

单词 vbb
释义 vbb相Adv.Mutually, each other, together (oft. used like a prefix to vbb., with the sense “with”): 相勸 to reason with, persuade;孝Adj.孝敬,孝養 (vbb.) [xiao4jing4], [xiao4yang3]↓.奉V.i. & t.(1)  Receive or proffer from below, quite freely attached to vbb. esp. in correspondence, with the sense “I beg to,” “I have the honor to”: 奉懇,奉求,奉禱 I beg, pray;難Adv.(2)  [nan2]+vbb. forming adjj., meaning “bad”: 難聽,難看,難吃,難聞 not good to hear, look at, eat, smell, see [nan2ting1], [nan2kan4], [nan2chi1], [nan2wen2]↓.可Adj.Forming many adjj. with vbb. or nn.=-ible, -able: 可行 practicable, permissible;不Adv.(6)  With common vbb.: 不知 do not know;面Adv.Personally (freely attached to vbb.): 當面 personally;而Conj.connecting oft. two vbb.: 學而時習之 to learn and review it from time to time;珍Adj.attached to vbb. indicating esteem: 珍愛,珍賞,珍藏 [zhen1ai4], [zhen1shang3], [zhen1cang2]↓;殘Adv.(Forming v.t. with vbb.) cruelly, brutally: 殘害,殘賊,殘毀,殘殺, [can2hai4], [can2ze2], [can2hui3], [can2sha1]↓.了Vb. complement.(1)  ([liao3]) 得了 and 不了 after vbb. are idiomatic complements for “can” and “cannot” or “able” and “unable”: 此事辦不了 unable to finish this business;馳Adv.Forming compp. with vbb. of thinking, remembering, indicating “far off”: 馳思,馳念 [chi2si1], [chi2nian4]↓.廝Adv.As prefix in some vbb., denoting "together" or "about," "round and round": 廝見,廝打, etc. [si1jian4], [si1da3]↓;密Adj. & adv.(Quite freely used before nn. & vbb.)浮Adj. & adv.(1)  Oft. prefixed to vbb., denoting excessive, irregular: 浮收 irregular levy;添V.t.(2)  Used as prefix to many vbb., meaning in addition: 添設,添置 add annex or more furniture, etc.;曾Adv.(*[ceng2]) Used before vbb. to indicate have yet, have not yet: 曾經 [ceng2jing1]↓;俯Adv.(Court.) design to, condescend to, prefixed to many vbb.: 俯允,俯準 condescend to grant, approve (request);偷V.i. & t.(1)  To steal (oft. forming words with nn. or vbb. like a prefix meaning secretly, stealthily): 偷東西 steal things (jewelry, etc.);住Adv.(Free suffix after many vbb.) fast as in “hold fast,” indicating success in holding or obtaining: 抓住 have grasped (it)--succeeded in doing so;很Adv.also before vbb.: 我很想去 I very much want to go, have a mind to;




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