β羟丁酸脱氢酶beta hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase
american association of engineers,aae
american association of farmers' institute worker
american association of industrial management
american association of industrial management,aaim
american association of junior college
american association of law libraries
american association of law libraries{=aall}
american association of library school
american association of mental deficience
american association of mental difficulty
american association of microprocessor engineers
american association of microprocessor engineers--aame
american association of microprocessor engineers,aame
american association of physics teacher
american association of political consultants
american association of political consultants {=aapc}
american association of port authorities
american association of school libraries
american association of school libraries{=aasl}
american association of scientific workers
american association of scientific workers{=aasw}
american association of state college
american association of state highway and transportation officials
american association of state highway and transportation officials (aashto)
american association of teachers of journalism
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