单词 | wishes |
释义 | 文馨英漢☞wish新世纪新世纪★◀▶wishes/ˈwɪʃɪz/npl.1.(expressed hopes/desire)愿望;(尤指)祝愿, 祝福(in greetings)祝好(on birthday, engagement)最良好的祝愿Western leaders sent good wishes to the new American president.西方领导人向新任美国总统致以良好的祝愿。best wishes最美好的祝愿with best wishes祝好to give sb your best wishes向某人致以最良好的祝愿Give her my best wishes.向她转达我最良好的祝愿。to send your best wishes表达某人最美好的祝福to send good wishes to sb向某人表达最美好的祝福2.(what someone wants)希望得到的事物against sb's wishes违背某人的意愿The decision was made against the wishes of the party leader.这个决定违背了该党领导人的意愿。新世纪☞wish详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 npl /ˈwɪʃɪz/愿望;(尤指)祝愿,祝福;祝好;最良好的祝愿 Western leaders sent good wishes to the new American president. 西方领导人向新任美国总统致以良好的祝愿。 Give her my best wishes. 向她转达我最良好的祝愿。希望得到的事物 The decision was made against the wishes of the party leader. 这个决定违背了该党领导人的意愿。常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社best wishes最美好的祝愿with best wishes祝好to give sb your best wishes向某人致以最良好的祝愿to send your best wishes表达某人最美好的祝福to send good wishes to sb向某人表达最美好的祝福against sb's wishes违背某人的意愿wishes事N.萬事 all: 萬事如意 have all one's wishes;事與愿違 events do not happen as one wishes;拂V.i. & t.(4) To cross one's wishes, to defy: 拂盛意 disobey your warm friendly wishes.Words5. 拂逆 [fu2ni4], v.t., ditto:不敢拂逆你的好意 dare not but obey your wishes.10. 拂意 [fu2yi4], v.i., go against wishes; feel one's wishes thwarted.達V.i. & t.不達意 (writing) does not express what the writer wishes to say.趁Words7. 趁心 [chen4xin1], v.i., have as one wishes: (=稱心如意).奉V.i. & t.奉請,奉候 offer best wishes;敬Adv.敬請,敬候 (phrr. used in complimentary close) “with best wishes for (your good health)”;Words11. 敬頌 [jing4song4], phr., “please accept my best wishes.”崇V.t.尊崇 respect (person, his wishes).此Pron. & adj.此請臺安 (form closing letter) I close with best wishes.懂V.i. & t.懂人意 (dog, animals) understand master's wishes.順V.t.順竿兒爬 fall in with other people's wishes;不Words49. 不合 [bu4he2], (1) vb. aux., should not have (done); (2) conflict with (opinioon, rules, etc.), does not meet with (s.o.’s wishes).隨Words1. 隨便 (兒) [sui2bian4] (sueir-bia-'l), adj. & adv., (1) as one wishes, freely, not restricted: 隨便走 go wherever and whenever you like; esp. invitation to take off gown or coat at party: 隨便寬衣; 不可隨便吐痰 do not spit freely; (2) carelessly, cursorily: 做事不可隨便 don't do slipshod work.逞V.t.(3) To follow (desires, wishes) without restraint: 逞愿 [cheng3yUan4]↓;Words6. 逞心 [cheng3xin1], v.i., do as one wishes and incautiously.唱Words12. 唱禮 [chang4li3], n., (Budd.) prayer at end of mass with “five forgiveness” and “five wishes.”見V.i. & t.見不著 fail to see s.o. one wishes to interview;眼Words21. 眼中釘 [yan3zhong1ding1], n., an eyesore, a hated person that one wishes removed: 眼中刺 ditto; 眼中人 sweetheart.贈Words4. 贈序 [zeng4xU4], n., a form of literary composition conveying the writer's best wishes to a departing friend.那Adj.那話兒 that story, that thing (where speaker wishes not to be explicit);騁V.i.騁詞 to scatter phrases about as one wishes.肆V.i. & t.(1) To let go, exert utmost: 肆其所欲 do what one wishes without restraint;眉Words10. 眉壽 [mei2shou4], n., long life (old people oft. having long eyebrows): 以介眉壽 best wishes for long life.卒Adv.(1) Finally, at last, in the end: 卒償素愿 had one's wishes fulfilled at long last.高Adj.眼高手低 one's ability does not match his wishes or high goal;意N.萬事如意 may all your heart's wishes be fulfilled;廑Words2. 廑念 [jin3nian4], phr., (letter writing) "your best wishes (constant concern)."寄V. t.寄意 convey thought, best wishes;恣V.i.恣意 indulge one's wishes, do as one likes;福Adj.(3) Used in letters in conveying good wishes: 福安, blessed with good health;尊Words25. 尊命 [zun1ming4], n., your wishes (request), instructions.送Words8. 送話 [song4hua4], v.i., give opponent grounds for attack by using ill-advised statement: 向人嘴底下送話 say yourselves what your enemy wishes you to say.希Words6. 希旨 (指) [xi1zhi3], v.i., to cater to a superior's wishes.手N.入手 start work, also (work) comes to hand as one wishes, (girl victim) falls into clutch;迎V.t.逢迎 to cater to person's wishes;Words6. 迎合 [ying2he2], v.t., to cater to (another's wishes).稱Words22. 稱心 *[chen4xin1], v.i., to have as one wishes.34. 稱愿 *[chen4yUan4], v.i. & adj., satisfactory, have as one wishes (also wr.趁).榮Adv.Expressing congratulations: 榮升,榮任,榮調,榮行,榮旋 (best wishes for) your promotion, appointment, reassignment, departure, return.九Words15. 九如 [jiu3ru2], n., birthday felicitations (“nine best wishes”).信Words51. 信意兒 [xin4ye4er0], adv., (do things) impulsively, as one wishes.躬N.政躬康泰 “best wishes for Your Excellency's health.”年Words56. 年禧 [nian2xi3], n., Happy New Year: 恭祝年禧 best wishes for a happy New Year.符V.i.定符下頌 may the future agree with my best wishes.如Words35. 如愿 [ru2yUan4], phr., (1) if willing; (2) as one wishes: 如愿以償 have one's wish fulfilled.綏N.(1) (LL, greeting in letters) health and happiness: 公綏,日綏,褔綏 best wishes (interch. 安).詞目:WISHES 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階WISHES1WISHES,my best請安1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 329 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Wishes1meet my ideas or Wishes如我意、正合我意2my best Wishes請安3Wishes gratified,心滿意足p 540 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華字典資料庫同義詞☞gruss |
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