

单词 usu
释义 USU = Unbundled Stock Unit usu. abbr. usual usually 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 usu未Words2. 未必 [wei4bi4], phr., is not sure (to, that), not definitely (usu. conjecture): 未必來 is not sure to come; 未必看見這件 (s.o.)may not have seen this letter.東Words1. 東北 [dong1bei3], n., northeast, usu. reference to Manchuria.紮Words2. 紮寨 *[za2zhai4], v.i., pitch tent, to encamp (usu. of brigands).表Words1. 表白 [biao3bai2], v.t., express (real feelings, intentions, usu. under clouded circumstances).生Words36. 生口 [sheng1kou3], n., (1) domestic animals (usu. wr. 牲口); (2) (AC) war prisoners.直 22C30  10.30/109 ㄓˊ [zhi2]. [Usu. wr.直]麥Words10. 麥酒 [mai4jiu3], n., beer (usu. 啤酒 [mai4pi2].古Adj.古井無波 (usu. of women) have no more sexual desire, (lit., “not a ripple in an ancient well”);梵Words8. 梵亞玲 [fan4ya4ling2], n., (translit.) violin, usu. called 小提琴.慧Adj.秀外慧中 (usu. of child, girl) pretty and intelligent;真Words13. 真珠 [zhen1zhu1], n., pearl (usu.wr. 珍珠).連Prep.usu. in comb. 連…也,or 連…都;Words19. 連絡 [lian2luo4], v.i. & t., as in 連絡某人 or 同他連絡 get in touch with(s.o.), keep in contact with, strengthen connections, (usu. 聯絡 preferred):連絡官 liaison officer.蜇N.pressed and dried variety, usu. served cold on table.打Words29. 打點 [da2dian0], (1) v.t., to pack up (luggage); (2) to ask a third party to speak on one's behalf, usu. implying sending bribes.攔V.t.攔腰抱住 hold (s.o.) by the waist, usu. from behind.捧Words1. 捧場 [peng3chang2], v.t., to pay tribute to actor or public person, usu. with idea of building up popularity: 請捧場 please give me support or patronage.拴Words3. 拴縛 [shuan1fu2], v.t., to tie up (s.t.) usu. with rope.押Words17. 押歲 [ya1sui4], n., a New Year gift esp. for children (usu.wr. 壓歲)掃 63C30  10A.22-5/64 ㄙㄠˇ [sao3] (*ㄙㄠˋ [sao4]). [Usu. wr.掃]擔Words5. 擔擱 [dan1ge0], v.i. & t., delay: 擔擱一件事 cause s.t. to be delayed; usu. wr. 擱,耽擱.指Words14. 指掌 [zhi2zhang3], phr., usu. in 了如指掌 clear like pointing at a palm; 易如指掌 easy as pointing at a palm.捎Words2. 捎間(兒) [shao1jian1]([shao1jia1er0]), n., a backroom, usu. connected with parlor and smaller.揭Words17. 揭帖 [jie1tie3], (1) v.t., see [jie1shi4]↑; (2) n., a written note: 匿名揭帖 an anonymous letter or poster, usu. of a slanderous nature.搨N. & v.t.usu. 搨本 such rubbings.掏V.t.掏心窩子的 confide one's secrets to another, telling s.t. usu. not revealed to others.拎 84C40  10A.63-8/64 ㄌㄧㄥ [ling1]. [Interch. ; usu. printed拎]卷V.t.卷土重來 (usu. of politicians) to stage a comeback;抱Words16. 抱腰 [bao4yao1], v.t., (coll.) support, assist, usu. with money.扶Words7. 扶桑 [fu2sang1], n., mythic island, usu. interpreted as Japan.投Words7. 投親 [tou2qin1], v.i., go and stay with relative (usu. as dependent).授V.t.(1)  To give (to person): usu. 授予,授與 [shou4yU3]↓;搬V.i. & t.搬出去 take away (usu. heavy object);提V.t.(2)  To mention, bring up for discussion, refer to: usu. 提起,提到,提出,提及;Words38. 提偶戲 [ti2ou3xi4], n., marionette usu. called 傀儡戲 [kui2lei3xi4].株Words3. 株守 [zhu1shou3], v.t., usu. in 守株待兔 wait at tree hole for the reappearance of the hare--hence 株守 to keep (narrow or bigoted views) and resist change, as 株守成法.棒Words2. 棒冰 [bang4bing1], n., ice-cream stick, usu. sherbet stick.7. 棒糖 [bang4tang2], n., (usu. 棒棒糖) candy stick; ice cream stick.植 121B05  10B.30-1/75 ㄓˊ [zhi2]. [Usu. printed植]柘Words2. 柘榴 [zhe4liu2], n., pomegranate (usu. 石榴).相V.t.(4)  To assist (usu. the emperor, ruler): 相夫教子 (of wife) assist husband and bring up children.榴Words1. 榴彈 [liu2dan4], n., grenade, usu. 手榴彈 hand grenade.楠N.(Bot.) machilus nanmu, usu. 楠木 a fine hardwood oft. used for furniture.榻Words1. 榻榻米 [ta4ta1mi0], n., (Japanese) bedstead usu. provided with mattress; a measure of living space equal to about 18 sq. ft.楔N.(3)  楔子 an interlude or inserted scene in Yuarn drama, usu. limited to only four acts;板N.borad in wood-block printing (usu. 版).檄N.(AC) 檄 or 檄文 an official public declaration, addressed to junior officers and people, usu. on starting a campaign.彬Adj.Having both appearance (文) and substance (質), handsome and solid in character, usu. in comp 彬彬 [bin1bin1]↓.特Adj.Especial, special, exceptional: usu. 特別,特殊 [te4bie2], [te4shu1]↓;牧Words4. 牧童 [mu4tong2], n., shepherd boy; usu. buffalo boy.輸 148C50  10D.00-8/159 ㄕㄨ [shu1]. [Usu. printed ]挽Words1. 挽對 [wan3dui4], n., elegiac couplet offered in condolence of the departed, usu. eulogy.軼Words3. 軼事 [yi4shi4], n., anecdotes, usu. of a famous person.軟Words9. 軟禁 [ruan3jin4], v.t., keep under detention, usu. in person's house.棘Words3. 棘林 [ji2lin2], n., (AC) a law court, so called because it was usu. held under trees.翰Words1. 翰林 [han4lin2], n., (1) usu. spelled Hanlin, (翰林院) the Hanlin College or Imperial Academy; (2) a Hanlin academician, awarded from group of [jin4shi4] (進士).耙N.A rake, usu. 耙子 [pa2zi0]↓.乾Words13. 乾飯 [gan1fan4] n., usu. cooked rice as dist. 稀飯 gruel or congee.顛 166B00  10S.80-3/181 ㄉㄧㄢ [dian1]. [Usu. printed ]故Words18. 故事 [gu1shi4], n., (1) an old story: 故事重演 repetition of s.t. that has happened before; (2) ([gu4shi0]) a story: 兒童故事 stories for children; 民間故事 folk tales; (3) [gu4shi0] an incident (usu. 事故).臺Words2. 臺球 [tai2qiu2], n., billiard (usu. wr. 臺球).幫 174B30  11.22/50 ㄅㄤ [bang1]. [Original and printed form, usu. contracted to and esp. as pop. var.]V.i.Help, assist, usu. 幫助 [bang1zhu4], 幫忙 [bang1mang2]↓.Words13. 幫閑 [bang1xian2], v.i., (derog.) be troublemaker, give advice from having nothing to do (usu. of friends, dependents of the rich).考Words2. 考察 [kao3cha2]2. v.t., investigate, study: 考察教育 (工業) study conditions of education (industry) at a place usu. foreign; 考察團 group of people sent abroad to study conditions and progress (industrial, educational) mission.老N.(4)  Familiar term of respect for elderly people, usu. prefixed by a character chosen from the personal name: thus, 張石湖 would be 石老;Words31. 老兒 [lao3er0], n., (usu. MC) an old man.67. 老媽 (子)(兒) [lao3ma1]([zi0])([er0]), n., a maidservant, usu. middleaged.赴V.t.(3)  Attend to, usu. s.t. difficult or dangerous: 赴難 [fu4nan4], go and help face the situation;超Words19. 超生 [chao1sheng1]2, v.t., (usu. beg to) spare life.壞V.t.usu. 破壞 to spoil (plan);埴 198C45  11A.30-1/32 ㄓˊ [zhi2]. [Usu. printed埴]墻N.A wall (usu. wr. 墻).墳N.Grave, usu. in form of a mound: 墳地 graveyard, cemetery;奇Words20. 奇遇 [qi2yU4], n., a fortuitous, usu. lucky encounter.奔Words10. 奔命 [ben1ming4], v.i., usu. 疲於奔命 tired from rushing around on official business.16. 奔軼 [ben1yi4]1, v.i., usu. 奔軼絕塵 soar in freedom (of art, thought) like a flying horse leaving no trace.布N.Cloth, usu. of cotton, also used generally of textiles: 布褂,布袍 cotton jacket, gown;左Words16. 左傳 [zuo3zhuan4] (usu. wr. Tso Chuan), n., the famous commentary by Tsu Chiu Ming on The Spring and Autumn Annals.替V. t.(1)  Substitute, change: usu. 替代,替換 [ti4dai4], [ti4huan4]↓: 頂替 be substitute;太Words27. 太太 [tai4tai0], n., Mrs.: 李太太,張太太, etc.; used without surname, servant's address of mistress of the house; 老太太 usu. mother of master or mistress, also old woman.飆N.Storm, hurricane, usu. 飆風.廿 239C05  20.21/55 ㄋㄧㄢˋ [nian4]. [Usu. wr. ]驚Words15. 驚蟄 [jing1zhe2], n., one of the 24 solar terms in a year, usu. falling on March 5 or 6; see Appendix B.菜Words10. 菜瓜 [cai4gua1], n., a cucumber, usu. served cooked, also pickled.莊N.(1)  A village, hamlet, a homestead: 村莊 a village: 田莊 farms, usu. of considerable dimensions;蕹N.蕹菜 A common vegetable, usu. grown in water, Ipomoea aquatica.蓋V.t.蓋棺論定 a man's merits or demerits can be finally judged only after his death, usu. said of public men;藍Words9. 藍田 [lan2tian2], n., name of county in Shensi Province noted for its jades: 藍田生玉 children born of great parents; 藍田種玉 cause to be pregnant, usu. said of illicit sexual relations.蘊 265A35  20A.30-9/140 ㄩㄣˋ [yUn4]. [Usu.. ]苦Words3. 苦窮 [ku3qiong2], adj., desperately poor, usu. said of oneself to stave off friends who come to borrow.落Words18. 落魄 [luo4tuo4] (also pr., [luo4po4], wr. also 落泊 [luo4po4]), adj., (1) down and out, be a failure, down-hearted; (2) ([luo4tuo4] usu. wr. 落拓), unconventional, going one's own way.薯N.(2)  (*[shu3]) Potato (usu. wr. 薯 as in 白薯,紅薯).萬Words12. 萬國 [wan4guo2], adj., international: 萬國博覽會 international exposition; 萬國公法 international law (now usu. 國際); 萬國郵政聯盟 Universal Postal Union (UPU).芩 280B05  20A.63-8/140 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Usu. wr.苓]薨V.i.(AC) to die (usu. only of the feudal princes).苾Words3. 苾 [bi4chu2], n., nun, translit. of Sanskr. bhiksuni, (usu. wr. 比丘尼); also a fragrant plant, emblem of monastic life.鞭N.usu. 鞭子 [bian1zi0];觀Words16. 觀音 [guan1yin1], n., (Budd.) the Goddess of Mercy (usu. spelled Kwanyin): 觀音菩薩 the Kwan-yin boddhisattva; 美的像觀音似的 as beautiful as the Goddess of Mercy; 觀音兜 ([guan1yin1dou1]), formerly, a woman's soft, warm shawl reaching down to the shoulders, (lit.) a cowl like that worn by the Goddess of Mercy; n., 觀音粉 [guan1yin1fen3], n., a white clayish substance oft. used by people as food during famine (also called 觀音土).敬N.(1)  A gift, a present: 喜敬 a wedding present, usu. in cash;出Words104. 出挑 [chu1tiao0], v.i., (boy, girl) to grow up beautifully; usu. 出挑得 [chu1tiao0de1].世Words21. 世路 [shi4lu4], n., the ways of the world (usu. untrustworthy).紫Words11. 紫膠 [zi3jiao1], n., sealing wax (usu. called 火漆).上Words57. 上款(兒) [shang4kuan3]([shang4kua3er0]), n., the line of dedication on scroll, usu. on right, as against the signature, 下款 usu. on left.虎Words8. 虎列拉 [hu3lie4la1], n., (translit.) cholera, now usu. called 霍亂.戲Words9. 戲館子 [xi4guan1zi0], n., formerly, a theater (now usu. 戲院 [xi4yUan4]↓).15. 戲判 [xi4pan4], n., an occasional critical opinion, usu. written in fun.以Prep.(Usu.) placed before nn. (1)  Giving direction or time sequence: 以上,以下 above, below;Words22. 以為 [yi3wei2] ([yi3wei0]), v.i., regard as, take for (usu. mistakenly): 以為好人 thought or took s.o. as a good man; 我以為 I thought (by mistake).堂Words11. 堂名 [tang2ming2], n., clan name, usu. named after the clan hall; name of a branch of family when separate hall has been established.14. 堂頭 [tang2tou2], n., abbot: (coll.) 堂頭和尚 usu. called 方丈 [fang1zhang4].非Words3. 非得 [fei1de2], adv., (usu. 非得…不可, but sometimes also with 不可 understood) must, it is necessary that: 非得你走一趟(不可) it is necessary for you to go personally.書Words43. 書口 [shu1kou3], n., book margin, usu. containing page number.瞥 366B55  22.41/109 ㄆㄧㄝ [pie1]. [Usu. wr.瞥]當Aux.vb.Ought, should: usu. 該當,應當 ought, should;Words9. 當歸 [dang1gui1], n., (bot.) an aromatic herb, Ligusticum acutilobum, root of which being usu. used as med.曲N.委曲 a sense of being wronged, usu. not expressed.肖 368C55  22.42/130 ㄒㄧㄠˋ [xiao4]. [Usu. wr.肖]北Words9. 北京 [bei3jing1], n., usu. called Peking (now 北平); 北京人 Peking man (anthropology).光Adj.光眼兒 (usu. of children) without clothes.費N.(1)  Fees, expense(s), expenditure: usu. 費用 [fei4yong4]↓;皮Words3. 皮纏 [pi2chan2], v.t, annoy (usu. of children).怦V.i.(Of heart) palpitate, usu. 怦然心動 palpitating with excitement.慍 390C30  22A.30-4/61 ㄩㄣˋ [yUn4]. [Usu. wr.慍]情N.(2)  Circumstances, esp. feelings of those involved, (usu. expressed in Eng. as “condition” or “the facts of the case” but really “condition as felt,” see 軍情,國情,民情 below): 情形,情況,情狀,情勢 [qing2xing0], [qing2kuang4], [qing2zhuang4], [qing2shi4]1↓;慎 398B40  22A.80-1/61 ㄕㄣˋ [shen4]. [Usu. printed慎]帖N.(2)  (*[tie4]) Model of calligraphy for copying, usu. rubbings from inscriptions: 碑帖,字帖(兒) ancient writings on silk.幌N.(1)  Curtain, usu. with [huang3zi0] (幌子).螳N.The praying mantis: usu. 螳螂 [tang2lang2]↓;蛉 418A05  22D.63-8/142 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Usu. printed蛉]蟻N.蟻合,蟻聚,蟻集 (said usu. of bandits) infest.對V.i. & t.(1)  To answer: 對答 answer (vern. usu. 答alone);削 424A30  22S.00-2/18 ㄒㄩㄝˋ [xUe4] (sp. pr. ㄒㄧㄠ [xiao1]). [Usu. wr.削]收Words21. 收買 [shou1mai3], v.i., to buy (products), usu. in quantity: 收買人心 try to win popular support.二Words22. 二價 [er4jia4], phr., usu. 不二價 one-price system.可Aux.vb.(1)  May can: 不可,不可以 may not, must not (vern. usu. 可以 see [ke3yi3]↓): 可想而知 you can imagine;(3)  Expressing a statement, opinion or point of view (usu. 可不, different from 不可): 那我可不答應 I will not permit that;哥Words2. 哥兒 [ge1er0], n., (1) collective name for all brothers, (vocative) my elder brother, used among close friends: 幾個哥兒 several brothers or close friends; 哥兒倆 the two brothers; 哥兒們 the good fellows; a boy, usu. from a rich family: 公子哥兒 a playboy; 哥兒大爺 a dandy, a coxcomb.平Words23. 平章 [ping2zhang1], v.t., settle (state business); n., usu. 同平章(政)事 prime minister (Tarng Dyn.).68. 平文 [ping2wen2], n., (MC) prose, usu. 散文 20S.82.耳N.耳鳴 buzzing in the ears (usu. combined with dizzness);圣Words13. 圣人 [sheng4ren2], n., a sage, usu. confined to Confucius and 周公,文王; n.,a great Buddhist master; n., (history) inventors of script, sericulture, agriculture, etc.20. 圣童 [sheng4tong2], n., (AC) a child prodigy (usu.神童).不Words157. 不韙 [bu2wei3], n., (usu. 大不韙) a great error, a heinous crime.下Words24. 下去 [xia4qU0], adv., down: 吞下去 swallow (s.t.) down; 讀下去 read on and on (usu. away from speaker, opp. 下來 down toward speaker); 拖下去 take it away; 拖下來 take it down.46. 下來 [xia4lai0], adv., down (usu. toward speaker), see [xia4qU4]↑.丕Adj.丕基,丕業 the great heritage, usu. referring to founding of royal house.噩Words2. 噩耗 [e4hao4], n., shocking news, usu. of s.o.’s death.否Adv.Or not (LL, also common in vern.) usu. used closely with auxiliaries: 可否 may…or may not (=可以,不可以);碧N.Jade, a precious stone usu. of greenish color: 碧玉 white jade with green tints.再Adv.東山再起 (usu. of a politician) stage a comeback;焉Fin. part.眾好之必察焉 if many like it, one should look into it. (Usu. unaccented as fin. part.)惡Adj.惡耗 bad news, usu. of s.o.’s death.夏N.(2)  The Shiah Dyn. (usu. wr. Hsia, 2205-1766 B.C.): 夏后 [xia4hou4]↓;Words3. 夏后 [xia4hou4], n., usu. 夏后氏 name of royal house of Emperor Yuu (禹), founder of Shiah Dyn.瑜 481B50  31A.00-8/96 ㄩˊ [yU2]. [Usu. printed ]瑞N.人瑞 a venerable old man (woman), usu. a benefactor of mankind.玲 487C25  31A.63-8/96 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Usu. printed as玲]砸V.i. & t.(4)  V.i., to foul up, usu. as vb. complement, meaning “fouled up”: 說砸了 say s.t. wrong;砟N.([zha4zi0], [er0]) 煤砟子 or 砟兒 coal cinders (usu. wr. 煤渣子 or 兒).礙Words5. 礙事 [ai4shi4], adj., detrimental, highly inconvenient; adj.,usu. in negative form: 不礙事 does not matter, is quite all right (to do s.t.).砂N.(1)  Sand (usu. interch. 沙).Words6. 砂漠 [sha1mo4], n., desert (usu.沙 ).配Words7. 配給 [pei4ji3], n. & v.i., ration, supply, usu. free.醭N.White spots on surface of vinegar, soy sauce, usu. 醭兒 [bu2er0].零 514C40  31D.63-8/173 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Usu. printed ]電N. & adj.(1)  Electric, -ity: usu. 電氣 electricity;殖 521C30  31S.30-1/78 ㄓˊ [zhi2]. [Usu. printed殖]巧Words4. 巧勁兒 [qiao3jie4er0], n., (1) great skill (usu. manual); (2) unexpected meeting, event.聆 524C05  31S.63-8/128 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Usu. printed ]頂Words23. 頂棚 [ding3peng2], n., Chin. ceiling, usu. of paper, to keep off dirt from girders.子Words32. 子細 [zi3xi4]2, adj. & adv., (1) meticulous, paying attention to every detail; (2) careful, attentive (usu. wr. 仔細).43. 子午蓮 [zi2wu3lian2], n., (bot.) a kind of lotus which blossoms between midday and midnight; 子午痧 (Chin. med.) an acute disease accompanied by stomach-ache, vomiting, chills, perspiration, and thirst, usu, fatal within a few hours; 子午線 (astron.) the meridians; 子午儀 a transit instrument.又 542A40  32.82/29 ㄧㄡˋ [you4]. [Usu. printed ]及Words3. 及冠 [ji2guan4], v.i., (of men) formerly, come of age, usu. at 20.4. 及笄 [ji2ji1], v.i., (of women) formerly, come of age, usu. at 15.通V.i. & t.暗通款曲 send secret message, usu. of love;阿Words45. 阿片 *[a4pian4], n., opium (usu. wr. 鴉片).隔Words8. 隔扇 [ge2shan0] (*[jier'shan1]), n., the paper or wooden partition between two rooms: 隔扇心兒 the empty space in such partition, usu. decorated with calligraphy or painting.陵Words3. 陵墓 [ling2mu4], n., usu. tomb of distinguished person.孤Words18. 孤注 [gu1zhu4], n., usu. in 孤注一擲 stake the whole amount, (fig.) make a last-ditch stand against the opponent with all one has.23. 孤陋 [gu1lou4], adj., uncultured: 孤陋寡聞 poorly read and ignorant (usu. self-deprecatory).品Words20. 品題 [pin3ti2], n. & v.t., comments usu. wr. on paintings, volumes; to write such comments, usu. favorable.兄N.世兄 court. address to one of lower generation in friend’s family (賢弟,仁弟 usu. reserved for one's student).Words1. 兄弟 [xiong1di4], n., (1) brothers: 兄弟之國 allied states, usu. related by royal marriage; (2) ([xiong1di0]) (a) my younger brother; (b) a younger person of same generation; n., (c) a usu. polite term “I (myself)”: 兄弟不敢推辭 your younger brother (i. e., I) dare not decline; n., used also in public address meaning “I.”3. 兄臺 (usu. 兄臺) [xiong1tai2], n., (in letters to a man, court.) you: 兄臺何時來臺 when are you coming to Taiwan?喻 577C20  40A.00-8/30 ㄩˋ [yU4]. [Usu. printed 40A.93]嗓Words1. 嗓兒 [sang3er0], n., (1) the throat; (2) vioce, quality of voice in singer: 調嗓兒 (Chin. opera) voice practice, usu. in open spaces in the early morning; see [sang3zi0]↓.啦Fin. part.Particle of assertion, usu. drawn out, like laaaaa! more emphatic than the unaccented 了: 自然啦 of course, it's only natural;咍Excl.Excl. of reret, usu. wr. 咳.唱Words8. 唱和 [chang4he4], v.i., to write and reply in poems between friends, usu. on some occasion.9. 唱機 [chang4ji1], n., gramophone (usu. called 留聲機).噣V.i. & t.(*[zhuo2]) To peck at (usu. wr.啄).嗨Excl.Hai! an exclamation, bespeaking regret (usu. wr. 咳 40.81).吧 597A35  40A.70-5/30 ㄅㄚ [ba1] (usu. [ba0]).Fin. part.(Usu. unaccented), as var. of 罷. (1)  showing command, request, termination of discussion: 來吧來吧 come, come! 去吧去吧 go! do not stand around! 算了吧! have done with it! 609B50 [jian3]. [Usu. wr.趼]路N.([er0]) (1)  Road, street, avenue, path: 馬路 road, usu. well-surfaced, avenue, boulevard;蹦N.Hopping, usu. 蹦兒:他急得打蹦兒 jumped about in excitement.別 618B10  40S.00-2/18 ㄅㄧㄝˊ [bie2]. [Usu. wr.別]累N. & v.t.受累,受人之累 be involved in (s.t., usu. unpleasant) by others.畢Words1. 畢真 [bi4zhen1], adj., very true to life, (usu. wr. 逼真).墨Words7. 墨盒 [mo4he2] ([mo4he2zi0], [mo4he2er0]), n., ink box, usu. made of copper containing ink pad.12. 墨客 [mo4ke4], n., usu. in 騷人墨客 writer, poet.田Words4. 田地 [tian2di4], n., farm land; situation (usu. bad): 弄到這個田地 got into such a situation.回Words13. 回話 [hui2hua4], n., message of reply usu. carried by servant.33. 回生 [hui2sheng1]1, v.i., usu. in 起死回生 (praise of doctors) make the dead come back to life.圓N.(2)  A dollar: 三圓 three dollars (usu. wr. 元);圖Words14. 圖謀 [tu2mou2], v.i. & t., to plan (usu. s.t. sinister), to conspire: 圖謀不軌 plan rebellion or lawless acts.四Adj.4 and 8, usu. indicating foursquare, well balanced: 四停八當,四平八穩 (affair) very well disposed indeed;Words30. 四庫 [shi1ku4], n., usu. 四庫全書 the imperial library of Chienlung named after the “four vaults” of classics, history, philosophy and collected works of literature, see [si4bu4]↑.47. 四弦琴 [si4xian2qin2], n., the violin (usu. called 小提琴).母N.(1)  Mother, usu. 母親:親生母,親母 real mother;黑Words17. 黑龍江 [hei1long2jiang1], n., Hei-lung-kiang, a province in Manchuria (usu. spelled “Heilung-kiang”); also name of river in that province.24. 黑幕 [hei1mu4], n., secret and usu. unprintable goings-on behind the scenes; scandalous story.懸Words37. 懸首 [xUan2shou3], v.i., to display chopped-off head (of criminal, rebel) usu. over city gate.題N.Subject, theme of essay: usu. 題目 [ti2mu4]↓;時Words1. 時輩 [shi2bei4], n., people (usu. scholars) of the times.曚Words1. 曚曨 [meng2long2], adj., in twilight, predawn condition: also hazy moonlight (usu. wr. 朦朧).昵Words1. 昵愛 [ni4ai4], v.t., to love passionately (a woman) (usu. wr. 溺愛; cf. 昵愛).賙V.t.To help in charity: 賙濟,賙恤 (usu. wr. 周).敗V.i. & t.(1)  To fail, usu. 失敗:事情,計劃失敗了.羅Words17. 羅紋 [luo2wen2], n., (1) wood grain; (2) fingerprint (usu. wr. 螺紋).置 681B45  41D.30-1/122 ㄓˋ [zhi4] [Usu. printed ]罷Excl.Usu. 罷了!罷了!(also wr.罷咧)“have done with it,”“it's all over,”“I give up,” signifying admission of defeat, and of struggle or disappointment: 也罷all right, then (after tiresome discussion).月Words12. 月旦 [yUe4dan4], n., usu. 月旦評 (litr. allu.) criticism.28. 月亮 [yUe4liang4], n., (1) usu. vern. term for the moon; (2) moonlight.丹Words6. 丹第 [dan1di4], n., (translit.) Dante (usu. 但丁).同Words26. 同年 [tong2nian2], phr., (1) in or of the same year; 不可同年而語 should not be mentioned in the same breath -- far inferior, now usu. 同日 (see [tong2ri4]↓); (2) graduates of the same class in the civil examinations.周Words24. 周年 [zhou1nian2], n., anniversary: 五周年紀念 fifth anniversary (usu. wr. 周年).風N.(4)  Of customs, atmosphere: usu. 風氣 [feng1qi4]↓;腑N.internal organs usu. in combb.: 胸腑 the breast: 肺腑之言 talk from the heart;肚N.(2)  (*[du3]) The stomach, tripe: 肚子 usu. pig's tripe;胸Words27. 胸衣 [xiong1yi1], n., brassiere (usu. called 奶罩).肥Adj.(3)  Fat (jobs): 肥差,肥缺 official post with good (usu. illegal) revenue;胝N.Callus, -es: usu. 胼胝 calluses.賸V.t.To leave over, be left over (usu. wr. 剩 90S.00).臉Words14. 臉子 [lian3zi0], n., (1) facial expression, usu. unpleasant: 臉子不好看 ugly expression on face; (2) oft. a pretty face.剛Words9. 剛才 [gang1cai2], adv., (usu. 剛才) just a moment ago, just now.引N.(7)  Formerly, a measure of weight, of varying value, usu. of several catties;那Pron.That, what (when used as object, usu. precedes vb.): 那我不知道 that I do not know;羽 740A05  50S.50-5/124 ㄩˇ [yU3]. [Usu. wr.羽]弱 740B20  50S.50-5/57 ㄖㄨㄛˋ [ruo4]. [Usu. wr.弱]牙Words18. 牙祭 [ya2ji4], n., usu. in 打牙祭 have a great “feed,” a special dinner (esp. for shop employees on first and fifteenth of month).鬎Words1. 鬎鬁 [la4li4], n., (usu. wr. 瘌痢) in 鬎鬁頭 head bald from scabies.賢N.大賢 a great man, usu. referring to the past;發N.(1)  Hair on head (cf. 毛90.70): usu. 頭發;駢Words6. 駢四儷六 [pian2si4li4liu4], n., a euphuistic style consisting of antithetical or parallel constructions of four and six characters, also known usu. as 駢體文 [pian2ti3wen2].臂N.一臂之助 lend a hand, (usu.) help;民Words12. 民治 [min2zhi4], n., government by the people, now usu. called 民主 [min2zhu3]↑.選Words2. 選 [xUan2chang3], n., formerly, hall for civil examinations (usu. 考).尸N.(2)  Formerly, person representing spirit of the dead person during sacrifices, usu. a child.屏N.Screen wall against gate to block off view from outside: 圍屏 standing screen, usu. portable or collapsible;Words6. 屏風 *[ping2feng1], n., screen (usu. portable).屬Words5. 屬和 *[zhu3he4], v.i., to write poems to each other, usu. on prescribed rhyme-class.哄Words1. 哄動 [hong1dong4], v.t., to stir up a sensation in (city, area) (usu. 哄動).開Words7. 開 [kai1chang2], v.i. & n., opening of theatrical play or other public activity; v.i. & n., 開白 n., opening statement (usu. in Chin. plays).間Words2. 間步 *[jian4bu4], v.i., go leisurely on foot (usu. 閑步 pr. [xian2]).閑Words11. 閑章兒 [xian2zhang1er0], n., an unofficial personal seal, usu. containing poetic thoughts.門Words19. 門客 [men2ke4], n., usu. scholars acting as friends and advisors to important persons and treated as house guests.46. 門子 [men2zi0], n., (1) gatekeeper; (2) 串門子 phr., (usu. of women who) pass from house to house (to spread gossip); (3) 鉆門子,托門子 phr., seek, ask s.o., to get a job through connections, = 門路 [men2lu4]↑; (4) house: 門子,大門子 rich house.刷Words9. 刷印 [shua1yin4], v.t., to print (usu. 印刷 91S.22).壅Words4. 壅門 [yong3men2], n., enclosure between inner and outer city gates (usu. wr. 壅城).音Words17. 音容 [yin1rong2], n., usu. in 音容猶在 (已杳) voice and facial expression of the deceased are still vividly remembered, (are no longer there).方N.usu. 方面, see [fang1mian4]↓.(5)  Method, oft. medical recipe: usu. 方法 [fang1fa3]↓;Adv.Just now, just then, just beginning to: usu. 方才 [fang1cai2]↓= 剛才 [gang1cai2] or 才 [cai2];甕Words8. 甕牖 [weng4you3], n., usu. in 甕牖繩樞 mouth of a jar used for window and door fastened by a rope-descriptive of extreme poverty.充Words5. 充耳 [chong1er3], (1) v.i., usu. in 充耳不聞 ignore what is said (“stuff one's ears”); (2) n., hat tassels (AC) that reach down to the ears.夜Words28. 夜消兒 [ye4xiao1er0], n., night snack (also wr. 宵; usu. called 宵夜).諭 839B00  60A.00-8/149 ㄩˋ [yU4]. [Usu. printed. ]誅Words3. 誅戮 [zhu1lu4], v.t., to execute or kill (prisoners), usu. en masse.評N. & v.t.(1)  Criticise, criticise-ism, evaluate, -tion, comment, usu. 批評,公評 open discussion;Words3. 評話 [ping2hua4], n., storyteller's copy of Suhng Dyn., usu. wr. 平話.謙 846C35  60A.22-8/149 ㄑㄧㄢ [qian1]. [Usu. printed謙]詁N. & v.t.Exegesis of meaning of words, esp. anc. meanings, usu. 訓詁;語Words5. 語法 [yU2fa3], n., grammar (usu.文法).請Words24. 請愿 [qing3yUan4], (1) v.i., to demand (usu. at popular demonstration): 市民請愿 the people of the city presented a petition; (2) n., a demand or petition.講Words28. 講義 [jiang3yi4], n., (1) commentary on Confucian classics; (2) lecture notes, usu. given by professor to students.詞N.(4)  A special poetic form, usu. associated with Suhng Dyn., using sentence patterns based on song melodies (as words to music): 填詞 to write [ci2] poems (lit. to fill in words according to tone patterns);讀N.(*[dou4]) Pause in middle of sentence, caesura: 句讀 punctuation marking sentence (句) by a period, and pause (讀) by “、”, corresponding usu., but not always, to comma;護Words2. 護符 [hu4fu2], n., (1) charm for protecting against demons; (2) any person acting as protector (usu. 護身符).6. 護喪 [hu4sang1], n., head responsible for funeral affairs, usu. eldest member of family. 868B20 [yU4]. [Usu. wr.諭 60A.00]辦V.i. & t.照辦 [zhao4ban4], v.i., do accordingly (usu. official language);辮N.Pigtail, queue, usu. 辮子 [bian4];新Words11. 新疆 [xin1jiang1], n., Chinese Turkestan (usu. spelt "Sinkiang").龍Words19. 龍頭 [long2tou2], n., (1) water faucet (usu. 水龍頭); (2) (coll.) head of any group, esp. of gangsters.顏N.朱顏 usu. refers to painted ladies;康Words4. 康莊 [kang1zhuang1], n., (usu. 康莊大道) broad avenue, highway.廛 890C15  61.11-4/53 ㄔㄢˊ [chan2]. [Usu.廛]席N.(2)  Anciently, mat as place for sitting, now usu. referring to dinner table, conference table, a seat: 席次 order or seating, also during dinner;廟Words1. 廟號 [miao4hao4], n., posthumous title of deceased ruler, usu. with word 祖,宗 (e. g., 康熙=圣祖,乾隆=高宗).腐Adj.Rotten, decaying, spoiled: usu. 腐爛 [fu3lan4]↓;庵N.(1)  A small hut: 庵,庵舍 ditto (usu. 庵).庖Words2. 庖代 [pao2dai4], v.i., (AC) or more usu. 代庖 [dai4pao2], to act in another's place.應Words14. 應制 [ying4zhi4], phr., 應制詩文 formerly, essays or poems written usu. in examinations, or by imperial order.賡Words1. 賡酬 [geng1chou2], n. & v.i., exchange poems among friends, usu. on same subject.遮Words2. 遮丑 *[zhe2chou3], v.t., to conceal shame or unpleasant sight; (usu. self-deprecatory) bring an unworthy gift so as not to let it look too bad.疔Words1. 疔瘡 [ding1chuang1], n., boil, usu. the malignant kind.瘉 902B30  61A.00-8/104 ㄩˋ [yU4].[Usu. printed瘉; var.癒]瘟 905B35  61A.30-4/104 ㄨㄣ [wen1].[Usu. wr. ]癒V. i.To recover from illness (usu. wr. 愈).痍N.Wounds, usu. 瘡痍滿目 (fig.) pitiful sight of war-torn area.酸V.i. & adj.骨頭酸 bones ache (also usu. wr. 酸).瘉 912C00  61A.93-8/104 ㄩˋ [yU4]. [Usu. wr.瘉 61A.00, var. of癒]寄Words7. 寄懷 [ji4huai2], v. i., express one's feelings, usu. by literary means.16. 寄興 [ji4xing4], v. i., give expression to one's momentary feelings, usu. in a verse.字Words16. 字帖 [zi4tie4], n., (1) a copybook for pupils; (2) reproductions of the works of master calligraphers, usu. in the form of rubbings from stone tablets.宣Words13. 宣令 [xUan1ling4], v.i., issue order, usu. imperial order.冤Words5. 冤大 [yUan1da4], n., (sl.) person played for a big fool, a fathead: usu. 冤大頭,冤大腦袋.宅Words6. 宅門(兒) *[zhai2men2] ([zhai2merer0]), n., home, usu. of a higher-class family.安Words33. 安康 [an1kang1], adj., (LL usu. in letters) enjoying good health.60. 安石榴 [an1shi2liu2], n., pomegranate (usu. 石榴).窬 942A35  62A.00-8/116 ㄩˊ [yU2]. [Usu. printed ]窗Words4. 窗欞 [chuang1ling2], n., window grill made usu. of wood.Words4. 馬 [zao4ma3], n., (1) (zoo.) a kind of cricket usu. found in the kitchen (also 雞);憑Words8. 憑據 [ping2jU4], n., (usu. wr.) evidence; basis for belief.戶 957C05  63.91/63 ㄏㄨˋ [hu4]. [Usu. wr.戶]河N.from the usu. muddy character of the Yellow River: 河清,俟河之清 when the Yellow River is clear - once in a blue moon;澗 960C20 ㄐㄧㄢˋ [jian4]. [Usu. wr.澗]淳Adj.(1)  (With few exceptions in adv. usage, usu. interch. 純 93B.70) pure, unadulterated.源Words4. 源委 [yUan2wei3], n., story of origin and development of event (usu. wr. 原委).浪Words3. 浪放 [lang4fang4], adj., without restraint (usu. 放浪).注Words3. 注解 [zhu4jie3], n., exegesis, giving explanation and usu. pronunciation of text. 975B00 [ping2]. [Usu. wr.洴]沸Adj.Boiling, bubbling: 沸水 (=usu. 滾水,開水) boiling water;江Words11. 江瑤 [jiang1yao2]1, n., usu. 江瑤柱 edible ligament of a shellfish, Pinna japonica.涇N.The name of a river, usu. referred to in conjunction with another river 渭 to form a contrast: 涇渭分明 make a clear distinction between purity and impurity;溫 979C50  63A.30-4/85 ㄨㄣ [wen1]. [Usu. wr.]澶Words1. 澶漫 [chan2man2], adj., (AC) usu. in 澶漫為樂 have swing and rhythm in music.浩Words10. 浩然 [hao4ran2], adj., usu. (Mencius) 浩然之氣 the idealistic impulse in man, great moral force.滄Words6. 滄滄 [cang1cang1], adj., usu. 滄滄涼涼 descriptive of coldness (of atmosphere).活Words23. 活受 [huo2shou4], v.i., usu. in 活受罪 suffer terribly.澹Words1. 澹泊 [dan4bo2], adj. & v.t., usu. in 澹泊明志 live simple life, showing one's true goal in life; 澹泊名利 indifferent towards fame and wealth also wr. 淡泊. 989A35 [qian2]. [Usu wr.潛]清Words99. 清吟 [qing1yin2], n., usu. 清吟小班 formerly, first-class singsong house in Peking.滿V.i. & t.Fill to full capacity, fill time, fill limit, usu. in participial use, filled: 水,人滿屋 the room is filled with water, people;消 993C50  63A.42-2/85 ㄒㄧㄠ [xiao1], [Usu. printed ]V.i. & t.(5)  usu. in 不消 does not need: 不消一個月已有回音 got a reply in less than a month;鴻Words2. 鴻寶 [hong2bao3], n., secret collection of books, usu. Taoist.泠 1002B45  63A.63-8/85 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Dist.冷↓; usu. printed ]冷 1002B55  63A.63-8/15 ㄌㄥˇ [leng3]. [Var. usu. printed冷]洗Words6. 洗耳 [xi3er3], v.i., (1) usu. in 洗耳恭聽 listen respectfully (“wash ears”); (2) (AC) to shut one's ears to turmoil of world affairs: 洗耳不聞.灑Words2. 灑家 [sa3jia1], pron., (MC dial.) I (the speaker), usu. wr. 灑家.流Words1. 流輩 [liu2bei4], n., class of persons (usu. contempt.).滇 1013B20  63A.80-1/85 ㄊㄧㄢˊ [tian2] (ㄉㄧㄢ [dian1]). [Usu. printed ]淡Words7. 淡水 [dan4shui3], n., (1) fresh water, opp. sea water; 淡水魚 fresh water fish; (2) town in Formosa, usu. spelled Tamsui.次Words12. 次韻 [ci4yUn4], v.i., to write poem with same rhyme words as those used in a previous poem by a friend, usu. about same occasion. 1026A10 [yU2]. [Usu. wr.渝 63A.00]禮Words8. 禮記 [li3ji4], n., Book of Rites, one of the Confucian classics (usu. spelled “Liki”).福N.Blessing, happiness, good luck, prosperity, regarded as corresponding to one's character or destiny: usu. 福氣 [fu2qi4], 福分 [fu2fen4]↓;Adj.洞天福地 blessed spot, usu. some scenic spot high on mountains or near temples.祠Words3. 祠尾 [ci2wei3], n., owl's tail, decoration on roof ridge (usu. wr. 蚩尾,鴟尾).衲N.(2)  A monk: 老衲 an old monk (usu. in self-reference).袍N.military cloak: usu. 袍子 [pao2zi0];襪N.usu. 鞋襪 shoes and socks.雇Words1. 雇員 [gu4yUan2], n., employee, clerk (usu. wr. 雇員).郎 1045C10  63S.22-3/163 ㄌㄤˊ [lang2]. [Usu. wr.郎]威Words20. 威夷 [wei1yi2]2, adj., (AC) leisurely (usu. wr. 逶迤).感V.i. & t.(1)  V.i., to feel, to experience sensations, passions, etc. usu. 感覺,感到:感到不快 feel unhappy, or depressed;心N.心許(usu. a girl) to love a man silently, willing to marry him;前Words16. 前後 [qian2hou4], adv. phr., (1) in front and back; (2) before and after (usu. showing a difference): 他說的話前後不同 there's a difference between what he says now and what he said before; 前後腳兒 one following another.分Words9. 分付 [fen1fu4], v.t., (1) pay, give out, separately; (2) order: 分付他回去 ask him to go home (usu. wr. 吩咐).貧Adj.(1)  Poor (usu. in more litr. phrr.=coll. 窮 62A.50): 赤貧 in stark poverty;公Words89. 公孫樹 [gong1sun1shu4], n., the ginkgo tree (usu. 銀杏).茲Adv.Now (usu. at beginning of sentence): 茲者 at this time, now, at present;俞 1083B10  81.00/9 ㄩˊ [yU2] (ㄩˋ [yU4]). [Usu. printed ]食Words9. 食盒 [shi2he2], n., (1) food casket, usu. lacquered; (2) bridal caskets of food and clothing, etc. paraded on streets.會Words27. 會萃 [hui4cui4], v.i., congregate (usu. of talents, scholars).肉Words41. 肉月兒 [rou4yUe4er0], n., the radical 月, representing 肉 meat, usu. not distinguishable from rad. 月.愈 1096B15  81.72/61 ㄩˋ [yU4]. [Usu. printed愈]人N.人大心大 (usu. of a girl) become gradually more assertive as one grows older;入Words28. 入流 [ru4liu2], v.i., (1) pass for fashionable; (2) (formerly, of the official hierarchy) belong to any one of the nine grades of officials: 未入流,不入流 lower than the lowest grade; usu. out of the run, not qualified.逾 1101C30  81.83/162 ㄩˊ [yU2]. [Usu. printed逾]釘Words4. 釘子 [ding1zi0], n., nail; 碰釘子 get a rebuff, usu. at the hand of superior. 1103C00 [tou1]. [Usu. printed ]銘N.(1)  Inscription, usu. on stone.鈴 1118B15  81A.63-8/167 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Usu. printed鈴]銧N.(Chem.) radium (now usu. called 鐳).鐵Words25. 鐵筋土 [tie3jin1tu3], n., reinforced concrete (now usu. called 鋼骨水泥).錢Words11. 錢糧 [qian2liang2], n., levies of grain crops, usu. paid in money.餛Words1. 餛飩 [hun2tun0], n., Chinese ravioli, with meat stuffing, usu. served in soup (also wr. as “wonton”).飯N.乾飯 usu. rice, opp. 稀飯 gruel, congee;Words12. 飯票 [fan4piao4], n




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