

单词 wailing
释义 wailing  [ˈweɪlɪŋ]动词变化: "to wail"Present Participle: wailing本页中: wailing, wailWordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文wailing nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (mournful crying)哭喊 kū hǎn  嚎哭 háo kū  恸哭 tòng kū  嚎啕  We could hear the wailing of the women at the funeral.wailing nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (making long high sound)嚎叫 háo jiào  尖啸   啸叫   尖锐的声音  The wailing of sirens could be heard throughout the night.wailing adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (mournful crying)嚎哭的   哭喊的   恸哭的   嚎啕的  Mark heard the wailing voices of the mourners.wailing adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (making long high sound)嚎叫的 háo jiào de  啸叫的   尖啸的   发出尖锐声音的  The wailing sirens of the police cars were deafening.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文wail nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (mournful cry)痛哭,嚎啕大哭   痛哭声,嚎啕大哭声  We heard the wail of children coming from the nursery. 我们听到幼儿园中传来孩子们嚎啕大哭的声音。wail⇒ viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (cry mournfully)痛哭 tòng kū  嚎啕大哭 háo táo dà kū Women wailed and beat their breasts at the funeral. WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:wailing | wail英语中文the Wailing Wall, the Western Wall nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (Judaism: sacred wall in Jerusalem) (耶路撒冷的犹太教圣地)哭墙 kū qiáng The Wailing Wall is a very holy place for observant Jews. 对于正统犹太教徒来说,哭墙是一个非常神圣的地方。 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:wail [weIl]I n [c]1 [of person] 嚎啕声(聲) háotáoshēng2 [of siren] 呼啸(嘯)声(聲) hūxiàoshēngII vi 1 [person] 嚎啕 háotáo2 [siren] 呼啸(嘯) hūxiàoIII vt 哀诉(訴) āisù wailing adj.wail的变形 wail [weil] vi. 恸哭,号啕大哭:That baby wailed.那个婴儿号啕大哭。 悲叹,哀号;(风等)呼啸:the wind wailing in the trees森林里呼啸的风 [俚语]【爵士乐】表演极佳:We were wailing but nobody had a tape machine.我们演奏得淋漓尽致,可惜没有人带录音机。vt.[古语] 哀悼:to wail someone's death哀悼某人的逝世 为…而恸哭:Women in that town wailed for their dead.那个城市的女人们哀泣她们的亡人。n.恸哭,哭泣 恸哭声,哭泣声 哀诉,呜咽,悲叹近义词:cry  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 wailingadj,nˈwelɪŋadj.① 號啕大哭的n.① 哭號新世纪新世纪★◀▶wailing/ˈweɪlɪŋ/n.1.+of person, baby哀号;痛哭Mace still remembers the pitiful wailing of the trapped and the wounded.梅斯依然记得那些被困者和受伤者发出的可怜哀号。2.+of siren, alarm呼啸声;尖啸声The silence was broken by the wailing of police sirens.警笛的尖啸声打破了寂静。新世纪☞wail详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˈweɪlɪŋ/哀号;痛哭搭配:[+ of person, baby] Mace still remembers the pitiful wailing of the trapped and the wounded. 梅斯依然记得那些被困者和受伤者发出的可怜哀号。呼啸声;尖啸声搭配:[+ of siren, alarm] The silence was broken by the wailing of police sirens. 警笛的尖啸声打破了寂静。wailing呱V.i.呱呱叫 ([wa1wa1jiao4]) keep on wailing (see 聒聒叫 31S.40).舉Words1. 舉哀 [jU3ai1], v.i. & n., wailing during funeral service.wail·ing/`welɪŋ; ˈweiliŋ/名词哭号; 哀泣副词wail'ing·ly詞目:Wailing 1866-69羅存德英華字典Wailing1哀哭2wailing and crying哀哀慟哭1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 1941 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Wailingppr.1哀哭2wailing and crying哀哀慟哭1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 1169 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Wailingn.1Loud cries of sorrow, 慟哭, 號泣慟哭、號泣2Deep lamentation, 悲痛, 哀哭, 哀聲, 哭聲悲痛、哀哭、哀聲、哭聲p 2601 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞WAIL英華☞cant英華☞pain英華☞cry




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