

单词 wr
释义 WR abbr. warehouse receipt 仓库收据,栈单 Wassermann reaction with rights 【证券】有优惠认股权 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 WRabbr.① 華氏反應(Wassermann reaction)WRabbr.=Western Region西部地区详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 abbr=Western Region 西部地区wr事Words22. 事務 [shi4wu4]2, n., business, business duties, gen. affairs; 事務員 (also wr. 庶務) man in business office in charge of business side (outings, arrangements, etc.); 事務所 business office (as of lawyer, doctor).來Words42. 來由 [lai2you2], n., (also wr. 來繇) (1) cause: 我尋思著甚來由 I've tried to find out its cause; (2) background: 問起他的來由 asked where he had come from or purpose of his visit; 沒來由 wihtout rhyme or reason, (person) of unknown identity.木Words7. 木強 [mu4qiang2], adj., stiff, insensitive. also wr. 木疆.索Words7. 索寞 [suo3mo4], adj., lonely, bored, depressed (also wr. 索莫,索漠).素Words15. 素樸 [su4pu2], adj., simple, unadorned (also wr. 素樸).表N.鐘表 clock and watch (also wr. 鐘表);十Words8. 十胡 [shi2hu2], n., name of card game (also wr. 十湖).辜Words2. 辜負 [gu1fu0], v.t., be ungrateful to (person, his good intentions): 辜負朋友 to fail a friend; 辜負父母 fail one's parents for their solicitude, expectations (also wr. 孤負).牛Words21. 牛 [niu2mang2], n., (zoo.) horsefly, gadfly (also wr. 虻).生Adv.怎生 how: 不知怎生是好 don't know what to do (esp. in MC=怎麼, also wr. 作麼生).Words36. 生口 [sheng1kou3], n., (1) domestic animals (usu. wr. 牲口); (2) (AC) war prisoners.直 22C30  10.30/109 ㄓˊ [zhi2]. [Usu. wr.直]古Words6. 古董(兒) [gu3dong3]([er0]), n., curios, antiques (also wr. 骨董).克Adj.The very (day): 克日,克期完成 finish the very day, on set date (also wr. 克).Words6. 克拉 [ke4la1], n., (translit.) carat unit of weight (also wr. 卡刺特).真Words13. 真珠 [zhen1zhu1], n., pearl (usu.wr. 珍珠).支Words14. 支節 [zhi1jie2], n., detail: 支節問題 problems of detail (also wr. 枝)造Words10. 造孽 [zao4nie4], v.i., do evil, to sin (also wr. 造業); (fig.) to do s.t. execrable.郁Words9. 郁邑 [yU4ji4], adj., ditto (also wr. 郁悒).抒Words2. 抒難 [shu1nan4], v.i., to allay troubles, settle difficulties, give relief (also wr. 紓難).撏Words1. 撏扯 [xUn2che3], v.t., to get hold of (some trifle, minor defect,(also wr. 撏撦).拊V.t.(1)  To strike, slap, beat: 拊手,拊掌 (大笑) slap hands (and laugh), also wr. 撫;抹Words4. 抹殺 [mo3sha1], v.t., annihilate: 抹殺事實 ignore or suppress certain facts (also wr. 抹煞,抹摋).搽v.i. & t.搽藥膏 apply ointment to skin (also wr. 擦).振Words8. 振濟 [zhen4ji4], v.t., to relieve (famine, flood victims; also wr. 賑).抖Words1. 抖翻 [dou3fan0] v.i., dig up old stories to discredit s.o.: 抖翻老底 also wr. 兜翻.2. 抖攬 [dou2lan3], v.i. & t., to solicit business: 抖攬生意; 抖攬詞訟 try to get lawsuits as a huckster; also wr.兜攬.扦N.([qian1zi0]) A wooden pick or iron poker for poking into sacks, etc.: 牙扦 toothpick, also wr. 簽 92A.71;攤Words4. 攤簧 [tan1huang2], n., a form of storytelling in rhymes at teahouses, partly sung (also wr.灘).搯V.t.(1)  To take out (as from pocket): 搯出來 take out from pocket, also wr. 掏;押Words17. 押歲 [ya1sui4], n., a New Year gift esp. for children (usu.wr. 壓歲)掃 63C30  10A.22-5/64 ㄙㄠˇ [sao3] (*ㄙㄠˋ [sao4]). [Usu. wr.掃]擲Words2. 擲骰子 [zhi2shai3zi0], phr., to throw dice (also wr. 擲色子).折Words8. 折服 [zhe2fu2]1, v.i., to admit defeat, admit another's superiority (also wr. 折伏).18. 折中 [zhe2zhong1], v.i., to compromise; 折中辦法 a compromise (also wr. 折衷).拉Words14. 拉丁 [la1ding1], n. & adj., (translit.) Latin (also wr. 臘丁).搭Words2. 搭包 [da1bao0], n., waistband outside jacket, used for carrying things (also wr. 褡包 63C.40).16. 搭拉 [da1la0], v.i., hang down: 搭拉下來; 搭拉尾巴 [da1la0yi3ba0], hang tail (of dog); 搭拉貨 [da1la0huo4], bad or damaged goods (also wr. 耷拉).掂V.i. & t.掂斤播兩 to argue about little details (also wr. 搿兩).Words2. 拈敪 [dian1duo1], v.i., to estimate weight of s.t. held in hand; estimate and consider relative importance (also wr.敁 敪).擔Words5. 擔擱 [dan1ge0], v.i. & t., delay: 擔擱一件事 cause s.t. to be delayed; usu. wr. 擱,耽擱.指Words23. 指摹 [zhi3mo2], n., fingerprint (also wr.指模), see [zhi3yin4]↓.31. 指沓 [zhi3ta4], n., thimble (also wr.).捐Words12. 捐貲 [jUan1zi1], n., donate funds (also wr. 資).搰Words1. 搰摟 [hu2lu0], V.i. & t., (coll.) to rub tenderly (baby's skin, etc., also wr. 胡嚕).挑Words17. 挑達 [tiao1ta4], adj., restless, agile, dexterous (also wr. 跳蹋,佻).攪V.i. & t.(1)  (*[gao3]) (Also wr. 搞) v.i., make mischief: 瞎攪 to fool around;抵Words3. 抵觸 [di3chu4], v.i. & t., conflict with: 相抵觸, also wr. 抵.4. 抵當 [di2dang3], v.t., (1) to resist, also wr. 抵擋; (2) [di3dang4], to mortgage.扶Words11. 扶侍 [fu2shi4], v.t., serve, attend to, also wr. 服侍.撒Words23. 撒鞋 *[sa3xie2], n., slippers (also wr. 靸鞋); a special kind of workman's slippers with cloth sole and leather top.扳Words1. 扳指兒 [ban1zhe3er0], n., heavy ring, orig. protecting archer's finger (also wr. 搬指兒).搬Words4. 搬配 [ban1pei4], adj., be well-matched in marriage (also wr. 般配,班配).抄V.i. & t.(1)  To copy (also wr. 鈔): 抄寫,抄本 [chao1xie3], [chao1ben3]↓;Words12. 抄胥 [chao1xU1], n., (MC) one engaged for making copies (also wr. 鈔).材Words1. 材器 [cai2qi4], n., person's usefulness, practical ability (also wr. 才).5. 材能 [cai2neng2], n., natural ability (also wr. 才能).樹Words10. 樹介 [shu4jie4], n., see [shu4gua4]↑ (also wr. 樹嫁,樹稼).樽N.A wine goblet (commonly wr. 尊).標Words14. 標致 [biao1zhi4], adj., handsome (of person, dress), also wr. 標致.檬Words1. 檬果 [meng2guo3], n., mango (also wr. 芒果).栓N.(1)  A bolt: a door bolt (also wr. 閂).棰N.A rod, cane for caning (also wr. 箠).楂N.(2)  ([zha1]) 山楂 (also wr. 樝) a kind of hawthorn;椌N.秦椌 [qin2qiang1], song style of Shensi district (also wr. 秦腔).棲Words1. 棲棲 [xi1xi1], adj., (AC) vexed, rushing about (also 棲棲皇皇;also wr. 恓 22A.41).相Words66. 相羊 [xiang1yang2], v.i., (AC) wander, roam about (also wr. (相佯).樗Words1. 樗蒲 [shu1pu2], n., an ancient dice game (also wr. 蒱).札Words2. 札記 [zha2ji4], n. & v.i., sundry notes and comments, a collection of notes and comments in book form; to note down, make a note (oft. wr.劄記).梳Words4. 梳攏 [shu1long0], v.i., (of young girl raised in singsong house) formally receives a man in bed for the first time (also wr. 梳籠,梳弄).枕N.(2)  Crossboard at back of carriage (also wr. 軫): 枕木 [zhen3mu4]↓.模Words3. 模糊 [morhu2], adj., blurred, unclear, hazy (also 模模糊糊): 模糊不清 unchear (print, etc.), also wr. 饃糊.樓Words8. 樓櫓 [lou2lu3], n., a movable wooden watchtower (also wr. 樓).輕Words4. 輕氣 [qing1qi4], n., hydrogen (also wr. 氫氣); 輕氣球 a balloon.轇Words1. 轇轕 [jiu1ge2], n., complications, misunderstandings (also wr. 糾葛).剌V.t.(*[la2]) To slash, cut (also wr. ): 剌開 cut open with a sharp knife;胡Words14. 胡里胡涂 [hu2li0hu2tu0], adv., in disorderly fashion (also wr. 糊里).29. 胡同 [hu2tong4], n., a [hu1tong1], an alley in Peiping (also wr. 衚衕).鵓Words1. 鵓鴿 [bo2ge1], n., (coll.) pigeon (pop. wr. 白鴿).乾Words5. 乾貝 [gan1bei4], n., dried, preserved edible ligaments of a species of clam, Altrina japonica (also wr. 干貝, cf. 江瑤柱 63A.30).孝Words13. 孝弟 [xiao4ti4], adj., Confucian prime virtues of being dutiful son and brother (弟 also wr. 悌).士Words13. 士女 [shi4nU3], n., (1) boys and girls; (2) 士女畫 painting of human figures (also wr. 仕女).臺Words2. 臺球 [tai2qiu2], n., billiard (usu. wr. 臺球).幫N.(3)  Upright side of boots (also wr. ): 鞋幫;壺Words1. 壺盧 [hu2lu2], n., a gourd, calabash (also wr. 葫蘆).者Excl.(MC vern.) 者, 者 “yes, yes!” (also wr. ).老Words24. 老呆 [lao3dai1], n., a fool, a simpleton (also wr. 老獃).走Words15. 走之兒 [zou3zhe3er0], n., the radical wr. as 之; index No. “83.”趬V.i.To lift: 蹺足 put one's leg up (as on bed), also wr. 蹻 40A.42, 翹 11.70.起Words16. 起鍋伙(兒) [qi3guo1huo0]([er0]), v.i., (coll.) to have mess together with fellow workers (also wr. 夥兒).75. 起原 [qi3yUan2], v.i. & n., originate origins (of events, clan, etc.) (also wr. 源).堙Words1. 堙滅 [yin1mie4], v.i., to vanish, sunk down and be forgotten (also wr. 湮).V.t.to put stopper on bottle (also wr. 塞 and ).垃N.垃圾 [le4se4], garbage (also wr. 拉圾).墻N.A wall (usu. wr. 墻).地Words21. 地根兒 [di4ge1er0], adv., at heart (unwilling, etc.), also wr. 底.坎Words4. 坎坷 [kan2ke3], adj., meeting hard luck, frustrated, (also wr. 坎軻).款Words5. 款冬 [kuan3dong1], n., (bot.) Petasites japonicus (also wr. 款東).鼓Words7. 鼓脹 [gu3zhang4], n., (med.) tympanites, distention of the belly region (also wr. 臌脹).奇Words16. 奇才 [qi2cai2], n., a remarkable talent (also wr. 材).耷Words1. 耷拉 [da1la0], adj., hanging down like big ear lobe (also wr. 搭拉 10A.40)布V. i. & t.(1)  To spread, publish, make known (sometimes also wr. 布): 宣布 announce;Words7. 布景 [bu4jing3] (also wr. 布景), n., set, backdrop for scenes in plays; background of landscape, paintings.左Words16. 左傳 [zuo3zhuan4] (usu. wr. Tso Chuan), n., the famous commentary by Tsu Chiu Ming on The Spring and Autumn Annals.奢Words6. 奢泰 [she1tai4], adj., extravagant with money, see [she1chi3]↑ (also wr. 汰).太Words30. 太陽 [tai4yang0] ([tai4yang2]), n., the sun; 太陽系 solar system; (太)陽歷 Gregorian calendar; 太陽穴 the temples (of head); 太陽膏 headache ointment plastered over temples; 太陽燈 sun lamp; 太陽能電池板 solar panel (astron.); 太陽神 Apollo, also wr. 阿波羅.夫Words10. 夫子 [fu1zi3], (1) n., (LL) teacher, master: 孔夫子 Confucius, Master Kung; n., elderly scholar; [fu1zi0], (2) n., common laborer (also wr. 夫子).遼Words3. 遼闊 [liao2kuo4]1, adj., broad (of desert, ocean) (also wr. 寥).廿 239C05  20.21/55 ㄋㄧㄢˋ [nian4]. [Usu. wr. ]N.The number twenty (also wr. 念 81.72): 念載 or 廿載 twenty years.甚Words6. 甚麼 [she2mo0] (weak form of [shen2mo0], also [shi2mo0], wr. 什麼), pron. & adj., (1) what: 你作甚麼 or 甚麼事 what are you doing? 甚麼人,甚麼地方 what man (who), what place (where); 甚麼意思 what do you (does it) mean? (2) any, anhyting: 想甚麼,說甚麼 say whatever comes to mind; 沒有甚麼不好 do not see anything wrong with it; (3) some or other: 不知誰說甚麼話 I do not know who said something or other (to offend him); 甚麼姓張的 a certain Mr. 張; 忽然看見一個甚麼妖怪 suddenly we saw a I-do-not-know-what monster; pron. & adj., 甚麼樣 [she2mo0yang4], adj. & adv., what kind of (animal, dress. etc.).甘Words13. 甘休 [gan1xiu1], v.t., be willing to let go or give up (lawsuit, quarrel) (also wr. 干休).燕Words9. 燕享 [yan4xiang3], v.i., to enjoy offering of food (also wr. 燕饗,宴饗).17. 燕樂 [yan4yUe4], (1) n., (a) (AC) music at ceremonial banquet; (b) (MC) (*[yan1]) music introduced from northwest; (2) ([yan4le4]) v.i., to dine and wine (also wr. 宴樂).茅Words6. 茅司,茅廁 [mao2si0], n., village-style privy, also wr. 毛廁.蓁Adj.Underbrush: 蓁,蓁蓁 overgrown underbrush (also wr. 蓁榛榛).蘗N.In 貢蘗 (commonly wr. 貢柏) (bot.) Phellodendron amurense, a dwarf plant;蘇Words12. 蘇軟 [su1ruan3], adj., (legs, arms) go soft (also wr. 蘇).13. 蘇醒 [su1xing3], v.i., wake up (also wr. 蘇).藥Words1. 藥叉 [yao4cha1], n., (Budd.) a ferocious demon that flies by night (from Sanskr. yaksha, also wr. 夜叉),藤 253C40  20A.02-4/140 ㄊㄥˊ [teng2]. [Commonly wr.藤]蓽Words1. 蓽茇 [bi4ba2], n., (bot.) (MC) translit. of pepper (also wr. 蓽撥).芊Words1. 芊芊 [qian1qian1], adj., lush (vegetation): 草色芊芊 ditto, also wr. 仟,阡.2. 芊 [qian1mian2], adj., lush, brightly green, also wr. 芊眠.落Words18. 落魄 [luo4tuo4] (also pr., [luo4po4], wr. also 落泊 [luo4po4]), adj., (1) down and out, be a failure, down-hearted; (2) ([luo4tuo4] usu. wr. 落拓), unconventional, going one's own way.著Words17. 著數 *[zhao1shu4], n., (1) a move in chess; (2) a move in pugilism (also wr. 招數)薯N.(2)  (*[shu3]) Potato (usu. wr. 薯 as in 白薯,紅薯).葫Words2. 葫蒜 [hu2suan4], n., garlic and leeks (also wr. 胡蒜).3. 葫荽 [hu2sui1], n., coriander (also wr. 胡荽).萬Words17. 萬機(幾) [wan4ji1], n., myriad affairs of the state attended to by the ruler (also wr. 萬幾).芩 280B05  20A.63-8/140 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Usu. wr.苓]蒐Words3. 蒐索 [sou1suo3], v.t., to search (also wr. 搜).苾Words3. 苾 [bi4chu2], n., nun, translit. of Sanskr. bhiksuni, (usu. wr. 比丘尼); also a fragrant plant, emblem of monastic life.蔓Words3. 蔓延,蔓衍 [man4yan2], [man4yan3], v.i., grow and spread (vine, disease, bad customs); adj., widespread, also wr. 曼, 漫.芝Words3. 芝麻 [zhi1ma0], n., sesame (also wr. 芝麻) the plant or its seed; 芝麻細 insignificant amount or detail; 芝麻油 sesame oil; 芝麻醬 sesame sauce or paste.蓬Words8. 蓬砂 [peng2sha1], n., borax, commonly wr. 硼砂.N.Leather strap on flanks of horse (also wr. 秋 see 20B.81).鞠Words2. 鞠藭 [jU2qiong2], n., (bot.) the hemlock parsley, Conioselinum univitatum, (also wr. 芎藭).靸Words1. 靸拉 [ta1la0], v.t., to pull, drag, esp. in trailing slippers; also wr. 趿.勤Adj. & adv.(2)  Attentive, earnest, anxious to please: 殷勤,獻殷勤 to court a lady, to do everything to please (also wr. 殷懃).散Words6. 散淡 *[san3dan4], v.i., to relax, have a recreation: 散淡散淡一下 (MC) (also wr. 散誕).山Words75. 山岳 [shan1yUe4], n., a sacred mountain, symbol of strength (also wr. 岳).出Words70. 出梅 [chu1mei2], n., the end of the mildew season, when dry season begins (also wr. 出霉).豈Adj.豈樂 peaceful and happy (also wr. 愷,凱).兇Words2. 兇兇 [xiong1xiong1], adj., clamorous (also wr. ).巍Words1. 巍峨 [wei2e2], adj., tall and rugged (also wr. 嵬峨).2. 巍巍 [wei2wei2], adj., ditto (also wr. 嵬嵬).炭N.(2)  (Chem.) carbon (oft. wr. 碳): 炭質 [tan4zhi2]↓;卓Words3. 卓見 [zhuo2jian4], n., distinguished opinion, also wr. 灼見.8. 卓犖 [zhuo2luo4], adj., (AC) unsurpassed, eminent (also wr. 卓躒).鹵Adj.鹵漢 coarse person. (In this sense oft. wr. 魯).小Words12. 小氣 [xiao3qi0], adj., narrow-minded, stingy (also wr. 小器).25. 小的 [xiao3di0], n., (1) a servant; (2) ([xiao3de1]) a young one (also wr. 小底).業Words1. 業障 [ye4zhang4], n., the burden of sin, which is “obstacle” to one's life (also wr. 孽障); (abuse) a prodigal son, any one constantly causing trouble: 我的業障 seed of my sin, s.o. unwanted and cannot be got rid of.4. 業種 [ye4zhong3], n. & adj., (abuse) bastard (also wr. 孽種).水Words27. 水燉兒 [shui3duo1er0], n., food warmer, a large bowl containing hot water for keeping food warm (also wr. 水囤兒).申Words23. 申水 [shen1shui3], n. & v.i., formerly, (commercial) charge for difference in currency rates (also wr. 升水).31. 申冤 [shen1yUan1], v.i., to ask for redress of an injustice (also wr. 伸).肅Words5. 肅殺 [su4sha1], adj., (AC) (of autumn) chilling (life, vegetation), now generally wr. 蕭殺 20A.22.6. 肅爽 [su4shuang3], n., (AC) name of famous horse (also wr. 驌,驌驦).常Words4. 常川 [chang2chuan1], adv., continually, on a permanent basis (also wr. 長川).韭 362B50  22.30/179 ㄐㄧㄡˇ [jiu3]. [Also wr.韭]畫V.i. & t.(2)  To draw a line in sense of “divide” (also wr. 劃): 晝界 to draw the boundary;Words5. 畫分 [hua4fen1], v.t., to divide in parts (also wr. 劃分).鑿Words4. 鑿木鳥 [zuo4mu4niao3], n., the woodpecker (also wr. 啄木鳥).省Words17. 省悟 *[xing3wu4], v.i., to wake up, to realize (also wr. 醒悟).瞥 366B55  22.41/109 ㄆㄧㄝ [pie1]. [Usu. wr.瞥]當Words20. 當罏 [dang1lu2], n., sell wine, be wine attendant for warming up wine, also wr. 盧,壚.肖 368C55  22.42/130 ㄒㄧㄠˋ [xiao4]. [Usu. wr.肖]劣Words1. 劣巴 [lie4ba0], adj., (coll.) green, amateur, inexperienced (also wr. 力巴,劣把), 劣巴頭 a green horn.別Words2. 別扭 [bie4niu0], adj., (1) depressed: 心里別扭 feel all wrong; (2) not smooth, ungainly (of art work, writing, etc.); (3) 鬧別扭 begin to bicker, taunt each other, etc. (also wr. 憋扭).悲Words16. 悲田院 [bei1tian2yUan4], n., (also wr. 卑田院) institution for the poor (with income from grants of land).憋Words3. 憋扭 [bie4niu0], (also wr. 憋拗,別扭), v.i., (coll.) be of contrary opinion; v.i., 鬧憋扭 getting quarrelsome; ungainly, not smooth (of performance, writing).逮Prep.Up to, until: 逮於今日 up to now (also wr. 迨)悖Words1. 悖晦 [bei4hui0], (wr. 背晦), adj., in senile decay, confused in thinking.栗Words1. 栗冽 [li4lie4], adj., cold, chilly (also wr. 溧冽).悵Words4. 悵惘 [chang4wang4], adj., ditto (also wr. 悵望).慷Words1. 慷慨 [kang3kai4], adj. & adv., generous(ly): 這人很慷慨 this man is very generous; 慷慨捐輸 generously contribute funds; 慷慨激昂 (of denouncement, declaration, atmosphere) moving, vehement, excited (over some good cause); 慷慨就義 die a martyr's death, went to his death bravely (also wr. 慨).性Words23. 性慾 [xing4yU4], n., sexual desire (also wr. 性欲).惟V.i.(1)  (AC) to think, ponder: 思惟 ditto (also wr. 維).Words2. 惟心 [wei2xin1], adj., idealistic (phil.); 惟心主義 philosophic idealism (more commonly wr. 唯心).3. 惟物 [wei2wu4], adj., materialistic (philosophy); 惟物主義 materialism; 惟物史觀 materialistic interpretation of history (more commonly wr. 唯物).慍 390C30  22A.30-4/61 ㄩㄣˋ [yUn4]. [Usu. wr.慍]恓Words1. 恓惶 [xi1huang2], adj., vexed, troubled; also 恓恓惶惶 (also wr. 棲).情Words36. 情素 [qing2su4], n., one's heart-true feeling (also wr. 愫).恫Words1. 恫嚇 *[dong4he4], v.t., to threaten (also wr. 恫喝).憤N. & adj.發憤 make firm resolve (also wr. 奮);糊Words1. 糊口 [hu2kou3], v.i., make a living to feed the family: 足以糊口 enough to keep body and soul together (also wr. 餬).4. 糊涂 [hu2tu2] ([hu2tu0]), (also 糊里糊涂 [hu2li0hu1tu2]), adj., (1) in a mess, messed up; (also 糊里糊涂 [hu2li0hu1tu2]), adj., (2) muddleheaded, careless, stupid: 你這樣糊涂 how can you be so stupid? finish up affair in a slipshod manner (also wr. 胡).饃Words1. 饃糊 [mo2hu0], adj., unclear, hazy (memory, impression, print); also wr. 模.糨N.糨糊,糨子 Paste (related 醬 21.41 commonly wr. 漿).蛤Words4. 蛤蟆 *[ha2mo0], n., (zoo.) frogs (also wr. 蝦蟆): 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉 (coll. phr.) ugly man hopes to marry a pretty girl.螞Words1. 螞蟥 [ma3huang2], n., horseleech (also wr. 馬蟥).4. 螞蟻 [ma3yi4], n., ant (also wr. 馬蟻).蚡N.Field mouse, a kind of mole, also wr. 鼢.蛇Words3. 蛇含 [she2han2], n., (bot.) Potentilla kleiniana (also wr. 蛇銜).蠟Words13. 蠟梅 [la4mei2], n., (bot.) the winter-sweet, Calycanthus fragrans (also wr.臘梅).蟛Words1. 蟛蜞 [peng2qi2], n., (zoo.) a species of small crabs, Grapsus sp.; also wr. 螃蜞 ([pang2qi2]).對N. & n. adjunct.(2)  ([dui4zi0]) A literary couplet, couplet wr. on scrolls: 對聯 [dui4lian2]↓;削 424A30  22S.00-2/18 ㄒㄩㄝˋ [xUe4] (sp. pr. ㄒㄧㄠ [xiao1]). [Usu. wr.削]劃V.i. & t.To draw a line or boundary, to divide or set apart (also wr. ): 劃分,劃開 divide, set apart;韞V.i.To hide: 韞 (AC) to hide one's talent like keeping pearl in casket (also wr. 櫝).三Words7. 三叉 [san1cha1], adj. & n., forked (road); 三叉路 forked roads (also wr. 三岔).元Adj.元元本本(also wr. 原原) (tell) in detail from very beginning;Words3. 元本 [yUan2ben3], n., (1) the origin (also wr. 原); (2) original capital investment; (3) a Yuarn Dyn. edition.22. 元始 [yUan2shi3], n., beginnings (of history, country, etc.), more commonly wr. 原始.23. 元素 [yUan2su4], n., (chem.) element (also wr. 原素), list of elements, see Appendix F.副V.t.Tally: 名副其實 reputation corresponds to reality, also wr. 符.豇N.豇豆 (bot.) the cowpea, Vigna sinensis (also wr. 江豆).丁Adj.Descriptive of cling, clang, tinkling sound: 丁冬 [ding1dong1], 丁當 [ding1dang1] (also wr. 叮當);Words12. 丁寧 [ding1nin2], v.i., repeat, give repeated, careful instruction (also wr. 叮嚀).栗Words3. 栗烈 [li4lie4], adj., extremely cold (also wr. 溧冽,栗冽).耳Words19. 耳刮(子) [er3gua1]([zi0]), n., a box on the ear: 打了一耳刮 (also wr. 耳瓜).弄N.(2)  An alley, alleyway (also wr. 衖).下Words25. 下的 [xia4de0], v.t., (MC) bear to (also wr. 下得).百Words14. 百鏈剛 *[bo2lian4gang1], (剛 wr. for 鋼), n., extremely fine steel.兀Words4. 兀臬 [wu4nie4], adj., (LL) uneasy (also wr. 兀,杌隉).夏N.(2)  The Shiah Dyn. (usu. wr. Hsia, 2205-1766 B.C.): 夏后 [xia4hou4]↓;蘇V.i.to revive (also wr. 穌,蘇): 復蘇 revive.璨Adj.Bright, scintillating (also wr. 燦).環Words1. 環球 [huan2qiu2], adj. & adv., around the world (also wr. 寰).斑Words9. 斑蝥 [ban1mao2], (also wr. 蝥,班貓) n., Cicindela chinensis, a poisonous striped fly, the Chinese cantharis.瓏Words1. 瓏璁 [long2cong1], adj., (1) jangling sound of jade or metal; (2) (of hair) fluffy; (3) (of wood) luxuriant and green (also wr. 蘢蔥); (4) hazy (light of dawn).砟N.([zha4zi0], [er0]) 煤砟子 or 砟兒 coal cinders (usu. wr. 煤渣子 or 兒).砧Words1. 砧板 [zhen1ban3], n., kitchen chopping board (also wr. 椹板).砌Words1. 砌末(子) *[qie4mo4] ([zi0]), n., (Chin. opera) stage equipment (also wr. 切).硫Words2. 硫黃 [liu2huang2], n., (chem.) sulphur (also wr. 硫磺); 硫磺酸 thionic acids.醇Words3. 醇厚 [chun2hou4], adj., careful and honest (also wr. 純,淳).醞Words1. 醞藉 [yUn4jie4], adj., poised (character); rich but restrained (style of writing), also wr. 蘊.醋Words1. 醋大 [cu4da4], n., penniless fellow, oft. 窮醋大 (also wr. 措大); formerly, sour and haughty scholars.酖V.i.Be infatuated with, addicted to: 酖迷酒色 addicted to wine and women, also wr. 耽.零Words1. 零丁 [ling2ding1], adj., alone without relatives (also wr. 伶仃).霓N.A rainbow (also wr. 蜺).耶Fin. part.(LL) used in interrogation: 是耶,非耶 is it true or is it not? (also wr. 邪).聯Words10. 聯絡 [lian2luo4], v.i., to get in touch with each other, keep in contact, (also wr. 連絡); 聯絡官(員) liaison officer.耽Words4. 耽心 [dan1xin1], v.i., be worried: 這件事耽心 be worried about this, also wr. 擔心.5. 耽誤 [dan1wu4], v.t., hold up, interfere with (other things) by neglect, also wr. .子Words32. 子細 [zi3xi4]2, adj. & adv., (1) meticulous, paying attention to every detail; (2) careful, attentive (usu. wr. 仔細).盈N.Surplus (also wr. 贏): 盈余 [ying2yU2]↓.叉N.叉竿,木叉 (also wr. 杈) a pronged stick;Words6. 叉牙 [cha1ya2], (1) v.i., to fork; (2) adj., (branches) forking out (also wr.杈枒).發Words69. 發現 [fa1xian4], v.t. & n., discover, -ry (new facts, comet, etc.); to appear, arise: 不會發現 will not find, appear; also wr. 發見 pr. [fa1xian4].疋N. adjunct.一疋布 a length, or factory roll of clothing material (also wr. 匹).阿Words45. 阿片 *[a4pian4], n., opium (usu. wr. 鴉片).57. 阿姊 *[a4zi3], n., elder sister (familiar address and self-reference), (also pr. [a4jie3], and wr. 阿姐).障Words4. 障扇 [zhang1shan4], n., ceremonial fan-shaped insignia in parade (also wr. 掌扇).隕Words3. 隕命 [yUn3ming4], v.i., to lose life, to die (also wr 殞命).險Words13. 險戲 [xian3xi4], adj., (LL) see [xian3se4]↑(also wr. 巇).孤Words12. 孤負 [gu1fu0], v.i., be ungrateful to others; fail (a friend, one's parents) (also wr. 辜負 10.10).品Words20. 品題 [pin3ti2], n. & v.t., comments usu. wr. on paintings, volumes; to write such comments, usu. favorable.呵Excl.(*[o4]) Ah! oh!: 呵,我忘記了 oh, I forgot! (cf. wr. 啊 pr. [a4]).啊Fin. part.(sometimes wr. 阿).嚎Words1. 嚎啕 [hao2tao2], v.i., to wail aloud (also wr. 嚎咷,咷,號啕).叫Words9. 叫花子 [jiao4hua1zi0], n., a beggar (also wr. 化子).嘩V.i.Create a lot of noise (also wr. 譁).吐Words2. 吐蕃 [tu4fan1], n., place name in Tibet (also wr. 番 pr. [tu4bo1]).6. 吐沫 *[tu4mo0], v.i., spit out saliva (also wr. 唾沫).羅Words1. 羅唆 [luo1suo0], adj., (1) garrulous, talkative; (2) bothersome (also wr. 羅嗦, same word as 嚕蘇): 羅哩羅唆 [luo2li3luo1suo0]; 羅羅唆唆 [luo2luo2suo0suo1], ditto.哪Adj.Which: 哪一個 which one? 哪個人 which man? (oft. wr. simply as 那);嗑V.t.嗑牙 to indulge in idle talk (also wr.磕).嗐Excl.An exclamation of regret (also wr. 咳).哈Words5. 哈喇叭 *[ha3la0ba1], n., shoulder blade (also wr. 哈叻巴).咯V.t.咯血 spit blood (also wr. 咳).咍Excl.Excl. of reret, usu. wr. 咳.咽V.t.(1)  (*[yan4]) To swallow (also wr. 咽).嘴Words1. 嘴巴 [zui3ba0], n., the mouth: 打嘴巴 give s.o. a box on the ear (a slap across the mouth); 打自己嘴巴 contradict oneself; 嘴巴匙子 a box on the ear, a slap on the face; 嘴巴骨 the jawbone, (also wr. 吧).喝Words1. 喝道 *[he4dao4], v.i., to act as escort to open the way for approaching official (also wr. 呵導).3. 喝采 [he1cai3] (heh-'tsaai), v.i. & t., to applaud (performer) also wr. 喝彩).噣V.i. & t.(*[zhuo2]) To peck at (usu. wr.啄).嗎Vin. part.Final particle used at end of questions: 是你嗎 is it you? 你來嗎 are you coming? 她要嗎 does she want it, want to? 這不是很不合理嗎 isn't this very unreasonable? (also wr. 麼).嗨Excl.Hai! an exclamation, bespeaking regret (usu. wr. 咳 40.81).鳴Words1. 嗚呼 [wu1hu1], (1) adj., Ough! alas; (2) v.i, to die: 一命嗚呼 alas, he died! (also wr. 嗚虖).呲V.t.To chide: 挨呲 be chided (also wr. 雌).V.i.Sigh, regret (also wr. 慨).念V.t.念經 chant Buddhist scriptures (oft. wr. 念).嗽V.i. & t.(2)  To gargle: 嗽口 (also wr. 漱口).噗Words1. 噗嗤 (兒) [pu1chi1] ([pu1che1er0]), adv., making sound of breaking into laughter (onomatopoetic word): 噗嗤笑了起來, oft. wr. 撲哧 10A.81.唉Excl.also wr. 哎 40A.82, 噯 40A.82.哎Excl.extreme misery: oft. 哎呀 [ai1ya4]! or 哎喲 [ai1yo4]! (identical with a vocalized sigh of pain, extreme distress), also wr. 唉,噯.噯Excl.噯呀 [ai4ya0], 噯唷 [ai4yo0], exclamations of pain, painful surprise, disappointment, also wr. 哎.蹡Words1. 蹡蹡 [qiang1qiang1], adv., (walking) in a hurry (also wr. 蹌).踉Words1. 踉蹌 [liang4qiang4], adj. & adv., hurried(ly) and unstead(-ily) (also wr. 踉蹡). 609B50 [jian3]. [Usu. wr.趼]蹻V.t.To lift up one's leg (also wr. 蹺): 蹻起腳來 ditto;Words2. 蹻蹻 *[jiao2jiao3] adj., mighty, haughty-looking, (also wr. 赳).蜷Words1. 蜷局 [qUan1jU2], adj., frustrated, cut off (also wr. 蜷).跳Words15. 跳蝨 [tiao4shi1], n., flea (also wr. 虱, also called 跳蚤 [tiao4zao3]).蹟 616A25  40B.80-1/157 ㄐㄧ [ji1]. [Var. of跡 60.83, also wr.跡 40B.00]別 618B10  40S.00-2/18 ㄅㄧㄝˊ [bie2]. [Usu. wr.別]別 618C40  40S.00-2/18 ㄅㄧㄝˊ [bie2]. [Wr. form of別]景Words6. 景致(兒) [jing3zhi4] ([jing3zhe4er0]), n., an especially beautiful scenery (also wr. 景致).畢Words1. 畢真 [bi4zhen1], adj., very true to life, (usu. wr. 逼真).里N.英里 (wr. 哩) one mile;困Adj. & adv.(3)  Sleepy (also wr. 困): 困了就去睡 go to bed when you are tired;團Words11. 團欒 [tuan2luan2], (1) n., have reunion; (2) adj., round, also wr. 團.圓N.(2)  A dollar: 三圓 three dollars (usu. wr. 元);Words1. 圓成 [yUan2cheng2], v.t., to complete (undertaking), also wr. 完成.圖Words2. 圖板 [tu2ban3], n., printing plates, also wr. 圖版.曼Words7. 曼延 [man4yan2], v.i. & adj., ditto (also wr. 蔓 延 20A.82).曚Words1. 曚曨 [meng2long2], adj., in twilight, predawn condition: also hazy moonlight (usu. wr. 朦朧).曝Words1. 曝露 [pu4lu4], v.t., expose (corpses, evil), also wr. 暴露.瞱Adj.Bright, prosperous (also wr. 燁).暗Words7. 暗澹 [an4dan4], adj., obscure, pale, not fresh (color) (also wr. 暗淡, dim, dismal).30. 暗昧 [an4mei4], adj., underhand, stealthy; disgraceful (affair); also wr. 闇昧.昵Words1. 昵愛 [ni4ai4], v.t., to love passionately (a woman) (usu. wr. 溺愛; cf. 昵愛).暖Words7. 暖和 [nuan3he0], adj., warm (room, air, climate), also wr. 暖活.瞇 672B05  41B.83-2/109 ㄇㄧ [mi1]. [Also wr.瞇]眇Words1. 眇眇 [miao2miao3], adj., very small, distant: 眇眇忽忽 [miao2miao3hu1hu0], elusive, hardly discernible (shape), also wr. 渺渺.賙V.t.To help in charity: 賙濟,賙恤 (usu. wr. 周).賦N.(3)  A special form of rhapsodic poem, chiefly in parallel constructions, often wr. for celebration of event.罣Words1. 罣礙 [gua4ai4], v.t., obstruct, impede (also wr. 掛礙).羅Words13. 羅曼史 [luo2man4shi3], n., romance (曼 also wr. 漫).17. 羅紋 [luo2wen2], n., (1) wood grain; (2) fingerprint (usu. wr. 螺紋).羈Words5. 羈滯 [ji1zhi4], v.i. & adj., (be) forced to remain at a place longer than one has expected (also wr. 羇).9. 羈旅 [ji1lU3], v.i., to live abroad (also wr. 羇).罷Excl.Usu. 罷了!罷了!(also wr.罷咧)“have done with it,”“it's all over,”“I give up,” signifying admission of defeat, and of struggle or disappointment: 也罷all right, then (after tiresome discussion).夥Words1. 夥伴(兒) [huo3ban4] ([huo3ba4er0]), n., co-worker in shop (also wr. 火,伙).2. 夥計 [huo3ji0] n., employee in shop, waiter (also wr. 伙,火).骨Words3. 骨董 [gu3dong0] ([gu3dong3]), n., curios, antiques (also wr. 古董).9. 骨鯁 [gu3geng3], adj., upright, fair and just (also wr. 骨骾).10. 骨骼 [gu3ge2], n., a skeleton, structural pattern (also wr. 骨格).冊Words8. 冊頁 [ce4ye4], n., an album of unbound sheets, paintings, calligraphy (also wr. 冊葉).周Words9. 周章 [zhou1zhang1], adj., (1) around; (2) flurried (also wr. 輈張); (3) full of difficulties, see [zhou1zhe2]↓.24. 周年 [zhou1nian2], n., anniversary: 五周年紀念 fifth anniversary (usu. wr. 周年).28. 周歲 [zhou1sui4], n., first anniversary of child (also wr. 周).罔Words2. 罔兩 [wang2liang3], n., (1) spirits, demons of the wilds (also wr. 魍魎); (2) (AC) the penumbra, fringe shadow.夙Words7. 夙怨 [su4yUan4], n., old grudge (also wr. 宿).8. 夙緣 [su4yUan2], n., (Budd.) fate inherited from previous incarnations (also wr. 宿).過Words74. 過眼 [guo4yan3], adj., (1) (of anything wr.) that is read over; (2) passing: 過眼煙云 (lit.) like floating smoke and passing clouds, (fig.) fleeting, ephemeral, transient; (3) pleasant to the sight: 過不得眼 unsightly.臞Adj.Thin, emaciated (also wr. )腫Words1. 腫皰 [zhong3bao4], n., pimples (also wr. ).腌Words1. 腌臟(骯臟) [ang1zang1] ([ang1za1]), adj., dirty, filthy, also wr. 腌臢.賸V.t.To leave over, be left over (usu. wr. 剩 90S.00).骯Words1. 骯臟 [ang1zang1], adj., (1) dirty, filthy (also wr. 腌臢). (2) (*[kang1zang1]) (AC) fat, upright.尋Words15. 尋休兒 [xin2xiu1er0], phr., (coll.) look for lodging (also wr. 尋宿兒).兔Words4. 兔葵 [tu4kui2], n., (1) (zoo.) the sea anemone; (2) (bot.) the winter aconite (also wr. 菟葵).6. 兔絲 [tu4si1], n., the dodder (also wr. 菟絲).9. 兔園策 [tu4yUan2ce4] n., popular books for villagers; chapbooks (also wr. 兔園冊).弦N.(1)  String on musical instrument (also wr. 弦) or on a bow: 弓弦 bowstring;羽 740A05  50S.50-5/124 ㄩˇ [yU3]. [Usu. wr.羽]弱 740B20  50S.50-5/57 ㄖㄨㄛˋ [ruo4]. [Usu. wr.弱]牙Words23. 牙門 [ya2men2], n., (1) (AC) yamen, magistrate's or other officials’ office (now currently wr. 衙門), orig. wr. 牙門 from following usage; (2) general’s camp where the general's flag stood.鬎Words1. 鬎鬁 [la4li4], n., (usu. wr. 瘌痢) in 鬎鬁頭 head bald from scabies.匾Words1. 匾額 [bian3e2], n., horizontal tablet over door; shop sign; inscribed hall name, (also wr. 扁額).匹N.adjunct.a roll of clothing material (also wr. 疋).豎Words3. 豎褐 [shu4he2], n., (AC) a servant's coarse jacket (also wr. 短褐).9. 豎心兒 [shu4xie1er0], n., The 心 radical, wr. “”.腎N.(3)  Gizzard (also wr. 肫): 鴨腎 duck gizzard.鬅Words2. 鬅松 [peng2song1], adj., fluffy, (hair); more commonly wr. 蓬松.賢Words5. 賢惠 [xian2hui0], adj., (also wr. 賢慧 ) (of wife) good and wise: 他的媳婦很賢惠 his wife is capable and good.鬢Words1. 鬢角 [bin4jiao3]([bin4jUe2]), n., hair just below the temple; this region, also wr. 鬢腳.原Words24. 原配 [yUan2pei4], n., first wife (also wr. 元配).壓Words3. 壓車 [ya1che1], v.i., to go with cart personally as a supervisor during transportation (also wr. 押).14. 壓胄子 [ya1zhou4zi0], n., (Chin. theater) next to last play on program (also wr. 壓軸子): 壓軸好戲 (lit. & fig.) best show.28. 壓尾 [ya1wei3], v.i., to stand last (also wr. 押).駢Words7. 駢闐 [pian2tian2], adj., (AC) connected in a row or stretch (also wr. 駢田).驌Words1. 驌驦 [su4shuang1], n., (AC) name of famous horse (AC also wr. 肅爽).劈Words5. 劈歷 [pi1li4], adj., descriptive sound of crashing thunder; (fig.) sudden catastrope (also wr. 霹靂,辟歷,礔).巴Words1. 巴巴 [ba1ba1], adv., (1) reiterative adv. in 焦巴巴 scorched hard; 乾巴巴 very dry; (2) in vain: 巴巴的等 wait in vain; 巴巴的從家里送來 take all the trouble to send for it from home (quite without need); 眼巴巴望 關山遠 longing in vain for the distant home country; 巴巴兒 [ba1ba1zeng4er0], badly wrought, knotty net; 巴巴兒似的 said of people's twisted face or of unnecessary fuss: 巴巴兒去湊熱鬧; a wobbly pot; (also wr. 八不甑兒).屈Words2. 屈伏 [qU1fu2], (1) v.i., to submit to external force; (2) admit defeat in contest (also wr. 屈服).閑Words1. 閑習 [xian2xi2], v.i., to practise until (subject, art) is familiar; (also wr. 嫻).哄V.i.To make a lot of noise: 哄堂大笑 an uproar of laughter in the audience (also wr. 哄堂);開Words10. 開氣(兒) [kai1qi4]([er0]), see [kai1cha4]↑, (also wr. 開隙).閑Adj.(3)  Adj. & adv., (*[jian4] also wr. 間) separate: 閑斷的 off and on;闇Words7. 闇誦 [an4song4], v.i., recite fluently (also wr. 諳).即 803A30  52S.22-5/26 ㄐㄧˊ [ji2]. [Wr. form of 91S.22]既 803B25  52S.70-5/71 ㄐㄧˋ [ji4]. [Wr. form of 91S.70]改Words24. 改涂 [gai3tu2]1, v.i., change one's course of action (also wr. 途).N.(2)  A place: 這,那 this, that place (oft. wr. 里).夜 night-time (oft. wr. 里).率Adj.(3)  Handsome: 打扮的真率 dress handsomely (also wr. 帥).壅Words4. 壅門 [yong3men2], n., enclosure between inner and outer city gates (usu. wr. 壅城).齊Words3. 齊盛 *[zi1cheng2], n., sacrificial offerings of millet (also wr. 粢盛).言Words1. 言筌 [yan2chuan2], phr., 不落言筌 to grasp a passage without clinging to a too literal interpretation (also wr. 言詮).高Words67. 高才生 [gao1cai2sheng1], n., a gifted student (also wr. 高材生).旁Words3. 旁礡 [pang2bo2], adj., expansive, expanding, free (of air, manner), bold (art style) (also wr. 薄).亮Words2. 亮隔 [liang4ge2], n., semi-transparent partition (also wr. ).6. 亮像兒 [liang4xiang4er0], v.i., (of actor, actress) appear on stage, make an actor's stance in particular pose for admiration (also wr. 亮相); to show off.忘Words1. 忘八 *[wang2ba0], n., (severe, vulgar, abuse) son of a bitch (also wr. 王八).意N.(4)  Short for 意大利 Italy (commonly wr. 義): 意文 Italian Language.六N.The number six (wr. 陸 in checks as print).夜Words28. 夜消兒 [ye4xiao1er0], n., night snack (also wr. 宵; usu. called 宵夜).跡N.(2)  Outward manifestations of work done: 功跡 creditable accomplishments, achievements (also wr. 績);訶Words2. 訶子 [he1zi3], n., (1) (MC) brassi鋨e; (2) (bot.) the myrobalan tree, a plant in Southern China, Terminalia chebula also wr. 訶黎(羅)(勒).諭V.i.面諭 give order personally (also wr. ).噪V.i.噪擾 make trouble, cause disturbance (also wr. 噪).諒Words1. 諒陰 [liang2an1], v.i. & n., (AC) imperial mourning; mourning shed (also wr. 諒闇).評Words3. 評話 [ping2hua4], n., storyteller's copy of Suhng Dyn., usu. wr. 平話.注Words1. 注定 [zhu4ding4], v.t., destine(d): 生前注定 predestined in previous incarnation; 命里注定 destined by fate (also wr. 注).謳Words2. 謳鴉 [ou1ya1], v.i., make swishing, creaking sound (also wr. 嘔鴉,嘔啞).諸Words4. 諸柘 [zhu1zhe4], n., (AC) sugar cane (also wr. 諸蔗,薯蔗).詞Words1. 詞典 [ci2dian3], n., a dictionary of words and phrases (also wr. 辭).記Words11. 記錄 [ji4lu4], (1) v.t., to record; (2) n., minutes of meetings; (3) an athletic record (also wr. 紀錄).讒Adv.(*[cai2]) Frequently wr. 才, meaning just: 剛才 (=剛才) just a moment ago;讔N.A riddle, an elliptical line (讔語 also wr. 隱語).謨N. & v.i.謨罕默德 Mohammed the Prophet, also wr. 穆. 868B20 [yU4]. [Usu. wr.諭 60A.00]辣Words8. 辣撻 [la4ta0], adj., untidy, slovenly (=邋遢, also wr. 辣闒).離Words12. 離樓 [li2lou2], adj., (1) intricate, (of trees) intertwining; (2) carved, engraved (also wr. 麗廔




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