

单词 belongs
释义 文馨英漢☞belongbelongs據V.t.據為己有 appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to another).大Words117. 大義 [da4yi4]2, n., (1) the principle of right and wrong: 深明大義 know where one's loyalty belongs; (2) general idea.莫Words1. 莫非 [mo4fei1], phr., unless it be: 莫非是他 perhaps it is he; 莫非是他錯了 perhaps it was his mistake; 普天之下,莫非王土 all this territory belongs to the king.盡Pron.All: 盡歸我有 all belongs to me;建V.t.建功 win glory for one's country or any group to which one belongs;屬V.t.(2)  Owe allegiance to: 屬於吳 (a town) belongs to Wur Kingdom;詞目:Belongs 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Belongs1Belongs to me. This house,此屋係我的p 36 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華☞belong




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