

单词 vestry
释义 vestry  [ˈvɛstri]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文vestry nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (church: storage room for vestments) (宗教)法衣储存室,祭服法器室  The priest was in the vestry, getting ready for the morning service.  在这些条目还发现'vestry':在英文解释里:vestryman vestry ['vestri] n. (教堂中的)圣器收藏室 (教堂的)主日学校教室;小礼拜堂 (美国圣公会中辅助管理教会俗务的)教区委员会 (英国国教中讨论教会事务的)教区会议;教区委员会变形:n. vestries 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 vestryˈvɛstrɪvestryvestriesn.① 法衣室(教堂裡放置法衣、聖餐用器物等的房間)② 教堂附屬室(辦理事務或供祈禱會及主日學所用者)③[集合用法](美國聖公會、英國國教會的)教區委員(會)vestry/ˈvestrɪ/n.( 复vestries)1.(storage room)(教堂的)圣器收藏室, 法衣室2.(meeting room)(教堂的)主日学校教室, 小礼拜堂, 会议室3.(meeting)教区会议4.(parish council)行政堂区委员会5.(committee of vestrymen)教区委员会 详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˈvestrɪ/(教堂的)圣器收藏室,法衣室(教堂的)主日学校教室,小礼拜堂,会议室教区会议行政堂区委员会教区委员会英英释义n.in the Protestant Episcopal Church: a committee elected by the congregation to work with the churchwardens in managing the temporal affairs of the churcha room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held词形变化复数: vestries英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶法衣圣器储藏室vestry vestry room 小礼拜堂oratory vestry 英汉大☞closetves·try/`vɛstrɪ; ˈvestri/可数名词1 (教会的) 祭服室, 圣具室((保管祭服、宗教仪式用的器具及文书等的房间, 也作祭服的更衣室))2 教堂的附属室((用作办公室、祈祷室或主日学的教室等))3 [集合称] (美国圣公会、英国国教的) 教区委员 (会)vestryves•try /'vestrɪ/ n C (教堂的)法衣室;法衣更衣处 vestryn.(名詞 noun)(教堂的)聖具室(= sacristy)(即存放祭服、聖餐用品的收藏室)(非國教教堂的)教會附屬室,禮拜室(用作事務室、祈禱會室或主日學校之教室)【史】(英國國教的)教區委員會(= common [general, ordinary] vestry)教區教民代表(會),特別教區委員會(= select vestry)【美聖公會】教區委員會vestrysacristy(教堂的)聖具室common [general, ordinary] vestry(英國國教的)教區委員會select vestry教區教民代表(會),特別教區委員會document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:VESTRY 1822馬禮遜英華字典VESTRY1or place to put away sacred vestments at temples寢2She-king, vol. 10, § 40, p. 32, 前廟以奉神後寢以藏衣冠 the front of the temple is for the service of the gods, the back apartments for laying up the robes and caps前廟以奉神後寢以藏衣冠1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 455 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階VESTRY1寢室1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 318 1847-48麥都思英華字典VESTRY1寢2the hinder apartment (of a temple) used for storing up the sacred vestments後寢以藏衣冠1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 1370 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Vestry1a Vestry寢、寢室2Vestry or room in the hinder part of a church,後寢以藏衣冠1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 525 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Vestryn.1Vestry of a church禮衣之房、裝聖禮物之房、會長會房、長老會房2the vestry in a temple寢3the vestry (of a temple) is for storing the sacred vestments後寢以藏衣冠1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 1158 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Vestryn.1A room appendant to a church, in which the clerical vestments and sacred utensils are kept, 禮拜堂內置禮服或聖器之房, 聖衣間禮拜堂內置禮服或聖器之房、聖衣間2(Eccl.) (a) A parochial assembly for conducting the affairs of a parish, so called because its meetings were formerly held in the vestry, (宗)教區內之教友會(商議辦理禮拜堂內一切事務, 本聚於聖衣間內, 因名爲聖衣間會); (b) the members of a vestry, 教區會之會員, 執事(宗)教區內之教友會(商議辦理禮拜堂內一切事務、本聚於聖衣間內、因名爲聖衣間會)、教區會之會員、執事1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 2571 1913商務書館英華新字典Vestryn.1禮衣之房、祭服室、會長會房、長老會房1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 540 1916赫美玲官話Vestryn.1body of men執事2room執事集會所(新)、聖衣間(新)p 1591 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶後寢以藏衣冠vestry vestry of a church the vestry (of a temple) is for storing the sacred vestments vestry or room in the hinder part of a church, 會長會房vestry vestry of a church 禮衣之房vestry vestry of a church 長老會房vestry vestry of a church 英華☞layer英華☞sleep英華☞doze




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