

单词 warding
释义 warding n., adj.ward的变形 ward [wɔ:d] n. 保护,守卫 监禁,拘留 [罕用语]监护 [罕用语]监护权受监护的未成年人或疯癫者受保护的人 牢房,监房 病房,病室 市内行政区;地方选区 (英格兰北部和苏格兰的)分区(约一百户) [美国英语]摩门教教区 防御设施 (剑术等的)防御姿势 (城堡、要塞内的)空旷场地 [古语]卫兵,看守人 锁孔 (钥匙的)榫槽 【英国历史】临时收容所 [罕用语]=warden1 [美国英语]独立支队vt.避开;挡开,挡住;招架(通常与 off 连用) [罕用语]保护,守卫vi.[古语]抵挡,防御短语:casual ward(英国救济院的)临时收容所keep watch and ward守卫,监护ward in chancery受英国大法官保护的未成年者  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 文馨英漢☞wardwarding葫Words1. 葫蘆 [hu2lu2] ([hu2lu0]), n., the bottle gourd; dried shell of bottle gourd, used for holding medicine: 葫蘆里藥讓你猜 guess what's in the gourd; hence 悶葫蘆 a puzzling matter; 葫蘆兒 embroidered bag of spices worn by children on 5th lunar month for warding off infectious influence; 冰糖胡蘆兒 sugar-coated crab apple.蒲Words5. 蒲劍 [pu2jian4], n., a sword-shaped bag of aromatic herbs hung on doorposts on Dragon Boat Festival for warding off insects (and “evil spirits”).艾Words4. 艾虎 [ai4hu3], n., formerly, a bag of mint herb for warding off infectious insects, worn on 5th day of 5th lunar month.鐵Words4. 鐵布衫 [tie3bu4shan1], n., (Chin. boxing) a form of movement warding off all attacks.詞目:Warding 1866-69羅存德英華字典Warding1Warding off拒、捍、禦、捍挌p 1948 1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆英華英華英華英華★◀▶捍挌warding (off) warding to stop or defend 英華☞stop英華☞BAY英華☞bay




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