

单词 weights
释义 文馨英漢☞weightweights翹Words5. 翹關 [qiao2guan1], v.i., (AC) a contest of lifting weights.砝Words1. 砝碼 [fa2ma3], n., brass or lead weights, used in old-style scales.量N.(1)  Measure: 度量衡 weights and measures, measures of length, capacity and weight;剖V.t.剖斗折衡 phr., (AC) destroy weights and measures (in return-to-nature philosophy).舉Words14. 舉重 [jU3zhong4], (1) v.i., to lift weights; (2) n., weightlifting.weights1.压重 2.砝码Weights权数weights沈锤weights砝码詞目:WEIGHTS 1822馬禮遜英華字典WEIGHTS1WEIGHTS and measures of the Chinese are comprehended under the four words 律, 度, 量, 衡, `the fistula, or long measure, dry measure, and weights.' They consider the fistula or ancient musical reed called 黃鐘, the foundation of all [measure](meassure) and weights, and numbers. This reed of a determinate length and diameter, became the standard of weights and measures according to the number of grains of corn which it contained. In long measure it is a question whether they were 縱黍, grains disposed lengthwise or 橫黍, crosswise. One hundred grains placed crosswise make the 古尺, ancient cubit, which measures nearly ten inches, and each inch is divided into ten parts; one hundred grains placed lengthwise, make the 今尺, modern cubit, which (in the standard work, from which this is taken) measures 12½ inches. The government covid, at Canton, is 14 inches, 625 dec. In the reed 一千二百黍 1200 grains constituted the lowest denomination; which in Long measure is 一分, 10 fun make a 寸 (punto); 10 tsun, a 尺, or cubit; 10 chĭh, a 丈, 10 chang, a 引律、度、量、衡、黃鐘、縱黍、橫黍、古尺、今尺、一千二百黍、一分、寸、尺、丈、引2In dry measure, 1200 grains make a 龠; 10 yŏ, make a 合; 10 hŏ make a 升; 10 shing make a 斗; and 10 tow make a 斛龠、合、升、斗、斛3In weights, 1200 grains, weighed 12 銖: 兩之爲兩, doubling this quantity made the leang (tael) or 24 choo; 16 兩, make a 斤, or catty; 30 kin make a 鈎; and 4 keun make a 石, or stone. (欽定尚書.)銖、兩之爲兩、兩、斤、鈎、石、欽定尚書4The preceding statement is that which is approved; other ancient authorities state the matter differently. Thus one says, 十馬尾爲一分, ten hairs of a horse's tail make a fun; another says, 蠶所吐絲爲忽, a fibrous thread emitted by the silkworm is called hwŭh; 10 hwŭh make a 絲; 10 sze make a 豪; 10 haou make a 釐; and 10 le make a 分十馬尾爲一分、蠶所吐絲爲忽、絲、豪、釐、分5The foundation of land measure is 跬, which is explained by 一舉足, once raising the foot; i. e. one step; 倍跬謂之步, a step doubled is called poo, or a pace跬、一舉足、倍跬謂之步6The 周 dynasty, 制寸咫尺尋常仞皆以人體爲法 in forming the tsun, che, chĭh, tsin, chang, and jin, took the rule from the human body; 婦人手八寸謂之咫 a woman's arm being eight tsun (puntos) was called che, which was the cubit of that period: and the cubit being short, the 丈, or ten cubits, was taken from 丈夫, a large man周、制寸咫尺尋常仞皆以人體爲法、婦人手八寸謂之咫、丈、丈夫7According to other ancient methods of measuring, 六粟爲圭, 6 grains made a kwei; 10 kwei made a 抄; 10 chaou made a 撮, two or three finger's full (a pugil); 10 tsŏ made a 勺; and 10 chŏ made a 合. Other authorities, at different periods, state the matter otherwise, and say that 六十黍爲 64 grains made a kwei六粟爲圭、抄、撮、勺、合、六十黍爲8Again, 一手之盛謂之溢 a handful was called yĭh; both hand's full was called keŭh; four keŭh made a 豆, &c一手之盛謂之溢、豆9In different ages and in different nations of China 度量衡之名不一 superficial measure, measures of contents, and weights, had various names, 必不可比而同者 which it is impossible to compare and render uniform. Government therefore has fixed on the 丈, as the standard of Long Measure; with which the greater and smaller denominations must be compared: the 石, as the standard of Dry Measure; and 兩, as the standard of Weights. Thus度量衡之名不一、必不可比而同者、丈、石、兩(註1)10度法丈以下In LONG MEASURE, from the Chang downwards in decimal ratio, the denominations are.1, 尺,2, 寸,3, 分,4, 釐,5, 豪,6, 絲,7, 忽,8, 微,9, 纖,10, 沙,11, 塵,12, 埃,13, 渺,14, 漠,15, 模糊,16, 逡巡,17, 須臾,18, 瞬息,19, 彈指,20, 刹那,21, 六德,22, 虛空, *23, 淸淨. +* Vacuum. + Absolute purity.量法石以下In DRY MEASURE, from the Shĭh or stone downwards, the denominations are in a decimal ratio.1, 斗,2, 升,3, 合,4, 勺,5, 撮,6, 抄,7, 圭.8, 粟.衡法両以下In WEIGHTS, from the Leang or tael downwards, in a decimal ratio, the denominations are,1, 錢,2, 分,3, 釐,4, 豪,5, 絲,6, 忽, and onward, the same as in Long Measure.p.466自單位以上The NOTATION or Numeration of all quantities, from an unit upwards, proceeding decimally, is thus1, 十,2, 百,3, 千,4, 萬,5, 億,6, 兆,7, 京,8, 垓,9, 秭,10, 穰,11, 溝,12, 澗,13, 正,14, 載,15, 極,16, 恆河沙, `sands of the Ganges.'17, 阿僧秪.18, 那有他, `where is it!'19, 不可思議, `inconceivable.'20, 無量數, `infinite number;' 321.987.654.321.987.654.321, which in European notation carried as above to 21 places of figures, would amount to Three hundred and twenty-one trillions, nine hundred and eight-seven thousand, six hundred and fifty-four billions, three hundred and twenty-one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven millions, six hundred and fifty-four thousand, three hundred and twenty-one.Beside the notation, 以十進者 advancing decimally as above, some 以萬進 advance by tens of thousands, as 萬萬曰億 ten thousand times ten thousand are called yĭh; 萬億曰兆 ten thousand yĭh are called chaou. And others 以自乘數進 advance by multiplying every number into itself, or squaring it, as 萬萬曰億‧億億曰兆, ten thousand times ten thousand are called yĭh or million; a million times a million is called chaou, or billion.曆法TIME. Astronomical calculations,The terms are, One 宮, or a sign, is equal to 30 度, or degrees; one too is equal to 60 分; one fun to 60 秒; one chaou to 60 微; one we to 60 纖; one sëen to 60 忽; one hwŭh to 60 芒; one mang to 60 塵.A day 日, is equal to 12 時, or 24 小時. One 時, is equal to 8 刻; one kĭh to 15 分, which fun or minute is divided as above.畂法SQUARE OR LAND MEASURE.One 頃, is equal to 100 畝, one mow is equal to 積二百四十步 240 square paces. One 分, is equal to 積二十四步 24 square paces.里法LONG MEASURE. 360 步, are equal to 180 丈, which are equal to one 里.Formerly a 度, or degree in the heavens was said to be equal to 250 le; but according to the modern cubit it is considered 200 里; 古尺得今尺之十分之八 the ancient cubit being only eight tenths of the modern one.11A weight for keeping down papers鎮紙12Weights included in a small brass box amounting altogether to two taels方碼13Sze ma 司碼 weights adjusted by government司碼14Weights sanctioned by the 布政司 office are called 司碼; and 法碼. These weights are used in scales. The weight of a steelyard, 稱砣; or 稱錘布政司、司碼、法碼、稱砣、稱錘1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆註1:另外輸入:度量衡之名不一(p465-466).txtp 464 p 465 p 466 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階WEIGHTS1司碼、碼子1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 324 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Weights1司碼、碼子、法碼2Weights of a clock,錘3Weights of the steelyard,秤錘4Weights and measures,稱量之器、斗秤、量衡5Weights and scales,權衡p 534 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶稱錘steelyard weights a weight at the end of a steel-yard steelyard's weights 稱砣weights a weight at the end of a steel-yard 一手之盛謂之溢weights manipulus 龠WEIGHTS musical reed 英華☞father英華☞weight英華☞fiscal英華☞syrinx英華☞picul英華☞poise英華☞GANG英華☞CENT英華☞MITE英華☞zone英華☞bunt英華☞peck英華☞shot英華☞yoke英華☞boar英華☞pace英華☞gage英華☞barb英華☞arm英華☞lot英華☞cut英華☞cup英華☞dub英華☞in.英華☞ft.英華☞led英華☞act英華☞nip英華☞axe英華☞soy英華☞ace英華☞he英華☞go英華☞to学术学术★◀▶weights砝碼藥學weights砝碼物理學名詞weights砝碼物理化學儀器設備名詞weights沈錘海事weights砝碼化學名詞—兩岸化學名詞weights砝碼機械工程weights砝碼化學名詞—化學術語weights1.壓重 2.砝碼鑄造學Weights權數經濟學




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