  你一看就会清楚的。 You will be clear about it as soon as you look at it.  天一亮他们就下地干活去了。 At dawn they started off to work in the fields.  一做好准备, 就破土动工。 Construction will begin as soon as preparations are completed. 助 (书) (用在某些词前加强语气):  一似瓮中捉鳖 be as easy as catching a turtle in a jar;  事态之严重一至于此! To think that things should have come to such a pass! 名 {音} (中国民族音乐音阶上的一级) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 17 in numbered musical notation 【注意】 “一” 单用或在一词一句末尾念第一声(阴平)。 在第四声(去声)字前念第二声(阳平)。 如“一半” (yí bàn); “一共” (yí gòng) 在第一、 二、 三声 (阴平、 阳平、 上声) 字前念第四声(去声), 如“一天” (yì tiān); “一年”(yì nián); “一点” (yì diǎ)。 本辞典为简便起见, 条目中起首的“一”字, 都注第一声(阴平)。林语堂林语堂林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶一一 430A25  30.30  部居  畫數 1ㄧ [yi1] In sp. pr.*[yi4] before all tones except the 4th (-h-): 一天,一頭,一體 ([yi4tian1], [yi4tou2], [yi4ti3]);*[yi2] before the 4th tone and before unaccented syllable: 一步,一次 [yi2bu4], [yi2ci4].Pron.(1)  The number one “1” in numbering series (1,2,3,) : point or item one: 一,二,三 also 第一,第二,第三 first, second, third;一則,二則 firstly, secondly, used in presenting different aspects of a situation;一月 January;一二八事變 , n., The Shanghai Incident of January 28, 1932;一…一 one…the other: 一臧一否 (LL) one good and the other bad;一方面 one aspect only, on the one hand;一個回合 one bout, one round;一則以喜,一則以懼 in one way, it is a cause for joy, in another, a matter of concern (said of parent's age);不一而足 there are more than one;一無,一不 or一…不 not one;一無所知 (person) knows not a thing;一無足取 not one good thing to be said about it;一竅不通 an absolute blockhead;一毛不拔 will not give a cent (to charity), lift a finger to help;獨一無二 the one and only;統一 unified control;合一,合而為一 united as one.(2)  Once: 一之為甚,其可再乎 once is bad enough;可一不可再 once is forgivable, not twice.(3)  One principle: 一以貫之 one principle runs through it all.Adj.(1)  One: 一天,一人,一物, one day, one person, one thing;一一 one by one, see 一意 [yi1yi4]↓;一神論 monotheism;一二 or 一兩個 one or two, a couple: 一兩天 a couple of days;一二十打 one or two dozens;一二(兩)百 a couple of hundred;一二朋友 one or two friends;一來二去 gradually;一差二錯 one or two mistakes;一長兩短 should there be some unfortunate happenings;一五一十 (descriptive) reckoning, enumerating on and on;coupled with 半 meaning inadequately: 一知半解 know only superficially;一年半載 in a year or so;一顰一笑 every twinkle and smile;the slightest of facial expression;一笑置之 dispose it with a smile;一文不值 to be not worth the paper on which it is written;not worth a cent;一言難盡 it's a long story (to tell).(2)  Each, a: 一桌十人 ten persons a table;一舉一動 each and every move (is being watched, etc.);一天三頓飯 three meals a day.(3)  Another: 蟬一名知了 another name for cicada is 知了.(4)  All, completely: 一心一意 with all one's heart and mind;一年到頭 all the year round;一身都是膽 the whole body is one mass of courage;一律,一概 [yi1lU4], [yi1gai4]↓;一向 all along, always, consistently, used to;completely, entirely: 一如,一似 [yi1ru2], [yi1si4]↓;一塌 [yi1ta1]↓;一乾二淨 completely cleaned out;一清二白 completely clear;一敗塗地 utter failure or defeat, completely wiped out.(5)  So, such, to such extent: 一至 [yi1zhi4]1;一何愚也 why so foolish?(6)  Same, together: 一同 [yi1tong2]↓;其揆一也 the principles are the same;一模一樣 look exactly alike;一家人 (we are) of the same family or clan;一丘之貉 foxes of the same hole (said of scoundrels “of the same ilk”);一鼻孔出氣 say exactly the same thing (by collusion);一視同仁 treat all alike without discrimination.Adv.(1)  Once (like Eng. “once” it is also used as conj.): 一見不忘 once seen, never forgotten;一失足成千古恨 (of a girl) once she takes a false step, she will regret it eternally;歲一不登 once the harvest fails (people will starve);一不做,二不休 once it is started, go through with it;一見傾心 fall in love at first sight;一見如故 feel like old friends at the first meeting;一望而知 one glance and you know;一說便知 once said it becomes clear;一鳴驚人 make one's mark at the first shot, win popularity with the first work;天氣一冷 the moment the weather gets cold;一聽見這話 the moment one hears it.(2)  A little: 看一看 just have a look;嘗一嘗 just have a taste (of food);試一試 have a try at it;試一試看 try and see;裡邊一瞧 one swift look inside;用手一摸 just touch (s.t.) with the hand.(3)  一…一 alternately: 一張一弛 tense up and relax alternately.Words1. 一般(兒) [yi4ban1] ([yi1ba1er0]), adj. & adv., (1) alike, just as (pretty, disgusting, etc.): 一般模樣 the same appearance; (2) general: 一般人 the common run of men, the average man or men; 一般社會 society in gen.2. 一併 [yi2bing4], adv., together, along: 一併帶走 take it along with others.3. 一切 [yi2qie4], adj. & adv., all, the whole (contents, members, funds, things).4. 一起(兒) [yi4qi3] ([yi4qie1er0]), adj., (mix, live) together: 常在一起 are always together.5. 一齊 [yi4qi2], adv., together (go, walk, die, get rich, etc.).6. 一旦 [yi2dan0], adv. & conj., once (s.t. should happen): 一旦死了 should s.o. die one day.7. 一道兒 [yi2dao4er0], adv., (walk, go) together (“same route”).8. 一得 [yi4de2], phr., 愚者千慮,必有一得 (court.) a stupid person may once in a while have a good idea.9. 一點(兒) [yi4dian3] ([yi1diaaer0]), adj. & adv. & n., little, just a little, a small amount: 一點兒不怕 not the least bit afraid; 一點兒不錯 absolutely right.10. 一定 [yi2ding4], adj. & adv., certain, -ly.11. 一丟點兒 [yi4diu1diaaer0], adj. & adv. & n., just a tiny bit.12. 一堆兒 [yi4dueer0], (1) n., a heap, a pile (of things); (2) adv., (eat, work) together.13. 一概 [yi2gai4], adj. & adv. & n., all, without exception: 一概不准 all forbidden; 一概而論 to lump together.14. 一個個 [yi2ge0ge1], pron., each one, every one.15. 一貫 [yi2guan4], adj., consistent (policy).16. 一共 [yi2gong4], (1) adv., together (eat at the same table, etc.); (2) n., total amount, number: 一共六個人 altogether six persons.17. 一古腦兒 [yi2gu2nao3er0], adv. & n., altogether the whole lot (stolen, etc.).18. 一忽兒 [yi4hu1er0], n., in a short moment.19. 一晃兒 [yi4huang3er0], n., in a flash.20. 一會兒 [yi2hui4] ([yi2hueer0]), n., in a short moment: 請坐一會兒 sit down for a moment; 一會兒哭,一會兒笑 cry one moment and laugh the next.21. 一回兒 [yi4huerer0], adv. & n., ditto.22. 一家 [yi4jia1], phr., same family: 咱們是一家人 we are of the same family.23. 一己 [yi4ji3], adj., personal, private (affairs), opp. 公 public.24. 一至 [yi2zhi4]1, adv., to such extent: 何以一至於此極 how or why come (fail, suffer) to such extreme?25. 一致 [yi2zhi4]2, adj. & adv., unanimous, -ly (support, approve, etc.).26. 一直 [yi4zhi2], adv., consistently (appear, disappear), continually (absent, defiant, etc.).27. 一刻 [yi2ke4], n. & adv., a moment: 一刻不停 never stop for a moment.28. 一塊兒 [yi2kua4er0], adv., (eat. work) together.29. 一溜煙兒 [yi4liu4yan1] ([yi4liu4ya1er0]), adv., (slink) away and disappear (without permission or news).30. 一硫化 [yi4liu2hua1], n., (chem.) sulfide: 一硫化二銅 cuprous sulfide.31. 一零兒 [yi4ling2er0], n., adv., see [yi4diaaer0]↑.32. 一弄兒 [yi2long4er0], adv., (coll.) the whole lot; altogether.33. 一律 [yi2lU4], adv., all, without exception (stopped, forbidden, etc.).34. 一面 [yi2mian4], (1) n. adjunct, 一面鼓,一面旗 a drum, a flag; [yi2mian4], (2) adj. & adv. & n., one-sided (argument, view): 一面之緣 the pleasure of having met once; 獨當一面 (of officeholder) take charge as chief.35. 一仍 [yi4reng2], adv., still, as ever, see 仍 91A.50.36. 一日 [yi2ri4], adv., one day; such a day: 總有一日 there'll be one day when…; 較一日之長 let's see who is the better of the two of us.37. 一晌 [yi2shang3], n., a short moment.38. 一身 [yi4shen1], phr., whole body: 一身一口 a bachelor living singly.39. 一生 [yi4sheng1], n. & adv., the whole life, for the past whole life.40. 一下子 [yi2xia4zi0], adv., all at once.41. 一些 [yi4xie1], n., little, a few: 一些著涼 catch a little cold.42. 一順 [yi4shun4], adv., (dial.) see [yi4zhi2]↑; 一順兒,一順子 straight (ahead, east, etc.).43. 一時 [yi4shi2], adv., for a time, temporarily: 一時疏忽 (apologetic) it was an oversight at that time; 一時不能去 for the time being I cannot get away.44. 一似 [yi2si4], adv., just like (being home, etc.).45. 一塌 [yi4ta1], adv., completely: 一塌糊塗 is in a complete mess; 一塌括子 (Shanghai dial.) completely, the whole amount.46. 一頭 [yi4tou2], adv., (1) along with s.t. else: 一頭走,一頭哭 weeps as one walks along; 東一頭西一頭亂跑 run about in all directions; (2) suddenly: 一頭碰見 suddenly met; (3) a whole headful: 一頭株花 (wears) pearl decorations all over her hair.47. 一從 [yi2cong2], adv., ever since (=自從), also 一自 [yi2zi4]↓.48. 一次 [yi2ci4], adv., one time, once: 頭一次 the first time.49. 一同 [yi4tong2], adv., (go, work) together.50. 一統 [yi4tong3], n., unification (of country); centralization, uniformity (of ideas, beliefs).51. 一早兒 [yi4zao3er0], adv., in early morning.52. 一再 [yi2zai4], adv., again and again.53. 一昨 [yi4zuo2], adv., (LL) yesterday.54. 一總 [yi2zong3], adv. & n., altogether, the whole amount.55. 一自 [yi2zi4], adv., since.56. 一往 [yi4wang3], phr., 一往情深 deeply attached (to s.o.).57. 一味(兒) [yi2wei4] ([yi2weher0]), adv., persistently, doggedly: 一味兒讀書 study devotedly; 一味兒玩 just keep on playing; 一味兒與他反對 persistently oppose him.58. 一氧化 [yi4yang3hua4], n., (chem.) monoxide: 一氧化碳 carbon monoxide; 一氧化二氮 nitrogen monoxide.59. 一樣 [yi2yang4], adj. & adv., same, just as (convenient, etc.): 還不是一樣 is it not just the same?60. 一一 [yi4yi1], adv., one by one (count, explain, etc.).61. 一意 [yi2yi4], adv., (1) with complete devotion, full concentration; (2) stubbornly: 一意孤行 self-opinionated, self-willed.62. 一元論 [yi4yUan2lun4], n., monism.一…一one…the other: 一臧一否 (LL) one good and the other bad;一一 [yi4yi1], adv., one by one (count, explain, etc.).一,二年級 first, second year in school.一,二,三 also 第一,第二,第三 first, second, third一1[yī](ㄧ)1.数目,最小的正整数 one; the smallest positive integer; 另见 数字 shùzì 2.同一 same:一视同仁 treat equally without discrimination咱们是一家人。We are of the same family.你们一路走。You are going the same way.这不是一码事。They are not the same thing. 3.另一 also; otherwise:番茄一名西红柿。‘Fanqie’(tomato) is also called‘xihongshi’in Chinese. 4.全;满 whole; all; throughout:一冬 the whole winter; all winter; throughout the winter一生 all one's life一路平安 have a good journey; bon voyage一屋子人 a roomful of people一身的汗 soaked with sweat 5.专一 concentrated; wholehearted:一心一意 single-minded; concentrated 6.表示动作是一次,或表示动作是短暂的,或表示动作是试试的 [used to indicate that an action occurs just once or lasts for a short time, or is being attempted]: (a)用在重叠的动词(多为单音)中间 [used in the middle of a reduplicated verb, oft. a single syllable]:歇一歇 have a rest笑一笑 give a smile让我闻一闻。Let me smell it. (b)用在动词之后,动量词之前 [used between a verb and a verbal measure]:笑一声 give a laugh看一眼 take a look让我们商量一下。Let's talk it over. 7.用在动词或动量词前面,表示先做某个动作(下文说明动作结果)[used before a verb or a verbal measure to indicate an action to be followed by a result]:一跳跳了过去 get over in one jump一脚把它踢开 move it away with one kick他在旁边一站,再也不说什么。He stood by the side, and did not say any more. 8.一旦;一经 once; as soon as:一失足成千古恨。A single slip can cause a lasting sorrow. 9.〈书 fml.〉〈助词 aux.〉用在某些词前加强语气 [used before certain words for emphasis]:一何速也!How fast it is!为害之甚,一至于此!To think that it has caused such serious harm!注意 NOTE:‘一’字单用或在一词一句末尾念阴平,如‘十一、一一得一’,在去声字前念阳平,如‘一半、一共’,在阴平、阳平、上声字前念去声,如‘一天、一年、一点’。本词典为简便起见,条目中的‘一’字,都注阴平。When used alone, or used at the end of a word or sentence, 一 is pronounced with the first tone, e.g. 十一 shíyī and 一一得一 yī yī dé yī; when used before a character with a falling tone, 一 is pronounced with the second tone, e.g. 一半 yíbàn and 一共 yígòng; when used before a character with the first, second or third tone, it is pronounced with the fourth tone, e.g. 一天 yìtiān, 一年 yìnián, and 一点 yìdiǎn; for convenience, 一 in all the entries is marked with the first tone.一2[yī](ㄧ)我国民族音乐音阶上的一级,乐谱上用做记音符号,相当于简谱的‘(低八度的)7’ note in the traditional Chinese musical scale, corresponding to (ottava bassa)7 in numbered musical notation另见 工尺 gōngchě一[yí](ㄧˊ)另见 一 yī一[yì](ㄧˋ)另见 一 yī相关词组不一 | 纯一 | 单一 | 第一 | 封一 | 划一 | 混一 | 平一 | 七一 | 如一 | 十一 | 同一 | 统一 | 万一 | 惟一 | 五一 | 逐一 | 专一 | 超一流 | 第一审 | 第一手 | 多一半 | 进一步 | 老一套 | 留一手 | 露一手 | 清一色 | 同一律 | 统一体 | 单打一 | 不一而足 | 惩一警百 | 第一把手 | 第一产业 | 第一夫人 | 第一世界 | 独一无二 | 挂一漏万 | 划一不二 | 举一反三 | 决一死战 | 捏一把汗 | 杀一儆百 | 数一数二 | 说一不二 | 统一战线 | 以一当十 | 有一得一 | 百无一失 | 百无一是 | 背水一战 | 别具一格 | 别树一帜 | 不拘一格 | 不可一世 | 不名一文 | 不赞一词 | 沧海一粟 | 尝鼎一脔 | 串通一气 | 打成一片 | 大吃一惊 | 当头一棒 | 倒打一耙 | 低人一等 | 独当一面 | 独树一帜 | 多此一举 | 耳目一新 | 付之一炬 | 付之一笑 | 高人一等 | 功亏一篑 | 孤注一掷 | 沆瀣一气 | 焕然一新 | 混为一谈 | 济济一堂 | 加人一等 | 九牛一毛 | 九死一生 | 窥豹一斑 | 聊备一格 | 面目一新 | 莫衷一是 | 目空一切 | 南柯一梦 | 漆黑一团 | 千钧一发 | 千虑一得 | 千虑一失 | 千篇一律 | 千载一时 | 如出一辙 | 三位一体 | 首屈一指 | 太仓一粟 | 昙花一现 | 天各一方 | 铁板一块 | 万无一失 | 万众一心 | 摇身一变 | 有朝一日 | 众口一词 | 自成一家 | 百里挑一 | 背城借一 | 表里如一 | 九九归一 | 心口如一 | 八一建军节 | 二一添作五 | 九一八事变 | 六一儿童节 | 抹一鼻子灰 | 碰一鼻子灰 | 三一三十一 | 五一劳动节 | 更上一层楼 | 平地一声雷 | 八字没一撇 | 天字第一号 | 八一南昌起义 | 第一信号系统 | 第一宇宙速度 | 有一搭没一搭 | 对立统一规律 | 百闻不如一见 | 破题儿第一遭 | 彼一时,此一时 | 吃一堑,长一智 | 此一时,彼一时 | 第一次世界大战 | 第一次鸦片战争 | 牵一发而动全身 | 眉毛胡子一把抓 | 心有灵犀一点通 | 不管三七二十一 | 第一次国内革命战争 | 不经一事,不长一智 | 道高一尺,魔高一丈 | 百尺竿头,更进一步 | 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒一般 | 一斑 | 一半 | 一边 | 一并 | 一刬 | 一朝 | 一筹 | 一从 | 一带 | 一旦 | 一道 | 一定 | 一动 | 一度 | 一端 | 一二 | 一发 | 一概 | 一干 | 一共 | 一贯 | 一行 | 一晃 | 一己 | 一经 | 一径 | 一举 | 一刻 | 一空 | 一口 | 一览 | 一力 | 一例 | 一连 | 一流 | 一路 | 一律 | 一面 | 一旁 | 一偏 | 一瞥 | 一齐 | 一起 | 一气 | 一切 | 一任 | 一如 | 一色 | 一霎 | 一身 | 一审 | 一生 | 一时 | 一世 | 一似 | 一事 | 一手 | 一瞬 | 一丝 | 一体 | 一天 | 一通 | 一同 | 一统 | 一头 | 一味 | 一无 | 一下 | 一线 | 一向 | 一些 | 一心 | 一新 | 一样 | 一一 | 一应 | 一隅 | 一再 | 一早 | 一阵 | 一直 | 一致 | 一准 | 一总 | 一把手 | 一把抓 | 一百一 | 一半天 | 一辈子 | 一边倒 | 一刹那 | 一场空 | 一程子 | 一次性 | 一刀切 | 一点儿 | 一多半 | 一风吹 | 一锅端 | 一锅粥 | 一锅煮 | 一忽儿 | 一会儿 | 一口气 | 一块儿 | 一览表 | 一揽子 | 一连串 | 一零儿 | 一溜儿 | 一溜风 | 一溜烟 | 一米线 | 一年生 | 一盘棋 | 一品锅 | 一品红 | 一清早 | 一神教 | 一水儿 | 一顺儿 | 一死儿 | 一条龙 | 一条心 | 一团糟 | 一窝蜂 | 一席话 | 一系列 | 一小儿 | 一星儿 | 一言堂 | 一元化 | 一元论 | 一阵风 | 一…半… | 一…而… | 一…二… | 一…就… | 一…一… | 一…再… | 一把死拿 | 一败涂地 | 一般见识 | 一板一眼 | 一包在内 | 一暴十寒 | 一本万利 | 一本正经 | 一笔带过 | 一笔勾销 | 一笔抹杀 | 一臂之力 | 一表非凡 | 一表人才 | 一波三折 | 一步登天 | 一差二错 | 一倡百和 | 一唱一和 | 一朝一夕 | 一尘不染 | 一成不变 | 一筹莫展 | 一触即发 | 一触即溃 | 一锤定音 | 一次能源 | 一蹴而就 | 一刀两断 | 一得之功 | 一得之愚 | 一丁点儿 | 一定之规 | 一发千钧 | 一帆风顺 | 一反常态 | 一概而论 | 一个劲儿 | 一股劲儿 | 一股脑儿 | 一鼓作气 | 一国两制 | 一国三公 | 一呼百应 | 一级市场 | 一技之长 | 一家之言 | 一见如故 | 一见钟情 | 一箭双雕 | 一举两得 | 一蹶不振 | 一孔之见 | 一来二去 | 一劳永逸 | 一了百了 | 一连气儿 | 一鳞半爪 | 一溜歪斜 | 一落千丈 | 一马当先 | 一马平川 | 一脉相传 | 一毛不拔 | 一门心思 | 一面儿理 | 一面之词 | 一面之交 | 一鸣惊人 | 一命呜呼 | 一模一样 | 一木难支 | 一目了然 | 一目十行 | 一年到头 | 一念之差 | 一诺千金 | 一拍即合 | 一盘散沙 | 一炮打响 | 一片冰心 | 一贫如洗 | 一气呵成 | 一窍不通 | 一穷二白 | 一丘之貉 | 一仍旧贯 | 一日千里 | 一日三秋 | 一日之雅 | 一如既往 | 一身两役 | 一身是胆 | 一时一刻 | 一事无成 | 一视同仁 | 一手一足 | 一手遮天 | 一丝不苟 | 一丝不挂 | 一丝一毫 | 一塌刮子 | 一塌糊涂 | 一潭死水 | 一天到晚 | 一条藤儿 | 一头儿沉 | 一头雾水 | 一团和气 | 一团漆黑 | 一网打尽 | 一往情深 | 一往无前 | 一望无际 | 一文不名 | 一无是处 | 一无所有 | 一五一十 | 一息尚存 | 一席之地 | 一相情愿 | 一笑置之 | 一泻千里 | 一心一德 | 一心一意 | 一氧化碳 | 一叶蔽目 | 一叶知秋 | 一衣带水 | 一意孤行 | 一隅三反 | 一语破的 | 一针见血 | 一枕黄粱 | 一知半解 | 一纸空文 | 一掷千金 | 一字千金 | 一字一板 | 一…不…. | 一鼻孔出气 | 一锤子买卖 | 一搭两用儿 | 一竿子到底 | 一个心眼儿 | 一棍子打死 | 一时半会儿 | 一退六二五 | 一碗水端平 | 一物降一物 | 一星半点儿 | 一言以蔽之 | 一字长蛇阵 | 一二·九运动 | 一蟹不如一蟹 | 一不做,二不休 | 一步一个脚印儿 | 一朝天子一朝臣 | 一而再,再而三 | 一个巴掌拍不响 | 一失足成千古恨 | 一是一,二是二 | 一个萝卜一个坑儿 | 一波未平,一波又起 | 一人得道,鸡犬升天 | 一言既出,驷马难追一a.mono【化】一的,单的art.A(非特指的)一(个)comb.formmono-表示“单”,“一”,“单一”:monoplane, monorail, monovalent, monolayerconj.once一旦…(就…);一…(就…)immediately〈主英〉一…(就…)instantly一…(就)n.one(数目)一;(数字)1,Iunit【数】最小整数,一;个位(数);可逆元素,单位unity【数】(数或数字)一;(计算、测量或比较中用的)被视为一的量(或大小、值),单位;单位元素,幺元一1. one2. one only3. alone4. once5. undivided6. throughout一UN,UNE双向☞单--一--一致的〔词头〕双向☞单〔词头〕--一双向☞一--第一位置双向☞单位--一一[yī]数1. one♦ ~匹马 a horse♦ ~瓶牛奶 one bottle of milk♦ ~万~ eleven thousand♦ 棉纺~厂 No. 1 Cotton Mill2. single; alone ; only one♦ ~枪就打中了目标 hit the target with a single shot♦ 你~个人行吗?Can you manage all by yourself?形1. same♦ 意见不~。 Opinions differ.♦ 这姑娘跟她妈妈~个模样。 The girl is the image of her mother.♦ 这不是~码事。 They are not the same thing.2. whole; all; throughout♦ ~冬 the whole winter; all winter; throughout the winter♦ 他~脸的土。 His face was covered with dust.♦ ~屋子的人都欢腾起来。 Everybody in the room was overjoyed.3. concentrated; wholehearted♦ 专心~意 single-minded; concentrated副1. every time♦ 大家~提起那艰苦创业的日子, 总有说不完的话。 Every time we talk about the hard pioneering days, we have so much to say that we can't get it all out.2. also; otherwise♦ 汞溴红~名红汞。 Merbromin is also known as mercurochrome.3. (used before a verb or a verbal measure to indicate an action to be followed by a result)♦ ~跳跳了过去 get over in one jump♦ 他~脚把球踢进了球门。 He kicked the ball into the goal. or He kicked a goal.4. (used before a verb or an adjective, indicating the suddenness or thoroughness of an action or a change in the situation)♦ 那马猛然~惊, 直立起来。 All of a sudden the horse shied and reared in fright.♦ 这部电影值得~看。 This movie is well worth seeing.助1. (used in the middle of a reduplicated verb)♦ 笑~笑 give a smile♦ 歇~歇 have a rest♦ 等~等 wait a bit♦ 出去走~走 go out for a stroll♦ 让我闻~闻。 Let me smell it.2. (used between a verb and a verbal measure)♦ 瞧~眼 take a look♦ 咳~声 give a cough♦ 咬~口 take a bite♦ 打他~巴掌 give him a slap




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