

单词 affairs
释义 affairs  [əˈfɛəz]'affairs'是'affair'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文affair nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (matter, concern)事务 shì wù  (沸沸扬扬的事件)事件 shì jiàn Affairs of state require good policies and capable administrators. 管理国家事务需要有良好的政策和能干的行政官员。 腐败事件扰乱了政府的心神。affair nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (romantic liaison)风流韵事 fēng liú yùn shì  暧昧关系 ài mèi guān xì  He had an affair with his secretary. 他与秘书关系暧昧。 其他翻译英语中文affair, affairs nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (happenings)发生的事情 fā shēng de shì qíng  事件 shì jiàn This newspaper does an excellent job of covering current affairs.affair, affairs nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (business)(商业)事务 shāng yè shì wù  经营活动 jīng yíng huó dòng He has business affairs to take care of in France.affair, affairs nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (personal business)私事 sī shì  个人的事 gè rén de shì That's his own affair, and we shouldn't ask him about it.affair nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. formal (event) (正式用语)活动 huó dòng The Italian Ambassador hosted the affair in style.affair nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (gathering)聚会 jù huì   社交活动 shè jiāo huó dòng The party was a casual affair with pizza and local wine.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文affair of the heart nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (love affair, romantic involvement)恋爱事件 liàn ài shì jiàn  风流韵事 fēng liú yùn shì Romance novels describe affairs of the heart.civil affairs nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (UN: with local authorities)民政事务 civil affairs nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." US (military: with civil authorities) (美国军队)民事部队 love affair nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (romantic relationship)风流韵事 fēng liú yùn shì  绯闻  She's having a love affair with a married man.love affair nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. figurative (intense liking for)嗜好 shì hào   痴迷 chī mí Her love affair with all things Japanese started two years ago after holidaying there. 在这些条目还发现'affairs':在英文解释里:as it ought to be - as it should be - bedroom - exterior - foreign minister - foreign ministry - foreign policy - foreign secretary - Home Office - housekeeping - international relations - interventionism - interventionist - isolationism - isolationist - job - news broadcast - news magazine - newsweekly - newswoman - nonintervention - normality - politic - set your house in order - size - snoop around - the news - topicality中文:公事 - 内政 - 军事 - 军务 - 办事 - 参政 - 国事 - 国务 - 国是 - 外务 - 当家 - 当家作主 - 总务 - 政事 - 政务 - 时事 - 朝政 - 治国 - 洋务 - 涉外 - 防务文馨英漢☞affair新世纪新世纪★◀▶affairs/əˈfeəz/npl.1.+of person个人的事;公司事务my late father's affairs我已故父亲的私人事务2.(political)公共事务current affairs时事新世纪☞affair详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 npl /əˈfeəz/个人的事;公司事务搭配:[+ of person] my late father's affairs 我已故父亲的私人事务公共事务 current affairs 时事英英释义n.matters of personal concerntransactions of professional or public interestaffairs事N.國事,家事 national, family affairs;公事,私事 public, private affairs;少管閑事 don't meddle in others’ affairs;軍事 military matters or affairs;Words22. 事務 [shi4wu4]2, n., business, business duties, gen. affairs; 事務員 (also wr. 庶務) man in business office in charge of business side (outings, arrangements, etc.); 事務所 business office (as of lawyer, doctor).素Words25. 素事 [su4shi4]1, n., funeral affairs.拈V.t.拈花惹草 have many love affairs;扣Words6. 扣子 [kou4zi0], n., (1) a knot; (2) a knot or bottleneck in affairs; (3) suspense at end of chapter in novels.措Words2. 措置 [cuo4zhi4], v.i. & t. & n., execute (affairs), -tion: 措置失宜 mismanagement.擺Words5. 擺開 [bai3kai1], v.t., put (affairs) on the side.揆N.(3)  Important affairs: 百揆 all the state matters.掀Words7. 掀天 [xian1tian1], v.i. & adj., (1) cause a big change in affairs: 掀天事業 a revolutionary undertaking; 掀天動地 sensational; world-shaking (event); (2) 海浪掀天 waves heave to the skies; 鼓樂掀 (or 喧) 天 a great din of drums and pipes (“heavens shake”with the noises of music).捉V.t.一沐三捉發 (allu.) to tie up hair three times during a bath in order to see callers-- busy, attentive in government affairs;接Words24. 接洽 [jie1xia2], v.t., discuss (business), deal with (person, affairs).樞N.(2)  axis of power, strategic position upon which affairs hinge: 中樞 central government, central authority, such as Cabinet, Privy Council;Words11. 樞務 [shu1wu4], n., affairs of state; premier's duties.槽N.跳槽 “feed in another's manger,” “jump on another bandwagon”--inconstancy in love affairs, esp. among visitors of prostitutes.機Words20. 機密 [ji1mi4], n., classified information, important affairs of State.輔V.i. & t.匡輔 to help, assist (ruler) in conduct of affairs;干Words7. 干事 [gan4shi4], (1) n., ([gan4shi0]) manager, secretary; (2) v.t., manage affairs.頓V.i. & t.停頓 (affairs) draw to a stop, at a standstill.達V.i. & t.達於事理 be understanding and amenable to reason, understand human affairs;塌Words1. 塌架 [ta1jia4], v.i., collapse (of house, affairs; 架=scaffolding).境Words2. 境界 [jing4jie4], n., (1) boundaries; (2)position, location; (3) condition, state of affairs, circumstance; (4) atmosphere of poetry.鼓Words16. 鼓鼙 [gu3pi2], n., military affairs or maneuvers.報Words36. 報務 [bao4wu4], n., affairs concerning the press, esp. telegraph.奏Words13. 奏議 [zou4yi4], n., (1) memorandum on current national affairs submitted to the ruler; (2) a memorial to the throne.警Words31. 警務 [jing3wu4]2, n., police affairs.藤N. 葛藤 complications, entanglements of affairs.董V.t.Direct, supervise: 理董其事 supervise, manage the affairs;蕭Words5. 蕭然 [xiao1ran2], adj., (1) desolate: 環堵蕭然 the walls are quite bare; (2) detached, unhampered: 蕭然物外 (man's spirit) untrammeled by worldly affairs.蘊N.(2)  Hidden bottom: 底蘊 the bottom of affairs.落N.告一段落 (of affairs) a chapter has been concluded, a stage of development closed.萬Words7. 萬端 [wan4duan1], n., innumerable (affairs, ways, manners).17. 萬機(幾) [wan4ji1], n., myriad affairs of the state attended to by the ruler (also wr. 萬幾).鞅N.Halter strap: 鞅掌 (AC, LL) busy with public affairs.勤V.t.Be diligent at: 勤政 diligently attending to government affairs;世N.(religion) other worldliness or active interest in worldly affairs;Words30. 世事 [shi4shi4]2, n., the current affairs, affairs of the world.38. 世務 [shi4wu4], n., worldly affairs.兇Words23. 兇事 [xiong1shi4], n., (1) funeral affairs; (2) news of murder or near-murder; (3) (AC) war.虎N.虎頭蛇尾 (of affairs) a brave beginning and weak ending.處Words15. 處事 *[chu3shi4]2, v.t., deal with affairs.業Words6. 業務 [ye4wu4], n., business affairs.常Words29. 常事 [chang2shi4]3, n., ordinary affairs, a common occurrence.書Words58. 書生 [shu1sheng1], n., a student o scholar: 白面書生 scholar inexperienced in affairs of business.當V.i. & t.(2)  Be in charge of: 當國 be in charge of country's affairs (e.g., prime minister);Words11. 當家 [dang1jia1], v.i., take charge of household affairs; v.i., 當家的 n., master or mistress of house; v.i., (coll.) wife's reference to husband; business manager of monastery; 當家婆婆,媳歸 mother-, daughter-in-law in charge of household; 當家(兒)(子) *[dang4jia1]([er0])([zi0]), person of same clan.曲Words11. 曲折 [qU1zhe2], n., (1) ups and downs in course of events; (2) turns and twists of affairs建Words1. 建白 [jian4bo2], v.i., make appeal or recommendations on public affairs.少Adj. & adv.少管閑事 don’t meddle in others'affairs;忙Adj.忙里偷閑 take a breathing spell in the midst of pressing affairs;Words2. 忙亂 [mang2luan4], adj., (affairs) pressing; flurried, disorderly.情Words33. 情事 [qing2shi4]2, n., affairs in gen.(=事情).一Words23. 一己 [yi4ji3], adj., personal, private (affairs), opp. 公 public.干Words11. 干涉 [gan1she4], n. & v.t., (1) take part in (policy); be implicated or involved in; interfere with: 干涉內政 interfere with internal affairs of a nation; (2) (phys.) interference.王Words29. 王事 [wang2shi4]1, n., (AC) state affairs.五Words15. 五更 [wu3geng1] (sp. pr. [wu3jing1]), n., (1) the fifth watch of the night, near dawn; (2) 三老五更 (AC) venerable elders of the country, treated with special honors (更 explained as experience in various affairs).更Words21. 更事 [geng1shi4], v.i., have experience of, be experienced: 少不更事 too young and inexperienced; 更事未多 with little experience in practical affairs.要Words58. 要務 [yao4wu4], n., important affairs.理Words6. 理家 [li3zha1], v.i., manage domestic affairs: 她很會理家 she is a very good housewife.21. 理財 [li3cai2], v.i., administer financial affairs: 理財家 a financier.碎Adj.(2)  Piecemeal, tedious, paltry: 瑣碎 disconnected, trifling (affairs), multifarious.職Words6. 職掌 [zhi2zhang3], v.t., to be in charge of (affairs).15. 職務 [zhi2wu4] ([zhi2wu0]), n., affairs of office.政N.國政 national affairs;民政 department or administration of domestic affairs;Words13. 政教 [zheng4jiao4], n., see [zheng4hua4]↑, also political and religious affairs.24. 政事 [zheng4shi4], n., government affairs; state of government (good, bad,27. 政務 [zheng4wu4], n., governmental affairs; 政務次長 political vice-minister, opp. 事務次長 administrative vice-minister.承Words15. 承管 [cheng2guan3], v.t., to have charge (of property, affairs).陳Words18. 陳事 (兒) [chen2shi4] ([chen2she4er0]), n., past affairs.務N.(1)  Affairs, business: 事務 affairs in gen.;校務 school affairs;業務 business affairs, professional business;景Words7. 景況 [jing3kuang4], n., (1) state of affairs, condition of things, circumstances; (2) a person's fortune, good or bad.國Words52. 國是 [guo2shi4]1, n., important affairs of state.53. 國事 [guo2shi4]2, n., national affairs.67. 國務 [guo2wu4], n., national affairs, affairs of state; 國務卿 (U.S.) the Secretary of State; 國務院 (U.S.) the Department of State.四Words27. 四至 [si4zhi4], n., the exact boundaries on four sides of land, specified in deeds; 四至兒 ditto, also 定四至兒 set limits to undertaking; 辦事有四至兒 be precise in one's affairs.是N.In 國是 the affairs of the country.時Adj.(1)  Current (affairs, fashion, etc.): 時事 [shi2shi4]3, 時裝 [shi2zhuang1], 時尚 [shi2shang4], 時髦 [shi2mao2]↓.Words57. 時事 [shi2shi4]3, n., current affairs.63. 時務 [shi2wu4], n., current public affairs: 識時務 familiar with the current situation; (AC) farmer's activities of the season.風Words83. 風謠 [feng1yao2], n., =民風歌謠 folk rhymes, folk songs, oft. a criticism of current affairs.86. 風月 [feng1yUe4], n., wind and moon, romance, romantic (talk, affairs).盬N.(2)  Leisure: 王事靡盬 there was no let-up in the king's affairs.駁Words11. 駁雜 [bo2za2], adj., disorderly, mixed (opinions, ideas); complicated (affairs).民Words8. 民政 [min2zheng4], n., domestic affairs; 民政廳 Department of Civil Affairs; 民政機關 civil administration.選Words24. 選事 [xUan3shi4]3, v.t., (1) (AC) love to meddle in affairs; (2) formerly, department of appointments: 選事之官.屏Words2. 屏棄 *[bing3qi4], v.t., abandon, cast aside (business affairs 俗務), see also 摒 [bing4] 10A.20.局Words13. 局勢 [jU2shi4], n., (1) the march of events; (2) circumstances, conditions, state of affairs.開Words19. 開端 [kai1duan1], v.i. & n., the beginning (of affairs, relations).閫N.(2)  Women's quarters: 閫內 inside domestic affairs, hence what pertains to women or the home;閑Adj.閑是閑非 (take no interest in) irrelevant disputes about affairs.Words16. 閑盤兒 [xian2pa2er0], n., (1) unimportant affairs: 沒工夫管閑盤兒 no time to bother such; (2) malicious gossip: 放閑盤兒 spread idle gossip.關Words26. 關涉 [guan1she4], (1) n., relations, connections, effects on other aspects; (2) v.t., have effects on s.t. else: 關涉跟人私事 have to do with s.o.’s private affairs.商Words6. 商榷 [shang1qUe4], v.i. & t., to discuss together (problems, affairs).30. 商事 [shang1shi4], n., commercial affairs.文Adj.文武全才 a man versed in both literature and military affairs.議N.(1)  A form of composition like editorial on current affairs.護Words6. 護喪 [hu4sang1], n., head responsible for funeral affairs, usu. eldest member of family.辦V.i. & t.(1)  To do, manage, handle, prepare, take charge of (affairs): usually 辦理 [ban4li3]↓;Words4. 辦理 [ban4li3], v.t., to take charge of, manage, handle (affairs).5. 辦事 [ban4shi4], v.i., to handle administrative affairs, business.施Words8. 施政 [shi1zheng4], v.i., administer government affairs; carry out policies.塵N.(3)  Turmoil, worldly occupations: 風塵碌碌 busy with worldly affairs;Words19. 塵務 [chen2wu4], n., worldly affairs or occupations.庶Words3. 庶政 [shu4zheng4], n., the (multi-farious) affairs of the government.14. 庶事 [shu4shi4]1, n., the various affairs.龐Words3. 龐雜 [pang2za2] adj., disorderly (of affairs).應Words11. 應接 [ying4jie1], v.i., (1) to deal with, to meet and welcome (newcomers, etc.): 應接不暇 too many (affairs, visitors) to attend to; (2) to cooperate in separate moves: 彼此應接 coordinate actions with one another.22. 應世 [ying4shi4]1, v.i., to deal with business or social affairs; to know how to deal with people.寧V. i.寧家 (of one's family) settle down, put domestic affairs in order;Adv.寧為玉碎,不為瓦全 rather stand on principles than accept humiliation (in national or personal affairs), (lit. “better be a piece of broken jade than an unbroken tile”);宗Words22. 宗人 [zong1ren2], n., royal clan members: 宗人府 an office in charge of the affairs of royal members.家Words2. 家常 [jia1chang2], (1) n., domestic affairs: (話) 家常 (話) (engage in) small talk; (2) adj., common place, ordinary: 家常便飯 simple meal, potluck.49. 家事 [jia1shi4]3, n., (1) family affairs; (2) home economics.53. 家私 [jia1si1] ([jia1si0]), n., (1) family affairs; (2) family possessions.59. 家務 [jia1wu4], n., family affairs.軍Words54. 軍事 [jUn1shi4]2, n., military affairs.60. 軍務 [jUn1wu4], n., military affairs.宜N.(2)  事宜 affairs in gen.;官Words45. 官事 [guan1shi4], n., (1) public affairs; (2) a lawsuit.宵N.宵衣旰食 get up before dawn and eat late-busy with state affairs;實Words7. 實際 [shi2ji4], adj., realistic real (benefit, progress, etc.): 實際生活 real life; 實際主義 realism (in novel, in conduct of affairs);洋Words38. 洋務 [yang2wu4], n., formerly, foreign affairs.滄Words1. 滄海 [cang1hai3], n., the wide, blue sea (related 蒼): 滄海桑田 what was the sea is now mulberry fields--(fig.) evanescence of worldly affairs, great changes in the course of time; 滄海一粟 a droplet in the vast ocean--(fig.) very small portion of s.t. vast.洞Adv.世事洞明皆學問 to understand practical affairs clearly is (also) knowledge (not only book knowledge).冷Words2. 冷腸 [leng3chang2], adj., disinterested in human welfare or worldly affairs.洗Words6. 洗耳 [xi3er3], v.i., (1) usu. in 洗耳恭聽 listen respectfully (“wash ears”); (2) (AC) to shut one's ears to turmoil of world affairs: 洗耳不聞.泡V.i.(b) get involved or mixed up in affairs: 他們泡上了 they have become lovers;涉Words2. 涉及 [she4ji2], v.t., to involve, relate to incidentally: 涉及個人私事 involve a mention of a man's personal affairs (及 here is prep.).8. 涉事 [she4shi4]1, phr., to have experience or handle affairs.神Words44. 神算 [shen2suan4], n., remarkable prediction of affairs.戎N.(1)  Military affairs: 戎事 warfare, fighting;心Words55. 心事 [xin1shi4]2, n., one's private, esp., personal affairs.分V.i. & t.分心 divide attention to other affairs;公N.(1)  Public affairs: 辦公 attend to official duties;Words85. 公事 [gong1shi4]2, n., (1) public affairs; (2) official business; (3) official documents; 公事包 attach* case, brief case.會Words32. 會務 [hui4wu4]3, n., club or committee affairs.內Adj. & adv.內政 internal or domestic affairs of a country, see 內政部 [nei4zheng4bu4]↑;內治 ditto, formerly, family affairs to be looked after by women;Words28. 內務 [nei4wu4], n., (1) the domestic affairs of a country; (2) maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness in school dormitories or barracks; (3) family affairs.人Words77. 人事 [ren2shi4]5, n., (1) the conscious world: 昏迷過去,人事不知 fainted and lost all consciousness; (2) ways of the world: 不懂人事 ignorant of the ways of the world; (3) human efforts: 盡人事,聽天命 do one's human best and leave all else to God; (4) a present: 送黃金一百兩,權當人事 sent one hundred ounces of gold as a present; (5) sexual knowledge: 她已漸省人事 she is growing to be sex-conscious; (6) personnel affairs: 人事處 (科) personnel department (section).教Words36. 教務 [jiao4wu4], n., school affairs; 教務長 dean of a school or college.手Words18. 手段 [shou3duan4] (shoou-'duan), n., (1) method of dealing, esp. vicious method; (2) skill of dealing with men or affairs: 看看我的手段 see how I deal with (him).昏Words10. 昏亂 [hun1luan4], adj., confusing, disorderly (affairs).兵Words20. 兵馬 [bing1ma3], n., military affairs.科Words10. 科目 [ke1mu4], n., (1) branch or subject of study; formerly, subject of civil examinations; (2) category, class of subjects or affairs.移Words1. 移情 [yi2qing2], v.i., (LL) change mind, esp., in love affairs: 移情別戀 turn the back on one lover and go with another.秋Words17. 秋事 [qiu1shi4], n., harvest affairs.私Words31. 私己 [si1ji3], adj. & n., one's own (affairs); personal (benefits).54. 私事 [si1shi4]1, n., private, personal affairs.68. 私務 [si1wu4], n., personal, private affairs.郵Words25. 郵務 [you2wu4], n., postal affairs.動Words26. 動態 [dong4tai4], n., general trend of affairs, general activities.身Words14. 身己 [shen1ji3], adj., (MC) one’s own: 身己上的事 one's own affairs.佳Words6. 佳境 [jia1jing4], n., a desirable stage of affairs: 漸入佳境 getting more and more enjoyable (in drink, etc.).偃V.t.偃武修文 to disband troops and attend to civilian affairs (after conquest).俗Adj.俗事,俗務 common, everyday business: 俗務纏身 tied down by everyday affairs;僑N.僑務 (department of) overseas Chinese affairs;御Words14. 御事 [yU4shi4]2, phr., to manage affairs.後Words53. 後事 [hou4shi4]3, n., (1) funeral affairs: 料理後事 make arrangements for funeral; (2) later developments (as in a novel).煩Words12. 煩躁 [fan2zao4], adj., irritable, -ting (affairs).彔Words1. 彔彔 [lu4lu4], adj., occupied with sundry affairs (cf. 栗 六,栗 ^ 陸,栗 ^ 碌 31B.02).多Adj. & adv.多管閑事 like to meddle in affairs;句N.(3)  (*[gou4]) (=勾) To bend, twist, fasten, catch: 句當 business, affairs, duties (“work which detains, duties (“work which detains one”).色N.好 [hao4] 色 be fond of female company, indulge in affairs with women.管Words5. 管家 [guan3jia1], (1) v.i., have charge of domestic affairs; (2) ([guan3jia0]) n., also 管家的 [guan3jia1de0] one in charge of domestic affairs, formerly, a butler: 管家婆 a housewife, a woman who likes to interfere.外Words50. 外交 [wai4jiao1], n., diplomacy; 外交官 diplomat; n., 外交部 [wai4jiao1bu4], n., Ministry of Foreign Affairs.106. 外務 [wai4wu4], n., (1) foreign affairs; (2) not one's own business.允Adj. & adv.允文允武 both good in civil and in military affairs.纏V.t.俗務纏身 tied up with business affairs.經Words22. 經綸 [jing1lun2], v. t., to rule, administer, govern: 經綸天下 to order and regulate the affairs of state.33. 經世 [jing1shi4], v. i., take an active interest in public affairs: 經世之學 studies on the at of government.緒N.(2)  A thread, line or order in affairs: 千頭萬緒 a thousand and one things to attend to;統Words12. 統緒 [tong3xU4], n., system of affairs, things.纖Words10. 纖屑 [xian1xie4], adj., piddling, trivial, frothy (affairs).總Words37. 總務 [zong3wu4], n., general affairs, business department; business manager.




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