

单词 zodiac
释义 zodiac  [ˈzəʊdiæk]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文zodiac nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (astrology: system of signs) (天文学)黄道带,黄道十二宫  Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac.zodiac n as adjnoun as adjective: Describes another noun--for example, "boat race," "dogfood." (of the zodiac, astrological)黄道的 huáng dào de There are 12 zodiac signs.  Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:zodiac ['z&udI[+ae]k] n ▶ the zodiac 黄(黃)道十二宫(宮)图(圖) huángdào shí'èr gōng tú在这些条目还发现'zodiac':在英文解释里:Aquarius - Aries - astrological - bull - Cancer - Capricorn - Gemini - Leo - Libra - Pisces - Sagittarius - scale - Scorpio - sign - star sign - Taurus - Virgo - zodiacal zodiac ['zəudiæk] n. 黄道带 【天文学】黄道十二宫图 一周,圆周,周期 罗盘 幅度 十二组成的一套 腰带 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 zodiacˈzodɪˌækzodiaczodiacsn.①[the zodiac]【天】黃道帶(以黃道(ecliptic)為中心,南北各寬約八度的假想帶,日、月及主要行星在此帶內運行;古人設定屬於黃帶的星座共有12個)② 【占星】12宮一覽圖(黃道帶和12星座之圖)派生詞zodiacal adj. 黃道十二宮的新世纪新世纪★◀▶zodiac/ˈzəʊdɪˌæk/n.1.the zodiac(in space)黄道带(想象中存在于黄道两侧各延伸8°的带状区域)at the solstices and equinoxes as the Sun enters a new section of the Zodiac在至点和二分点随着太阳进入新一段黄道带时the twelve signs of the zodiac黄道十二宫2.the zodiac【占星】(diagram)黄道十二宫图Geminians are the great flirts of the Zodiac.双子宫时段出生的人是黄道十二宫中的调情能手。3.<罕>(circle)一周;一圈Zodiac/ˈzəʊdɪˌæk/n.=zodiac, 1 zodiac, 2沪江沪江★◀▶详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n. /ˈzəʊdɪˌæk/the zodiac:黄道带(想象中存在于黄道两侧各延伸8°的带状区域) at the solstices and equinoxes as the Sun enters a new section of the Zodiac 在至点和二分点随着太阳进入新一段黄道带时 the twelve signs of the zodiac 黄道十二宫the zodiac:黄道十二宫图 Geminians are the great flirts of the Zodiac. 双子宫时段出生的人是黄道十二宫中的调情能手。 She covered the walls with the signs of the zodiac. 她在墙上贴满了十二星座的标志。一周;一圈<罕>常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社the twelve signs of the zodiac黄道十二宫英英释义n.a belt-shaped region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic; divided into 12 constellations or signs for astrological purposes(astrology) a circular diagram representing the 12 zodiacal constellations and showing their signs同反义词同义词:circle详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˈzəʊdɪˌæk/= zodiaczodiac十Words4. 十二 [shi2e4] ([she4]), adj., twelve: 十二分抱歉,滿意 hundred percent (“120%”) sorry, satisfied; 十二宮 the twelve constellations of the zodiac; 十二指腸 [shi2e4zhi3chang2], n., the duodenum; adj., 十二時 the twelve two-hour periods, 子,丑,寅,卯 (see Appendix A); 十二小時 twelve hours; adj.,十二屬 [shi2e4shu3], 十二肖 [shi2e4xiao4], the twelve animals corresponding to twelve-year cycle (see Appendix A).牛N.(2)  (Astron.) Sagittarius, one of the twenty-eight Chinese zodiac constellations.Words17. 牛郎 [niu2lang2], (1) n., a cowboy; (2) n., one of the Chinese zodiac constellations: 牛郎織女 the Cowboy and the Spinning Maid, two constellations, the separated lovers in Chinese mythology.黃Words13. 黃道 [huang2dao4], n., (astron.) the ecliptic; 黃道帶 the zodiac; 黃道吉日 a lucky day; 黃道光 zodiacal light.躔Words1. 躔度 [chan2du4], n., degree of the zodiac; course of the stars.英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶黄道带zodiacal mansion zodiac 罗盘compass zodiac 英汉大☞cycle英汉大☞round英汉大☞range英汉大☞chart英汉大☞week英汉大☞beltzo·di·ac/`zodɪˌæk; ˈzoudiæk/《源自希腊文“含有动物图 (的圆圈) ”的意思》名词1 [the ~]‘天文’黄道带, 兽带((以黄道为中心, 南北各展开约八度的假想带; 太阳、月亮及主要行星在此带内运行; 古人认为黄道带内有十二个星座))2‘占星’(C)十二宫一览图((黄道带中十二星座的配置图))the signs of the zodia3. ‘天文.占星’ (黄道) 十二宫Zodiac佐迪阿克电阻合金(铜 64%,镍 20%,锌 16%)Zodiac佐迪阿克电阻合金zodiac黄道带Zodiac黄道双向☞ecliptic-- zodiaczodiaczo•di•ac /'zəʊdɪæk/ n 用作单 【天】 黄道带;黄道十二宫图 –zodiacal adj zodiacn.(名詞 noun)黃道帶,十二宮黃道十二宮圖(= circuit)(古時的天體圖,日、月及主要行星在其中運行)範圍,界限(= compass)(時間、歲月等的)週期,一週;十二個組成的一套zodiaccircuit黃道十二宮圖compass範圍,界限zodiacthe signs of the zodiac黃道十二宮(Aries (the Ram)「白羊座」, Taurus (the Bull)「金牛座」, Gemini (the Twins)「雙子座」, Cancer (the Crab)「巨蟹座」, Leo (the Lion)「獅子座」, Virgo (the Virgin)「處女座」, Libra (the Balance)「天秤座」, Scorpio (the Scorpion)「天蠍座」, Sagittarius (the Archer)「人馬座」, Capricorn (the Goat)「魔羯座」, Aquarius (the Water Bearer)「寶瓶座」,以及 Pisces (the Fishes)「雙魚座」)document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:ZODIAC 1822馬禮遜英華字典ZODIAC1黃道2The celestial path of the twenty-four terms二十四節氣的天道3The zodiac and the ecliptic seem both included in the term 黃道: it is the boundary within which the moon and five planets in their annual motions cross each other, 月與五星周歲經行所參錯之限也黃道、月與五星周歲經行所參錯之限也4The sun and moon annually meet in the zodiac twelve times日月每年會於黃道有十二次1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 480 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階ZODIAC1黃道1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 335 1847-48麥都思英華字典ZODIAC1黃道、日道、躔度2one of the signs of the zodiac天黿1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 1436 1866-69羅存德英華字典Zodiac1黃道、躔度、日道1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 2013 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Zodiac1黃道、日道1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 548 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Zodiacn.1黃道、躔度、日道2the sun and moon annually meet twelve times on the zodiac日月每年會於黃道有十二次3the zodiac is divided into twelve signs, 黃道分爲十二宮: — (1) Aries, 白羊; (2) Taurus, 金牛; (3) Gemini, 陽陰, 夫婦; (4) Cancer, 巨蟹; (5) Leo, 獅子; (6) Virgo, 室女, 少女; (7) Libra, 天秤; (8) Scorpio, 天蝎; (9) Sagittarius, 人馬, 弓; (10) Capricornus, 摩羯; (11) Aquarius, 寳瓶; (12) Pisces, 雙魚黃道分爲十二宮、(1)白羊、(2)金牛、(3)陽陰、夫婦、(4)巨蟹、(5)獅子、(6)室女、少女、(7)天秤、(8)天蝎、(9)人馬、弓、(10)摩羯、(11)寳瓶、(12)雙魚1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 1210 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Zodiac1黃道、日所行之道1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 454 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Zodiacn.1(Astron.) A broad circle in the heavens, containing the twelve signs through which the sun passes in its annual course, the ecliptic dividing it in the middle, (天)黃道, 躔度, 日道, 天象十二宮, 日繞黃道之十二宮及春秋分躔之天象圖, 獸帶, 黃道帶, 十二宮, 十二宿; as, the sun and moon annually meet twelve times on the zodiac, 日月每年會於黃道十二次; the zodiac is divided into twelve signs, 黃道分爲十二宮: i.e. (a) Aries, 白羊; (b) Taurus, 金牛; (c) Gemini, 雙子, 陽陰, 夫婦; (d) Cancer, 巨蟹; (e) Leo, 獅子; (f) Virgo, 室女, 少女; (g) Libra, 天秤; (h) Scorpio, 天蠍; (i) Sagittarius, 人馬弓; (j) Capricornus, 摩羯; (k) Aquarius, 寶瓶; (l) Pisces, 雙魚(天)黃道、躔度、日道、天象十二宮、日繞黃道之十二宮及春秋分躔之天象圖、獸帶、黃道帶、十二宮、十二宿、日月每年會於黃道十二次、黃道分爲十二宮、白羊、金牛、雙子、陽陰、夫婦、巨蟹、獅子、室女、少女、天秤、天蠍、人馬弓、摩羯、寶瓶、雙魚(註1)2A girdle, 帶; a belt, 帶帶、帶1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆註1:黃道十二宮圖p 2703 1913商務書館英華新字典Zodiacn.1黃道、日道、獸帶(註1)1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆註1:黃道十二宮圖p 561 1916赫美玲官話Zodiacn.1黃道、躔度(新)、黃道帶(新)2Sign of ~宮p 1658 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶巨蟹inselkrebs、jap. riesenkrabbe zodiac 摩羯steinbock、capra ibex zodiac 日道ZODIAC course of the sun 獸帶Zodiacal ZODIAC 人馬zodiac centaur 英華☞vernal英華☞girdle英華☞house英華☞LION英華☞TWIN英華☞crab英華☞band英華☞sign英華☞SEX英華☞man英華☞tit英華☞arc学术学术★◀▶zodiac黃道帶海洋地質學zodiac黃道帶地理學名詞—測繪學名詞zodiac黃道測量學zodiac黃道帶天文學名詞zodiac黃道帶物理學名詞zodiac黃道地球科學名詞zodiac黃道地球科學名詞zodiac黃道地球科學名詞zodiac黃道帶海事zodiac黃道氣象學名詞Zodiac佐迪阿克電阻合金電機工程Zodiac黃道航空太空名詞Zodiac黃道機械工程Zodiac佐迪阿克電阻合金(銅 64%,鎳 20%,鋅 16%)電力工程




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