

单词 works
释义 works  [ˈw3ːrks]'works'是'work'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文work⇒ viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (toil)劳作 láo zuò   工作 gōng zuò   干活 gàn huó He worked into the night. 他工作到晚上。
work viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (function)运转 yùn zhuàn   运行 yùn xíng   开动起来 kāi dòng qǐ lái Does the car work? 这车能开动起来吗?
work viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (be useful, effectual)有用 yǒu yòng  有效 yǒu xiào  奏效 zòu xiào Did the medicine work? 这药有效吗?
work vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (machine: operate, manage) (机器等)操作,开动,使运作  Do you know how to work this machine? 您知道怎样操作这台机器吗?
work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. uncountable (occupation)职业 zhí yè  工作 gōng zuò  What is your work? I'm a dentist. 你从事什么工作?我是一名牙医。work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. uncountable (employment)工作 gōng zuò   差事 chāi shì  岗位 gǎng wèi The bank provides work for many people. 银行为许多人提供了就业岗位。work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. uncountable (effort)努力 nǔ lì  工夫 gōng fū  His work on the car was worth the result. 结果证明他在这辆车上花的工夫是值得的。work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. uncountable (toil)劳作 láo zuò   差事 chāi shì  活计 huó jì An apple picker does exhausting work, from sunrise until dusk. 摘苹果是件辛苦活,要从日出干到黄昏。 其他翻译英语中文work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. uncountable (type of task)任务 rèn wù  活计 huó jì  工作 gōng zuò  I don't like this work. Can I do something different? 我不喜欢这个任务。可以让我干点别的吗?work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (office, place of work)办公室 bàn gōng shì  上班的地方 shàng bān de dì fāng  工作地点 gōng zuò dì diǎn This is his work. Yes, that building. 这就是他上班的地方。是的,就是那栋楼。work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (activity)(具体的)工作 jù tǐ de gōng zuò  活计 huó jì He is doing some work or other in the shop.work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (objects on which work is done)(艺术)作品 yì shù zuò pǐn  工作成果 gōng zuò chéng guǒ The art students took their work to the benches.work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (product of labour)工作成果,工作结晶,产品   作品,著作  The work was obviously well done. 这产品显然是用心做好的。
 ⓘThis sentence is not a translation of the original sentence. 昨天我买了一套鲁迅全集。work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (building)工程 gōng chéng The tunnel is an impressive work of engineering.work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (physics: force times distance) (物理学中力对距离的累积)机械功,功  In physics, work deals with transference of energy.work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (product of artist) (艺术家的)作品 zuò pǐn Many think Beethoven's Ninth is his greatest work. I have the complete works of Dickens in my library.work n as adjnoun as adjective: Describes another noun--for example, "boat race," "dogfood." (of, concerning work)工作的 gōng zuò de   与工作有关的 yǔ gōng zuò yǒu guān de He got a work permit in July. 他七月份获得了工作许可。work viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (contort)扭曲 niǔ qū   把…成形 bǎ chéng xíng She worked the wire into a loop.work viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (with adverb or noun phrase)工作 gōng zuò  We'll have to work late to finish this project. Sheila's been working extra hours to pay off her debts.work as [sth] vi + prep (make a living as)任…职 rèn zhí  做…的工作  Right now I am working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, but I want to be an actress.work for [sb] vi + prep informal (be OK with [sb])…对某人来说可以,…对某人而言可行  I could meet you at 2 pm on Wednesday; does that work for you?work vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (accomplish)使…逐步变成(某状态) shǐ zhú bù biàn chéng mǒu zhuàng tài  实现…(变化) shí xiàn biàn huà She worked a change in the texture of the dough.work [sth]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (knead, massage)揉 vtrróu  按 ànwork⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (fashion by work)雕刻 diāo kè  对…进行手工制作 duì jìn xíng shǒu gōng zhì zuò The carpenter works the pieces into a table.work vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." ([sb], keep at work)使…工作 shǐ gōng zuò  使…干活 shǐ gàn huó  让…加班 ràng jiā bān The boss worked them until late into the night.work vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (land, be a farmer)在…耕种 zài gēng zhòng  在…耕作 zài gēng zuò The farmer worked the land.work vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (persuade)说服 shuō fú   通过劝说使 tōng guò quàn shuō shǐ The minister worked the congregation into an exultant state.work [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (knead, massage [sth] into [sth])把…揉成…,把…按成… vtr  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:works | work英语中文collected works nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (anthology)文集 wén jí  文选 wén xuǎncollected works nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (everything by an author) (某位作者的)全集 quán jí This volume contains the entire collected works of Coleridge.plaster works nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (sculptures made from plaster)石膏雕塑品 shí gāo diāo sù pǐnpoetic works nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (poems, literature in verse form)诗歌 shī gēpublic works nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (government-funded construction)公共建设工程 gōng gòng jiàn shè gōng chéngselected works nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (literary collection, anthology)选集 xuǎn jíwater works, waterworks nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (water processing utility)自来水厂 zì lái shuǐ chǎng  给水系统 gěi shuǐ xì tǒng He's the general manager of the municipal water works.water works, waterworks nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. slang (tears) (俚语)眼泪 yǎn lèi She knew how and when to turn on the waterworks to get what she wanted.the works exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." informal (everything)全套配置   全套设备  He dreamed of buying a shiny new car with the works.the works exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." informal (unpleasant treatment)折磨 zhé mó   苦头  She forgot his birthday, and he gave her the works.works nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (factory)工厂 gōng chǎngworks nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (construction)工程 gōng chéng  工事 gōng shìthe works exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." informal (everything)全套   相关的所有事物  I like a plain hamburger, but she wants hers with the works.works nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (art, literature, music: achievements)作品 zuò pǐn  著述   著作 zhù zuò works cited nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (bibliography: quoted texts)参考文献 cān kǎo wén xiàn  引用文献 yǐn yòng wén xiàn The page of works cited is at the end of my report. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:works [w&:ks](pl works) (Brit) n [c]1 (=factory) 工厂(廠) gōngchǎng2 (inf)▶ the works 相关(關)的所有事物 xiāngguān de suǒyǒu shìwùwork [w&:k]I n 1 [u] (=tasks, duties) 事情 shìqing I must go, I've got loads of work to do.我得走了,我有一大堆事情要做。 Wǒ děi zǒu le,wǒ yǒu yī dà duī shìqing yào zuò.2 [u] (=job) 工作 gōngzuò The work of a doctor is very interesting and varied.医(醫)生的工作非常有趣而且丰(豐)富多彩。 Yīshēng de gōngzuò fēicháng yǒuqù érqiě fēngfù duōcǎi.3 [u] (=place) 工作场(場)所 gōngzuò chǎngsuǒ4 [c] (Art, Liter) 作品 zuòpǐn Chopin's works肖邦的作品 Xiāobāng de zuòpǐnII vi 1 (=have job, do tasks) 工作 gōngzuò She works for a drug company.她在一家药(藥)品公司工作。 Tā zài yī jiā yàopǐn gōngsī gōngzuò. We were working 24 hours a day.我们(們)曾一天工作24小时(時)。 Wǒmen céng yī tiān gōngzuò èrshísì xiǎoshí.2 (=function) [mechanism, machine] 运(運)行 yùnxíng The new machine is working well.新机(機)器运(運)行良好。 Xīn jīqì yùnxíng liánghǎo. The traffic lights weren't working. 红绿灯坏了。 Hónglǜdēng huài le.3 (=take effect) [medicine etc] 见(見)效 jiànxiào How long does a sleeping pill take to work?一颗(顆)安眠药(藥)要多长(長)时(時)间(間)开(開)始见(見)效? Yī kē ānmiányào yào duō cháng shíjiān kāishǐ jiànxiào?4 (=be successful) [idea, method] 起作用 qǐ zuòyòng 95% of these diets do not work.95%的这(這)些减(減)肥食谱(譜)都不起作用。 Bǎifēnzhī jiǔshíwǔ de zhèxiē jiǎnféi shípǔ dōu bù qǐ zuòyòng.III vt 1 (=shape) [+ clay, wood, leather etc] 加工 jiāgōng2 (=exploit) [+ mine] 开(開)采(採) kāicǎi [+ land] 耕种(種) gēngzhòng3 (=operate) [+ machine] 操作 cāozuò4 (=cause) [+ miracle] 创(創)造 chuàngzào I can't work miracles, you know.你要知道,我不能创(創)造奇迹(蹟)。 Nǐ yào zhīdào,wǒ bùnéng chuàngzào qíjì.IVworks n pl (=activities) 作业 zuòyèsee also works to set to work or start work (on sth) 着(著)手做(某项(項)工作) zhuóshǒu zuò (mǒu xiàng gōngzuò) to be at work (on sth) 在做(某项(項))工作 zài zuò (mǒuxiàng) gōngzuò to go to work去上班 qù shàngbān to be out of work失业 shīyè to be in work有工作 yǒu gōngzuò to have your work cut out面临(臨)艰(艱)巨(鉅)的任务(務) miànlín jiānjù de rènwù to work hard努力工作 nǔlì gōngzuò to work on the principle that…按照…原则(則)行事 ànzhào…yuánzé xíngshì to work one's way to the top费(費)力地一点(點)点(點)爬到高职(職) fèilì de yīdiǎndiǎn pádào gāozhí to work loose [part, knot] 渐(漸)渐(漸)变(變)松 jiànjiàn biàn sōng to work sth into sth/work sth in [+ substance]将(將)某物和进(進)某物/将(將)某物和进(進)去 jiāng mǒuwù huòjìn mǒuwù/jiāng mǒuwù huò jìnqùwork off vt [+ energy, anger] 发(發)泄(洩) fāxièwork on vt fus 不可拆分1 (=busy o.s. with) 从(從)事于(於) cóngshì yú2 (=try to influence) [+ person] 设(設)法说(說)服 shèfǎ shuōfúwork outI vi 1 (Sport) 锻(鍛)炼(鍊) duànliàn2 (=progress) [job, plans etc] 发(發)展 fāzhǎnII vt [+ answer, solution] 努力找出 nǔlì zhǎochū [+ plan, details] 制(製)订(訂)出 zhìdìng chū it works out at 100 pounds 算下来(來)达(達)100镑(鎊)。 suàn xiàlái dá yībǎi bàng I can't work out why… 我弄不懂为(為)什么(麼)… wǒ nòng bù dǒng wèi shénme…work up vt [+ courage, enthusiasm] 激发(發) jīfā to get worked up (about sth) (对(對)某事)很激动(動) (duì mǒushì) hěn jīdòng在这些条目还发现'works':在英文解释里:able seaman - advertising man - aid worker - allegorist - annotated bibliography - art - art dealer - bargeman - bookseller - businessman - businesswoman - canon - civil engineer - dairywoman - digest - docker - electronic - enameler - engineering - exhibit - fiction - forester - gas station attendant - gasman - gasoline pump attendant - grafter - hard worker - hireling - homeworker - landsman - marketer - oeuvre - outworker - salesman - saleswoman - sandhog - staff nurse - statistician - street acrobat - strikebreaker - telecommuter - teleworker - unpaid - wage earner - warehouseman - workaholic - working space - workspace中文:作品 - 著作 - 全集 - 文集 works ['wə:ks] n. 建筑工程师 建筑工程 准备 操作,运转,经营,业务 [复数][俚语]一切,全套折磨;痛打 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 workswɝksworksworksn.(pl. works)[常用於複合語]① 工廠a cement works水泥工廠The works is [are] closed for the holidays.工廠因假日停工。新世纪新世纪★◀▶works¹/wɜːks/n.(factory)工厂works²/wɜːks/npl.1.(on building, road)建造;施工;修缮building works建筑工程road works道路施工2.【文学,艺术】(全部)作品the works of Shakespeare莎士比亚的作品3.<正式>(deeds)行为;(尤指)善行, 德行4.+of clock, machine内部机件;部件5.<俚>(syringe)注射器6.in the works<美,非正式>在筹备中;在酝酿中7.spanner in the worksSeespanner8.the works<非正式>全部物品;全套物件squash courts, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, the works壁球场、游泳池、爵士按摩浴缸, 应有尽有9.to give sb the works<俚>殴打某人works³/wɜːks/comp.【体】+ car正式参加赛事的新世纪☞work详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社专四 n. /wɜːks/工厂 pl. /wɜːks/建造;施工;修缮 building works 建筑工程 road works 道路施工(全部)作品【文学;艺术】 the works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚的作品行为;(尤指)善行,德行<正式>内部机件;部件搭配:[noun_of_noun:clock, machine]注射器<药品俚语>in the works:在筹备中;在酝酿中spanner in the works;参见:spannerthe works:全部物品;全套物件 squash courts, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, the works 壁球场、游泳池、爵士按摩浴缸,应有尽有to give sb the works:殴打某人 mod. /wɜːks/正式参加赛事的【赛车】搭配:[noun_of_adjective:car]英英释义n.buildings for carrying on industrial laboreverything available; usually preceded by the'performance of moral or religious actsthe internal mechanism of a device词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社时态: works表Words6. 表彰 [biao3zhang1]1, v.t., commend (work); publicize (good works).古Words22. 古銅 [gu3tong2], n., (1) ancient bronze works; (2) the color of ancient bronzes.撰Words1. 撰著 [zhuan4zhu4], n. & v.t., literary works; to write (book, essay).極Words15. 極品 [ji2pin3], n., (of artistic works, food etc.) the best of its kind.機Words31. 機務 [ji1wu4]2, n., (1) important matters, classified information; (2) mechanical works.載Words1. 載道 [zai4dao4], v.i. & adv., (1) v.i., (of litr. works) moralize; v.i. & adv., (2) adv., everywhere: 怨聲載道 voices of discontent can be heard all over.4. 載籍 [zai4ji2], n., books, written works.走Words14. 走著瞧 [zou3zhe1qiao2], phr., (of an undertaking) try and see how it works.存V. t.保存 to preserve (art works, tradition).警Words28. 警策 [jing3ce4], n., (of literary works) startling or revealing passages.其Words5. 其他 [qi2ta1] (coll. [qi2tuo1]), phr., and others, often 及其他 and others; the other (persons, things): 其他作品 and other works.舊Words17. 舊書 [jiu4shu1], n., (1) old or secondhand books; (2) classical works.著N.(1)  Written works: 著述 author's works, writings;名著 famous works.Words19. 著作 [zhu4zuo4], n., (a person's) works, writings; artistic products (as sculpture); 著作人,著作家 author; 著作權 copyright.藝Words2. 藝林 [yi4lin2], n., the fine arts; the artistic and literary circles; a collection of creative works.艱Words6. 艱澀 [jian1se4], adj., (of roads) difficult to traverse, (of written works) hard to comprehend, (of writers) slow with one's pen, (of food or drinks) bitter and harsh.7. 艱深 [jian1shen1], adj., (of written works) abstruse.觀Words10. 觀摩 [guan1mo2], v.t., to study and fondle (works of art).睿Adj.(2)  Referring to things belonging to or done by the sovereign: 睿藻 works written by the emperor.督Words1. 督辦 [du1ban4], n., director, director general (of railway administration, iron works, etc.).水Words42. 水工 [shui3gong1], n., a sailor; one who works on dams, etc.典Words7. 典籍 [dian3ji2], n., books in gen., esp. anc. works.遺Words28. 遺書 [yi2shu1], n., (1) dying testament; (2) collected works of a deceased author; (3) books that have generally become extinct.精Words42. 精采 [jing1cai3], n. & adj., (of litr. or artistic works) (the) most interesting, exciting, (features or parts): 精采表演 spirited performance.干Words2. 干城 [gan1cheng2], n., (1) defense works, fortifications; (2) soldiers fighting for the country: 國之干城 heroic defenders of the nation.工Words2. 工筆 [gong1bi3], n., (painting) works done with fine, delicate strokes.4. 工部 [gong1bu4], n., formerly, one of the six boards of the central government in charge of public works: 工部局 formerly, the Municipal Council of foreign concessions.24. 工細 [gong1xi4], adj., (of material products or artistic works) fine, skillful, refined, meticulously finished, see [gong1zhi4]↑.25. 工事 [gong1shi4], n., engineering works.30. 工穩 [gong1wen3], adj., (of artistic or litr. works) elegant and in good taste.百Words19. 百衲本 *[bo2na4ben3], n., edition of anc. works made up of collated passages, or of best existing editions of parts, cf. [bo2na4yi1]↓.Adj. & adv. extraordinary, (-ily), extreme (-ly): 乎其難哉 how formidable or impossible the task is! 獨造 (of literary or artistic works) creative, original, out of the common run.理V.t.(sl.) (of police methods) to give s.o. the works;璣N.(1)  A pearl not perfectly round in shape: 字字珠璣 (of litr. works) every phrase a gem.珍Words13. 珍藏 [zhen1cang2], v.t., to keep (rare editions, art works) as of great value.刑N.上刑 “put on the works”(shackles, whipping, etc.);功Words2. 功德 [gong1de2], n., (1) an achievement or contribution 功德無量 a great service to mankind; (2) (Budd.) meritorious works.子Words35. 子書 [zi3shu1]1, n., works of anc. philosophers other than those of Confucius.騭N.(2)  陰騭 (=陰功) good works done in secret which will be rewarded by heaven.防Words13. 防御 [fang2yU4], n. & v.t., guard against (thieves); defense or defense works.品Words7. 品監 [pin3jian4], v.t., enjoy, examine critically (art works).22. 品藻 [pin3zao3], v.t., evaluate art works, persons.別Words3. 別集 [bie2ji2], n., an author's collected works, as dist. from 總集 collection or anthology by period or genre of writing.4. 別致 [bie2zhi4], n. & adj., interesting and novel (of art works, decoration).四Words5. 四部 [si4bu4], phr., standard library classification into four categories: (a) 經 classics, (b) 史 history, including geography, (c) 子 philosophy and the arts and sciences, and (d) 集 collected works (subject or author); see 四庫 [si4ku4]↓.30. 四庫 [shi1ku4], n., usu. 四庫全書 the imperial library of Chienlung named after the “four vaults” of classics, history, philosophy and collected works of literature, see [si4bu4]↑.49. 四書 [si4shu1], n., The Four Books: (1) 大學 The Great Learning, (2) 中庸 The Doctrine of the Mean, (3) 論語 Confucian Analects, and (4) 孟子 The Works of Mencius-formerly, required reading in all elementary grades.司Words8. 司空 [si1kong1], n., (1) a compound surname; (2) (AC) minister of public works.引Words23. 引經 [yin3jing1], phr., 引經據典 to give quotations from classics or ancient works.驗Adj.Efficacious, true to claim: 屢試屢驗 every time it works (of prayer, medicine).雅Words7. 雅故 [ya3gu4], n., (LL) (1) ancient literary works; (2) old friends.21. 雅玩 [ya3wan4], n., (court.) for your amusement, formula in presenting art works.悶Words9. 悶頭兒 *[men0tou2er0], n., (1) person who is holed up, unable to exercise his talent or wealth; (2) person who works silently without publicity.改Words2. 改編 [gai3bian1], v.t., (1) reorganize: 改編軍隊 regroup troops into new units; (2) (of literary works) revise and rewrite.亭Words2. 亭障 [ting2zhang4], n., (AC) defense works at military pass.文Words30. 文集 [wen2ji2]1, n., a writer's works.67. 文選 [wen2xUan3], n., selected works, esp. 昭明文選 a wellknown selection noted for essays of florid style of early centuries A.D.交V.t.(2)  Be on good terms with, come into contact with: 交好 [jiao1hao3], 交歡 [jiao1huan1], 交際 [jiao1ji4]↓: 神交 (of two persons reciprocally) know a person by reading his works;諸Words9. 諸子 [zhu1zi3], n., “the philosophers,” referring to the philosophers or their works, outside the Confucianists (such as 老子,莊子,墨子, etc.); 諸子百家 the different philosophers and authors, esp. in time of the Warring Kingdoms.論N.論著 (person's) published works;記N.(1)  Classical works, written accounts of events, essays: 禮記 the Book of Rites;離Words16. 離騷 [li2sao1], n., one of the works by Chyuh Yuarn (屈原).部N.(3)  One of four divisions in traditional library classification (四部), consisting of the Classics (經部), History (史部), Philosophy (子部), Collected Works (集部), see 四部 41.41.字Words16. 字帖 [zi4tie4], n., (1) a copybook for pupils; (2) reproductions of the works of master calligraphers, usu. in the form of rubbings from stone tablets.宰V.t.宰了他 give him the works (his quietus).官Words56. 官瑤 [guan1yao2], n., government porcelain works.冠Words8. 冠冕 [guan1mian0], n., (1) government officials; (2) (of literary or artistic works) the best of its kind; (3) elegant, -ce: 冠冕堂皇 (of speech or action) having official elegance, (contempt.) dignified in form but insincere in substance.澤N.(3)  Ancestral handwriting: 手澤(猶存) ancestor's calligraphic works (are still extant).江Words2. 江防 [jiang1fang2], n., flood control or defense works on the Yangtse.浩Words3. 浩大 [hao4da4], adj., very great (expenses, enginering works, achievements).汛Words2. 汛掃 [xUn4sao3], v.t., (AC) to sweep, wash away (former works).補Words27. 補遺 [bu3yi2], n., supplement oft. edited to supply missing material in collected works or main work; addendum.剪Words11. 剪裁 [jian3cai2], v.i., (1) (tailoring) cut cloth to make dress or suit; (2) (of litr. works) polish, refine, cut out superfluous words and phrases.美Words23. 美術 [mei3shu4], n., the fine arts; 美術家 an artist; 美術品 artistic products, creations, art works; 美術館 art gallery.全Words3. 全部 [qUan2bu4], n., the complete works, the whole, all: 全部燒毀 all destroyed by fire.11. 全活 [qUan2huo2], phr., the complete works (as in barbershop, haircut, shave, shampoo, massage--all).12. 全集 [qUan2ji2], n., complete works of author.內Words18. 內篇 [nei4pian1], n., (1) (AC) that partof a book in which basic principles are enunciated (opp. 外篇 in which matters other than basic principles are treated); (2) (AC) works of a Taoist writer.人Words43. 人口 [ren2kou3], n., (1) population: 人口統計 census taking; (2) all the members of a family; (3) the mouth as an organ of speech: 膾炙人口 (of literary works) be spoken of with relish.入Words40. 入神 [ru4shen2], adj., (1) in mental concentration; (2) in ecstasy; (3) (of literary or artistic works) divine, supremely great.監Words6. 監賞 [jian4shang3], v.t., (of literary or artistic works) enjoy, appreciate as connoisseur.鋼Words12. 鋼鐵 [gang1tie3], n., steel and iron; 鋼鐵廠 a steel and iron works.鐵N.Iron: 鐵工廠 iron works;乘N.(3)  (*[sheng4]) 史乘 historical works.兵Words13. 兵工廠 [bing1gong1chang3], n., arsenal, ammunition works.集Words1. 集部 [ji2bu4], n., literary works as distinguished from the classics, history, and philosophy.史Words9. 史乘 [shi3sheng4], n., histories, historical works.12. 史冊 [shi3ce4], n., anc. history books, historical works.布Words2. 布防 [bu4fang2], v.i. & n., patrol, set up defense line with patrols or defense works.偏Words23. 偏勞 [pian1lao2], v.i. & t., (court. of a person who) works harder than the group, also phr., thanking person for special effort: 偏勞了你.偽Adj.偽書 spurious works;假Words10. 假借 [jia3jie4], v.t., (1) borrow (money, bcoks, etc.); (2) use one Chin. character with similar pronunciation in place of another, used for (u.f.) in ancient works.役N.役夫 worker in public works or army;名Words25. 名山 [ming2shan1], n., famous mountain: 名山事業 author's works destined for posterity.等Adj.著作等身 one's works pile up as high as the writer himself, (of a writer) prolific, voluminous;Words4. 編 [jian3bian1], n., (1) books, written works;籍N.(1)  Written works: 書籍 books and publications;古籍 ancient works;外Words55. 外集 [wai4ji2]1, n., later supplement to author's works.樂Words6. 樂典 *[yUe4dian3], n., musicological works.經N.(1)  Classical works: 經書 [jing1shu1]↓;Words5. 經典 [jing1dian3], n., (1) classics; (2) religious works.結Words20. 結撰 [jie2zhuan4], v. t., (of litr. works) write, compose.給Prep.(1)  (*[gei3]) By: 給人整慘了 was given the works or a good trouncing by others;編V.t.編集 edit by collecting pieces, make anthology or collected works;總Words23. 總集 [zong3ji2], n., an anthology of works of certain period or category.續Words6. 續集 [xU4ji2], n., supplement(s) in author's works.works/wʒks; wə:ks/可数名词(pl. ~)[常构成复合字]工厂, 制造厂 (→ factory【同义字】)→ ironworks, steelworksa cement ~水泥工厂The ~ is [are] closed today.工厂本日停工works工作场works工厂双向☞ plutonium--works双向☞works-- hanford双向☞works--Clinton学术学术★◀▶Works, contraction約束工程水利工程Works, diversion引水工程水利工程Works, emergency搶險工程水利工程Works, fascine稍料工程水利工程Works, floating浮築工程水利工程Works, protection保護工程水利工程works工廠電機工程works, plutonium鈽工廠電機工程works工作場食品科技works工廠;工場機械工程works (FRBR Group 1 entity)作品(FRBR第一組實體)圖書館學與資訊科學名詞works工廠造船工程名詞




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