单词 | vern |
释义 | Vern [və:n] 弗恩(男子名) [亦作Verne] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 vern告V.t.(1) Tell, inform, announce: (LL) 告我, (vern.) 告訴我 tell me;焚V.i. & t.(LL) Burn (=vern. 燒 [shao1]): 焚毀 destroy by fire;V.t.(Vern.) to lift up, tuck up (end of gown or trousers).招Words5. 招親 [zhao1qin1], v.i., (1) to look for or take son-in-law who will marry into bride's family (taking her family name and living with her family); (2) (in vern. literature) to elope.搞V.i. & t.(1) (Vern.) do, be engaged in (some task), carry out, busy oneself with, eke out a living;抗V.t.(6) (Vern.) to hide away: 把這包東西抗起來 hide away this package.披 99B50 10A.82-2/64 ㄆㄧ [pi1] (also ㄆㄟ [pei1] in certain vern. phrr.).相Words24. 相公 *[xiang4gong1], n., (1) Your Excellency, formerly, address to prime minister; n.,(2) ([xiang1gong0]) (a) young master of a noble house or handsome young man (in vern. literature); n., (b) a pederast: 相公堂子 house of pederasts.69. 相應 [xiang1ying1], (1) v.i., (in official documents) it is proper that (this be communicated, etc.); (2) ([xiang1ying4]) (a) v.i., to act in response; (b) adj., proper: 嫁得相應的人家 (in vern. literature) marry into a proper family.者Adj.(MC in vern. literature) this, these: 者賊無賴 this bastard is devoid of shame;Excl.(MC vern.) 者, 者 “yes, yes!” (also wr. ).有V.i. & t.(5) There are many: 有日 (LL) and 有日子了 (vern.) many days already: 有歲數了 well-advanced in age;Words41. 有日 [you3ri4], adv., (vern. 有日子) (1) many days: 有日子沒會面了 we haven't seen each other for many days; 還有日子呢 there are good many days yet--a long way off; (2) a definite date set: 喜事有日子沒有 is the date set for the wedding?犬N.(1) (LL) dog (vern. 狗): 犬牙相錯 jigsaw outline;曹N.(2) (LL, AC) plural particle (=vern. 們): 吾曹,爾曹,彼曹 we, you, they;茗N.(LL) tea (=vern. 茶): 品茗 sample or critically enjoy tea;膚N.Human skin: (vern.) 皮膚發膚 hair and skin;此Pron. & adj.This (LL, but is largely used in vern. in many common phrr.): 此番,此次 this time;尚Adv.(1) Yet, still: (vern.) 尚且 [shang4qie3]↓;尚不錯 (=vern. 還不錯) not bad, fair.Words1. 尚且 [shang4qie3], adv. & conj., vern. for 尚, even, still, yet, see Adv.↑.恒Adv.(LL) often (for vern. 常): 恒念 often think of.對V.i. & t.(1) To answer: 對答 answer (vern. usu. 答alone);可Aux.vb.(1) May can: 不可,不可以 may not, must not (vern. usu. 可以 see [ke3yi3]↓): 可想而知 you can imagine;Words28. 可以 [ke2yi3], (1) aux. vb., may, can (esp. in vern.): 你可以去,他不可以 you may go, but he may not; 可以這樣說 one may say so; (2) v.i. & adj., will do, good or bad enough: 這孩子鬧得真可以 this child has made enough fuss; 可以休矣 enough of it, time to stop; 畫的真可以 painted pretty well; 可以了 that will do.耳Words12. 耳朵 [er3duo0], n., common vern. for 耳,the ear: 耳朵不靈 hearing is bad; hearing: 耳朵長 good at hearing all news, reports; 耳朵軟 easily influenced by others; 耳朵沉 heavy of hearing; 耳朵帽兒 earflaps; 耳朵眼兒 (a) ear aperture; (b) aperture for earring.否Adv.Or not (LL, also common in vern.) usu. used closely with auxiliaries: 可否 may…or may not (=可以,不可以);恐V.i. & t.Fear: (esp. vern.) 恐怕 [kong3pa4], see other compp.↓;Adv.(LL) 恐, (vern.) 恐怕 perhaps, I am afraid: 恐不容易 I am afraid it is not easy;更Adv.(2) To a higher degree: vern. oft. 更加 [geng4jia1]↓;殫V.t.(LL) give all one has got (=vern. 盡):殫心,殫力 (=盡心,盡力) give all one knows, all of one's strength;發Words88. 發瘧子 [fa1yao4zi0], v.i., (vern.) have attack of malaria.呵V.i. & t.(3) 呵呵大笑 to roar with laughter (LL) for vern. 哈哈大笑 40A.40.雖Words1. 雖然 [sui1ran2] (*[sui2ran2]) conj., (common form in vern. for LL 雖) though, although.困Adj. & adv.(2) Tired, exhausted: 他困了 (vern.) he is tired.思V.i. & t.(1) (LL) to think, ponder, deliberate (vern. 想): 思想 [si1xiang3];瞧V.t.To see (in vern. only): 瞧著 [qiao2zhe0]↓;月Words28. 月亮 [yUe4liang4], n., (1) usu. vern. term for the moon; (2) moonlight.同Prep.With (used like vern. 和, LL 與): 他同你在一起 he is together with you;臂N.手臂,胳臂 (vern.) the arm;聞V.i. & t.(1) (LL) to hear, but (vern.) to smell;Words2. 聞見 [wen2jian4], (1) n., (所聞所見) what one sees and hears - gen. knowledge: 聞見有限 one's knowledge is limited; (2) ([wen2jian0]) v.t., (vern.) to smell s.t.亦Adv.(LL=vern.也) also: 亦系 is also;該V.i. & t.(Vern.) to owe money: 該賬 owe debts;剖 869A50 60S.00-2/18 ㄆㄡˇ [pou3] (vern. also ㄆㄡ [pou1]).庶Words15. 庶室 [shu4shi4]2, n., (LL) a concubine (vern. 姨太太) .痛 907A35 61A.42-3/104 ㄊㄨㄥˋ [tong4] (vern. oft. *ㄊㄥˊ [teng2]).[Cogn.疼 ㄊㄥˊ [teng2] 61A.63 in both senses of “pain” and “love”]守Words11. 守著 [shou3zhe0], v. i., (1) to stay by the side (of person), keep up (hope); (2) (vern.) widow.定Adv.Definitely, certainly: 定可成功 certainly well succeed (vern. oft. 一定,定然);之Prep.(1) Possessive part., “of”, like vern. 的: 汝之過也 this is your fault;或Adv. & conj.or (LL for vern. 或者,或許 [huo4zhe3], [huo4xU3]↓): 或有不是 if something should (perhaps) happen;欲V.i. & t.To desire, want (LL for vern. 要): 從心所欲 follow what the heart desires;余Pron.(AC, LL) I, my, me (=vern. 我).愈Adv.The more, more and more, increasingly (=vern. 越): 愈來愈多 more and more are coming;乎Fin. part.(1) (LL) indicating a question (=vern.嗎): 有所求乎 is there s.t. you (or they) want? 然乎否乎 yes or no? 如此可乎 would this do?和Prep.With: (= vern. 跟,同,LL 與): 我和你 (跟你,同你) 去 I'll come with you;仨N.(Vern. short for 三 [san1]) three persons: 他們仨 [ta1'msa1], they three.但Conj.vern. usu. 但是 LL 但 or 但系, see 但是 [dan4shi0];似Words3. 似乎 [shi1hu0], adv., (commonly used in vern. in place of 似) apparently: 似乎太早 apparently too early; 似乎做不完 it seems not possible to finish it.彼Pron.him (equiv. vern. 他): 彼曰 he says;Adj.彼人 that person (equiv. vern. 那);復Adv.(1) (*[fu4], *[fou4]) Again, repeatedly (LL for vern. 又): 復來了 come back again;多Words10. 多寡 [duo1gua3], n., number, frequency (LL for vern. 多少 [duo1shao3]↓): 戶口之多寡 density or number of population.箸N.([zhu4zi0]) Chopsticks (vern. 筷子 [kuai4zi0]).知Words5. 知道 [zhi1dao0], v.i. & t., regular vern. for 知:不知道 do not know or realize; v.i. & t., 知道了 phr., acknowledging receipt of communication or report, without saying “yes” or “no.”娘N.大娘 (vern.) “ma'am” as a polite form of address;能Vb.aux.(1) Can, be able to: 能夠 (vern.) [neng2gou4]↓;Words2. 能夠 [neng2gou4], aux. vb., (vern.) can.英汉大☞Fern |
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