单词 | vb |
释义 | VBabbr.① 可變塊(=Variable Block)新世纪新世纪★◀▶VBabbr.【语法】=verbal constituent言语成分vbabbr.=verb详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 abbr.=verbal constituent 言语成分【语法】vb來Vb. complement.(1) Used after vb. to complement its meaning: (a) be able to, be worth: 說不上來 don’t know how to say it, don't remember it now;辦不來 be unable to do it;買不來 be unable to buy it;搶不來 be unable to get it by fair means or foul;趕不起來 be unable to finish it in time;做不來 don't know how to do it;合得來 be able to get along with (s.o.);(b) be worth the effort or money;花得來 be not worth the money;花不來 be not worth it.(2) Expressing an action begun: 刮起風來 a wind starts blowing;鬧出事來 have got into trouble;打起架來 a fight has broken out;提起筆來 take up a pen to write.(3) Having the sense of “having done!”: 你同誰吵嘴來 with whom are you quarrelling?你剛才說甚麼來 what were you saying just then?(4) Oft. equiv. Eng. “to”: 看來,想來,說來,聽來好笑 it's ridiculous to see it, to think of it, to speak of it, to hear it;說來話長 it's a long story to tell.(5) Expressing direction toward speaker: 走過來 come over here;拿張紙來 bring a piece of paper;上來 please come up;下來 please come down.(6) With 去 (一來一去) having the sense of “over,” “about,” “in both directions”: 念來念去 read it over and over again;想來想去 after thinking it over;寫來寫去 write it over and over again.(7) Used as a final particle: 盍歸乎來 (AC) why not come home?你這是何苦來 why have you done such an abominable thing? 為的甚麼來 what have you come or done such a thing for?Words15. 來著 [lai2zhe0], aux. vb., expressing a continuing or completed action: 他說甚麼來著 what has he been saying? 聽見說你認得他來著it's said that you know him.索Vb. aux.(MC) must (=須): 這數年索是(=須是)辛苦也 these last few years must be hard indeed;你索教(=須使)意兒溫存 you must try to be gentle;不索(=不須)生嗔 don't be angry.Words4. 索合 [suo3he2], aux. vb., (MC) must (=須當).12. 索是 [suo3shi4], aux. vb., (MC) must be.先Adv.(used after vb.) before: 未去之先 before he went away;克Aux. vb.(AC, LL) can=modn. 能:不克分身 cannot leave here;克勤克儉 have capacity for industry and thrift;克紹箕裘 can carry on father's tradition;弗克如愿 could not have it as one wished;克享 can enjoy;克當 be worthy;克堪 be worthy to receive.連Prep.Even (used like 將,把,給 preceding objective n. or pron. and, like the above, making the vb. follow the object): 連你在內 that includes you, too;擔 74C45 10A.40-9/64 ㄉㄢ [dan1] (as vb.), *ㄉㄢˋ [dan4] (as n.). [Pop. ]抽V.i. & t.抽+vb. to take random sample or draw lots by turn: 抽換,抽選 [chou1huan4], [chou1xUan3]↓.披Vb.(1) To open, lay open: 披心,披肝露膽,披瀝肝膽 lay open my heart (to urge, give honest advice or show loyalty);披露 publish, cause to be published (article);披襟 (fig. or lit.) bare breast.(2) To spread out, flutter, disperse: 披發,披頭散發 ([pi1] or [pei1]) wear hair disshevelled;披沙揀金 sift sand for gold, sift carefully.(3) To put on, wear: 披衣而起 throw on gown and rise;披甲 put on armor;披麻帶孝 in deep mourning;披枷帶鎖 in cangue and shackles;披星戴月 journey or work under stars and moon in the night.(4) To open and read: 披覽,披誦 scan or read book, roll, letter.轉Adv.Used freely before another vb., in sense “on,” “round”: 轉交,轉達,轉致,轉遞,轉送 please forward (letter);遠Adj. & adv.疏遠 vb. & adj., remote, cool (friendship), to cool off (toward person).起Vb. suffix.A detachable suffix with the sense of “up”: 提起這件事 to mention this matter;提不起來 cannot lift up;說起 to bring up a subject in talk;想起,想起來 think of;想起妙計 think up a fine plan;蓋起房子 to build up a house;擔當不起 cannot bear responsibility;看他不起 look down upon him;做起這件事 start up this affair.Words36. 起來 [qi3lai2], (1) v.i., get up from bed; v.i., get up, arise; (2) vb. suffix, up: 拿起來 take up; vb. 扛起來 carry up on shoulder; vb. 檢 (拈) 起來 pick up; vb. has meaning of “when” or “done”: 唱起來很好聽 sounds beautiful when sung, or when s.o. sings; vb. 走起來不方便 (a dress) is not easy for walking or when walking (too tight); vb. 看起來事情不妙 it seems (“when seen”) we are in for some trouble, this matter will not be pretty; vb. 說起來話長 it's a long story to tell (when told).培Vb.To cover (plants) and nourish with soil: 培植,培養 [pei2zhi2], [pei2yang3]↓;栽培 11.71.落V.i. & t.(3) (As vb. suffix or as adv.) off, down: 脫落 shed off: 失落 lose (a handkerchief, watch);著Adv.(1) (*[zhao2], accented) Used after vb. to indicate a hit: 找著了 have found it;勒V.t.(2) (勒+vb.) to force s.o. to do s.t.: 勒索 [le4suo3], 勒捐 [le4jUan1], 勒借 [le4jie4], 勒贖 [le4shu2]↓.期V.i. & t.期+vb., hope to.Words12. 期望 [qi2wang4], v.i. & t., to hope+vb. or n.出V.t.(4) (Often as vb. prefix, like “out-come,” “outpour” in Eng.) to send out, pay out, rent out, etc.: 出錢 provide the money;Words62. 出來 (1) [chu1lai2], v.i., to come out; come out and intervene; to occur: 這事已經出來 it has occurred already; (2) [chu1lai2] (or [chu0lai1]), adv., freely attached to vb. to express “out”: 說出 or 說出來 to speak out; 拿出 or 拿出來 to take out; 說不出來 cannot say it; 找不出來 cannot find it.處 328C05 21A.83/141 ㄔㄨˋ [chu4] (*ㄔㄨˇ [chu3] as vb.).將V.i. & t.(10) As vb. suffix, begin to : 叫將起來,怕將起來 begin to scream, to be afraid.Vb.aux.Will (about to, on the point of, soon): 天將下雨 it's going to rain;將要 [jiang1yao4]↓;即將 will soon, about to;不知老之將至 don't know that old age is just around the corner (“will be soon coming”);將來 [jiang1lai2]↓.Prep.By, with (followed by object and vb., cf. use of 把 10A.70): 將它移開 take this away;Words29. 將要 [jiang1yao4], vb. aux., will, be going to: 將要出動,停止 going to start, stop.斷Vb. suffix.In half, apart, off: 切斷,割斷,截斷 cut off (retreat, line);折斷 break, tear apart (rails, stick);拉斷 pull and break (thread);打斷 interrupt (speech, story);間斷 ([jian4duan4]) interrupted, -tion.以V.i. & t.(1) Do: 可以 vb. aux., may;Words6. 以後 [yi3hou4], adv., (1) since (used after vb.); (2) later on, afterwards.7. 以還 [yi3huan2], adv., (LL) since (=以來 used after vb.).中V.t.(5) As vb. complement like “on”in “hit on,” “hook on”: 考中 pass examination;申V.i.(1) As prefix to vb., has the force of “ex-,” “out-”as in “express,” “extend”: 申明,申述,申說,申敘 [shen1ming2], [shen1shu4], [shen1shuo1], [shen1xU4]↓;(2) Specifically, prefixed to vb., in submitting communication to official superior: 申請,申陳,申奏,申送,申文,申狀 [shen1qing3], [shen1chen2], [shen1zou4], [shen1song4], [shen1wen2], [shen1zhuang4]↓.嘗Aux. vb.Have, have once, had been: 嘗聞 I have heard that;嘗思 I have thought;未嘗 have never: 未嘗見他 have never seen him;未嘗不可,未嘗不是 double negative used as polite positive: 未嘗不可 it's not impossible=it may be;未嘗不是辦法 it's not a bad way: it is a good way;何嘗 did it ever, did I ever=never--a rhetorical interrogative form, but same meaning as 未嘗;何嘗不可 why impossible?=of course possible.當Aux.vb.Ought, should: usu. 該當,應當 ought, should;罪當死 should die for crime;早晨當起來 one should get up in the morning;不當改期 should not postpone date;should in subjunctive use: 當已 should already have (arrived, etc.);當會 should be able to ;當必 should certainly;當即 should then;合當 should, it is proper that;當斷不斷 fail to act when one should.背 369B05 22.42/130 ㄅㄟˋ [bei4] (*ㄅㄟ [bei1] in many vb. senses, carry on the back). [Var.悖 in sense of recalcitrant]怕V.i. & t.also 恐怕,畏怕,懼怕 afraid, fear (vb. & n.).數 428C55 22S.82-9/66 ㄕㄨˋ [shu4] (*ㄕㄨˇ [shu3] as vb.; *ㄕㄨㄛˋ [shou4], *ㄙㄨˋ [su4], *ㄗㄨˋ [zu4] (AC)).示V.i. & t.vb.,to inform the public;暗示 vb., to suggest, hint at;于Prep.To, at, with, from, varying with context (var. of 於 see 60S.63) used esp. in constructions with vb. +于+n. or pron. (as 告于人 speak to person, 遇于途 meet on the road, 遷于秦 move to Chirn, 會于河 assemble at the river);可Aux.vb.(1) May can: 不可,不可以 may not, must not (vern. usu. 可以 see [ke3yi3]↓): 可想而知 you can imagine;可有可無 may or may not be needed;無可無不可 (of Confu.) may or may not do a thing (keep an open mind);可大可小 flexible;可進可退 be free to go forward or back out;可望而不可即 may see at a distance, but may not approach (of inaccessible person);可遇而不可求 may come by (s.t.) with luck, but not by searching for it.(2) Expressing doubt, conjecture, question: 你可好 are you well? 這下子他可好了 he must be well by now;你可知道 do you know? you should know that;可曾 do you ever: 你可曾聽到(看到,想到) have you heard (seen, thought)?(3) Expressing a statement, opinion or point of view (usu. 可不, different from 不可): 那我可不答應 I will not permit that;時間可不早了 it's late;可不是嗎 isn't it so? 可把我累死了 the work will kill me (too exhausting);你可不是一個好人 I don't think you are an honest person;這個人可不好惹 this person is not easy to handle.Words5. 可否 [ke2fou3], aux. vb., can you or can't you? 可否答應 will you promise? 可否一同走 can I go with you? 未知可否 do not know the outcome yet; 不加可否 refuse to comment.28. 可以 [ke2yi3], (1) aux. vb., may, can (esp. in vern.): 你可以去,他不可以 you may go, but he may not; 可以這樣說 one may say so; (2) v.i. & adj., will do, good or bad enough: 這孩子鬧得真可以 this child has made enough fuss; 可以休矣 enough of it, time to stop; 畫的真可以 painted pretty well; 可以了 that will do.不Words10. 不起 [bu4qi3], (1) adj., in 不起之癥 incurable sickness; (2) vb. complement: 看不起 despise; vb. 買不起 cannot afford to buy; vb. 想不起 cannot recall, or call up to mind; vb. cannot lift up, etc.35. 不敢 [bu2gan3], vb. aux., dare not; vb. aux.,不敢當 [bu2gan3dang1], phr., (formula for thanking) I am unworthy.49. 不合 [bu4he2], (1) vb. aux., should not have (done); (2) conflict with (opinioon, rules, etc.), does not meet with (s.o.’s wishes).51. 不會 [bu2hui4], vb. aux., cannot, (conjecture) could not.60. 不禁 [bu2jin4], vb. aux., cannot help (laughing out loud, crying, etc.).65. 不及 [bu4ji2], (1) phr., (this) cannot compare with (that); (2) vb. complement, as in 來不及 it's too late (to do).66. 不住 [bu2zhu4], (1) vb. complement, “not firmly,” “not securely”: 站不住 cannot stand one's ground; [bu2zhu4], vb. 抓不住 cannot catch hold of; (2) ceaselessly: 不住口 talk continuously.79. 不堪 [bu4kan1]2, (1) adv., (used after vb. or adj.,) as in 窮乏不堪 extremely or unbearably poor; (2) phr., cannot stand (noise, bother, etc.): 不堪入耳的話 unspeakable words (of abuse).80. 不可 [bu4ke3], vb. aux., may not, must not; (also 不可以); oft. in double negative: 不可(以)不聽 must not ignore (s.o.’s) advice; 不可不慎 must be careful, 不可告人 private and confidential; secret or shameful (act, disease, etc.); 不可抗力 beyond human control; act of God; 不可一世 (phr.) hoity-toity; haughty airs.81. 不克 [bu4ke4], vb. aux., (LL) cannot (=不能).84. 不了 [bu4liao3], (1) vb. complement, expressing “cannot accomplish”: 算不了 countless; [bu4liao3], (2) phr., 以不了了之 leave in status quo, like “agree to disagree”; phr., 不了情 unfulfilled but eternal love.97. 不免 [bu4mian3], vb. aux., have to (esp. in MC dramas).101. 不能 [bu4neng2], vb. aux., cannot.114. 不勝 [bu4sheng1], adv., (before or after vb.) overwhelmed: 不勝感愧 or 感愧不勝 feel overwhelmed.139. 不須 [bu4xU1]1, vb. aux., need not (+vb.).163. 不要 [bu2yao4], vb. aux., (1) will not, do not want (to, or a thing); (2) (optative) do not (do s.t.): 不要動 do not move; (photography) hold it; 不要臉 shameless.171. 不用 [bu2yong4], vb. aux., (1) need not (tell you, etc.); (2) (optative) you need not (go, doubt, etc.); 不用說 needless to say, let alone.而Conj.connecting an adv. with vb.: 呱呱而泣 wail and cry;甭Vb. aux.Contraction of 不用 [bu2yong4], need not: 你甭客氣 don't stand on ceremony;你甭想 don't think that.覆Adv.Used like “re-” as prefix & vb., denoting “double check”: 覆查 re-examine;核V.i. & t.See var. 核 10B.81 vb.要Vb. aux.(1) Want: 我要走 I want to go;他不要 he does not want (to, it).(2) Going to: 將要 ditto: (將)要下雨了 it is going to rain;天快要黑了 it is going to be dark soon.(3) Should: 你要知道,要小心 you should know, should be careful.砸V.i. & t.(4) V.i., to foul up, usu. as vb. complement, meaning “fouled up”: 說砸了 say s.t. wrong;破Vb.complement.Through: 看破 [kan4po4]) see through (世情 pomp, the material world);打破 break (a cup);打破難關 break through a difficult situation;撕破 tear up;攻破 capture a city;讀破 read character with different pronunciation, representing different word.酌Adv.(As vb. prefix) at discretion, according to needs or circumstances: 酌付,酌改 pay, correct, at your discretion;醱N. & vb.Secondary fermentation.到Vb. complement.Showing completed action: 看到,聽到 see, hear (as dist. look, listen);收到 have received, 找到 have found;來到 come to;拿到 got hold of;做不到 cannot do it;想得到,做得到 what he wanted to do, he accomplished;想不到 never thought or imagined that;夢想不到 never dreamed (that).取V.t.(2) Oft. preceded by another vb. to indicate various forms of obtaining (by seizure, seeking, picking, etc.): 獵取 hunt (game);Vb. complement.Esp. in poetry: 記取 remember (=記得);聽取意見 hear different opinions;看取 to see.了 533C10 32.00/6 ㄌㄧㄠˇ [liao3]([le0] see vb. complement).Vb. complement.(1) ([liao3]) 得了 and 不了 after vbb. are idiomatic complements for “can” and “cannot” or “able” and “unable”: 此事辦不了 unable to finish this business;不容易辦得了 not easy to finish;他來不了 he is unable to come (prevented by business);去不了 cannot go (on account of rain, etc.);死不了 there will never be an end to these rascals.(2) ([le0]) Unaccented, complement with the sense of conclusion (Eng. perfect tense);([liao3]) if accented: 他走了 he has gone;畢業了 has graduated;飯熟了 rice is cooked;病好了 illness is recovered;債還了 debt has been paid;with the sense that s.t. has started moving: 來了,來了 (he) has come or is coming! (I) am coming!承V.(2) To take over (in vb. compp., 承+vb.--having the connotation of “takig over” “on the receiving end”): 承繼,承租,承包 [cheng2ji4], [cheng2zu1], [cheng2bao1]↓;通Adj.(1) As vb. complement, through: 打通了電話 put (telephone) line through;務Vb. aux.Must, should: 務必,務須 [wu4bi4], [wu4xU1]↓;務得 so that (+vb. or adj.): 務得妥當 so that it will be in order;務使 so as to make it (attractive, neat), or so that.Words5. 務須 [wu4xU1], vb. aux., must, should, see [wu4bi4]↑.哆 587B50 40A.32-9/30 ㄉㄨㄛ [duo1] (*ㄔㄜˇ [che3], see vb.).喊V.i.oft. +adj. or vb.: 喊好兒 to yell applause;別Vb. aux.Contraction of 不要 [bu2yao4]: 你別走 don't go away;別這樣想 don't look at it this way;別提了 let's not talk about it.量 626C45 41.11/166 ㄌㄧㄤˊ [liang2] (vb. mostly); ㄌㄧㄤˋ [liang4] (n.).圈Words2. 圈圈(兒) [qUan1qUan1] ([qUan1chyuaer0]), phr., (1) v.i., to draw circles on paper (first [qUan1] used as vb.); phr., (2) n., a drawn circle: 這麼一個小圈圈兒 such a small circle; phr., (3) n., a group: 搞小圈圈 form small cliques: 別加入這類圈圈里去 don't join such circles of friends.回Adv.(After vb.) back: 收回,取回 take back;毋Words1. 毋須 [wu2xU1]1, vb. aux., need not (+vb.).3. 毋庸 [wu2yong2], vb. aux., need not: 應毋庸議 this need not be considered; 毋庸詳述 need not go into the details.是V.i.是 (or vb. to be) idiomatically not required before a predicative adj.: 他大我小 he (is) big, and I (am) small;署 682A30 41D.41-1/122 ㄕㄨˇ [shu3] (as n.; *ㄕㄨˋ [shu4], vb.).過Vb.suffix.Used to express a completed action (pr. ’[guo1]): 讀過 have read about it;聽說過 have heard of it;看見過 have seen it;吃過了 have had one's meal;打過招呼 have said hello to s.o.;遞過暗號 have given s.o. a secret signal.脫Vb.suffix.Off: 失脫,遺脫 lose, drop (line, words, in printing);虛脫 so weak as to be prostrate;卸脫 cast off (responsibility);逃脫 effect an escape.免V.i. & t.(1) Be free from, absolved, excused, relieved from (work), used oft. as vb. aux.: 免去,免得去 excused from going, do not have to go;那Pron.That, what (when used as object, usu. precedes vb.): 那我不知道 that I do not know;叵Vb.Cannot: 叵信=不可信 (MC) cannot believe.臨V.i. & t.(1) As vb. participle, oft. equiv. Eng. “at -ing,”“upon coming to”: 臨去,臨行,臨別,臨走(said s.t.) at parting;屑Vb.aux.To mind, used only negatively in 不屑 disdain to, unwilling to: 不屑為 disdain to do;不屑傾家蕩產為之 is not worth spending a whole fortune on it.亡Adj.(1) (As p.p.) lost, deceased, destroyed, see Vb 1 & 2↑;畜 820B00 60.41/102 ㄔㄨˋ [chu4] (*ㄒㄩˋ [xU4] as vb.).商V.i.oft. as prefix of vb., meaning “discuss and”;這Words8. 這個 [zhe4ge0] (*[zhei4ge0]), pron., this, this one: 你這個人 (in rebuke) you fellow; when in objective case, oft. precedes vb. as usual: 這個我不要了 I don't want this.請V.i. & t.(1) Used like Eng. “please”+vb. to express polite request: 請進 please come in;說V.i. & t.oft. with vb. complements 來,去,上,下,出,開,得, esp. with 得 (positive) and 不 (negative), see 說得,說來,說不上,說不得,說不清, [shuo1de2], [shuo1lai2], [shuo1bu4shang4], [shuo1bu4de2], [shuo1bu4qing1], etc.↓;訖Adv.(Used after vb.) finished: 訖了;該Aux. vb.Should, ought to: 該當,合該,應該 should, ought to;不該 ought not to: 他不該如此 or simply 他真不該he is wrong, he should not do this;你該走了 you should go now;該死 [gai1si3]↓;該打 deserve a spanking;該罰 should be punished.辦V.i. & t.often with vb. complements: 辦得到,辦得來,辦得了 (pr. [liao3]) can do it;庸Vb.aux.With negative to form 無庸 there's no need to, esp. in documentary style: 應無庸議 (the matter) need not be considered;無庸 need not;安庸 where's the need to?庶V.t.oft. as vb. aux. 庶可,庶能 hope (it) may;應Vb. aux.(Conveying sense of conjecture or of duty) should: 應當,應該 [ying4dang1], [ying4gai1]↓;應是不錯 or 應該不錯 should be all right;應否 should or should not;應毋庸議 (matter) need not be discussed or taken up (an official phr.);相應函達 it is proper that I should inform you of the above (official style).Words4. 應當 *[ying1dang1], vb. aux., should (as conjecture: should be here now, be enough); should as duty (should start at once).8. 應該 *[ying1gai1], (1) vb. aux., should: 應該怎樣 what should I do? (2) adj., proper: 這是應該的 this is proper according to good form.賡Words2. 賡續 [geng1xU4], v.t., to continue (+vb.).痛V.i. & adj.used as vb. in the sense “it hurts”: 痛不痛 does it hurt? 酸痛 (of museles, bones) sore, stiff;宜Vb. aux.(LL) Should: 宜速歸 should return home immediately;不宜如此 should not be like this.定Adv.oft. follows vb. as complement or as part of vb.: 注定destined to;Words11. 定歸 [ding4gui1], aux. vb., must eventually.20. 定準 [ding4zhun3], n., fixed standard; aux. vb., certainly will.穿Adv.Through (used after vb.): 看穿 see through (life, trick);之Pron.(b) in AC, oft. precedes negative vb.: 未之知,未之聞,未之見 never knew it, heard it, or saw it (cf. 不我知 do not know me);泣V.i. & t.(3) To weep and (+vb.) (used like weepingly, adv.): 泣叩,泣請,泣訴 weepingly implore, request, complain;活Words5. 活該 [huo2gai1], vb. aux., deservedly should: 活該如此 deservedly so.清Vb. complement.Up, fully, clearly: 付清 paid in full;還清前欠 clear up outstanding accounts;算清 (accounts) have been settled or put in order;數不清 innumerable;說不清 cannot tell clearly (who was to blame, etc);記不清 cannot remember clearly.滅V.t.(2) Oft. used as vb. complement to form comp.: 撲滅 beat and put out fire;潑Vb.To splash, pour out (water) with a splash, sprinkle: 潑熄 extinguish by spraying water;潑墨 [po1mo4]↓;潑冷水 (phr.) dampen enthusiasm of an occasion;throw a wet blanket.祈V.i. & t.(2) (Oft. in correspondence) I beg to +vb.: 祈請,祈懇 I beg to request;被Aux. vb.Equiv. “be” in passive voice: 被人聽見 be heard, overheard by others;被選 be elected;被人謀害,侮辱,推崇 be murdered, humiliated, worshipped by others;被他拿走 was taken away by him;權利被剝奪 was deprived of his rights, etc.;被辱,被害,被累,被欺 etc., be humiliated, murdered, implicated, cheated, etc.;except where clearly desirable to indicate recipient of action (elect, deprive, insult etc.), the passive voice does not require 被:錢用完(=鏄被用完),房子燒掉,門關上 money is spent, house is burned down, door is closed (when n. is followed by v.t.).扇 1044B25 63D.50-5/63 ㄕㄢˋ [shan4] (*ㄕㄢ [shan1] as vb.).成V.i. & t.(3) As vb. suffix, in the sense of “become” or “completed”: 變成 became;感Words13. 感覺 [gan3jUe2], n. & v.t., feeling; to feel (uncomfortable, happy, etc.): see Vb.1.心N.(5) 心+vb. or adj., describing different states of mind: 心愛 to love;必Words8. 必需 [bi4xU1]1, v.t., need, vitally need (a thing, help, etc.): 必需品 a necessity (during travel, etc.); dist. from 必須 [bi4xU1]2, an aux. vb.↓卻Adv.(1) (Preceding vb.) yet: 他先提議的,卻沒來 he was the first to propose it, yet does not come;(4) As a vb. adjunct, meaning “off”: 殺卻 kill off;拿Prep.(=把) introducing object of vb. and placing object before vb.: 拿他埋怨了一頓 grumble against him;企V.i.(2) As adv. preceding vb. meaning “on tiptoe”: 企望 to wait, await (as on tiptoe): 企望回音 awaiting your reply;合Words9. 合當 [he2dang1], vb. aux., should: 合當如此 should be so (=該當).13. 合該 [he2gai1], vb. aux., conformably to (law, God's will): 合該釋放 should legally be freed; vb. 合該不死 it’s God's will he did not die.47. 合宜 [he2yi2], (1) adj., suitable, proper; (2) vb. aux., should.會Vb.(1) aux. Can, will: 會做,會吃 can work, can eat;不會 cannot;會不會 can it be? can (it, you, he)? see 會的 [hui4de0]↓;天不會晴 the sky will not clear up;會下兩 it's going to rain;會漲價 the prices will go up.(2) Could (subjunctive): 他會不會走錯路 could he have gone off in the wrong direction? 會不會是他偷的 could it be he who stole it?Adv.Jointly (forming words with [hui4]+vb.): 會餐 dine together;令V.t.(Causative vb.) to make, (s.o.) to: (sometimes pr. *[ling2]): 令即出京 order (s.o.) to leave capital at once;看Vb. complement.And see: 試試看,做做看 try and see;摸摸看 feel (in pocket) and see;找找看 try to look for it.稱稱看 weigh and see.為Prep.(2) By (in form 為…所+vb., with passive voice): 為賊所盜 was stolen by a thief;與Prep.To, with, for (varying according to context): (a) to, in formula (vb. +與): 送與 give to (person);受Vb. aux.Equiv. Eng. “be” in passive voice where the modn. 被 is more common: 受開除 (=被開除) be dismissed;受打,受罵 be beaten, scolded;受枉屈 be wronged;受選,受任 elected, appointed;受封 be appointed with title;(where passivity is not emphasized, the 受 or 被 is oft. dropped, as 學生 (受) 開除了 student is expelled;門開了 door is opened;行人擋住了 pedestrians are blocked;in this case, the v.t. is always a p.p.).所Pron.(2) Often expressing passive voice in “be+agent+所+vb.”: 為匪所殺 was killed by bandits;動Words30. 動詞 [dong4ci2], n., verb: 他動詞 transitive vb.; 自動詞 intransitive vb.; 自動詞 auxiliary vb.倒Vb. complement.Down: 推倒,打倒 push down, overthrow(n);跌倒,摔倒,栽倒 fall down;辯倒 defeat by argument;塌倒,坍倒 or 倒塌,倒坍 tumble down.休V.i.(4) Do not (followed by vb.): 休想 do not think (I can help you any more, etc.);像V.i.To seem to, appear to (+vb.): 好像 or 像 or 像是 (as an independent phr.) it seems;作Words64. 作興 *[zuo2xing0], (1) v.t., hold in high regard: 著實作興這幾個人 (MC) set these few men on a pedestal; (2) vb. phr., might as well let: 作興女待詔做個媒人 might as well let the lady-inwaiting be the go-between; (3) adj., sanctioned by tradition: 大盜相傳有這個規矩,不作興害鏢局的 robbers are bound by a traditional rule not to attack those operating an escort service for travellers; (4) adv., perhaps, maybe: 看這天氣,作興要下雨 given such weather, maybe it's going to rain.76. 作為 [zuo4wei2] ([zuo4wei0]), (1) n., conduct and actions; n., accomplishments, achievements; (2) vb. phr., regard as: 作為罷論 let the matter be dropped (“regard as ended”).他Words2. 他動詞 [ta1dong4ci2], n., transitive vb. (cf. 自動詞 v.i.).使V.i. & t.(1) Causative vb., make, let, allow (+vb. or n., pron., +vb.): 使(他)來,使(他)去 make (him) come, go;得Aux. vb.(1) (*[dei3]) Ought, should: 你也得想一想 you should think a little;你得小心 you must be careful;不得不 [bu2de2bu0], cannot but, have to: 不得不去一趟 have to go personally;叫人不得不生氣 cannot help being angry.(2) (*[dei3]) Indicating continous mood: 我(正)得做 I am (in the process of) doing.(3) ([de2]) May, have the right to: 得申請重審 may ask for retrial;得由常委解決之 may be decided by the Standing Committee.(4) ([de2]) Able to ,be enabled to: 接了來信,得悉(得知) I received your letter and was enabled to learn;得聞 I learned;復得相會 were able to meet again;使得 enable to;使得迅速了結 enable the matter to be closed quickly;see 得以 [de2yi3]1↓.Part.(1) ([de0]) Particle (after vb.) introducing adv. or complement: 看得見 can see;(2) ([de0]) As part of vb. or vb. complement with sense of “succeed in”: 記得 remember: 記不得 cannot remember;(3) ([de2]) (After vb.) somewhat like “-able”: 吃得嗎 is this eatable? 吃不得 not eatable;Words13. 得及 [de2ji2], vb. complement, in 來得及 still in time; [de2ji2], vb. 來不及 too late.31. 得以 [de2yi3]1, aux. vb., can, able to , so that one can: 得以安居樂業 be able to live happily.很Adv.often in 得很 after adj. or vb.: 好得很,快得很 very good, very fast;的Pron. part.我要去的,不去的 I am, am not going (among those who are, are not going). In this usage, 是(不是) is added as vb. predicate: 這是外來的 this is made abroad;Vb. complement part.(*[de1]) For introducing vb. complement, used sometimes in place of 得 (also pr. [de0]): 唱的好 or 唱得好 sing well;亂的 (or 得) 一塌糊涂 confused (so that) all is in a mess;看的(得)可憐 look pitiful.須Vb. aux.(1) Must (dist. 需 need): 必須 ditto;須要,須當,須得 [xU1yao4], [xU1dang1], [xU1de2]↓;須知 (you) must know;須是 must be (in sense of conjecture);須不是 cannot be (conjecture): 這須不是我妒她,是她自做出來的 this is not because of my jealousy, rather she brought it on herself;須得 must have;須用 must use;須至 (formula at end of official communication) this goes to (addressee);務須 please do, you certainly must (obey rules, etc.);終須 in the end one has to.(2) (AC) wait: 何肯守此,坐須老乎 (AC) are you going to sit here till old age? 須待,須留 [xU1dai4], [xU1liu2]↓多Adv.(1) In 得多 after vb. or adj., much: 好得多 much better;勿Vb. aux.Do not, do not be: 勿謂言之不早 don’t say that I didn't warn you;勿急 don't rush;勿怒 don't be angry;勿走 don’t go away, don't run;且勿 please do not for the moment;萬勿 do not under any circumstances;勿論 regardless, also let alone;勿論其他 not to speak of others;勿論新舊 regardless of new or old;請勿 please don't;切勿 absolutely not to.無Words93. 無須 [wu2xU1], vb. aux., need not.96. 無似 [wu2si4], (1) adj., (court.) unworthy; (2) adv., extremely (used after vb.): 欽佩無似 admire intensely.123. 無庸 [wu2yong1], vb. aux., (LL and documentary) need not.煞Adv.(2) Oft. used after vb. meaning “dead” (related 殺);籌V.i. & t.(1) (In compp., 籌+vb.) to plan: 籌備,籌畫 [chou2bei4], [chou2hua4]↓.知Words19. 知覺 [zhi1jUe2], (1) v.i. & t., to perceive; v.i. & t., to feel, realize: 知覺不對 feel s.t. is wrong; 不知不覺 unconscious, -ly; (2) n., consciousness, perception: 沒有知覺 have lost consciousness, (vb.) have not realized.變V.t. & t.oft. with vb. complements: 變成,變為,變了 change into: 變成什麼 what has it become? 變為飛蛾 transform into a moth;好Vb. suffix.Indicating the voice of completion, similar to perfect tense, esp. 好了:好了沒有 have you finished? 做好了 have done;穿好衣裳 have put on dress;看好了電影 after seeing a movie;弄好再走 we'll finish this before going.如Particle.(2) (AC, LL) serving as a vb. complement (=然): 海內晏如 peace reigns throughout the land;總Words4. 總得 [zong2dei3], vb. phr., (will) have to, have got to, must… anyway: 凡事總得三思而行 one has to think twice before doing anything; other phrr. similarly used are 總要,總須.能Vb.aux.(1) Can, be able to: 能夠 (vern.) [neng2gou4]↓;能得 be able to;能不 (rhet.) can one help? =cannot help;能不依依 can I not help thinking of you? 不能不 cannot help;能無(原因嗎)can there be no (reason for it)? 能以 can;全能 omnipotent;不能 cannot, be unable to;可能 possible.(2) Be good at: 能說會道 be a good talker;能吃能喝 be healthy enough to enjoy food and drinks;能寫能算 be good at the three R's.(3) Tolerate: 積不相能 cannot tolerate one another.Words2. 能夠 [neng2gou4], aux. vb., (vern.) can.vb.((略))verb (al)国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞VB--Visual BASICVBverbal constituent動詞構成成份Variable Block變量塊Vitual Basic微軟公司開發之高階程式語言document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i'); |
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